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r.:.n.XlOß'.' ' ~ j THUiiSDAY, OCTOBKR 2(1. TDK UEMUEKA VAUD.S, FOX SM.IC, at iho ftetmura Vflnls, on Tr.urßOtty iimt O stolnjr wi. ivll .•'olooi, ICO Oliolnn fe'atlnfl Ouuin, lionifulilnli'iiu,Wal'i.i.'i, r.ti'i V/fii;.,-iio 700 Kftt WHifU !iuci J.umr.a Dulr> Low«, Biuro oatslo Kiit and otore Plga ALFRED KUOKLANU FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. TBE lIAYMAHKET. FOR SALE, at the Uaymnrliet, on Friday noxt. Ooiobor 2T at 11 o'clook, A Well-brwi OhefltniH Ruguy Iloroo lln.y iM«re, 5 j'our^ ; 25 ovrt. trial Drown Muro. -1 yoara ; 2i) owt. trial Chestnut Uolillng. 4 yuars; lOcwc. trial Iron Grey Mare, i yours ; uaoful buck ; and in the uuxKy: 20 cwt. Mai. ATiFKED BUCKLANU. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. WOOL SALE. WuOl SALK, FIRST FOX TblS SEASON WILL UK H»LD AT fUE UAYMAKKET. ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. yy oolpaoks you sale. ALFKED BUCKLAND. •i'USSDAYS, f (1 U UAYMAKKBT. BAI.B OP VfVOU, BHBEFSKIKB HIUKd". end TAJJJ3W, «m«li Tnoeday. tl atfoiccx, AXJfliKi) BDCKLASD. TOI'SUAY, OCTOBER 31, SALE OF ThOROUGIIBRKD STOCK AT TAURANGA. THE Subscribers have been faroured with lostrnottuna from Johi Maophuraon, Keg., to olTcr (or Bale by I'ujUo Auotiau. at Glen Ifuriu. Tuurtin*a, on TueiiUy, tUa IXit Instant, 1 BAY MllllC. "UIU.GIKL4." (with foal at f..iot by Ijoooldat). I yc&ra old, Rot by Punlo. hwr tUrn Phljlla by Klohvlew from JJliUllpiuo, <*c. Full elfltor tv Killbu;iH!i" and Murl of Mai', 1 BaY MARK. "HOII,KMA," i mn old. cot by Vutilarou, her dum Kosaboll by I'lniln finni Konabolln, &c.; utiutcd to 1 eonldui]. 1 BAY MjVK«, "IIRASSOi.IB," 1 yoarg old, Rot by Panto, hor dam Jtgapklne by Uolordo from Vr'ando, &c.; BUated to Loonl<l&0. 1 BROWN MAIU. " \BANDKrOi," 8 jh»ra old, got by JUnnro»l, hor iiiun Kluur do bx i'umliloal out of Vllrt by U rails, &o.; In foal to Loonldap. 1 FILLY by Loonlda* out of 4liaa(lcooa 1 KILLY do. do. Mollono For lfull I'odlnron of tho Mnroa vide Now Zealand Stud Hook. 1 DULL, oalved In 1873 (bred by V. Wtntwonb, OlrayMnnep, Pnramatta), Rot ly Twontj^aoconil Uuio of Dorrlmut out of I'rourloty (vldo N.9.W. Stud 800k1, On tho GBtUB dato will bo offbrod— a HKIAVY i)I?AUOHT 11ARKU, lmpomd from Hyduty And a Vwloty of Other Stock, Halo to commence at 11 o'elooir. Lnr.choon at 12 3C, TURNER AND BUDDLB, Auctioneers, [In oonaoquenoe of a Roneral wish that the Oovarnmont and tha Compaiy'* rospootlve B&les of Walmata nhcrald oolnoldo, tho Company baa agreed to POBTPONK SALK to 28th NOVEMBER, and TKNDBRS to sth DKOICMBKR] TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, TMPORTANT J.AND QALB. rnHE NEW ZEALAND LOAN ASJJ MEBOANTILB AGENOY COMPANY (Limited) has boon fovoarod with ltißtrnotlons from the Now Zealand Natlro Lind Settloment Company (Limited) To offer the following Properties for Bale by PUBLIC AUCTIOH, AT GI3BORNK, On TURSDAY, the 28th NOVKMBBR, 1881, AT Paknem, and Boylan's Hall, POUAWA. THK