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On the foutth page will be found a numbor of readable articles, including Grammar School Sports, Parncll School Examination, and a lecture, ''England in the Nintcenth Century.''

The annual performance of the "Messiah" by the Choral Society, takea place on Thursday evening next. The iinal practice is on T sday, at 7-45 punctually.

Nomiaatious for Napier, Railway, and Hurdle Handicaps, close on Tuesday.

In the late election for tho Whau riding, Eden County Council, Mr Garrctt polled 30 votes out of a possible 40,

Professor Tamburini gave another exhibition of legerdemain, sleight of hand, &c«, at the Albert Hall last evening. There wa3 a small attendance, but still the whole programme was gone through as usual. The Wizard hopes to have a larger audience this evening.

The annual meeting""l of tho North ShorE Regatta club |was held last evening, when all accounts were passed for payment leaving the Club about clear of debt. The new committee will be appointed at a future meeting.

The city authorities intend fixing the permanent level of the lower end of Franklin fcoad. Property owners and others interested will be heard on January 26th, at a meeting of the Council.

The cutter Devcron returned from a trawling cruise this morning. Mr Cheefcman and Mr Pond,who were on board,state that after getting outside of Tiritiri a heavy northerly swell was met, and they were unable to get to the proper ground. However, the net was dropped, and .a few schnappcr, flounders and small soles taken. Another trial will probably be made next week.

The prizes won at the recent meeting of the Auckland Amateur Athletic Club were distributed at the Thistle Hotel last evening. The president of the club, Mr Thomas Henderson, junr., presided. The health of the victor ludorum, Mr W. Sibbin, was drunk in bumpers, Mr Sibbin having won the handsome trophy on two consecutive years, it becomes his own property. The president was likewise toasted.

A gratifying entertainment was given last night in St. Peter's school-room, Onehunga, for the benefit of the church choir. The programme was high-class, comprising songs, ducts, quartettes, and a critical paper on "Hamlet" by Mr G. W. Griffin. Tho lady and gentlemen who assisted in the musical and vocal parts were : Mra F. Crookticld, Messrs O'Callaghan, Trollopo, Edmonston, Gibbons, Kelly, Howard, and Jackson.

In consequence of the detention of tho steamer Kotomahana, the Opera Company will not arrive before Tuesday, and the season therefore will bo opened on Wednesday evening next instead of on the date originally fixed, The box plan is now lying at Upton and Co.'V, and those who intend patronising the performance should, lose no time in reserving their scats. Tho Montague-Turner Troupe is said to be tho best English Operatic combination that has ever visited New Zealand, and consequently it may be looked to for a succession of rare musical treats.

A disgraceful fracas occurred at Tiittcrsalls Club last night, when one of the second-rate bookmakers, who fancies himself aggrieved by some observations on the settling over the late Canterbury meeting which appeared in an Auckland weekly, met the editor thereof, and taking him nnawares, assaulted him in a very insulting and cowardly manner. It is to bo hoped the committee will make an example of the offender, as, if this eort of thing is to be permitted in our betting clubs, the sooner they are improved off the face of the earth tho better.

A meeting of the committee of the Hanraki Pamping Association was held yesterday, at which it was resolved to suspend pumping operations on January 10th, unless tue persona interested, and especially the people of the Thames, point out some satisfactory means of, and propound good reasons for, keeping it going. The Southern Cross Company has made a proposal to the Kuranui Hill United Company to put in a level at a depth of 500 feet should pumping be continued.

. By advertisement in our columas We notice thte arrival of Captain Charles Oliver from AmeHca, who will deliver a lectUfe <after tho style of the Rev. Charles Clark) in the Choral Hiill, on Monday evening, on " Nelson, tho|man,thehcro.'aildsailor." As Captain Oliver's stay ih Auckland is limited to ii few days only, we would I-emind our readers that this will be their only opportunity of hearing this celebrated lecture.

