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FOB SALERJORTBCOTE.—For Sale, a 8-roomed Xi Villa Residence awd large allotment, abutting on a fine bay, within S minutes' walk of wharf. Terms eaßy.—G. T. Keetley.SoJeitor, Queen-street. if lANVAS WKAPPBES For Salo Cheap, h j suitable for paperhangero.—Apply this oflloe. BiiOlt HALH, a good Second-hand Buggy Ju ilarnesß. — Apply Stanford's Poneonby Club Hotel. SIOK SALE, Coal and Firewood busi--sv ncsa, doing nice trade, in fltat-rato r.ositlpn: good reasons tot EelUne.-Box 201. P. 0., Auckland. j^UR SALE, on easy terms, a comfortable S- Three-roomed Cottage on New Road, Mount HdeD Apply to J. M. and J. Mowbray, land Agents, i!, Quoen-atrect. I^OTA SALEJ~a nicely Furnished, Verarif.' dah rottave of Fire Rooms, with Outbnlldlngs, fee.—For fu'l particulars, apply by etter, to J. X., Star Offloe. r»io BE SOLD, Pianoforte In handsome \ walnut ooso. by i.ojw. The lady's sUter having left Auckland, it will ba sold a bargain. —Apply Btab officeIjiOK MALK, an Improved Farm ot 40 J Acres, with Comfortable House, at Pukekohe; one o£ the choicest spots in tho district.— Apply to J. M. and 3, Mowbray, 42, Queenstreet. ■ «J\OR SaLE, Mount Bden, splendidlyV situated Boildlnpt Lots, from SO foot to 200 feet by a depth of 198 feet; very level, and commands a grand view.—H. Partington, House, Land, and Estate Agent, Stichbury's Buildings. LA«D FOK~S aLB at North Shore.—l 2 Acres Land—fine Building Sites, from 1 acre or more; also, 30 Acres near Lake, with largfe sea frontage.—H. Partington, House, Land, and Estate Agent, Stichbury's Buildings. FOR SALE, top of Chapel-street, a Sixroomed House, with good Allotment, very cheap.—H, Partington; House, Laud, and Estate Agent, Stlchtmry's Buildings. . 6 nHoICB Business sites for Sale.—Apply \S Devonport Land Agonoy. IXIOR SALK, a Bargain, Freehold Allot- ■ ment adjoining; Mr Blenzard's; a corner lot: fronting Mount Kdon Itoao : 122 x 240; with smsll cottage.—J. M. Locnox, Agent, Anokland. gjiOß SALB, at Rocky Nook, Monnt V KosklU Road, a new Bix-rooined Honno, fitted with every convenience.—Apply bT.u 0 111 co. V/T OUNT ALBE ~~lf FOR SALE: COUNTRY RHSIDKNCK SITK3 In thll rapidly rlslnß Dlatrlot. Puss VoLCUNio !;OiL of richest quality, well foncod and cleared, only tjihke miles from L'owm by good roads, and five ininutca" walk from the Rail way Station, whilst Omtibubss oass regularly: about elz aores are fine fullbearing orchards, and U-ere is plenty of the BSBT OF WATBB. Price, only from £50 an aore, whilst land olcao to this—no better In quality—sold last month at anotlon at over £300 an aore. It lies to the N.K, of the mountain, and has a number of excellent building sites, with very flne views. Kxoeptlonally easy terms of one-fifth Cash down.and advances made to assist in approved bnlldixg np to two-thirds of outlay. Apply to the Proprietor, J, O. OAIHXH, oare Oonnell and Cooper. Vulcan Lane. Sale op V aluable jLjaud AT POVERTY BAI. THB NEW ZiCALAND NATIVK LAND SKTTLKMENT COMPANY <Limitkd) Will offer lor Sale, on easy terms, about the end Ot SKPTKMBKR next. Fiftkem Thousand acees more or less) of VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL LAND, In Seloot'-cns of all aliaa to suit parohasers, The Land la variously situate from tho Town Boundary to 10 miles from the Town of Gtaborno. Full particulars will be given at an early date. Oommunloattons addressed to the Company's Offloe, Gißborno, attended to. The Title of all Land offered will be umiuesUonable, O. DB LAOTOUR. Managing Dlreotor. Tft O R S A L 15. THK POLYNBSIAM r>LUB HOTIsr,, LKVUKA, FIJI, ThU Hotel is situated In the centre Of the Townot Levuka, and from Its position commands a good trade, and will be sold with all Farnitnre Bnd FlttUgs complete. Large Bar and BlUlard-room, with Alcock's Table and requisites*—For putlenlars aDpiy to F. W .HOWARD, Btook and Commlesion Agemt, Custom-houso-streot East; or, HK3KKTH X AITICKW. Qaoon-Bt. gj^Oß SALE, the LeaßO of Fine Farm JC near AutEland, with purchasing olaneo, A rare opportunity. Prloe, including stook and lmplementa, WBgwn, bugy, &c only £880.