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For Sale. _ i IFOR SALE. 2'i Acres of Green Oats, at P Mount Albert.—ApplJ- G. Battoisby, Mount Albert Post office. inOR SALE, a Fpur-horse power Sieam JP Engine anc2 Bollor, complete. Price low. -Apply to T. & H. Ooofec,- VlCtoria-Btreet, Auckland. . [nOR SALE, an Old-established Clothffig X? Business, with .nsw poos, in best part of Queen-street.—J. Pbillipg. _i. )^__ TiMJR SALE; the Lease and" Goodwill' of X? one of the Seat paying Country Hotels In the province.-Apply Bos HO, Poat-offlce, Auokland. ___________ HnOK SALE, cheap, a good Portable X? Gffits. on wheels.—4 pply to Ballantlne & Cammoll, wharf, a* M* Thomas Uesher, Stitchbary's Buildings. Queen-street. 1/UTTINGS KOR BALE. — Apply on J board barque Mar Qaeen, any day. TTIuR SALE, 1,000 Tons Ballast at SixJH penco per ton.—Apply Professor Guscott, Shortlarifl-sireeV 1 ANGSHAN FOWLS.—For Sale, the JJ above (pore bred; alito, Eggfl.-Appiy Mr Bennoll. Storekeeper. Kllerslie. . - . GKAIAS For Sale, at Park Brewery Newmarket, Fresh every day.—D. MoHabandCo. TMOK SALE or To Let, at Keniuera, an' JJ eight-roomed Honbo with an aero 01 land ; ten minutes' walls from the railway BtatiOD, Also, a foar-roomed Cottage with j acre ot land,— Apply to F. J. Moss & Co., Bhorllandstreet. __ Pi ANOI\)KTK.— For Sale (a bargain), a Good Second-hand Piano, for £22.—At ThOB. H. Webb's, Oak Cottage HobßOn-atree^. E7ONPORT. — For Sale, & eotylv built Cottage, oa voloanio allotment, (0 rooms); oiiynqr leaving; will be sold cheap, and on easy terma.~-Oliyor Maya, Devonport. rsiO SMALL CAPI"TAUSTS.-ForSale, L a payable Clothing Business, not Tar from Auckland, lloturns, about £4,000 a-year. Btook to be taken at cOBt price. Cash down, £200, and balance on approved bills at 1, 2, 3, i, 5, and b months. A sober, industrious man can rely, on making a competency.—Apply to F. G. Ewington. MOUNT EDEN —House ana nine acres scoria land, within .three, miles from Post-offioe; a rare opportunity ; to bo sold aheap and on easy terms.—F. J. Moss and Co.. Shoftlana-Btrtet. 889 FOR SALK (a Bargain), a nice rarm ot ISO Aores Good Land, HoiiOe, Stable, Shed's, &c, and largo Orchard (average) return from it alone, about £70 per annnm.) There la also a good rnn for cattle joining the term. Only 14 miles from Auokland.—Apply to John Soppot, No; S, Queen-street (upstairs). TjiOK SALE (a bafgcin), 8t £100, Ten Jj Acres Fine Land In' the Village of Howick. It fronta the street, and adjoins the ohurcn property. The place la fenced on three aides, and part is a paddook. Oats have been grown upon the placo, yielding 40 bushels to the acre, i'he still is fish blaok loam, and is splendidly Bltuated for fruit-growing and garden purposes. There is a beautiful sea view, the beach being only a short distance away. The place ia Woll watered, a nice little creek running throtijjh the property. To a man wishing to make a nloo home, this la a good chance. Quarter cash, and the balance of tho purchaso money oan remain, or be paid on on Land Society principles. Title under Land Transfer Act.