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I Jt'ublic JNoiices. j rgiO MERCHANTS, BREWERS, JL BOTTLBRS, AND SODA-WATM MANUFAOTUIIERB. ™ XHOMSOIST & CO., CRAWFORD-SfKEKr. DONEDIM (KstabUghed 1860). IMPORTERS OW KNGIJBH. FRKNOH, AND SPANISH OUT CORKS, Always oh Hand and to Akp.tveBrowors', Boltlere', and Soda water Manufacturers' Sundries, luoludlng all kinds of Corks: Bungs, Shlvea, Tien, ana Spiles, CoUor Tap Corks, Corking Machines. Capauloa, Tinfoil, Hustling Wire, Superior Isinglas* (Urowera'l, Uook, i'nrso. Hast India Pipe, and Pare Kusslan a.nd Brazilian Cut; Tnormometers, Blind and Common. All kinds of Qioger, whole- and j oimhea : Taitarlo, Acetlo. Sulphnroue, Citric una Sulphurlo AoWb; Spirits ot Wl»e, 01 0.p.; h'.acuf.vji and Ed-entiat Oils, Modawator Ma--1 i-hlufcSi Hauling R-cka, Patent»nd Common; P»ient 9yruplaK Pumps; Bodawator nud Qiu-Ri-rl)*r bottles. Ordinary; Lamont's, Hogben'a and Codti's i'atout BottUs; norbs. Peels, and Kuotu of i- vni y ilußcrlptlon; and every requisite) for tho Bn word". BottlarB", and iErated Water Manufacturer*/ trade. Aoknis voa H-»yw/.bd ( Tvleb & Co., London. Mo6nrn. T, fc Co. lnvlto intending Parch&serß of IliOA-ors' nnd safiawatar Mashiaery to an lnspeciion of tbolr Stook. THOMSON & C 0.,, CKAWFURD-STRKK.T. DrjNgßlw. %*J;./J^|T'g FBENCn M |il *"H£s DBKI P F SIII} T Stl>f-^O MANUFACTOIty. Corntlror Albe»t-Btr«-t. P-arii^isS^'ll Pr'vato ordorsupoolßily -,';. atlrndtO tr. ticavffi#iS»M f? I*,1, 6 French m»&skw#iS Vaterlalu, Imported *^pj.;>« fllreoily fiom the J^f.W^ nmnnfsoftirfriL All Drees tfhlrta to order matte on moasuroment only, git Quar-iiteed. J~~- B. M A^ D^ D^ E a • haa taken over the Business roonntly carrlod on MIB3 UAINKS, TODACCONIBT, and hopes receive the support of si old oustomers, SKLKOT ASSORTMENT OF TOBACCOB, OIOAHB, Pipaa, &o. QUEEN•S T R E E T, Dnder Albert Hotel. tfVavoma Ui Morta. «TKW JfiKALAHD FBEHS Jj? Uumooutad. Mr TaateroUy Siocnsaa la Tartouo waj-r, veosj U up vo 1M viu ciiia. or O_ta br HIO ORAIG, t*jiKOaa-srKBB_, W* A j"B B LAID ON, AH LOW A3 WILL PAY. P/<UMBINO, GASFITTIBO, AND GENEBAIi JOBBINO, PaTBHT ChIMNBY TOPS, sinks, Baths, &c. &0., &o. ROBERT PEACE, SIIORTLAND-STRKET, %\\ _' WAM If 3Aii i l.a\, ii .\HOHITS_¥, ■ ssMoaaoßxa auiLUHm QIHOm-BTBBgT. 'ji a x •*• v n o x a a kb £ MARBLE AHD Fr.KSSTOra.MAHONB Monument* Head-etontM, Xombf, w& Iron Tomb Raillngf. IKMjaiFTIOWn BXMtmSD IK A BUPaJUOB nXTSXt Paioaa and Uxnam FRBS oa Application jjsD_asaiCoama 0* RUTIAKO ANU LOiINE 3TEISTQ AUCKLAND Naar Junction ot Queen and Wakefleld ssrto-'K A MKRICAN POKTRAIT ROOMS, _t_L 177, QUKBN-3TRKKT . (Opposite Ti & S. Morrln's), NOW OPKN. Gems taken daily-2 dozen for 2s Bd, larger blsob equally oheap. Come and Bee th« Show Oaaos at tho New Premises, next to Olarfc & Gane'a, two doors above British Hotol, 177, Queen-etreet. j. LOW Proprietor. DT BPEOIAE $$js£^fS&, APPODITMBNS /GEORGE DIXON (AwardcaPrlzo Medal Sydnoy EathllolUon), MANUFAOTOBEIt OS1 DOUBLE iERATED WATERS & CORDIALS Cuba-etroeti» Wellington. Ask