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Shipping. }■■■• - ~* B [XlOl* STEAMSHIP Vi ?% \J COMPANY OF NEW ' ,v"l- i,i ZKALANU (Limited). r S"T- S a |!1. ■ ■ '■■■•-<J\ Time Table— |; October, 1882. pok tarawaki, nelson, pioyon, weii-! Uno i on, lyttlclton, and wkst UIJASTfOttTa (FBOM MAHPgAU). . Steamer. Data of Balling Latest Train. lUwka Tuesday, 24.8 a.m. 7.15 a.m. W*itaki luosday, 31,10 a.m. Ba.m. TOR GI3H jiiNß, NAPiiCK, WELLINGTON, LYTTKI/TON. POUT CHALMERS, and CLUffFlraOM APCHXAKD). A r.wata ThurHday 20. noon — Manap uai l'hursday,Nv.2,noon — rottMKLBOURNit. VIA SOUTH. AraWjita Thursday, 26. noon — MiNap.jDßl Tflurßday.Nv.a.noon — FOR HYDNBY. PiNa;itooMA | Tuesday.3l,s p.m. | ITOH KUd-iKLL AND KAWAKAWA. AmwvrA I Tuesday, U, 6 p.m. | — jfUK QIdBOKNHi ANU NA.PIKK. ~ 3QPTH. Okosb I Friday. 37. 6 p.m. | — FOk LBVI/KA AND BUVA. Hkro I Tuos.,Nv. u,sp.m| — £S" Cargo must bo bouked and alouKSlde one hoar before adverklaail Slme of departure. Passage Mefcati mast ft« takin at the Comfunxy'B y/Hoo. Auckland Branch, 1(13. Uucoa,s*ioat. •#y^. %2 XBAXtt £O LONDON. *s^^^^> osibnt"linh. ism'3g,fli«2& ,- itJd ( O ji ovr i nR steamshipß b* oaßlutf 5o Ihß O.'tent Btoam Navigation Oom!isny(L!n!!toa)aadthe Paolflo Stoum NsTlstaAnn OomDnny, will l«aro BYUNfCY in the ludijnnßuUonsd dates for MKLBOUHNK, lim^lDH. and LONIX/K, Tic Suoa Oanai anil Naplea. !ju«niier. [ Reg. Tonjge I Date LlOUHf\.__-_ I IM'i \ Oo«ob«r 2t AU9TK)(Ii _ 6,400 Novet«.ll GaRONNS., I 8,870 Novem. 25 POTOSI I 1300 Deoem. 0 JOHN KLDKe...-I 1100 Decem 23 And Hut L3erf.on will be malntainea by one-seedl-M? m«Mi\.tn at luterrala of a FortcUrht, fares to London. II to 79 smlaoas; Canal aam. 3a. I'ufcole bcokod through to London, p&tsaasiitts caji book lrom Auckland at a ihruunii rate to corer Iniercolonial tavo ana to esc aw sccoi.-vl adr&ntageo. L^aloon pafumnirnrs nxn allowed to break their loanioy. Ka^a&jics dam Lcadon ost> be Kranted In For plaus and lull jpenloul-trs, apply, Is LODion, to U, Orstn a Co.. olid a.udereon, Anderton & 150,. Jjint itiinosbrs of the Until or to ifcfl A/.-m.v bi Anotlaua. Cm* 31UAMSKIP CO. OV NJL il ixitv-M, an*>:-tiro«,t ijLj^^, BTEAMUUI11 i^ CXiMPANY (LIMITED). XIMS-TABLB-OOTOIIBK. ( vutht)' t.'ifl jftw olrcmmiianoce p*rmHtlno KROM QOBWN-BTREKT WHARF, K)B T» C/KANO t *ND BAT OT VKBXTY PORTS, ijTBAMga. | DAT« Of aAIUKEt, Glonelg Monday, 23, 5 p m Glenelß Thurmlfty, 26, S p m Wellington Mondny, SO, 6 p m Conn&oH »« Tauraiifia tot OpoBtnffii tIM »r.d Bay o( Plauty Port* orory Tneodny. »oa BVSiSBLIi, WS4WOABOA, AMD HAKoostri, Wellington I Monday, 23,5 p m Ulnnclß I Monday, 30. 