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i Land and instate A ..onto AND, HOUSE, & ESTATE AGENT, VALUATOR, BCH-EFF'B Buildings, Pout-stekkt, AOCKL-MU The underßigned. In ~_.*nmß~el_„ Riioint-. h Auokland, bctto to anuounoo tha» twolVo yc-rt,' oxpsrionoo ln Walkxto has clvon hltii an Intimate knowledge, cf the dtctriot. bo well as a business connection extending to aU patio iif the Aribkland Province. Ho Is, thereforo. Iv . portion to give the fullest and most rellabl . Information to Intending pettlers. who will reoeive letters- of Introduction to bis local Aaenta. and thoy will offer every facility for Inspoollng the VARIOUS PROPKRTIE. ON HAND Fou Sale, Valuations of Town or Country Property mado at tho shortest notice MONEY AD.YANOttI. on -Trbeuold aeourltles. lh sums of -iIOO up to £~000. MONBY INVKSTKD, and no oharge made to Investors, KENNED* HILL. 177, QUEEN.STREET, Opposite Morrin & Co. G. im ok S a" L a, * Bt EDWARD WAtTE. HOUSE AND LANJ- AGENT :- VOLCANIC LAND (at Mount Kden)-10 aoros In convenient paddocks, with Beven-roomed Houae, Outbutldingß, Clstorn, Fruit Trees. Ofiored for a fow duya, A Uargalu. MOONT ALBrtRT (near Railway Statloii)Allotmenls llalf-aoro upward-; Volotnlo Soil, Buainess Sltos, Magnifloont Vlow Tho whole of the purohato monoy can roinula ut 7 per cent. VIKW ROAD (Mount Kden)-New 7-roomed Verandah Uouso, nearly 1 acre lind, cistern, boiler, rango, grate, outbuildings, luilt noaa; flno stto. HOUSE OP BIGHT ROOM, (w .11 .Bill., 16 minutes from Quoon-^treot. Adaptod fur private resldenco ot business. Gas (Jtove, ample wator supply. Offorod oheap. No. 205. MOUNTKDKN (near Railway Statlonl-Sovotl' roomod House and Largo Allotment! good bualneaa site, J-aOO only. Terms—Saay. VIKW ROAD (Mount Edon)-Flne Uoyonroomod Bouse t lofty rooms, oonpro'o cistern, boiler, outhouse, With ho. Vly ouo aoro voloanlo land, COTTAG_* hnd Large ALLOTMENT 193 feot by 160. clou- to City. ftiUO. OORNKR SHOP and DWELLING at P~rnellA rare opportunity tor a pushing man, as ono fortune has already boen made cut ot it, WANTED KNOWN-That B. Wayte. Honso and Land 4 gont, 177, Queon-stroot, has constant applications to purobaso or ront Small Housos within eaty distance of Quoen-street, and for Building Bites. OOTTAGK and ALLOTMENT, Pon_onb!r. «l-0. HOUSE and ALLOTMENT, Seailold Road, ohoap. Xi). WAYTE, Houbo and Land Agent. O B T. BURR O. W, HOUSE. LAND, E-TATE. AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OOUNTB*. B_.TTl.ießß' COMUCSFONBENT AND A-BNT, ~ HIGH^rRKST, A-.E-AND, Urrcta Collected, Bales Attended, Insnrances ffflec-ed, Mortgages and Loans Nosoti-ted, Deeds Kngroasod, Agreements Mado Out, Books Potted and Balanced. Several Houses and Allotments for _o_? ohoap. Partloulara on application. JAM E 8 T~7 N DA L, ACCOUNTANT. houbs, land, a, commls<i'.)n agknt, And Law Whiter, HIQH.STREET, AUCKLAND. FOR&ALE! DRAKIT^TRKKr (tTreeman'a Bay)— Comfortable O-roomcil UWolllng-houso and yard, tituated on no'Jt- side of Btreet, and having a.beautiful harbour Vlow; gas abd w_Ur laid on, Price. C-tOD. , . OOL-KGK ROAD (Ponsonby)—Allotmont 112. , sonth Bide, S3 feot firontaf;-, GRAFTON RUAJJ—AUetmeat 10, ot Section lU, d-mor ol Grafton i«o*d and WynyardCtreet, with ten-roomed Uouso, itabloa, and outhouse-. Prioo