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Auctions. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10. ITIfIE HAYM.VRKKT lIIDES, SKIN, I and WOOIS3ALK will bo hold on Toes dw next, 10th Instant, ar>l2o'clock. Ihoro will bo no ealo this day. ALFRED BUCKLANU TJO-MOJI R'J W, THE RK M Ufß, R A YARDS, I7IOR SaLE, at tho Horaucrn, Yatd«, on " Thursday, January 5, 120 Head Choice Fnt Cattlo 800 Good Kat Wothora Fat Calves, Lambs, and Pigs Dairy Cows Btoro Cattlo 200 Store Kwob and Lambs Fat and Store Pigs ALFRED 3UCKLAND. ERIDAY, JANUARY 6. THE HAYMARKET, UNRESERVED SALK or FIRST-CLASS THOROUGHBRED MARES, TTIHE undersigned has rouqjtajd instrucI tlons from«.Robort FdrmoqrKsq., to sell, on Friday, January 6, at 12 o'clock:, J THK BKOWN MARK TOI, by Dlomodes, ont of ToitoUown siator toJiakopo ! Brown Mare>.*Hannah;-by rrndncor, out of Rongn, both oorved this season by Muskbt Also, Chestnut Maro Aconite, Colt Foal at foot by Musket Roan Maro Bryomln, Killy Foal by-MusKot Hay Maro- Paatimo, Filly at foot by Muskot For furthor particulars ceo iitad Book, ALFRED BUCK LAND. MONDAY, JANUARY 9. THE - PJJ X E,K 011 E SALE, CONSEQUENT on its falling on the -Raoo'Day, -will bo hold the followlns Monday, 9th January, ALFRED BUCKLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. THE HAYMARKET. COMFORTABL'E'HOMKSTEAD, BIOR SALE, at the Uayniarket, on Fri. JD i day, January-13, Tho Farm belonging to Mr Glovor, who if roaldlntr-npon It..Bltnato at tho upper ond o! Papaknra Valley, near tho Turanga Crock, contalnlng 181> aoros, 100 aoroa of which are In grass, romalndor forest and (orub. There Is v KOod Soven-roomod Dwelling houso, with all necossary out-buildlngs, and about an aero In orchard and garden. For further particulars, apply to Mr Glover, on tho proporty. ALFRED BUCKLAND. TUESDAYS, THE HAYMARKET, SALK Of WOOL, SHEEFSKINS EIDKS, and TALLOW, eaoh U o'cltok., alfred buckland. Cambridge jockey club sum mer meeting. January 3 ith and 12th, 1882, WE have been favoured with instruction -tion 11 to sell by public auction, at ou rooms, on Saturday noxt, 7th instant, at 1! o'clock noon, the Privileges oC tho above Meet Ing, comprising :- GATHS, BAH, CARDS. HORSE PADDOCK, SO. H. E. COTTON & CO., Cambridge, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7. ELLERSLIE. Immediately after tho arrival of the 2 p.m, Train from Auckland. ELLKRisLIE GARDENS, ALLOTMENTS, &C, &0,, &C. R. C. GREENWOOD HAS received instructions from Roberl Graham, Ksq.. to sell by auction. or ; Batuiday, tho 7th January, 1883, on the Grounds Kllorslie, Immediately after tho arrival of the i p.m. train from Auckland. Tho following Valuable Properties :— KMjKRBIjJH; GARDENS —The woll-known and choicely laid Cut grounds known as the Kllerslle Gardens, and containing about 29J acres riob. volcanio laud. The Gardens are in tiood order, and la every way adaptable for Eeasure grounds, no money havirg been spared the emotion and making: Snmmor-houses, Qrand-atands, Racecourses, Kountains, Grottos, Orooarda. Flowor-beds, Paths, &o, &o. (at a cost to the owner of over ton thousand pounds sterling). The whole of tho Gardens will be Offered In one line, thereby affording a rare ohance to ospltallsta, aB apart from the use of the Gardens as pleasure grounds, the whole of tho boundary of tho property can bo out up and sold for building plots. KLLBR3LIE-liots 67, 68, 69, 70. 