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FOR GOOD VALUE / SMITH MAUCHETS \ $ CHEAP DRAPERY *A 4? WAREHOUSE, % £ 300 & 302, *4 UPPER QUEEN AND ALEXANDRA STREETS, AND AT NEWMARKET. New Prints and Galatea Stripes, from 3fd. New Dress Materials, from 4fd, Now Sateens, Oatmeal Cloths, Brocades Ginghams and other washing fabrics Now Goods in Dress Beiges, Cashmeres Nun's Veiling, Mummy Cloth, &c., &c. New Mantles, Jackets, Capes, and Fichus New Flowers, Feathers, Millinery, Silks and Satins Honeycomb Quilts, from 3s. lid. Lace Curtains (three Yards long), from 2s. lid. per pair "Washed Twill Sheetings, from 10HBlack (Josephine) Kid Gloves, 2-l3utton, 2s. 9d. Irish Linens and Cambric Handkerchiefs, at wholesale price, Note,— Our growing trade at Newmarket #fc* rf compels an immediate enlargememout of our pre- O *^S mises there. >r* We havo made such arrangements as will give O « us in a few days double the present space and § O accommodation, thereby enabling us largely to **• jL increase our present Stock. *^ We continuo to give at our Newmarket ftr \-> Branch valuo equal to that of our Queen Street j^* Plouse. jo FOE CASH OIN"ZrZ\

INSURANCE A DUTY. " With caution judge of possibility: Things thought unlikely, o'on impossible Kxporionco of ton shows us to bo true."— . SIIAKSPKAK. All proporty Is oxposed, dally and hourly, to danger by llro. No man can leave his liouso of a moraine with tho assurnnco of ilndinp it unconsumed whon ho rcturnß nt night. No man can lay hla hond on his pillow with tho certainty that his warohouso, or storehouse, or shop, or othor placo of business to say nothing of tho vory houso in which ho sloops, will not, bo burnod during tho night. Thcro is literally no perfect security in this respect. An unforoseon accident, a lighted mat en. a careless sorvant, a bad chimney, an Incendiary, and hundreds of other causes, indeed, aro ever at hand to work destruction. Whoever has property, theroforo, and noglocts to insuro, is guilty of folly, if not of wanton and culpablo recklessness. Ho must watch tho growth of his proporty and kcop an cyo to tho insuraneo all the tinio. Property accumulates gradually—almost imBSnSsT* "A"" citizen's household gooffs "lfidflfcii} almost without his knowledge. ■ Insuranco makes him as sufo as any man car. over bo in a world of chango and uncertainly. To this end lot him insuro his property, and pay tho premiums regularly and promptly, to THE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, QUEKX-STHKKT, AUCKLAND. . GEORGE P. PIERCE, General Manager. STEEIMAN'S SOOTHING POWDERS FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Tho value o£ this well-known F tmlly Modlclne has bf on largely tested in all parts of tho world, and by all grades of socloty, for upwards of ffin V YEABB. Its well-earned oxccneivo sale has Induced bpuuious imitations, somo of whloh In optwabd appicaramok bo closely resemble the original as to hnvo dooelved many Surohasers. Tho proprietor, thoroforo, feols it no to tho publio to Klvo a speolal ouutlon against tho nse ot such Imitations. Purchasers are thoroforo roauoßtod oirofully to observe tho four following distinctive charaotorlstlos, without whloh nono aro gßnuino :— let In every owe tho words John BtkrdMAN, Ohbmibt, Wai.worth, sunnicY, aro ongraved on tbo Govornmout Stamp affixed to each Jnd—Baoh Slnglo Powder has directions for the dose, and tho words John steedman, Ohemlst, Walworth, Burroy. printed thoroon. 3rd—The namo Stoodmaii is always spelt with two KK'b. I,* 4th—Tho manufacture IB carried on solely at Wftlworth, Surrey. , Sold In Packets by all Chemists and Moalclno Vendors, at Is ljd to 2a 9d oaoh. Agents : Kemptuokne, Pb"B«kr fc Co. Auckland. Wellington) Chiiatohuroh, and Dunodin. MR. JOHN n ART WELL, Organist op St. Mart's Ciiurcu, Parnell. PROFESSOR OF THE PIANOFORTE, Lessons given by tho Quarter, or by arrangemont. ORGAN. PIANOFORTE. HARMONY. Amateurs' Compositions revised and prepared for Publication. Address: Ponsonby Road, opposite Franklin Road. Lottora may bo left with Messrs Hoffman and Sons, Muslo WarohoHso, Queon-streot. M X D L c A Ll NORTH SHORE PHARMACY. Dbtonfort. GARDNER, M.P.S., ENGLAND, Pharmaceutical Chbmist. Prescriptions are dispensod, and Mcdiolnes, Toilet Artioles, Nursory Requisitoß, &c, Buppllod at tho same price as in Queen-street. m« E D I C A L. THE ENCOiTsH PHARMACY, 181, QUKEN-BTKEET (Telephone Bxchaugo No. JO). GARDNER, M.P.S., ENGLAND, Phabmaceutical Chemist. Branch Establishment, North Shows Pharmacy TTPPER SYMONDS STREET CHEAP U DRAPERY AND GROCERY STORK. J. HE APE, FAMILY GROCBK, AND GENERAL DRAPER, Is selling Groceries and Oilmen's Stores fob cash ac low as any house in the Trade. Good Family Tea at 2s per lb; Excellent do. at 2s 8d; Bacon and Cheese as good and choap as any house iv town. Trial and Inspection Invited T D A V E V, VULCAN LANK, AUCKLAND, Boks most respectfully to call tho attention Gentlemen and tho Public in general to his NEW GOODS of Best Quality for the prosent and coming seasons*. , J.D. in returning thanks for past favours solicits a continuance of tho samo, and will give satisfaction to all who may favour him with their patronage. Notk tiie Address : OPPOSITE THB OCCI DENTAL HOTEL, Vulcan Lane. WANTED KNOWN—"Pcctormc,1 " Conifcrine," " Sulpholine," Quinine and Iron Tonic, Gardner's Blood Mixture (a most reliable medicine), Taraxacum anil 1 odophyllin, Genuine Oil of Eucalyptus, Perfumed Solution of Carbolic Acid, Liebig s Beef Wine with Bark, Extract of Malt and all its preparations, Worm Powders and other niedicines for children, &c, &c.. may bo obtained at The English Pharmacy, ISI, Queen-street, and North Shore Pharmacy, Devonport.-J< or particulars apply to Mr A. W. Gardner, M.P.S., Epg., Pharmaceutical Chemist. Ti McIVOK, Upholsterer and Undertaker, 52, ■ » City Market. Cauchoa and Chairs to order. F. BRIMBLKOOMBK, Queen's Uotel, Svmonds-street and Kyber Pass R GEORGE (late C. Wood), ilutchor, Parnoll, • supplies beat quality Meat at lowest PRIOEH. JYOUNG, Family Grocer. Shortland-street, . Auckland, KST Placo for Itiingos, uvenn, olovob, and Blacksmith's Work.-B. NICHOLLS, 32f1, Upper Queen-etreet

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)