JBIOOO. OHAFRLUTRKKT—-lx-roomod House and Stable. £-00. VICTOKIA-STRKET WKST-Throo Brlok Shops and Dwolllng-hoaee*. Jnst built Prion, £2,100, or to Lot at Ma por weok oaoh. FREEHOLD BLOCK, ln Central bosltlon.oloro to Queou-strebt. with llrlok Buildings and Iron rcol suitable for Warehouses, (Co, 1 Proprietors having Houses or Laid to dlnposo . of are requested to communicate with , signed. No charge unlo.s sold. Wanted to -"urotiaso (Immediately), Threo ' Dwching-houS-B of about 8 rooma, within ooay dktanoo of Poet-Ofllcc. . jameslTndal, HIQII-STKEKT, - ' I -rnnsmitn. i , a 3-* & til- ■ k*rf.- ... ~. i" I, ii a naonav £*Vf\nt~\ TO LKND on FKBEHOLD . Xt&\J\J\J SECURITY i alao, sovoral , sums of and £500,—Apply Aitkon Carriok, Ofiioe of 'iVllllam AUken, Shortland-street MO. KY TO LEND, In rams ot ..__. aud upwards, at T per coat, JAOKBON & RUSSELL, ssflllcUora. ggrfcelgggt 7MTON..Y TO LE~JD on Mortgage «i D-rsi-clawi Free, old Boc-it»i_». WM. COI--MAJ-, Bniioirsner of Queen and Bhortiand _~r- - - MONEY TO LEND, in hug. or snssi) sums, at usual rates of Interest OONNHWi ft COOPER, i -OlioUors, Vulesn L__ ff^^ XTIOTORIAN LOAN Mr-fl B. H. KEESING begs to InJL form tbe inhabitants of Auok- ___ land that, c bas opened the "i- above Ofiioe In Vlotorla-atreot, opposite tho Royal Mall Hotol, , where he la proparod to advance money on Jewellery. Plate. Watohes, Clothing, and all descriptions of Merchandise. Money advanoed on Personal Security; Weekly Payments, Bills discounted daily A Private Offlco tor tbo transaction of Special 3q.1n.._, AUOKLAND PERMANENT 00-OPBRAT-VK BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. OlT____ I— U7, QU____!.-STB__.£T, LOANS granted upon approved securities Ot Freehold or Leasehold Properties in sums ol KO to £8,008 principal and Interest boing repayable tn instalments at the following Reduced Rats., for repayment of each filOU borrowed i— Repayments oxtend- „_ w-.i. Totil amount tag over ro*- VVOBK' ropayable. £ a. A. £ h. ~. I yea? _ - 2 0 0 10. 0 0 _ years - _ 1 0 li) 108 fl 8 ayears _. - li 7 113 If 0 . 4 yearn _ 11 8 m fl S n year* _ El) 138 18 9 6 yeara _ 7 1 11718 II 10years - _ 8 .8 162 IB 8 And ln tho same proportion for smaller or larger loans. DEPOSITB,-Tho Sooiety rocelrea Monoy on Deposit ati per cent, per annum. JOHN BATGER} Seoretary. pi AS S TSJ- ORK B ? QLASS *^yORKSI Our Leading Articles this weok aro i Confectioners' Jars, Is por lb; 3 Glass Jugo for 2s Sd i Lamp Chimneys, 8 tor Bd ; -Glass Balls for Shooting ot, ln Quantities to autt purchasers; Garden .hades, all sizes; Ifkh Globes and Gold Fish, very oheap i M, COOK & SONS, FBHT-MAM'S BAY. IMPORTANT ANNOUJ~CEMENT Just Received, per "Loch Awe,' a Pplendld Assortment of Violihb. Buws, and Fittinqb, Mblodia.s, Co. os-tnt-is, and all kinds of MUBIOAIi iNB-BOMBNtB, at ' THOS. E. CARTER'S.' 82, VIOrORIA-STREKT, AUCKLAND (Six dooro above Albert-atreet). TEACHER, Tuner, and Repairer of Pianoforte, Cornet, and VIOLIN. . Terms and Testimonials on application. Tuner and Ropairor or all kinds ot Musioal • Instruments,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3806, 20 October 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3806, 20 October 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3806, 20 October 1882, Page 4