72, 75, 76, 30 z 31, at Kllorsllo, having a frontage to RobertBkroot* t Lota 51, 52, 53, and 51, having frontage to Bolla-atroet. Lot 131a, 122,123.121. having frontage to Amystreet and Russell Crescent. Lots 103,109,110, 111, and 113, having frontngo to Pamnure Road. Thosa aro some of the choicest building allotment!! in the vloinity of Auokland. This oomprlsos all tho unsold allotments in tho Kllorslie Township. ; The well-known Farm at To Puru, noar Grahametown, containing about SO acros of oholoe land, having frontage to tho sea coast, mostly Improved, fenced, and in grass, Cottage, &0., at present let to a good tennnt. Three Farms at Mangawhara, Waikato. near Mcs=ra McLean and Co.'s farm, Palroa, adjoining Messrs Morrin and Humo's farm, accessible by good roads. This is, withont exception, ' aomo of tho ilneet land in tho Walkato: partly improved; grass, good orohard, &o. Ix)t No. JM, with Cottage, having a frontage to Abraham-street, Grahamstown. ALBKRTLAND—II Allotments, situated In the Pariah of Oruawharn, being lots 2, 3, andJ4 Of Section No. 1. a subdivision into sections of Ota and part of allotments 170. Easy terms oan be made. R, O. GREENWOOD, Auctioneer. ; £2000 'yfOßmor~ ENGLISH-MADE FURNITURE, FLOWEIi POTS, PIANOS, CLOCKB, MATB, LOOKING GLASSES, v &C, &o.i &C Landing, ex CoromandcL E. & A. ISAACS HAVE received instructions to soil by auction tho above, as sooo as landed. ' - Full particulars In future issue. ~*C W. S. COCHKAHE] [JAS. DACBE MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1882. PROPERTIES," Cll STOM.HOU»E. BTREKT, ViNCENT-SIREET, DEVON PORT, TITIRANGI, RIYERHEAD. fTIHE Subsoribers v/iH'sell, at their Rooms, 1 Fort-street, on Monday, 23rd January, at 12 o'clock, by order of the KxeoutorK of the Xstate of the late Jeramiah Oaaey, . OUBTOM-HOUBE-STRKET-Lot 41, Seotion 2 City of Auckland, having a frontage of 30 feet by ICO feet deep, with right to party ■w a v ; held under lease for 99 jsara from Ist February. ; 1860, at a rental of one shilling a^year. VINCKNT-STHEKT-Lot 27. Sootlon 28. City Of Auokland. havlnse a frontage of 100 links, by 203 links and 191 links in dopth, with Comforltablo COTTAGKIoicctod (horoon, as now ooi oupied by Mr C. Marks i DBVONPOKT-Lot,a7 and 3of Allotment 26, Sootlon 2, Taknpunn, having1 a frpntago of 91 t6Bl to Mount Viotoria Koud and 91 foot to the FlaKataff Roaorvo, by a depth of 223 feet; on thlfl allotment la oreotnd a lirat-olass Family Reslaonoo of Oroom^, with bath-roora, out-build-nSm, &c, ooaiplote and in good order: tl)ere is a naV*r-fftillß3 weU and tanks for 2,000 Esllona ; llio «rouadß (which, lire volcanio) aro thoroughly i drnlQod anrf vwl! laid out in gardens, orohard conoreto patbn,&o, •, . TlTlllAVGl—AUotmont 07. Pariah of MB mill, sontftiniopf '10 aaros, altuato near the railwßi'ilni. KXTKKHKAD—Iotsi B >,<r 13, .Section 1, anb tllotniant to, tkdah of I'aitunojflmo, contnininK ftbont. half hu «(ir«. i:iivinu a nrgo frontago to tha WuJtonwtA -Übtrbour. » ■ B*orfutttor patti«tilfcr« appljl to •''••; yAMUKL COOniIANE & SON, i. . ' ,; Auctioneers. . • :■ , s L. ..- ,Af A.V J(ARJ*Y DATE.■ I'iiddlw Bt«antfit CITY OF CORK, Xwiß-screw Sttmm«fi tliY ;ratl GEMINI, I ■ ■'''TCf'AVB "nmrvi !:ostru«t!on» 'tfrfißll. !>y , h : JUT , nwtletf.utaofivn'yiM!), '' . J ! , Tho' «.;k)v;( V/iil/ISI'iV:- t'.TKA'MHJRS, I ;,;■.••■ ■ ■ p'-"- l'««'iMl.< v> .:■ ■ ':■ \<:>r:i :-N>iU)«liip ,;■;•■■»? ii, a'IhIAVB, DA ifeflJliWH:' MM .~\O«fi(TO ;|H H| • ■■■

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4