FRKKHOLD, undor Land Transfer TlUe, of 7,000 aoroa ol Kloh Land in tho Ponawa Bloohr, Bltnivtoil about flvo mllos from Risborno, Thla prooortT IB divided Into CootiODa of from ICO to 800 aorea. and Is admirably adapted for Small Farms, Purchasers of Freehold Seotlonn In this Block Will have an tat ly opportucitj of obtaining, npon favourable terms, Leasehold Bloalcn from MO aores npwards, Bltnated between the Block now orPorod and tbo tea. Thla portion of Ponawa Is CHFoellenily grosßedj and cannot bo turyasaod tor sheep country. ■ WHATAUPOKO. About 1,000 aorea of Town and Subarban Lands, from one and a halt to throe miles from Glaborne Pont Offlce. will ho offered, U tbo survovß can ba snfflolontly advanced. This valuable level land, with frontage to the Tarnheru, a navigable tiver. will bo cut Into BOCtlons of from a to 60 acroa. Should this not b i ready for the markot at tho November ealo, it will bo offered with othor portions of Whatuupoko in übout tho month of March nozt. WAIMATA. By Toudor, to oloso on 6th Dscomber, Tho B'K(tKHOLD-or LBAaKHOLI) for 31 Years, at tho option of tho tonderor—of portions of tho W&imatu South and Kast Blooka, and ooiitaluinft in ail about 15,000 ftfliOß. TondorH to bo endorsed " Tender for Walmata Property," and addroßßea to the Mnnngor, New Zealand Loan and Meroantllo Agonoy Com' pany, Olaborne, . The whole of tho abovo land is of flrai-olass quality, well-watered, with a plentiful supply of Bush, and the Company would direct epeolal attention to it aa affording a good opening to small capitalists, lta rloh soil and eaßy aocess to town by either road or water rendering the whole vory desirable for MtriouUnral and pastoral pursuits. Most liberal terms will be offered, and every Inducement given to Intending Buyers. Plans may bo Boon at the Land Company's Olfloo, Glsborne, and at any of tho offlces throughout Now Zealand, of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenoy Company, Limited, R. HILL PISHRR, Manaffor, GHsborne, 23th September, 1883> mi.Uu.tiir . fIHAAA TO IjKND on FREEHOLD %At\J\J\J BKOUIUTYj alco, several Bums of £1,000 and £SGO,—Apply Altken Cerrlok, Offloe of William Altlcen. Bhortland-atreet ONBY 'i'O &BHP, ia Bnmi oS £250 bud npvardfl, si T par e&at. Sollcltnra, gon-ntecst. TRTffOSBY TO LEKI* oa Bsortg» 2 e «f JiMi-otaea FicshoJfi Beo-jiUisfi. WJ& COI.HSSAM, Bollmta* nsii al Qnsea tmS ShcrUaad-de ' MOWSY iO JLHHi>, la large or ssisj; sums, at nroal vtUn al inusai OONNSMd Si OOOPSK, Vwlaiig l>at:& "TZT"" ~\T IOTOKIAN- LOAS glfeS y OFFIOK, Q~lyk~® B. H. KBKBING begs to Injt form the Inhabitants of Auot£M land that, o tuts opened the W above Office in Yiotorla-Btreet, opposite the Royal Mail Hotel, where he U prepared to advance money on Jewellery, Pinto, Watohes, Clothing, and all descriptions of MerohandlßO. Money advanced on Perßonal Seonrltyi Weekly Paymeuta, Bllla disoonnted daily A Private Offloe An the transaction ol BpeoislS nslneaa.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 4