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To-morrow's Saturday Supplement will be a double ono, and will contain the con* elusion of "The Leavenworth Murder," "Tho Piters Bit," "The .Enchanted DollA Tale of tho Waikato," "A Woman's Adventures in a Balloon," lull reports of the Great Cricketing Contests—England v. Australia—from our London correspondent, a new poem by Tennyson, "The Honolulu Settlement for Lepers," and a variety of other readable extract matter.

Our weekly market price Hit to-day contains few altera! ions from that of last week. Butter and eggs, wholesale, are quoted at lOd. Tho supply of both is in oxcess of the demand, indicating a fall of price. Lamb, fore and hind-quarters is cbe-prr, being now quoted at 4s 6d to 5s 6d per quarter. Oats, wholesale,bave advanced to from 3s 8d to 4? 3d per bushel. Southern potatoes are worth from £5 10s to £6 per ton wholesale, aod from £7 to £7 10s per ton retail. Gum is dearer, os will be seen on reference te the price lis's.

Buntcr's brass band has been engaged to attend at tbe Devonport Domain to-mo— row (Saturday) afternoon, and will there iliscouise suitable musical selections for tbe benefit of visitors, from 2 till 5 p.m.

Members are reminded by advertisement that the last of the Pon'onby " At Homes," takes place this evening, but the committee has decided to supplement the season by a Fancy Dress Ball, on Friday week, the 3rd November. Mr D. F. Evans is the hon. sec.

According to tho "Bay of Plenty Times," arrangements aro now being made whereby the Union Company's steamers will pay a weekly visitto Tauranga on their way up from the South.

1 The annual church meeting In connection with the Diocesan Synod will be held this evening in the Choral Hull, the Bishop presiding. Papers will be read on various church topics,and selections of sacred music will be performed duriDg tho evening, admission is tree, but a collection will be made to defray the expenses of meeting.

. Several attempts to recover the ABhm ore's cutter, which sank in tho harbour on Wednesday, havo been made yesterday and to-day, but without success. Some watermen have been engaged to assist in further dragging operations to-morrow.

In rcspo-BO to a requisition asking for additional postal facilities for r'onsonby, Mr Bias, Chief Postmaster, has replied that a pillar-boxwill bo eroded at O. Boad. Storo, College Road, within a week from ihto.

Tho Success miuo manager reported by telegraph yesterday afternoon:—'"twenty pounds very rich specimens to-day ; more showing."

Lieut. Skinner and Vol. E. Cooper, of the Victoria Company, left to-day by the Rototua for Dunedin, in order to tako part in the forthcoming prize tiring.

In consequence of rumours of a high London market, which have not, however, up to the present, been confirmed by private telegraphic advice, tho kauri gum market is firm at tho [following prices i —good otdinaiy, 40s to 41s; East Const, 50a to 525, Production, dutiog October, so far, 270 tons.

Mr Joseph Petrie, M. 11. X, for Greymouth, in addressing hid Brucnerton constituents recently, referred to S'r George Grey in tho most eulogistic terms, and expressed a hope that he would yet sec him and Major Atkinson side by sido on the Government benches, Some of the audience boo-hoocd this, but they were swamped by tbo voices which approved of the wish of the speaker.

Tho ptincipal artistes of tho Tambour Major Opera Company, which arrives by the Manapouri, are:—Ladies : Miss £lsa May, piima donin, soprano j Mdllo, Mens Muriellc, alto prima donna'; Miss Fanny liddiaul, contralto; Miss Blancho Lewis and Mits Fanny Lewis, compiimaric; and Mddle, Novaro (who was hero with the Patience Company), mezzo-soprano. Gentlemen :Mi P. Sullivan, prituo hariteno; MrF, Dark, bin iiono buffo and comedian ; and Messrs Tyrcll (basso bull'), Lindsay (tcnorc), Drayton (ba_so contralto), Hurt (teuore legyio.-c), and Mr Howard (favourite actor). Musical d rector and conductor, Signor Trcmugtia.

Owing to a fall of earth in a brickfield, at Henderson's Mill, yesterday, v man named Georgo Duncan lost his life, and another, William Leighton, was injured. They v/iro working in tho face ota clay-bank, which suddenly fell on them. Watson Duncan, a brother of the deceatcd, extricated Leighton, and tho body of his brother. An inquest waa to bo held to-day, beforo Mr A. Beetham, J,P.

The daughters of Mr 11. Brii;ht and Mr Joseph Worms have left thoir respective homes. Persons harbouring them are liable to prosecution.

Auckland appointments gazetted yesterday :—G. G. Menzics, Property Tax Assessor; J. A. Pood, Analyst ; Theo. Kissliog, Assistant-Registrar of Joint Stock Companies; G. Wihon, Mining Inspector for To Aioba ;J. Edwards, Kihikihi Nativo Interpreter,

At the meeting of tho City Council last ovening, Cr, Montague enquired when iho St. Hclier's Bay Tramway Company wero Roiog to bogin work 1 liis Worship tho Mayor, who is also chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, said tbat tbo delay was unavoidable, but tho directors expected to be in a position to send borne by tbe next mail for the material. lie mentioned tbat one of the outside local bodies had raised difficulties which had not been anticipated. About 90,000 shares in the company had been taken up.

