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Business jMofclce_. I r .>..._ .- V j--_M*a"^_' ~*^_*-_*SsT E CARROLL, Wholesale and Retail • FISH AND OYBTER DKALER, CostooJ-hoitbk-strbet, oppositoThamoa Hotel, Auokland, Froßhand Smoked Floh alwaya on hand. Country Orders punctually attended to. rSIO THE RESIDENTS OF SYMONDSJL STREET AND NEIGHBOURHOOD, _... B O'V E V Has recently Opened a Flrat-ol&ss BUTCHERS' AT THB CORNER 07 THE KYBEB PASS KOAD. PRIME CORNED BEEF always on hand. ' jFamlllea waited on for Ordnrs j rs. PEACOCK, J- • OPTICIAN, Has n Stook SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES of every description, an accurate Fit Guaranteed. COMPOUND MICROSCOPES AND TELE SCOPES, Powerful and Choap. a hero id barometers, thermometers, electric Bells, baitbriks and Fhtutcis. Magnoto Electric Machines and JMedical Coils. opera glasses, binocular field and marine glasses. Thkodolitks, Compasses, Sextants, Spirit Hydrometers, Saccharometers, Salinometcrs, Argcntomcters, &c, &c,,&c AGENT FOR TAYLOR'S PATENT SEWING MACHINKS & EXTRAS. Instruments and Sewing Machines repaired. Opposite toe Post Offish, Rlinrtland-streot. OOOK.BINDINt* & PAPER.RULINQ JO sre p|: WILLIAM LEYS, | lill- BOOK-BINDER,PAPER-RULER, g mr-. %• MSTRCHANTSf Account books Ruled 3 Ijij J° and Bound to Pattern, ■& If* t MUSIO. MAGAZINES, BIBLES J MX AND PRAYER BOOKS, ,jl ffiX BOtTND IN ALL BT-__Bi — 9 ( -•' - '.. ""if Three Doors abova Stas Offloe, BAKERS' SPECIAL RULED DAY-BOOKS, LIBRARY V K)KS STRONG tc CHEAPLY „i..., -..»! wSm&mß/'i ii ii ,«»»»" n )'■""•■ COPSKioK OukkuuaTED TajmAh. J, L. KEAN (Latk altrbd Smait), Haa for Sale a number ol the abovo, with Taps ready tor use, at reduced rates, at hia Shop, EUtott-stroot. Iju-ko quantities of Snouting Ridging, and Down Plpoj always In stock. Verandah Iron ourvod at tho ahortoat notloe. 'Country ordors will alwaya reoolve hia prompt attantinn. Lead wawhera alwaya on hand. ¥>ER " EVENING STA R, Mr Editor t Sir.—l Challenge all Opponents of Local Enterprise bo who thoy may, to Produoo any Foreign Compound for Dyspepsia or Indlgeatlon equal to ROBLKYS DiriKSTIVE MEAD for Pulse or Porridge DIGESTIVE BROWN BREAD, and DIGESTIVE BISOUIT3 J. EOBLICY. 25, Grky-BTRBHT. ' /VLSUH lU-A'l'o SAUCE, NEW SEASON-QUALITY GUARANTEED. To bo obtained of Oil Grocers, 1/ per Bottle. G. COZENS, Agent. 27, Queon-atreot. Til D W A R I) R A R X li B V, ARCHITECT., &TKJHSURYB BUniDWO QOTtEN-BTRBET. UF F IJN 5 I M U FEIN 8 I MUFFINS I E. H. PERCY, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, WaICBFIKLD SIREKiT, Hsb now commoncod tho Season, and begs to inform his frionds and tho publio generally, thst on bis part r othlng eh<ill bo left undone to give thun B.iri'-f.-iciloii. tho quality ot theae KOCda being nn<;iirpu«Bod. and so well-known aa to rcqoiro no further commont, Wholesale and Retaiu Customora supplied at all hours, and at Mr Wright's, Queen-street. Boys Wanted. (3.-16) E. H. PERCY. i rf^O COUNTRY SETTLERS, STOREX KEEPERS, AND OTHERS. F. G. CLAYTON, Commission agent and Broker For tho Salo and Purchase of HIDES, SHEEP SKINS. WOOL. TALLOW, tec, _c Personal Snpcrvlsfon. Account Sales Promptly Rendered. Business Address— F. G. CLAYTON. Care ot Mr J. Batcher, Commoroo-Btreet, Auckland. St. M. v n a o, NOTICE OF REMOVAL. . CHAS. CANNING, In oonvoylng to his numerous customora and friends hia sincere thanks for the generous i support accorded him during tho past twenty' ' seven years, would respectfully Intimate to J them that he has i OPENED those NEW PREMISES ■ Next door to Messrs. Glanvllle and EUyett, I Grocers, and Immediately opposlto to Union l Bank ot Australia, where all orders will be attended to during the Erection or bib New Premises. O.C. would also beg to inform thoso gentlemen who have bo long and bo liberally catronlßed the Cafe; that that branch of the 1 business will still bo oarrled on at the rear of the old building—entranoo by St. Mnngo Lone, Bhortland-atreet, I| 1 o TO a A -i H , vIT to Rotb. Publio Hot, Cold, and Shower i Baths, Victoria-atreet East. Charge, Oiru i Shilling. Open all week days from 6 _,m. to 9 i p.m., and Sunday Mornings from 8 till 10 a,m. , The Bath-rooms are all private, and supplied with every convenience, Turkish towels, flesh and hair brushes, combs, respirators, neaps, tec Select bath-rooms (private) for Ladles every day, at all hours, with female attendance. Two Shilling and Sdo-rnoic; Please note the address i Vlotorio-stroet East, above the Greyhound Hotel, and next the oheap Bedding and Fnrnlture Mart, Auokland. TU" OTICiS O F R JEM O V A. E, H. PERCY, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, Begs to Inform his oaetomora and friends, and the publio generally, that bo la removing from ' his present residence, situate In Pitt-street, to thoso premises recently ocoupied by Mr Heath, formerly of Wakefleld-street, Mr Peroy, in returning thanks for the liberal support recently aooorded, respeotfully solldta a oonttnuance of past favours. Bride and Christening Cakes mode and ornamented to order. Families attended. Mufflna and Ornmpcta as usual are a speolalty H is a v a X 8 O », « HOUSE. riHIP, SIGN. AND GENERAL DECORATIVE PAINTER, No. 8, Wyndham-street. Saadlerv WASTED INSPECTION; Everybody should see the Splondldl Value in SADDLERY AND H|A|RIN.'BS|B, SOLED NICKEL-SILVER BITS, STIRRUPS, ETC., BtJ-M-BD BY W. S, Jo™BWholesale Manufactures, QPKEN-BTRKET. All he Latest Improvements, Novelties, and Mountings to hand por Hormione, Loch Urr, and to arrive per Wellington, and Anasd, The greatly Inoreased demand for his manufactures, combined with the latest Improved labour-saving appliances, haa enabled W.S.J, to reduce the ooat of production to the lowest limit, and consequently enppliea hia customers with an article whloh, for quality and prioe, cannot be equalled,. DURABILITY IS THE TEST Or CHEAPNESS, W. S, JONES, WHOLESALE MANUVAOTUBKi, > _U__H-T«EBT,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3704, 24 June 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3704, 24 June 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3704, 24 June 1882, Page 4