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TBITDEBSKTEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. PI_TON-HORUNUrRAILWA_ MAIN LIKE. HURUNUI RIVER BRIDGE CONTRACT. Pabllo "Works Oflloe. Dunodiu, 27th September, 1882. Written Tenders will bo rooelved at this ofllo- until noon of WKDNESDAr, tha Bth November, 1832, lor the above Contract. Thay aro to bo marked on the outside " Tender for tho Hurunul^Hlver Bridge Oontraot," and addressed to tho Eon. the Minister for Public Works. Telographie tenders, similarly addressed and marked, will bo received if presented at any telegraph oflloe by noon of the same date, provided that written tenders are lodged at any District or Resident Knglneer'- Oflloo by the same hour. Drawings, speclflc.tlona, aud general conditions, may be Been at thla oflloe, and at .ha Publlo Works Ofllceß at Auokland, Wellington, and Chrlstchuroh. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, By command, W. N. BLAIR. Englneor-ln-charge, Middle Island, TENDEBS FOR TYPE AND PRINTING MATERIAL. Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 14th October, 1882. Tendora will bo received at this Office until noon of SATURDAY, tho 28th Ootober, 1882, for tho Supply of Typo and Printing Material required for Uio Government Printing Department, Wellington, in accordance with speciflcation. Tenders to bo marked on tho outside," Teader for Type and Printing Material," and addressed to tho Hon, tho Colonial Seorotary, Spe.lflcatlons may be obtained at the Government Printing Oillca, Wellington, and at the Post-offices at Auckland, Chrlatohuroh, and Dunediu. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O. S. COOPER, Under-Secretary. Igl O B U I L D E R 8 Tender* Invited until noon of MONDAY, the 30th Inst, for the erection ot Two Dwelling Housos, Brown-street. Hoasonby. Plans, &o, at my offices. T. R. TURNBULI). Architect, H It--street. re-iENDERS will be received by Iho under. 9 signed for tho Purchase of Hides and Skins, together or separately. Tenders to oloso at 12 o'clock noon on the 31st instant. J. FOSS St CO.. Butchers, Quoon-streoL m c n d c r s Wanted. Tonders are Invited for Unction of Warehouse Buildings, Vlctorla-ttreet, Auokland, for Maaors. Bargood. t#wen & Co. Plans and Bpoclfloatlo-s to be seen at firm's Warehouse, Bhortiand-stioet, Auokland, and at our office, Ounedln, whore tenders will be received till noon oi MONUAY, Bth November, 1-32. Tondors oan be sent by telegraph If posted on the same day. MABON & WALBB, Architect!), DnnedlD. Y^7"AIKOMITI DISTRICT. BRIDGK AT CABLE1-. Fresh Tenders for abovo Contract will be rcoolved up to 2 p.m. on FRIDAY, 27th Ootober. at our .flloe. Colonial Bank, where plans and Bpocl_oa-o_« may bo Been. BOYLAN Be LUNDON. Engineers. rtpo BUILDERS, Tenders will bo rooelved uatU $ o'clock ot THOK-DAY, Ootober 26 for the Kreotlon of a Dwelling Houbo on College will. Plans, _o„ at 11. P. -lbbon.'d. Orucer. Hobson-street, whero tenders are to be left. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TO BUILDERS. Tenders win bo received until noon ot SATURDAY, November _th. for Breetlonota Hnuso 1- Grafton Road. Hlarifl, &r_ at my office, C. E. Cooke. Kattray's Buildings, Queen--8 true t. SEPARATE TENDERS will bo received up to 5 p,m. of Mondar, 23r<1. for a Place of Worship, for Primitive Methodist, Richmond Road, Ponconb-. Plans and Specification Been at Verrall & C 0.., Coacn. Cart, Van, and Dray Workc, Newton. TENDERS for Bush Coutruote and Dam Building at Mercury Bay,—For particulars apply to Mr J. Krwln. Bash Man»ger Mercury Bay Timber Co., Limited, Meroury Bay. i_-,n_-ttona< R IL WELLS, TKAOHER OF PIANO, ORGAN. AND BUNGING. Terms■ Piano an. Singing, four guineas; Organ, five guineas. Special arrangements made for Classes. Address: CITY ROAU. Cemmnnioatlons may be left at Kodj's Mualo Warehouse, or at Upton b Library. \ RIIsTIC PIAJSOFURTE TUNING. MBSBM RO3KNORANT-r_ HANCHItTTE (formerly of Chlckerlna Be Sons' Pianoforte Factory, Boston), Take pleasure in annou.oteg to the Musical Publlo of Auckland their arrival from Amerloa, bringing with them u.roubted testimonials of their ability and s_Ul In TUNING AND KKSULITING PIANOFOE-ES from tho following well-known artistes :— HENRY KETTEN, AUGUST WH.QBLIM, AND B. BIANCHI, And are now prepared to tune and adjust all defects In tho instrument in the most artietio and satlsfaotery manner. Orders left at Lennox's (late Weyte'et Beok Store, fto. 100, Queeoetreet, 1/f R. P O O L E V, Obqanist of St. Matthew's Church (Late Organist and Choirmoator for Fourteen Years ot the Cathedral Church ot Liverpool, Kngland), Teacher ot Organ, Pianoforte, and Singing; also, Cornet, and other Brass Wind Instruments. At the suggestion ot several mußloal friends, Mr Pooley contemplates the formation of a Gentleman's Brass Band Club during tho ensuing musical season, of whloh particulars will be a-nounccd In due course. MBNDELB-OHN VILLA, Vlnoant-BtKot, UCKL4ND SELECT K'DINQ SCHOOL, NKW NORTH KOAD. RIDING MADE EASY AND GRACEFUL. The Auokland Seleot Riding Sohool, for the Study and Praotloeof the Art of Eauitatlon In all Its brandies, will be Opened on MONDAY, 21ST AUGUST, 1882. Ladles and Gentlemen dCßlrlng to enter as pupils are eollolted to forward their names to tho proprietor on or before that date, Terms, and hours ot instruction and praotioa, maybe learned on application. Pupils supplied with Horses, and appointments tor Sohool Lessons it required, or Horse Appointments supplied to order from first. Class Samples at the Sohool. The proprietor has oomplled an Aid Book for the use of Pupils and others, whloh may be had on application. Prioe, Is. Special Arrangements for Children. Female Attbrda-Ob fob Ladies, G.H, has also oommenoed bust-ess as HorseTrainer. Every Horse entrusted to his charge will be properly Broken and handled either as Lady's or Gentleman's Charger, G. H A ZEL L, Late Rodqh Ridirq B_bq-aic_-Mij oK( _jj_ Ist Class Equitation Iwstbuotoh, 12 Years In H.M. Service. LESSONS IN DRAWING, BK-TOHING FROM NATURE, AND LAND-CAPE PAINTING, In Oa AND Wateb C-Loubs, are given by Mr.T.B.ix, Mount Roßkill Road. For terms apply to Mr. Leech, Shortlandstreet. m-rocenea. StaTOHNH O R N X (For many years with Close Bros J, -"-MILT GSOOBB, T_A D-AL3B ft PBOTISIOR MitßCHASri', a- of Wellington and Nelson trtreot« (Opposite St James's Church). waited ott ron OaPEBB, jrrtßSU-t STREET STJSAtt COJfJTEB JO. BULLS, a P. GIBBONS & CO., TBA, COFFH-, AND SPICF M-EOHAS-WHO-B-ALR AND FA-tIL. GBOOBii.-, OOAI. FIBBWOOD, AKii PHOD-O- DBAU H, F. GIBBONS ft CO., ■ HOBSON-BTffiOIT. AUOKLANDI

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1