—Apply to Publisher Etar. . O BE LEASED OK SOLD (owner 1 leaving Auckland). Private Residence of 7 rooms, with more than an acre of groundß, containing fruit and ornamental trees, a noverfalllne well of water, lank, &c; frontago of 230 ft to Rutland-streot East and 180 ft to St. George's Bay Road. The house is on an elevated sito. The property occupies a moat healthy and clleaaant position, and possesses the rnral attraction and pure atmosphere of the country, with the advantagO.of Close prozimity to town, as the boach road to be Wade therp will in tho course of time bo a perfectly level approaoh to Queen-street-Apply on the premises; to Mr Yatea, Grocer, Parnoll; or to Mr, W. Aitken, ahortland-atreot. . TTaNTEEBUKY BACON and HAMS, \J Peak and Johnson1!! Jam, Keillor's Marmalade, Cutting Salmon, Swiss Milk, Quarter Sardines, Teas. Sugars, Chocolate and Cocoa, American Brooms, Candled Peel, Currants (in cases), and Genoral Grocery Goods always In stock W Chas. Burton & Co.'s. No. 3, Queonstredt. NOW and Old Potatoes for Bale oneap; also Buyors of Choice New Potatoes, either Kidney or from Hotfart TovVn Seed; 1,000 Oocoanutaatvory low prloo. . FOX SALE, all that desiraolo and compaot little Property, situated at Manzore (about 7 miles from"Auokland), containing about 11 acres, together with cottage, dairy, coWßhed, and out-houses. The soil is first-class, and cannot ba surpassed: all thoroughly tlle-dralned, fenoed and subdivided into paddocks, orops, and well-sheltered orchard. Facilities for fishing, bathing, &c Good metalled Road. A charming position for a country residence or a oapltal market garden. Price fi525.-D.Jr. Evans, Katate Agant, Queen-street {Wi) "pi O X SALE, HANDSOME VILLA, containing 12 rooms, now and wellflnished.standing on high ground. Magnificent view of Auckland Harbour (cannot bo shut out): beautiful flowor garden. All in flrst-clttßS order. A grand position, aud a real pretty plade-BlttUited nt that delightful seaside suburb, Uevonport, North Shore, about three minutoi' walk from wharf. Full particulars from D. F. Kvana, Eetate Agent, Queen-street. Tl O li SALE. PONSONBY—Splendid allotmont, havintr a frontago of 133 feet to Poasonby Torrace by 100 foot deop, all fonced and planted with choice fruit trees, flowers, vegetables, &&, together with New Cottage, woll, pump, &0., &0., for £380.—D. If. Brans, Estate ARent, Queen-street. TH (J H 13 A L. E. KNGLAND-STRKKT, Ponsonby-A ootnfor-tabloelgnt-roomedHouse; verandah front and buok; splondid view of the harbour; an allotment 41 x 100, without houses, good well,*pump, Snki So. Price, only £3C0.-D. F. Kvans, Kstata Agent, Quoon-atroet. 3J» KNGLAND-BTKKKT (near College Koad), Pooßonby—Verandah Cottage (almost new),five rooms, link, &o. Price, £25f1.-D. F. Kvans, Kstate Agent, Queen-street. j7o liiuK SALE, all that njafinificent Corner V Allotment, Franklin Road and Hnglsndttroot, about 91 x 101. planted with ornamental' trooß, &o. This is, without exception, tho best in the o vloinity both at prosont for a villa rosldenco, and proapectively as a grand business site.— D. V. Evans, Estate Agent, Quoen-atr^. ■■jni o X S A. L JI WELLINGTON - STRKBT -n, new. wellfinished and handsome Bix-rooined Uo"«y. a"ot; nient. 33 x 125; garden, &c, Pnoe, only £160, Of which £275 oan Btand at s (3(54) HBtato* Agont. Qoeen-street. IjIOK SALE, Sale-Btrect, Frccman'B Jiay, 1 House of 6 roomB; well finished, and in good order: fitted with register grates, oven, otc. £2i0.-b. JT. Evans, Estate Agent, QneonBtreet , «*- PUWSOi<BY KOAD-Cottago, 4 rooms, goodordor; allotmont 06 x 107 fleasehold for 32 years, Rround rent fc per acre). Firstrato position. Prioo only £200.-D. F. Syans, Estate Agont. Queon-stroet w^ GKaFTON KOAD. — Comfortable DwoUlng of olghtrooms, able, with good Allotment about 36 x 200. Prico, £12', of which £250 oan romain at 8 pur cent.