Mr Superintendent Hu_hes rccomnionds tbe following sites for branch lire-stations : (1) Reserve at tho top of Wukelicld-slreot; (2) at Ponsonby Reservoir; (3) near All Saints' Church, Ponsonby. lie alsi suggested that the present station in Aloett-strcct be mado a branch station, the main station to be situated at the top of Upper Queen-st root Mr Hughes has also drawn the attention of tho City Council to the necessity of supplying the Brigade with a hook nnd lndder carriage, and in view of tbe extension of the city, he has recommenced ihat the strength of the Brigade bo increased by 12 mon, to bo stationed nt Ponsonby. The total cost of nil tbo suggested improvements in connection with fire prorcntion, is estimated at £7-0.

The monthly inspection parade of tho A Battery of Artillery was held last evening in tho Drill-shed by Major Wit-ors.di.tiict inspecting officer, The men wero under command of Captain Payne andLiciitenimt Norno. Tbe attendance was good and the inspection satisfactory. Tho battery was put throngh a number of exercises, and ovidenced much so_d<er-like suiartnes".

The children of the Bcreslord- street Sunday . chool will entertain the inmates of the Hospital on Sunday afternoon by singing their anniversary hymns under the *-iduu-e oi tnotr leader. We understand that this enterprise is in no way connected with the monthly services of song established by Mr Lincoln, and which have been successful for several years.

Tho Premier left Wellington for Auck. land yesterday. He returns there iv about a nioath.

The Diocesan Synod brought its labours ti a close last night, when a large amount ot business was gone through. Amongst other matters of interest that were settled, the petitions for the formation of new parishes, to be called St, Thomas's and St Mark's respectively, were granted, aod tbe boundaries determined. The former is nn offshoot from St, Matthew's, and tho latter is situated at Itemuera. We have been requested to stato tbat in the discussion which took place on Tutsday, on the qu_lific.tion of parishioners votinj?, tho Keys. No'--*-, and Tebbs, while favouring tho adoption of tho communicants' tost, agreed to the substitution ot tho words "regular attendant" for "communicant." This mifjht not havo been inferred from their action ai supporters of tho Select Committee's recommendation.

Tho representative committee of the Good Templars, New Zealand Order, havo completed prclimisary arrangements for their grand entertainment, to bo held on Monday evening, the 23rd inst, in tbe Temperance Hall. A first-class programme has been prepared for the occasion, consisting of pianoforte solos by the Misses Griffiths, a number of vocal and instrumental duets and solos, a number of choico ballads by ladles and gentlemen of acknowledged ability a humorous reading by tho author of " 'Tis a Long Lunc, etc.," a now recitation by Mr Alexander Smith, a Scottish duet (in character) by a brother and sister from Scotland, and other items of pleasantry, sentiment and fun. The chair will bo occupied by tho President (Mr D. Goldie),who will open the proceedings with a brief address.

Tho usual fortnightly meeting of St. Stephen's Literary and Mutual Improvement Society took place ou Tuesd.y evening, when Mr J. C. Culpan read an interesting paper on "Music." In a popular manner he traced the history of music from the first notes of uncultivated man up to the production of the oratorio, and he showed tbat mneic reached its highest state vrhm It was used to give expression to the words of tho true poet. The paper was illustrated by Miss Culpan, who song with much effect, "Jessie's Dream," and "The Laud 0' the Leal." The first arssion will be closed duriog the month of Novcmbor with a publio musical and literary entertainment.

The members of the Wesleyan Mutual Improvement Society, Pitt-street, wero specially interested last evening in the schoolroom in listening lo two well-written essays, and an original tale. Mr Cole, ia his paper on "War," considered that war was justifiable in extreme case., and adduced reasons for his views, shoving that ho was not disposed to agree with tlio writings! of Charming and Worcester on the subject of war, nor with the con - intervention policy of Uobdcn. Mr Wm. Hardy's essay en the life of John Wesley was a feir estimate of the character and labours of Wesley. Mr G. A. Buttlo displayed considerable ingenuity in the construction of hisetory, "A Narrow Escape," in which tho writer depicted an incident of startling interest in the life .fa miner. The pacers were favourably criticised by members present.