— Apply to 7. J. Jtf Oaa & CO., La>d and Kstate Agtnt. _ LANuSfiAN FOWLS (Pure-brod), also Uses, can be had on application to Mr Keynell. Post office. KllersHe. ftiOifl'fi SHU HE. — For Sale, Large Xl Honse, in good position for Business or Residence ; also, Building Allotments. BSRj. tANNKR, Estate Agent, 8, Qneen-Btreet. T^EVONPOfiT, fIORTH SHURE. For Sale, oheap, a 16 roomed Honse and Large Allotment ot Land, two minutes' walk from wharf, suitable for a boarding house. Terms easy-Applyto R& R ____ House and Land Aeents, relO FARMERS AMD OTHERS. The undersigned have on Hand a Splended Sample of TARTARIAN SEED OATS.alao 6,000 saoka Prime FBBD OATS, at lowest onrrent rates, K. MITCH9LSOS ffi CO.i 80. 18. Qneen-Btreet wharf, 171 UK SALE, a very desirable Farm of V 803 acres, within six miles of Eawakawa, Bay of Islands, It is all', fenced sheep-proof, and divided Into 13 paddooks, four of wh ton are sheep-proof. The Farm Is well-watered throughout Comfortable House, Barn, Stabies, Cowshed, and Sheep Yards. Well worth the In. speotlon of any one wishing a comfortable lome; or, tho Farm will be Leaned with Purchasing Clause.—Ji M. and J. Mowbray, Land Agents, 42, Queen-street. VjiOß IMMKDIA.TIS SALE (Uheap, V Two Good Allotments at Alendale, Northoots, having frontages bath to Queen-street, Albert-street, and the North Road. Also, 130 acres of real Good Land in Blind Bay. near Tryphena Harbonr, Great Itarrier.~Apply' to Jofcn Soppet, House and Land Agent, No, B. Queen-street. . OR SALB {really cheap), at Pom Eonby, Threo&ood Six and Seven roamed Houses, with large gardens) and one Fourroomed Cottago. Also, Two Blx-roomed Cottages In Nelson-strflot, Auokland, Apply to John Soppet, House and Land Agent, No. 8, Qneen-Btreet BJiOK SALE, really eneap, a uompaet !> ffarm of 160 oorea s about 60 aores In gran, part under orop, part goad bash and tern 1 a Six-roomed House, Stable, Cow-Bhed, &a; H miles from railway station and only U mile) from town by good road. FOR SALE, a nice Uttls Dairy Farm of H acres, all fenced and divided into paddocks, with good House, Stable, Sheds, and every oonvenlenoe, and deep-water frontage, 10 miles from town. Apply to Joes* Sjspbt, House, Land, and Gtoneral Commission Agent, No, E, Qneen-stroet tnprtalrs USED) S E E D I SEEUI TOR SALB, ths following New Seeds, or Roman Empire I— RedOlover White Clover Oowk«h» AJayke Rape Lneense Turnip Mangel Unseed Hemp Canary . fee. &<V The atove wIU bo Oiapoaoa oi at Loweit Currant Prices. ■ POTTER AND CO., Durham-street "|tt o R S a" Z h, At Lowest Market Rates j Kouln, Pitch, and Tar Kerosene, Palnt,and Ollvo Olifl Champion's, Scott's, and Storer's Hcauiae White Lead, In wood Mnntt Metal and Naila Large Stook of Canvas, varions brand* Wire Rope, from i\ Inoh to \ inch Rope, Homp, sod ManlUn Rope, «U Patent Windlass (wood), Frills, and Pallr Anchors, from 16 owt to 10 lbfl nhslns, from \ Inoh to I Inoh, Oslsa and Fish Oil, D, H MoTeNZIB, B'ORT-BTP.EST. March 18.1888. ■WO R S A L H, ! I k A TONS riALVAKIZHD CORRU3AJU TKD IROV |QQ TONS FKNOINQ WIKH OKft BARRELS KNIGHT ft BVArTB 360U OKMKNT. ' , W. a LAURIE, \ 10, WYMDHAM.BTBMI.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1