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Wanted. » WASTED Known-Christmas Boofa TV —Ladies' B&Hn Prunella Boots, 0s 6d ■ real hand sewn do,-8s; Kid Boots, 4S 6d andS fld; Infant's Shbes, Is 6d, at DamplorU \\T ANTED KNOWN-That th. J TT Cheapest and Beat Honse In Town to: . Flrst-olass Qrooerles Is the Aaokland Coal . Orocory Store, oorner ot Queen an d Qroy ■ Btroetg. WANTED KNOWN—You win , aa vi money b^ iiurchaeina: at tho Auckland Cash Grocery Store, Corner of Queen and Grey streots. _^ . . ._ WANTED— Come and see the Christ mas Bargains, Including Calico, 2Jd ani 4d tho yard; Pompadour Prints, did; Ladlee Hoeo. 3}d tiMen'fl Booka. 3d; at Dampier'e. WANTED KNOWN—An exceptiona opportunity of obtalniag some of thi most WondOrf al ot Meihanlcal Toys ever Boot in Auckland, at halt their original prioe, con presents itsolf at Qeodtons London Arcade the Binnll remaining portion being offered ai one-half the plain marked price. VXTANTED KNOWN—J T T Co. arc Selling Men's Suits of the Best Blue Serge at 25a 6d; fashionable make. WA NTE D, Ueaiers 10 Know thai Paddy's Morkoc is now fitted up with nbles and lighted with gaa. Open every Saturday Morning at 9 0 clock until 11 o'clock at nlglit, where Fish, Settlor's Produce, and Dry Goods can be offered for sale. Spaoa allotted for amusement. No gambling or illegal games. —For hire of stand apply to Thomas Slater, Wcigh-bridge Offloa, Leaaee of City M arket. WANTED KnoiVn —Knitting Cotton for Christmas, all numbers, Is 04 the lbj Ladles' Leather Bags, 3s Sd; Small Fancy Bags, Is 3d atPampler'B. WANTED KNOWN, that A. Mackle is Clearing Out his Stock of Single and Double-seated Buggies at It educed Pricea; also, Vohloles of various descriptions,—l 3, Durhamatreet Weat, Auckland. WANTED KNOWN, tuat the ventral Freehold Land and Investment Agenoy has Removed to Corner Queen-street and Vulcan Lane, where the Land Business in all Its branohea Is now carried on under tho special superintendence ot Mr U. Fraser. Valuations madu, surveys for land transfers effected, and titles porfootod »t raloimnm coat. No charge made for regiataiiflg properties for sale. Xif ANTED KNOWN-Blaok Satin, 2a TT Cd and 3s 6d, this Christmas; Black Eld Gloves, Is 4d and Is Sd: Ladies' Lisle Qlovea,[ia j at Damplor'B. WANTJSD, two or taree wrocets in Auokland and District to take the Agenoy for Nelson, Mcatoi ft Ca's Pure Blended Teas. These Teas are atiKnovrleaged by the Press and Publio to be the Finest tlvdt sold in tho Southern Hemisphere, and Ore fruaraateed free from all Bcented tea.—For particulars apply to Nelson, Moate, & Co., Tea Blenders ana Importers, High-street, Chrlstohnroh. WANTED KNOWN, that Mr A. W. Gardner, M.P.S. Eng., Chemist of upwards of 15 years' experience, and from July, 1880, till September last with Messrs Sitarlond and Co., has Opened a Pbarmaoy at 18*, Queenstreet (noxt Now Zealand Houße), for Dispensing Prescriptions, Compounding Family Medioines. and the supply of Pore Drugs, Pharmaceutical Preparations, and General Domestio.Regalsltes. WANTED KNOWN-Tnat J. K. Lambert fc Co. have opened an Auotion Mart In Wyndham-stroet, opposite tho Stab office, for the Sale ot all kinds of Stores and Settlers' Produce. Consignees acquainting the above of goods coming either by boat or rail, will find every attention and care taken, no matter how large or small the consignment may be. For days ot sale, see farther notloo. ANTED KNOWN — Christmas Bargains I—Cretones, 4}d; Grenadine Dress Stuff, 3d; Ladles' White Eld Gloves, is and Is 6d; Lace Mlttenir, 1b 6d; at Dampier's. WANTED KNOWN—That Professor GuBSCOtt Is the only Original and Praotlcal American Herbalist in the Polony, and also tho most expensive man to do businoss with. Ho requires no information; he oan deolde at a elance the diagnosis of the case, thereby relieving the Datlent of a great deal of nervousness nnd hesitation. Try and disprove this U you oon^ WANTED to Sell, Mixed Paints in gallon tins; Kauri Oil, 2/9 per gallon ; Priming Point, 6/8 per gallon.