for his celobrated GINGER ALB, to bo had , in all parts ot tho Colony. OH N m! HA 8 L E TT, iIUILDKR, &0., FOKT.STREET, Bstlmatea supplied for every desorlptloa ol Carpentsra* and Joiners* Workt■* v x v b jo. A a yjr to Roth's Pcbllo Hot. OoloVand Shawn Baths, Victoria -Btreat Kast Oharsre, O»a Smmas. Open all week Odti from 7 o.n*i. in I p.m., and Stjjidat MOBwnfQi from 0 till 10 &,w. The Bath-room* ara all prirata, and mippUsd wltherory oonrealenoa, Turkish ioweU, ilsah and hair brushag, oombo, 'recpiratora, iwape, S& Select bath-rooma (prlvbie) for Ladies every day, at all hours, with female attendance, Onh SHILLrK'S AND SIXPBHOB. PlOttM noW Hl6 Bddrssj i Viciorla-atreet Kaat. above the Greyhuend HoSsL _nd n»x» the cheap Ee4d!as anfl faraltu/a rjaiS, Auofclnnd. iST.iJ.—Bsrber In attendanoe. r jjpo THB PUBUO OF PONSOKBY, 7. DA VIES, Boot and Shoe Mannfooinrer, of Ponaonby Road, oalls tho attention ot hla oustomora and frlonds 10 tho following I—Childran's Klastlo Boots, from 3s; Goloshes. Is Bd (children's): Women's Kid K.B. Boots, from 78 6d; cheap line in Men's Klastics, 12s (oolonlal Eisde, &o.S { Women's Colonial m»de Lealeta, Used. JBSTEIiN ¥ hOY _ND OATMEAL MANUFACTORY. PARTINGTON BROS. Bog to inform the publio that they are now prepared to supply rtDPBKion Oatmkal In any quantity, guaranteed pure and trosh. Flonr, Bharp3, Bran, Wheatmeal, Malzemeal, MalEo, Oatu, Fowl Wheat, &c, always on hand. Depfit—Karangahape Road, Newton, Mills—Western Springs. August 11.188?. _ B/i IS N C I N G '!' of every description put np by contract. Nobody It cheaper or better than Sam. White. Paling ?onoeg, post and rail i Wire and Ploket Fenoes of every Bort. Prices on application, All kinds of Gates made to order, and fixed where required. Fonoea Painted. Poata. Rails, Palings, Shingles, Housa Blocks, &0.1 for sale at yards. SAM. WHITS, Fencer, Gore-atreat (near Brltomart Hotel. g-AS-SS BUTO, HHK, «| OART2IR, OOKTRAOTOK, SCO Goods Oarted and Delivered from uhlp'tf b139 oa Shortest: Notice. Ballast Supplied, KEWOAKK.B AHD BAY 07 M.ANBS OOii Alen. Strswood (cni and nnonit reasonsbla.. W~~ a, «k;liskis kas o«, » BUILDERS. * CARPBNTBBS, AND JOINKRS, VBtOAH _<_HB, All Branches ot the Building Trade eseonted b? Kxoerlenoed Workmen, Shop yronta. omos FitMlngs, fco. ' %&T iLU AA X ■*• tl Oa& S, T y cernes of Lows and Vlotoria-etroati. Auokland Sml mo^vuKWUJi, habbi^, ahd as»x:sA% 3TOKEKABOK, __KJHi_TEOTIjEA_. SOPUTOS AHD CABVSa Inscriptions eoourste aad beautiful SKoaumaats, Tomta,'Headstones, snfi BT3rv Seiorlptlon of Stoce Work at ttw la-yftss cctslbt > tlona tor tattn -afl QGnntr^ wCi-EKiOii O«Jit«U«AT_S» TUSKS. S, h, KE&S Hub £02 3a19 a number of the above, wish TapJ tte.6.7 for use. prloe 31s, at his Shop, autott-rtrest. Large ouaoaueg ol Spoutlne Ridging, and Down Pipes always in vtook, Verandah Iron ourved at the Dhorteot notloe, Country orders will always reoelve his prompt •kta-tton. Laad nasherß alwaii on hand.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1