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, ££_d and Estat&Agepta,, * -i >^*i '. - ';;-#■• i' i i|n" IHAB, *Wfctf^jgA a'MS 0,N t IOUSK LAND AjftkEOTANCIAIi -AGENT, YOIOAN ■hAVJS AOOB__Nn, . RENTS and*iwTlOßßfflP Collected? '"i. ''* MONEY Inveatod fra Capitalists on first-class jeufltlcs, wrrnouTjOnAnam. Six per cent lluwod on doposits rfntil lnvosted. > ■ - '•' MORTGAGES ocf LOANS Negotiated, SHARKS Bought^r Sold to ordor. " -. * ■ _& ESTATES ManogfldfOr Ab«e_tees, . s -i_^p7. ' iTJILDING A L L O SAl1? _ Mftrv'*Boad^lu3^»*^OQdTerrace.l6/ tam^atr^^^S'oUno-street, 45/ '____^uSftft_*£ •■?'Norfol_-stroot, 35/ ir_lSfflf7Bti'9oPoo' Harbour Torraco, 16/ «?fißford-Btr6oi:, 80/ Duka-atreet, 28/ wSXpaE* M/ 00ok.Btreet.£8andIW »kdbylitte^4o/ WffMfe^a.----2e-wbatlon,-10/ f^' 011??^'^ lowe-stroet, 60/ , Arthur-street. 60/ laokett-strjet.4o/, -'Vine-street. 10 lurran-Btreet, 30/ Kybor Pass. 65/ , ; llotaond Road. 12/0 Brighton Road. 2W-. Itokes'Polnt, 6/0 CommerolaJPAlao, In various other stroot&f £10 and up- ,-' — uaonrltles. (»ir\i\r\ TO LENn*» mod Honso f (!^§' ,la i? S4OOO noar Bt, James'Ohuroh. ooK/i-NDit^ROOMICD HOUSE for Sale, E2sOrVewton | allotment 33x107. Building YOUR Aores of Voloanio Land nt Mount Edon for sale; securely fenood an in grass. /TATAKOHE-Kxcellent Farm for Salo, with 1 comfortable homestead, outhouseß, So.; n vial Hat; oroek on boundary; small portion ah; good oattlo run adjoining. ■COUNT KUKN-Small Houao for Bale and X freehold allotmont on main road, fronting a Church, oheap; also, four-roomed House *r Railway Bridge, -145: and two-roomod suae, £100. Kaay terms can be arranged. '1 nh-FOUR-ROOMED HOUSK for Sale In iIAJV t na city, small deposit and weekly lymonts taken :oleo, House at £125. IRAFTON ROAD-Very Superior House for X Sole; lust built, gas and water, oommonait line view; a bargain. )ONBONBY-New Klght-roomed Houso for Salo opposite Preabytorlan Churoh, two ontagoa, allotment -11 x 200. JONSONBY—'l'hroo-roomod Houbo In Brown street for sale for £95. on easy terms. 'OQK-HOUSH! for Salo In WiUlam-StreOt, '^OO near St. James'Churoh. I LLOTMKNTS Bought, and Houses Built, on L tho Weokly Paymont System. - '1 Afl-Throo-roomod Cottage off thei Groat ,A4U North Road for sale. Small deposit id wookly payments. 7PBOM-Gentloman's Villa Rosldonoe, Bovon II rooms, coaoh-houao, stabling, &o. £900. TPPER QUEKN-BTRKKT-Two Allotments J to bo leased for a term of 80 years, at tho m weekly rontal of 4s 6d eaoh; very suitable ir Shops or Cottages. _ , 'AND to bo Looßod 2-mllos from Dovonport J> Wharf, on most advantageous torms: also ottego and few aores to bo lot cheap; road and ?Yq°K-THREE-ROOMBD HOUSE for Salo | jI o O ta Nowton, near King's Arms Hotol: ivol allotmont. Kasy tonus. „„.„».„ n ->BMUERA-10 aores, for Sole; oxoollcnt spll X and splendid view: also 0 aores for £700 3RIGHTON ROAD, ParnoU — Slx-roomod Houseiter "ale, allotment 40x100 j water nWO BMOKJ3HOPS FOR SALE-Oontral L position, noar Poßtoffloo. Aconsldorablo ortiqn of tho monoy oan romaln on mortgage. OAPAKURA-80 aores ot Excollent Land for r salo ot 70s por acre. *_.«._. -IBNER AL STORE lnSuburbs-Loaso for Bale, T Doing esoollent business. Satisfactory easons glvon for leaving; also, Bootmakers lualnessfor sale, with lease of promtooa; also. ,easo, With fixtures, of two Shops and Dwelling,oo4o In Symonda-atroot; favourable terms. aOTKL for solo or loaao In Tarauakl; flrstolass position for business. i<okk-VKHY Comfortable Now IToubo for tZOO goie, flno Tlow, twonty mlnuteß walk rom Post-011100 . nONSONBV—New Slx-roomod Houso and r Workahop for salo; two allotments; two rontages; easy terms. „ .