—Atkfnßon ft Co., Freeman's Bay; Wholesale Agents, Messrs B. Porter & Co. _^ WANTED KNOWN-There are 500 pairs of Rood Tweed Trouiore to bo sold at J. OOBgrave and Co.'b, for 6s lOd per pair. WANTED, all who arc Riving their Houses a Chriatmaa cloan-up to oall at J. Rendell's, BRIGHTON HOUSE), top of GreyBtroot, and boo tho Stock of Net Curtain;, from 6s 0d to 15s; tome pretty designs. SJyds long, 10s 6d and 12s Cd, good valuo; a lot of Children's Costumes, to lit from 3 years of age to 10. com. monclng at 3a 6d, half-price; Ladlos' do. tor holiday wear, from 4b lid; White Striped Muslin, 4s lid for 12yds | Qalateas, 43d; Laoe Mitts, Is per pair; IHorrock s Calloq, 'M 8d doz; Honeycomb Quilts, 3s lid; 70-inoh White Twill Sheeting, Is. Is 3d j Dress Beiges, 7Jd. lOJdj Prints, 3}d. Buy a parcel and compare. Country orders carriage paid. WANTED, the Public to Inspect if, Walte'S stook ot Baths. Toliot Cans. Slop Palls, Show Canisters, Dairy Goods, and every description of Tinware (japanned, painted, figured, and plain); also, Fruit, Jam. Meat, Baking Powder, Insect Powder, Coffee, and Pepper Tine, fee, && H. Waite having fitted np his Faotory, and Imported the latest maohinary, in now able to keep a large stook of the above on hand, and as everything is coramsnoed and finished on the promises, he oan sell lower than any othor manufacturer In tho colony. H.W. asks a fair field and no favour.—H. Waite, Wholesale and Retail Tinsmith, Iron and Zlno-worker, next old Police Station, Highstreet WAJNTED, the Men to see the Christmas lot of Grand Black Silk Scarves tor Is, worth double; Faßhlonable Collars, 4}d the hnx; 7b Blaok Felt Hatg. Sa 6d ;at DampierV. ■\\p'A NTED KNOWN. ,-"CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR OARDB in (Trent variety at the following prlcon: Id, 4 for Sd;2d|4forod; 3d, 6 for Is; 4d,4 for Is; 6d,4for Is Bd, and so on; extra good valuo; nloe assortment. Also, Birthday Cards, Perfumed Sachets, Silk Woven Bookmarks and Tranters, equally cheap. Liberal reductions to shopkeepers. C. MAOK AY. Bookseller (Into Maokay Bros.), Junotlon ot Queen and Grey-streets, and at Branch Shop, Coney's Buildings, Hobson-Btrcot, near Wol-Icsloy-Btroet. xy ANTED KNOWN, HAMS AND BACON FROM THB DE3T CUBBRB, AT LOWEST MARKKT PRICES. R E w' s ' Victoria-street. ANTED KMOWN—ForCHMSTMAS PitESE-rcß and New Ykah'b Gifts, / HKKtub N p . Electroplate Department *° w clock and Watch Department -f) 9 Jewellery Department 3 S Cutlery Department ™ s China and Glass Department X 3 stationery Department fr Brushware Department <j S5 J Perfumery Department I « O "\ Fanoy Goods Department ( 2 g Japaneso Department o 3 A Pioture Department B Puzzle and Trick Department >- MuslcallnstrumentsDepartment g g Meohanical Toys Department a W Doll Department g Toy Department a Ono Shilling Department/ P Each department is resplendent with attractions unparalleled in tho city, AH goods are marked in plain figures at prices hitherto unknown In Auckland. A considerable accosßion has been made to the staff of servitors for the holiday season, that cnatoroors may rely upon promptitude and civility. The Christmas and New Year Cards, from Id to £1, are surpassingly beautiful. See tho S Windows, which are but a feeble representation of tho attractions within, of which an lnßpoatlon is invited Irrespective of any purchase being made. See and peruse the 8-page Catalogue of Goods in stock.