5p m tr,G WHANUAUiII AND \THANaAEi:i HBADsT i lOireiinapmsenKersandoaxgo trsa^' for Walpa) ' I Krery Icesday and Friday, at I ip m TOE MAKOAPAt Argylfl I 3very Tnesdayt at ip m JOB MAKQAV/AI. Douglas I Every Thnraday. at« p m TOB MgBOPBY BAY. Donglas I Every Monday, at ip m SSF Cargo most be booked and alongside one iurar before advertised time of departure. Passage tiokats mast bo taken at the Campanir's Offloa, No. OT, QuoM-Btroet, Anokland. A. MoGRHQOR, Manaslnß Dlreotor> It) LONDON. PENINSOLAR AND ORIKNTAL STBAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, The Oomt>ony'a Steamshlpe (under oontnot with the Ylotorlan Qovernment for the conveyance of Hor M'jeaty's Malla) will be despatohed for Plymouth and London as nnder I o »___._ I Leave Li»ive ANCONA (ronte not y»t I flxcdi _ -I Nov.S !*ov.9 PKaUAWUß(ait(o)__ Nov. 17 Nov. 23 KAti'AR-I-HlNmdltto)! Deo. 1 Pea T Rates of D<ißSage mo«ey to Plymouth or London : £70 first, a*d £15 aocond-olass. Italian porta iBM flrst, and filO seoond-olass. Passougem booking at Anokland seoare speotal advonIflffGS. For farther particulars respecting passage money and freight apply to ORUIOK3UANK & CO., Agents, 18, Qafen-ntreet. Anokland, ££&>*. U**SAAI tO ■i'h&iAai-., CA»» J@^Tts KYi"N3 PASBIiNOHRS !AHO rjARGO, cozn:soTrßS \fita Ohisthei'?u. Onmc, WArro* !rt..»wa. A*B Mosuwst- •» .tB 'IMsrn )]{«tricit). TIMX-TASLB. J* H V S Tv V i>, I 3 E SO. 3, S'roni Anoilsnrt I From Thamec I Satuiday. 12 midnight Monday. 8 p.m. Tuesday, 4 p.m. Wedaecday, 9 p.m. Thursday, 6 p.m. TO Thames . Saloon. Ts 8d s Steerage. 5a To Ohlnemurl thronßb, ta extra So Te Aroha thiooirb, 10s extra Not rssnonslola ft r shlpclnz, carolsg, oi dii IhMalnE lira rtook. FBASEB & TI^NB. Agents. TWTORTHCOTE AND PONSONBY SS STEAM FERRY COMPANY (LIMITED). TIME-TABLE. WEEK-DAYS. From Northcoto to From Auckland to Auckland: Northcote: 7.0. 7.30 8.30 10.15 10.45 1215 2.0 3,15 4.10 5.15 ao 6.10 »3.10 *10.10 SUNDAYS. ,0 10.20 10 1-20 2)30 3.10 5.0 5-20 *Night Boat on Wednesdays and Saturdays Onlsr' HENRY ALEXANDER. Secretary and Traffic Manager. October 18,1882. :"#^^- * STKAM NAV!3ATIO»J 00. as. MANTTKAU. TIMK-TABtiK-OOTOBBB, 188 J. rrfsaroOnehungai fcavaWalnkni Oot- _ "-Batnrday.lP.m. JJ-'Wondfty, 3 p.m. 2t-Taesd!>y, 8 a.m. al-Toaadav. 4 p.m. 2S-Wpdnesday. 9 a.m. 27-Wdday, 6 p.m. 28-Saturdsy. 11.a.m. SO-Alonday. 8 a.m. 39-Monday, 12.30 p.m. Leave Onohunga for Mannkau Heads—Kvery order o a the DD-eotors, aU Freight must be pr*p»ld. OONNISOHAM & CO.. Agents. <£383fe»5 SPKINGS, MAHURAN9I, OMAHA. the«,s. RO3B OASBY, Al at Lloyd's. W. Somerville, Maßter. iro? .flat SortaKa, Matakana. Kawan, and o.u-ha—iSvery Tuesday a* 11 ooloolf. ro> mi'aiag on IVodnesdays. Tat a.» 3pringa and Mahurangl-Krery Thnrßiij ani Saturday, at 11 a.m., returning on Mondays aud ifrldayS. 8o C«_o reaelved within hall-an-honr of advertised time of sailing.- , .'{a Parcels or tiooda taken without Bhlpplng BOIa. r« t«l ? ht M passage .pgy to wiagmiß

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 1