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Business Notices. Of A X F 0 B D V? FRUIT AND PROVISION STORK. Perk P'es Hop Beei' Tongues, ' jriS^it'Sih^sß Coffee, Bked 3' Wvm ' **^% M CUP" BANANAS! BANANAS! 3d por lb by the bunch. Vigtokia-struet (corner of Albert-street). INDIA AND CHINA COMPANY'S STANDARD PACKET TEAS. Pocket rinds and Half-pounda in Fonr Qualities. EMPEROR'S BOUQUET, MANDARIN'S CHOICE, IMPERIAL MECTURK, .„„ OKIKNTAIi MIXTURE. They aro distinguished by great strength, agrooablo briskness, and dolloions flavonr— resulting from a scientific admixture of the very Unest Teas that tho groat Continent of Apia oan produce. Thooxcolk«nco of thoao Teas Is apparent by tho largo and ind'oafling demand that oxlatg for thorn In Vlotorla, and whorevor they have boon Introdncod. Aouxrr for Auckland i JOHN BUCHANAN, Cnetom-hon;;o_ street. ANx X D X Noiy N THAT FI P. GIUBONS & CO. DELIVER THE BUST SAWN WOOD At 12s pkr Ton. fi P ( tIBBONS & rj°" QEOCKBa *ND PROVISION MERCHANTS, HffllHON-RTKBKT. . . rxurE~Nl£W Zealand timber COMPANY (LIMITED) Bog to Inform their numerous Customers tha thoy havo purchased tho Business hlthorto conduotod by Moosro. Jaggor and Parker, and that, In acoordanco with this arrangement, Mr. Jaggor will bo the Manager for tho Company In Auokland, who will rocolvo and exoonte all OraeM< 0. A. HARRIB, Chairman! Auokland, September, 1881. WE beg to give notice to our Customers that wo havo inoorporatod onr Business with tho Now Zealand Timber Co. (Llmitedl. JAGGER & PARKER, Auckland, Soptembor, 1881. THE NEW ZEALAND TIMBEK COMPANY (LIMITKD) c now propared to supply Timber of any onirth ana sizo at tho shortest notice. FRANK JAGGKR, Manager. Anoklaad. Beptember 1881. rpHOKNTON, SMITH AND FIRTH JL Have fob Salb " Orown Brand" Flour, in saoka, 100'a and 60*8 "T.5.F.," „ „ „ „ "Cantab" „ „ „ „ Sharps Bran Fowl Wheat, Wharf Mill, Auckland 27th Octobor 1881. Forinoßin in Morto. NEW ZEALAND KERNS, Unmounted, or Tastofnlly Monnted In various ways, rEOM B U P TO 120 VAII BTIHB, or Sale by E X I C CRAIG, Pkinckb-strkkt. f|l H- E U AVMAKKKT, 105, QUEEN-STKEET. ON SALE ANU TO ARRITK Whlto Tartarian Oata Black Tartarian Oata Heavy Feed Oats (whole and oruahed) Sood and Food Harloy (Feed) Votohoa, Flold Poos and Beans _»---" — ' Whlto a^iiod Tueoin^sLr^loßraw Seed New Zealand and Sydney Malwj (whole and craohed) Cocoanut and IJneeod Oilcake Pressed Monde w and Oaton ilay Oaten and Whcutcn Chan", Bran and Sharp* Unsood, Hemp, and Canary Sood Coarao, Fino, and Rock Halt Bonodust of all grades Guano—Peruvian, Huon, and Long Island Grass and Clovor Seeds Turnip—Pnrplo Top, Groon Top, Champion Swodo, Whito Globe, &c. Now Zealand Flax and Tow, Cocoanut Fibre A navy Importation of Ilrat-claflß Bulbß, Garden and Flower Sooda of all descriptions Soo-l and Hating Potatoes Ornamontal, Fruit, and Forost Troos, Floworlng Shrubs, &c, from tho colobratod nursery of Mr. C. S. MoDonald, Nowmarkot, TTESKBTH & AITKEN. • ri [TTT Ji ti otua aa, IIAVK NOW LANDING. 1,290 PACKAGES, Consisting GROCERIES AND OILMEN'S STORES, AND HAVK FOR SALK— AMERICAN RANGES AND STOVES BARBKD STEEL FENCING WIRE DOUGLAS PUMPS, LAWN MOWKRS OORNSACKS, GRINDSTONES, OIL BTONKS, &c, &C, &o. Agonts (or J. Craig & Son's Celebrated Bootcn Whiskey, HDLL BROTHERS, Auctioneers. vVlne and Spirit Merchants Quocn-etroot Kauri Gum Stores. Bro wator Free anri Hor.dmi afrnw Albert-atreet. f*l X O U~« U LIME. GROUND LIME. . FOR SALE SOUTHGATE'S MAHTJRANCU HYDKATJMC GROUND KOOHK Limb, In any quantity, for Concrete, Paths, Floors, Collars, oto. Inoxt to stono flagging, Is unrlvalloa for durability and hard-sotting qualities). For tanks and other wot work it Is a flrst-olaas mater B, KEANE, SOLE AGENT, CPaTOMHOrjSK.STREKT. riW B U TUHKKS, SETTLJSKB A FARMKRS, AND OTHKRS, The undondgned are Cash Purchasers of HIDKS, BHEKPSRINS, WOOL. TALLOW, BEESWAX, &c, &c, at Highest Market Rates* in any quantity. Consignors direct will have prompt and Im* mediate oash romlttanoos returned at satlataetory rates. IRELAND BROS., Tanneh and Leather Manufaotukkhs, 'OQgLAIr? yVBNING CONCERTS, SELECTIONS FROM OPERAS. SONGS. DUETS, too., &O. X vory Person can havo those In their ow Home by calling on J. HOWDEN, SIIORTLAND-STRKKT, ana Purchasing ono of his Newlt-Impoiithd PJ A N 0 3. A UCICLAND PICTURE-FKAMIN9 AND GILDING DEPOT. J. R. Die COURCEY Begs to notify to hla old friends and the gone publio that ho has undertaken tho Management of tho abovo Establishment, whoro GILDING, PICTURE-FRAMING, MOUNTING, &0., to all its branches will bo undertaken at prices defying compo}ltlon. ESTIMATES GIVEN. A Large Stook of Mouldings, Ploture-framlng Ma'torlals, and Pictures of every description always on hand. quekn-street, Junction of Wakef^ld-street. T? XO X Jt b ~« CO. Agents for Sydney Paper Mills, Have always in stock a Largo Supply of PAPER, oomprlslng White, Printing, and Tea Paper. Grey and Brown Wrapping, and aro propared to indent any sizes, qualitios, or oolours reqn rod. Those Papors are now largely usod hero, and are acknowledged to bu superior to most lim. ported. Cavalier Frtes's Genuine Frenoh Brandos Amorioan Carriages Amorioan H«rnoss. To Arihvs Farm and Kxpress Wngons Amorioan Fireproof Safes, &c, &o. X TONKS '& CO. ■\TEVV 'BUS FuR MO.UNX ALBERT 1.1 AND WHAU. From Auokland— From Whan— 11.30' am 8 am 130 pm 2.30 pm On Saturdays as follows !- -1.30 p m Bam 10.30 p m spm W. POTTKR. Proprietor J JfX.OWMAN'B TIME.TABLB. Leave Onohnnga i Leave Auckland: 8 a.m. g._B a , m , 12 noon _ p,m, i Qpeolal Cpftob as pot ngroomeat,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3559, 5 January 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3559, 5 January 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3559, 5 January 1882, Page 4