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%*7"ANTBD, Owners wishing to Sell V » Properties to Bend me partloulars to ensure ready sale. Wo Bale.uo olmrgo.—W. V. Btevoni", 187, Qnoon-ationt, VV ANTED K«OW«—That Professor! V v filnesoott haa ooriniinotitly settled ilran In Auoklan'1. Ho is building a VILLA RKSiDKNOK at Mount Bdon, and ia laving out a BOTANICAL GAIUMCN, where he intends irrowlug the preater portion ot hia mcdlolnai horbß, as oxperlonoa "hub taught him thai tho herbs grown in volcanic toil are bette" adapted for his treatment tlimi thosa imporevd. lie has just received a oboioo aeuortment of BKKIJ.4, Doth from Knglwad and Amorlon.—Addfe3a ut ' tho preeont timo as uoual, tthortland-street. .Bond stamps for reply. ANTED KNOWN—Money to LoaA oa Personal Soouriti. Poreons Borrowing fis, reoolvo fil .'.Ob; ,810, £3; fi2o. .-818; &50, £151 repayable In Woo Sly or Monthly Instalments, strictost Eooreoy, Bills dtboountefi fiaily,—London Jjoan ami Diaoouni Ctimiiunj-, Elgh-atreet, two doorb from Vnloan Ixiny. %A/A«Tc;jJ KNOWJM, that I havo T f Landing, ox Asbmoro, tho best approved Bngar Boots nt Za 64 per lb; Elvetham Mammoth Loi!R ?fod Mangold, Champion Orango Globo, Chsmpion Yellow Globe, Champion Kod Globo. and Locg Yollow MangoMs, at Is (Id and la Bd por IS. AIAO, Now Turnip Seed, aslrvlng'a Improved Purple Top, Purple Top Yellow Scotch, and King ot tho Swedns.—THOMAS BTBADMAN. Seed Merchant and Nurseryman, Auokland and Kumnora. WANTED— Come and See the Fresh Lot of BhOM and Hoois. inoludlno; the Ladles* Oxford Bhoqj, la Od, and Ladles' 8W High-logged PrunelU-'nooti for«lreap«!t Dampier's Boot Shop, VlotorU-esroat (l«e W.John Btone). _ ■ .ij \',ih ■ : >Ui. ;'<=■.■■ z^T ANTED—More ?e' 'bear ln? -lftid T T that I have in gtook s largo assortment of Blaok and Blue Baperflces and Dooaktof, Tweeds, Coatings, Bedford Cords, and Trimmings of all doßOrlp tioiio, short lengths of which I out at wholesale brloo. . '- - ■ A. _OVBTT, Weuogitar-atateet. \ AIsTBD Ka^v>WW, that JS. Mltchel". eon ft 00., No, IS. Qooon-Btrcot Wharf, are BoUlng Maliio, Oita, Bran, Bharos, 31dm, Oatm^^^.j^atto^e^tinarM.gite''' - WANTED KNOWN-CHEAP TlMduk I Onmjp Tnißsa I And all othet kinds of Building Slater) ala, can be purehaaed ' ohoapor and bottex than anywhere else at the Yards of D. Goldib, Albert-strejat There bolua no manufactory for Joiners' Timber on tho premises, the ouetotnorhas an additional opptntnnlty of getting nwerior Umber, i Whoni righto' Materials aljraifsin atook. • ■' Vy A N T X !D- . X _T O "\JT -N, » JOST OPJVNfiD tJP, Am-SlEPH.ltftToK'Sf-1' 600 Ladles' and ChlldrtJn'a Straw Hats, (G to 2/0 1000 yards Millinery Kott. /3J per yard ' '"■■ 180 Gainsborough, Poke, ana Queen Shape Hush Hats. /Si .i 500 Twilled Cretonnv,'splendid value, ,71 per yard f- < , iCO yards Heavy Tweed. 1/6 ceS yexil , Oatmoal Cloths, newest.Bhadea, /9t to 1/3 I Koatte Cloth, Nuns, aelgeß, Lustton, &,0., /0 to 2/0 yard ■ Carmelites, splendid vftiao, /9J por y »rd Unoqualioil Vuluo In Btripcd Hose, /6i, /»}, 1/ per pair ,s . * Children's Coloured Sotke, Ity per pair upwards Hoyics'a Prints i»iiie*Bi* salterns, li\ to /8J Basket Ptittarnia a B;>e9lallty r sßhadeß •■' Spocl&l Line In tfoytnttxaw nata, /0J eaoh Smram in till t,ho ao*est shades,/lOi per yard iiluolt Satin UmbreUM, laoe round them, 4/11. 6/il.O/li- ; • t, :; v <i Chliaton's Sunslia: os, 1/3 npirards ' Cowets in all tho newest makes, 2/fl to 12/fl We iiro showing Dolinaos, nicely trimmed for spring wear, 15/ to 70/ each. - DKKBBMAKIJ.-a ANB XuJlitizm OH l'BßMlfiaa. A. O, HBNaON' KAKANQaHAI-'UOAD. NKWTON. qjiiia. , : mo KATE A GOID MINIW~G X COMPANY (rtnofsTßUßD). PORFEITCTIS -Of SHARES, Notloe 1« horoby glvuo that n»lwa the Call of One (it) Shilling por fihur-j, made payable on tho 2ith day of May, r-:!2, bo p*ld tt; tne af una«or to thn Compnnf, nX tho Compf.ny'o Oflloo, Knpnnua ChamborK. tiuioninmtm, on or bbl'ore tho 7tti day of C'otobrif, iSHi. together -with the lntorcst and expenses that havo aooruod by reason ot suoh nor-paytnont, thfl Shares of tho filurebolders whom, naniG-sandnnLibarsb^tho Shares are spectflod u^rnunder will bo liable to bo forfoltcd:~ -«. ' ,„■■.. ' Alfred A. Browno, CS3 t3e3l,o'ijlinreSjJloo^ betla Bartloy, W.83!) to 16.841. iQ,c57 rt 10,«58,8 Bhurpp ; Barah Hallamorfl, CBll to tBl2, 2 shares: William Huntnr. ■I 6?. r) to l6til,;io nhifeo; oiibhij Kempthorno, 7588 to 7577, 10 shares; Bteifart Murray, 8220 to 8210, 21 eharca; Kiohard ,Tohn Mnrsh, 4355 to 415 i. 15.580 to 15,501 15,88(1 to 15,811,12,691 to 12.700,10 965 to 11,031, 8451 to 8170, 420 to 123. 