„„ _, ooor\—Vory convenient houso In uuDiin-ec Xdii6 U Nowton. tor salo; washhouse, garden _-Oft A—Now Flvo-roomod Houso for sale in b it tl U ponsonby. Frontage te two streets, WELLINUTON-STKKKT. -Pretty Ccr.r.vgo for solo, near St. James s ChuroTi; gun md water laid on: garden, &o. , . PARNKLL. - tiewly - flnlßhod Six-roomed Houso for aole; ploosont vlow; ««)>_,,. WARMS also For Salo at Wolkonilti, Komo- £ korlkl, Poromoromo. Stokes's Point, Wal•akoroi, Homuora, Big and Little Omaha. Karioi, lUverhead. Momlngeldo, Mahurangi, Wainul. Ooromandel, North Shore, Papakura, Stc Also, joe list in Nno Feaialid Hwald and WttMi *»w_ rjBAH, WILLIA MBO N, ESTATE AGENT VnuUN LAM iff a BWIHa T,O N, HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENT, NO. 81, QUBEN-STBBKT, BUILDING BITKS, New North Rood An ALLOTMKNT in Shorldan-Btreet COUNTRY LAND for Sale 10 acres Voloanio Land. £325 Now Honae of 5 roomß, in Berceforrt-street. Unrivalled Building Sites at Allcndalo, Mount Albert. Tho land Is aorao of tho best In the oountry; It Ib within four miles of town; hasa railway etatlon within 100 yards of it; commands a good vlow; can bo Bold on remarkably caßy torms, and in parculs to suit purchasers. Plana at my ofllco. Arrangoments oan bo mado with persons wishing to lußpoct tho property. ' _ , Largo Houae and Allotmont, Nowton Road, Comfortablo Rosidonoo In llordlngOHßtroot (city), £500. Kybor Pass Road-Now Cottago, ftlOO. Two Shape, Eden Torraco, JBfiOO. Doaimblo Residonco ta Uppor Plttatroet. rooms, £350 ... SUBURBAN RKSIDKNCK-For Sale,at Mount Eden, near tho Publlo Bohool and 'Bus torminus, 6 aores of Good Volcanic Land, laid out te garden and paddocks, having thereon a ten-roomed House, stable, coach-house, &o. Price, £1200. Land dose to it has been sold recently at about £100 per acre. Money to Lkhd. F. a EWINGTON i ■ I'ociertal-erH Established 1800. HENRY P. HAYW A RD Ufholbterbr, Matt ess makbb, and Fohb undema-ku, GRET STREET AUCKLAND Mattresses He-made. Furniture Ro-stuffod and Repaired at the Owner's Resldonoe, or at the Workshop, Grey-street. wmmmmamwmmmmwmmwm-mmm Sewlrmr Machines. W. C. DE N N E ■ THE GRKAT SEWING MACHINE IMPORTER, . BAB JUST KKOEIVKD A Lar.te Shipment of tho Challenge Machine ot tho WorldThk Whitb Co.'s Sewing maohinb. The Most Silent The Ohoapost The Most Rapid , Tho Highest Arm The Most Simple The Largest Taole The Moßt Easy to Work The Best Cover The Most Durable The Simplest Shuttle The Most Elegant The Neatest Stitch Treadle Machines, from £610s. THE BEST SEWING MACHINES EVER M-08-Price of Hand Machines, £»% AIBO, ' ALWATS ON HAND, _.__,- Genulno Slngor Frister and »ssman Wertholm Standard —.. Howe Company's Wheeler orr w "son Grover and Baker's Jonea's AW_ _ _ ._ Domestic AndotheoOo'l makes * FKOM T 2s. 6d, per Week I 2s. 6d, M Week I ALL MAOm-ItS GOAIUy"2O' Theso Maohlnos can bo had/ my Agents :— N. McLcnu and Co., Pioneer &?, Whangarol; Thomas Wells, Cambridge; ■vuuam Stevenson, Onehunga; K. Wayto, Ham|H,s,: -Parnell and Boylan, Giaborne; Brennanju Co., Tauranga and at other places. 7" fVi H E p r RE"i J\ EPO T, , T> UR E J) NEDU ST. ' JAMES AND CO. Are supplying ;in(Ponedußt ot their own manufacture, guaronteA fIOO from any adulteration, £8 10b per toa, To*® or bags inoluded, at-tho Mills, Freeman/B °y> or their Store, No. , Lower Queen-a« 6tBones tionAt In any quantities. ]g |7#KK,iyifo» BAY, STEAM ANDig Jn. __a ■ rw # * ' /KWiOUg MILLS. I ' *j£&_VoPPET AND CO. ' *, Save or/^and at their Mills and Store, No )V i ._ /■•"liOwerQueen-streeli!— - . '*' % ~ fine ptu- o*4, Hitaeeittoid' (quality guaranteed t ■/' "•* f'"'f^:'"- lso' *'■''■ '"" V•*■ • i p ksAI Shirk PIK Meal ,i, » i malls? Oats, Wheat, and Sarloy, Crtroked £ Whole .*, ■' ~"»•"■:''»>,.;. f All, excellent qaallty, afc-yery lowaatoa. , jT" M;A I"'ff TIME-TABLE. '39 -'-V "• ' '*< j ''"'• ' ■'<' LeaVoOnonungai iLSave Auokland:; ; ;* 8 a.m. F , 8.15«, m. ■? , . its nooai- si.. * i Vpu ", - < Bpoolol COaOh fts por ogrepmont. . ■■_____________»___■

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 4