—Goodßon's London Arcade; WANTED- Come and see the Christmas Holiday Bargains t including Ribbons, Flowers, Soarves, Hats, PerfumerA Brooohes, &c, to,, at Dampier'a. ■ _, \%J ANTED KNOWN—Specially Cfrap V T Lines now for sale at J. Green's, anp they must be Bold I Ladios" UnderolothinfVery ohcaplndeed; Night Drosses,'3a3d ouch; Chomisea, Is 9d oaoh; Drawers, 2a 6d ptf P&tr; Stooklngs, Cd pair; Black Brussels Noi Is yd; Blaok Spotted Not Fulls, Is (original jf ice was at least, 2a 6d eaoh; Largo Pocket Handkerohiefb, 4d eaoh, or 3a 0d per doz; Me»s Largest Linen HAndkerchlofs, Is each; a specially good line ot Ladles' Linen Handkerchiff». 8d each (cannot be beaten); Durable Bilk Vmbro las, to 8d each (verybest value); EmbroWery- 3}d, yq. j Real and Imitation Maltese Uoe;Ladles'[Rush Hats, blocked, Is eaoh; Ladies' straw Hats, Is eaoh (new shapes): very pretty Ladies' Fanoy Baskets, 9d eaoh; the Penny Pin Book is a ■wonder of cheapness; 4 pairs of Men a Brown Cotton Books ior Is; a single.palr 3}d: Men's Extra Long Braces, lOd the J>air; Men's Belts from 6d eaoh; Men's Merino and Cotton Undervests; Men's Linen-faced Collars, 4d per box; Small Men'a or Youths' saMs. 2s each, or three for 6s fld; a few very lores Men's White Felt Hats, Is 6d each; Men" white Linen Shirts 1; Men'a Linen and Gotten Handkerchiefs; Mens Grey Cotton Stooklpgs, Od per pair. Everything in Bhort will »c sold at suoh prices that even a fire would hardly reduce them.—J. Green, 85, ViotoriiHitreet. p WANTED~IiNOWN — Dampier has now Thr*e Shops—the Drapery Shop In Wakefieldatreec the Fancy Goods Shop in tho Market, and no*v oe haajust taken that enormous'" large brfok store next to whore he used to bo three yecra ago in Hobson street, and hs is now wakiig up that neighbourhood with something lite Christmas BarKains; nearly one thousand J<oney Boxes^those with ono compartment : Double do (with lock and key), Bd. Look it these first and Bee if they are not a Wonder/di Bargain; after that examine the otN r goods in the window and see if they are not also Wonderful Bargains, though to s'Vo money that advertising costs, I will onl; mention some of them:—The newly Invent*i Lovely Orpan (patented In England only 13 ponths ago), £2 5s to £4, they play 6 tunes each, out other tunes can be added to them to any extent, at la 3d the tune; come and hear them! Attitude Figures, with moveable joints, 2d each; a groat wonderful Bargain. Mantelpiece Ornaments, 2d ;nice lot of other Toys, 6d, worth Is; Magic Lantern (with bIIhob) la; large pretty Moss. lOd; Boats, 6d; very large imitation stuffed Parrots, 6d; Wax Dolls, with hair, 6d and 1b; handsome Hones, lOd, fee, &c.; also, fitted Work Boxes, Is to 3s; Writing Desks, Is ; Framed Slates, 2d to 8d; Tea Seta. 6d to 3s 6d; Ladles' Fancy Bags, Is tc 3a 6d; Real Hand Mirrors, fld to 2s; Fane; Toilet Sets, 4a 6d ; Grand Lot of Brackets, Is tc 3s; Lovely Tea Caddies, 9d to Is 9d; 5 oaseE j Books, including Novels, Gilt Edged and ' others; Splendid New Books, from 2d to 6a I alto, Watches, 8d onl Is; Handsome Japanned I Tea Trayo, Is 3d; Do, 2 feet Long, 2s; Whifc ■ handled Knives and Forks. 6d to 8d tho pair Pretty Pannikins, 3d; Dust Puna, 9d; Ladles del; Washbowls, Is 3d; Tin Candlesticks, id s c, &o. Don't forget the address, W. H. DAM PIBR, Uobson-fctreot.—N.H. — Many of th< above good may also be obtained at my branol store City Market.

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3