8018 to 8)37,1LM0 to 11.807, 370 Bharos; Lucy (JsMirn, 0515 'o 9531, 20 ohr.roa; John i-.un-olman, 13,1)38 to 13AW, 25 chares.; W. BORNE, Manager, Oorotsandel, September 21), 1882. Dividends. I^TOTIOB TO SHAREHOLDERS, KKMITHOBNK, PBOaSKB, & CO.'S NEW ZSALAND DRUG COMPANY (LuirntD). An Interim Dividend of Ten Per Cent, per annum, for tho half-year ending Slat July, 1882, is payablo at the Offlcoa ot the Union Bank of ' Australia (Limited) throughout tho Colony, on and after the 16th cay of September, 1833, on presentation of Dividend Warrants, THOMA3 W. KKMPTHORNE, Managing Dlreotoe. Dnnedln, September 0,1887. j.-Q-ationew-ATEKLOO QUADKANT. — Establiohment for You»>« Irtdlaa; oonduotSd by Mrs Nouman. The JTounh Quarter ot the year will commenoo on MONDAY, October 2nd, 188?. '~b! X W c h l s, TKACHBR OF PIANO, ORGAN, AND SINGING. Terms: Piano an! Singing, four Rulnens; Organ, five guineas. Special arrangements made for Classes. Address: CITY UOAi.'. Communications mar be left at Eatly'a Muslo Warehcuse, or at Upton s Library. _V~ONPOKT SCHOOL FOR. GIRLS AND PKKPAKATOHY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. MHS. LINTON has pleaaure in infoi'mlnst her blends that, In coaaeq/<fi£os of thn I'icr.Mi'ied number of her pupili, who huß hired tho newly ' orr-otod. qnnimndiottu, nod well veutilntUil Oddfellows' Hall, In Ol&renoe '■ oail. Uovonport, where tho aohool will rtos gamble osi Tt/S6il*Y, 1 3rd Ootober, after tho Mlcheelmnu rßiias-B. Hours of Study, &30 til! !1.3(l. Rcocs>), <2 (.UK. Children of Visitors to tho Kortti Shoo dnrinff the sammer monthu o&n bo received Into tha School on terma to be arnuig&d. MX. Jf O O I, JE V, MBMDSLsaoHN Villa, KAKANSAKAPK ROAD, Obqamibi or St. MattiieWb Cbdbob, Receives Pupils tor the ORGAN, PIANO FORTH, AND SINKING, at his address, M above, or at residence Of Pupils,' _, Quarter mar b« commenoed fsom date c wiret Leßson, * UCKLAND SELECT BIDING _3L school. New North Road, BIDING MADE BABY AND GBAOEFUIi. The Auckland Seleot Elding Sohool, for the Study and Praotloe of the Art of Bquitation in ' all its brauchoij. will be Opened on - MONDAY, "21ST AUGUST, 1882. liodioD and Gentlemen desiring to enter as pupils are EOlloltcd to forward their names to the proprietor on or before that date, Terms, and hours of instruction and practice, may be learned on application, i Pnplls supplied with Horses, and appointments Joi Bohool Lcsßons if required, or Horse Appointments supplied to order from flrat. Class Samples at the School. The proprietor has compiled an Aid Book for the use of Pupils and others, whioh may bo had On application. Price, la. Special Arrangements for Children, FfiMiLE AITRKDANOK FOI! LAUIK3, O.H, has also commenced business as HorseTrainer, Hverv Horso entrustoa to his charga wIU be proporly lirokon and handled oithor aa Ladr's or tionileman's Charger. G. H A Z E LL, Lath Rough Biding) SBitS-AMT-Mijoß, and IS! CXiABS EQUITATION INBTPOOTOE, \ 13 Years to H.BI. Bervloe. I rWK) THE PUBLIC Ot PO3JSONBY. F. DAV3KS, Boot and fihoe Mannfaotnrer, of Ponsonhy Boad, calls the attention of hla omt- ) tomers and friends to the followlng i—Child--1 ren's Elastio Boots, from 8a; Goloehee. Is fld (ohlldren's); Women's Kid E,S. Boote, from 7s Sd; oheap line In Mon's Klastlos, 12a (colonial i mads, £c>; Women's Oolonlal made Legleis, ltefid. ■ ■ i i s a a $ v c o _ x s », I ;O" DOAOHTBOTCiDKBa, , ] QRSY.STBBBT, 4PO3OiAHD. : »J3.-Iron-te__ tmtta, Bpekca, saloes. Biua aum and kinds ol Hudwcoi_ at hawed MttMt Prtcaa. l!i^ltt|<i-__--Bti:i'"'r' fl^tfSnyiSsi^! 11- rr '"" '■-;_J_B_H r___y__l?-P-r^-r__[ ■ _______Tl____! i i ______r___-^__7iT__B--______l

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3789, 2 October 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3789, 2 October 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3789, 2 October 1882, Page 1