To the Editor : Sir,—The audacity ond satirical jubilance of the reitsratcd challenge of Mr Cass to the minister*, of the city to discuss with him the doctrine of " Conditional Immortality " are not a little amusinp. Ho is evidently hard up lor useful employment • he must ba so to find, for example, so keen a pleasure io a weak pun on tbat poor parsonic title, "My challenge is not open, however, to every ex-Key., but to liviDg Kcvs." Indeed! Rather risky business that, to cut off the tail of a parson's title. Now.look hore, suppo. c I happen to be one of those "living Revs," and as fully relish the joke of cutting offtheheadof your name, as you do in cutting off the tail of that title ; wbv then, of course. I might say, " I refa.c, sir, on the ground of nonelectivo affinities, to discuss a matter of pure human interc-t with cither an ex-ass or a living ass." Is not the inutility of discussing such a subject with a nature tbat cannot possibly enjoy it a self-evident truth? You take ray advice and cease to meddle with niattors ao far above you,'and at tbe same litre try to believe th-t you aro by no means a terror to everybody.— Yours, truly, T. Hodgson.

The Kav. James Mirams of Colliiigwood, Viotoria, has completed 50 years of Bervico in the Congregational Church,

' The Tauranga Lawn Tennis Club, at its j. last meeting., decided to challungo tbo Auckland and Opotiki Lawn Tenuis Clubs to a , friendly match during tho coining a ason, and tho seciotnry was directed to communicate with these clubs regarding the events. The usual monthly meet ins: of the Unionstreet Wesleyan Band of Hope was held in tho school-room. Mr Harding, from Napier, kindly occupied tho chair, and gavo some reminiscences of his youthful days, which were highly iuteresting, after which he following programme was gone through with credit :—Reading, Annie Carlow, who received a word of praise from the chairman tor the manner ia which she read her piece; | recitation, Mabel Ashby; song, Mr j Yearling ; reading, F. Kaahlcy ; recitation, G. Clarke, after which the meeting terminated with the benediction by tbe cliaitmau.

Mr J. Stewart, C.E. expects to have the contracts out for the To Aroha tramways in a few days.

A drayman named Thomas Maize, at, Invcrcargill, was killed last ni^ht by the running away of a vicious horse on EastRoad.

A gentleman Interested iv the success of tho Maori war cauoo race at the North -horo i. cgatta writes to the coniniitt.o. stating that tho Northern natives would like tho members to use their iofhiencc witb Captain McGregor, manager of the Northern Steamship Company, to obtain free passage to and from the Hegatta ou Nov, 9th, for a crew and canoe to compote iv the raco. Thoy would, he says, also a.k that a sweepstakes race might bo got up for the Northern natives, to enable them to pay their expenses while in Auckland. The secretary has accordingly communicated with Captain McGregor respecting Irco passages, and has received an answci that the natives and canoes will bo brought down from Russell at half the usual fare. It is feared tho natives will not be ablo to raise the nccetsary amount, and if the Northern Company cinnot be persuaded to still further reduce the cliargo of carriage, it is probable the Kcgutta, Coainitttec will have to bear a large share of the cost.

Whero can I buy dry, warm Scoria? Apply 5 N.Z. Iniur-noo Building.,re Mt Albeit Townshlp.-l_.uvT.)

Ato you seeking Health? Build Mt, Albert Towmhlp U.If.R.)-Unvr.J

Iv connection with our local industries, Unit ot fish supply does not appear to be ncglcoted. Wo hoar " i'lsti ho !" cried in overy direction, showing that Auckland is not wanting in that most necessary article. And iadecd it Bhould not bo no, for our scan nnd river, swarm nnd are actually alive with, and could furnish an unlimited supply, wero our population ten thousand times greater than It is. A.a proof that this trade puys well, wo notico that ono fish huwkcr in this town has, by industry and sobriety, combined with cleanliness and attention to buidncss, so far prosnorcd, that whereas a short timo ago ho had to trudge behind a wheelbarrow with hia load, hohaß now a liundsome pony and a neatly painted cart. The turn-out, whioh belongs to Charles Clark, il-ili hawker, really does him Infinite credit for his thrift and perseverance.—Advt.

" PICT U lt-SQUK NEW ZEALAND " (EditOby Mr O. O. Montrosol.—" Ploturcequo New Zealand" (Part 1., prico Is) will bo published ln a few days, and will be on balk at tho UooicSKI.IKHB. The work—whioh is dedicated (by permission) to Slit Gl_ana~ GREY—is handsomely iLi.usTnATED, and contains graphio descriptive letterpress. It Is tho first popular puiimcation lor tha tourist and lover of tho pictiiresiiuo ever issaed In this form In New Zealand, and It is eminently llttod to convoy to tho minds of all HEADKRB, in v ploasant and ontertAlninir form, an adequate impression of tlio characteristic NATURAL iikautiks and won-D-ltS of New Zoaland. It will form an handsome and iNTF.UESTiNO odjkct for tho drawing room and study, a fitting BOUVKNIU for tho traveller and tourist, an acckitahlb gift to friends iibroud, os well as a u-oful guldo to thoso Ib Bearch of tho picturesque and beautiful In Nature; while it will convoy to colonists who aro unablo to mako an oxtonslvo tour of tho colony an excellent Idea of it« most striking beauties andrcniurkablo natural wonders.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3806, 20 October 1882, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3806, 20 October 1882, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3806, 20 October 1882, Page 2