— D. F. Kvans. Ketato Agent, Queon-street. ail ' OUNX EDEN KOAD — Splendid Business Premieoß in first-class position. The building is quite new and well finished^ gas and other comforts. A good investment. Price only £600.-D. F. Kvans, Kstate Agent, Qneen-atreet. . a*l CJUBUKBAN STOKE for Bale,-A firstO rate businoss for Balo In ono-qt the best pi Auckland suburbs; the position is second to none; a splendid opening; tall P"« oularߣ? m D. F. Kvans. Kstate Agent, Auckland. 385IVTUKTHUOTE (stokess J/oint)-Buildl. JCi ing Allotments about fifi x 250, at £60 each, M 3 lots lot £170.-D.X. Kvans, Estate Agent, I Quoen-streot. _£i Jl _ I»UILDING ALLOTMENTS—Newton r> Road, 40s; Mount Kden Ro&d, large auotment; Wollesley-Btreet, £5; Sareflela-street, 30a; Spring-street, 20s, 2ta and Me; Woodstreet, 42a Cd per foot.-D. F. Kvans, Kstato Agent. Queen-Btreot. ojiRANKLIN ROAD—.Handsome Villa X 1 Rcsidonce, containing 7 rooms, scullery, etc.; thoroughly well finished, and replete with almost every convenience; splendid pojitlon. Price £530.-1). F. Kvans,Kstate Agent, Queonstroet. (337 ■ \TEWTON ROAD.—Two comfortable _1 detaohed Housoa (one of 8 rooms, and one of 4 roomB), in good order; well, oto.; on ? two allotments; to be aoliiin one lot Pnoe £525.D. F. Kvans. Estate Agent, Queen-street. iMLENBURN, Ponsonby—Marine Villa iIX KesidencoForSile, The house consists of 2 rooms, eaoh 16 x 16, 2 each 14 xll, 118 x 12, and five Bmall bed-rooms, all fitted with gas, registers, ovens, etc. Splendid largo allotment. Sly planted with fruit trees, &0.. having frontaeos to three stroets, situated near the watergßide-grlnd view. This property ia so situated that it is bound to enhance in value. The owner is leaving this charming locality solely through bußineßß matters. Prloe, orly £675-D. F. Kvaflß, BBtate Agent, Queen-street. (321) ! TVTEW NORTH KOAD-a nice Honse JM of 6 rooms, and allotment 35 x OTO; garden, out-houses, &c Cheap. Only £330. - D.F. w.CTLn^^te^Agept^Qneen-Btreet. (367)_ PARK ROAD—Two Houses, almost now and in first-class order, containing S rooms each, registered gratOß, ovens, tanks, etc.7on allotment 60 x 190; nice garden, good position. Price for tho lot, only £550.-D. F. Kvans, Estate Agent. Qnoon-streot. (353) QUBURBAN RESIDENCE.-For SaloO A commodious and pleasantly Bltuatod Family Residence at Epsom, containing 20 roomsf all in the most Perfect ordor, with outbuildings, comprising three-stalled stable, large coaoh-houso, and other convenionoes; togathor with 7i acres of choice land, in garden, orchard, BnDa?fto°inssect, and further Information may bo obtained, on Or. W. AITKBN. riTo"SAW MILL OWNEKS, TIMBER I BOUABKBB.AND OTHERS. GOOD INVESTMENT. FOR IMMEDIATE BALE, 99s Arres Good Land, one mile from Railway Teminus. Goodrlver communication. About Rnn 000 to 700 000 feet Kauri npon it. Large qnanKo: TMree, Purirl, fit for Bleepers. posia-or firewood. Unusual facilities lor getting out junk Umber. a^oTKroT^TeoUey, Solicitor, Queen-atreot. ______*____. £?1 t'% -Jl'O 4'IIKW LENT on Buildinj? "3& JL " Society principles, or on other terms to suit buiTowera. Monies and Loans negotiated. Sco List ot Properties for sale on fourth naKe. Six por cent- allowed on money deposited lor investment. -C. Williamson, Lanfc Estate and Financial Asent, Vuicaa L£»e,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3559, 5 January 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3559, 5 January 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3559, 5 January 1882, Page 3