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. Bpeoial AftvexTJißejaeatet. \. •;.;-' - ■ jf £l fc „ ■:-,.. ' MONDAY, 2nd JANUARY next, will be otoorved w;• Special Bonk Holiday at the varfmtf Offlpsfeln Now Zealand of tha under. mentioned Banka:IBB'.. UNION BANK Off AUBTBAHA "(SlKtKKtt JOS. PALMER. ■. ?< Chief Officer lor Ssf • THE WiAE Oi-toEW SOUTH W!M®' * ,1 ' (Signed) .>Bjg^* ; InßPoetor. I >\K OEi^W ZEALAND. $ 1. '*— : D.L. MURDOCH, - ~ ; to**" General Mapagor. • XHK riVt'ONAL BANK OF NEW ZKAm'.'U) (ljiMrr«D). { Aimed) » W. DYMOCK, Inspootor. THT tJiiONitAL BANK OF NKW ZKAiSlanod) QKO. OOWIK, ;, , Gonoral Managor. ay . jgiDOJi ALEXANDER'S •*• BPKOIALTIIJS, FINK WATCHES 1 luOtf JEWELLERY I! CHOICE CLOCKS 111 At Lowest rmess l \- 06, QUEEN-STREET, Auckland. IItIK'STMAS PUE^sENr^■S|l | V,' CERiaTMAS PRKBKNTS 1 . HKNRY PKTRY, ..■■■:\vsrj,B« and Diamond Sotter, Vlotorla-Btroet ('. *o.v btopa from Quoen-stroet, opposlto Itoyal Mall Hotel). N.B.—H.P. has a choice stock of the I,atoßt MoV9lt(«i In Jewellory, Wntohoo, oto., eultablo for Ohrlatmaa Preaents, always on hand. Repaint noaUy exeoated on tho premlaea, and I on! jrb promptly attended to. oTr E LIMINARY M 0 11 Q~E. J. CULLEN 'URGENTLY FROM ENQtANS) ilcopeotfnUy leforma the Inhabitants of Anokieud luirt ounoundlnK dlstrlota that he has now Oixvnod the Premlaoß, No. 250, Quoon-fitreet Kast uitlt a Jbanre and Uholoe Stook ot NKW HUMMKH GOODS, Imported and purchased on tho best oiish torms, comprising General ura'jory, Fnnta, Laco and Mnalin Curtains, D& i Sue and Crotonnes, Blankots, Flannote, Tioklngti. &0., Millinory, Blbbona, Laces, H«tot7, Umbrellas and Sun Shades, Shawls, Maatlts. Klohua. Coetumes. Silks, Fronoh and Hns1, lah Droea Boodp, embraclnK all tho novel ties in fahrtn and colour (or tbo preaont ao&aon. Ladißs' and Gentlemon'a Undorclothlnß in variety, and a choice collection ot Fancy Goods ioitablo lor Christmas presents. Special attention la Invited to the following exceptionally Cheap Lots, bought at a largo per oontaso ofTooßt price for prompt cash, viz. :— 300 vtov.on Scotch Cambtio UandkorcMefs.from Is 6d per dozen 100 pairs Muslin Harness Window Curtain?, from Is lid per pair *0U Litdles' Costumos, from la 6d eaoh 600 Indies' Straw Hats, from s)il eaoh SOQ ladles' and Qlrla" Fanoy Sunshades, from B}d eaoh 100 Lntlleß' Black Satin Sunshades, with Loco Borders, from C» 9il oaoh •100 yards .superior Ulaok Drona and Mantlo Silk, from Is per yard. J.C has had bnslccsa rolatlons with tho Best Wholesalo Houses In England, Ireland, and Scotland for the past 25 years; and as he purposes to oondnct hta business on the most economical principles on cash torms and small proflta he confidently assorea thoeo who may ihwour him with an Inspection ot his stock that it -rUHbo found roploto in tho various Departments with Now, Fashionable and Choap ««M9 t .and that he will place nothing boforo tho public In print which ohall not bo oarriod out in j uiitlrnty and practice. < K. U-— J. C. has secured tho nut vices ot a Plrat«!«B Milliner, who baa bad a long practical Home experience, and haa been engaged in one of the. first MUlinery eatablishmonta in Auotand elnoe her arrival In this Oolonv. gPHUii Q ALE ■pIRST-CLASa OUMMBR pOODS.

TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN. «• A GRBAT BALK "64 OF DKAPERY AND CLOTHING Will bo bold on tho premises ot J. COSGRAVE & CO., QUKKN-STRKBT, AUCKLAND, . It will be perhaps surprising to many that we adopt th present course at this season ol tho year, but -w do It on principle alone. First: To counteract the Influence brought to bear on tho mblio In these extraordinary timog. t'eoond: To give the inhabitants the benefit of some Very cxtenalre Shipments, aa woll as large porohaae made at auction. And third: To lot tUo people of Auckland see where the; can get the boat value for their money. The Duty on all Manchester Goods being ra dnced by 161 per cent, and beingtarßa purchasers lately, this reduction wilt' bo a -groat boon to Housekeepers and the publio in general. V No Goods will ho Entered due!:.. ; ; tho Bale. CASH MUST BE PAID FOX ALL PUROHASKB. , • T QOSGKAVTJB & Q°< QUBKN-STRKET, AUCKLAND. yyiLLIAM TO "ORIDGMAN,' JUNCTION DRAPER? ,' WAREHOUSE. Having purchased some large lots o; Clearing Warehouse Lines, will sell them very cheap. 100 Laoe Fichus and Capes at 2.» <W ; warohowe price 4a lid 20 Girls' Cashmere Jackets from 7s (M 60 Ladles' Cashmere Fichus aufi^'-.i'cstmfl, 7fl6d tolOaßd <- ... 100 Ladlea* Ulsters, Fionas (Blootc and CoioreCj, Dolmans, from 10s 6d to lia, being leas tuan halt warobou-.o prlco; -very hondsomogoods 50 Ladles' Handsome Black Bilk Juoketa from 25s A large and varied assortment of Blaok Bilks, n 2s (id, 2s lid, 3s did, Is 6d; la unequalled 20,000 dozen Buttons, new goods, In great variety, bom 2d per dozen 109 pain Lttrtloa1 Hiding Gloves, slightly spotted, Is 3d to 3s > 2500 yards Now Pattern Mnßlln Works, M, 2ja, | 3id. 4Jd. to Is—much under naval poet I Larxe Variety New Galatea Btrlpes i Very "Booct line Men's Oxford Shirts, to 17. 171 i«»cli. 6s Sd; worth 83 Gd I Good Coloured Damask Tablo Covers, 0a sa, 7a *6a,'Bs Cd .* \ ' Linoleum, various widths, is&Vwiuaro yara Large Btock of Coloured Bi^t-Tnta. splendid • value Toilet Covers In great variety 500 jards New Pompadour Prints, >5<J; w<a'J> • 6id. Jnst opened, choice patterns - ■ 1500 yards New Pompadour _'clntn Hi; worth Bd. Jußtopenod, choice paiiOLTiß Good Bed Tick, 4Jd; extra value at 7id U . 1500 yards Good Dress Materials, to clear, ca per} 1. Half-price. Doublo ...ths Scarlet and Groan Furniture Repps, 34 : worth 6a tid DpuDlo Wiath, all Wool, Scnrlct Uumaak, 2s lid. Holf-prioo 200 tadieß' Laoe Capos and Fichus, 28 fid; usaal P'lcosj to 'leDtl 60C0 dozen Now Buttons, 2d f« dos., la great variety. Great bargain ■ i ' Nlco lot Ladios' Leathor Bags, from 3s ii«l 100 Cocoa Mats, Is Bd, 2s 3d, a» M. jATi>u>ff Blips, 2a4d 300 pair Men's Coloured Mc<Mt i'H>nßß!s r tf, worthße 6d . ... Men's Tweed Trousers, 7s 6a, & Bd, tflf m 128 6d. Splendid valu« , r ~ Men's Tweed Trousers and Vfnts, ? ■"«* >J, 168 M, 21s Men's Tweed Snlts. 22s 6d, m 6d, 37* Mi Colonial do,, 528 Gd Boyß' Suits, 93 6d, 10a 6d, 12s 6d Galef-M .m, 2a Dd AU Goods Marked In Plain Kt&ro* fnett) for Cash. . ■ JUNCIION DKAPEKY WABEHOXJSB. WILLIAM B. BBIDGMAN, Upjer Qaoen-street . A NISW KKA INDENTIBTKY, MR. ALFREB "WILLIAM CHATFIELI) J (COBMERLT OF MELBOUBNK), , To whom was awarded tho Skcond Obpkr of j Merit at the Intkunational Kxuibition, MfIXBOUKNK, 1880-1881, j WILL THE PRACTICE 08* HIS , PROFESSION IN AUCKLAND , n that Contrally-Bltuated SUITB OF KOQMB ; overhead Messrs. J. and T. Mason's Hair- , dressing Establishment, Qaeen-street, on ' WaDNKSDAY. 28th December. His appliances were specially selected for him j in London and Paris, and Include the .Latest Improvements in Dentistry known to the solen- , title world. As Mr. Chatfleld has made arrangements to , receive regular shipmonts of all Dental Requl- J sites bom London, his rooms will be known »• , "The London Dentistry£_ Note the Address-. i The Dbntistby, J, ! 180, QUKKN-BTRKET, . J | ' .. AI3OKIAND <~ .VI j {Next door to the Savings B»nk, and orerhesd ' Mesara Mftoon'a UakdreßstnglSaloon). ■ .*" *

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 2