At an inquest on the body Of Andrew Burnß, a settler at Komokoriki, accidentally killed by the falling of a rata tree, oh the 12di inst., a verdict of "Accidental Death " was recorded. Deceased was 73 years of ago. lie died about an hour after the accident.

On Tuesday evening next, at 8 o clod;, M»- Ewiugton is advertised to lecture bu the " Vicar of Mohvenstow, in aid of St. Luke's Sunday-B'Ch'ool. The lecture is said to be highly amusing aud interesting.

Isy the courtesy of Adtblrill AslambcgofF, the Russian Cruiser, Africa, will be thrown op'cu to-morrow afternoon, find the steamer Takapuua will make special trips every half-hour from the Quce,(»-st?ect Vf harf to the vessel. To-TrtorrorV being tho feast of St. Nicholas and the birthday of tho Grand Duke Nicholas, n salute will be lired at noon. In the evening at 9 o'clock the Africa will illuminate the harbour with its powerful clcctrb light.

Tho monthly inspection pArade of the Engineer and Naval Volnnteer Companies was well attended hist evening in the Drillshed. The Engineers V.'ero Viudcr command of Capt. Anderson, Lieut. Shillington and sub-Lieut. Shaw, and the JSavals under Capt. LeKoy, Lieut. Chapman and sub-Lieut. Smith. Major Withers was Inspecting Ollicer, and at the close he read the regulations regarding the Government prize-tiring, whicn has been announced to take place in the last week of January. The carbine liring will be held on Monday and Tuesday, and tho iricdium rifle iiritij; on the two following dnys. The Companies then marched through the town, headed by tho cheer-inspiring band of tho N.tvals, the music of whose drums nml lifes was heard nil over the city. Messrs John Carter atul Henry Flood, two Sydney scullers, arc now in Auckland for the purpose of competing with Mr Albert White, at the Mercury Bay ucgatta,on Tuesday, December 27th next. Carter brings one ofSvraildlenndWinship'soutriggerawithhim and since arrival, on Tuesday last, has luul ono or two trials in the harbour. The boat ia ;i rcry neat little craft, and !,rocs through the water at a very smart nito at the desire of the rower. Flood, we understand, hopes to pick up a suitable boat in Auckland. He has been out of training for some time, but will take part in the sculling match in n k]>irit of true sport. Carter wns champion sculler in Melbourne during 1573 and 1574, having beaten Christie and Stout, while Flood pulled second iv a sculling contest at Nelion and third at Wanganui. A very iutercstlug race may therefore be anticipated.

The following jurticulars of the fatnl accident to Mr Markham verccommunicated by our Onehunga correspondent:—" Mr Dennis Markham, a settler ro»idiug cm the scoria at l'eurose, was tbis morning ncculcntally killed at his owu house, when preparing to £O to Auckland. Mr Markham hail yoked his horsein the .sprinnoart, but iintlin^ something the matter with the blinkers took them oil' to repair, whereupon the horse, which was ;i spirited out', bolted. In attempting to hold the uuiinal, Mr Markham was kuockod down, lii.s licau coiniiif, in contact with a projecting tcoria rock, which inllictcd fatal iujuiies. Some of tho railway employe's nt work clos6 by came at once to Mrs Markham's assistance, and removed the deceased to the verandah. Dr. Scott was called /"rotu Ouuiiungn, but lie, on exavrnnation, vtonouncvd W° t0 >c extinct .-(i/iie little time. The accident occurred at about 10 a.m. The swppTitAetiAent oi Uic police and tho coronet hare been communicatcA with, aud an inquest will no doubt take place, T/ie deceased, Air Mtukhara, had acen considerate scrvico in India in tho H.A., and bat resided in Airc.';Uvvul for tho last 15 years."

To the Kiiitor : Sir,—Allow mo to correct a statement that appeared in an article on " The Thujjß of India," in yoursitpplemeut of December 10th, The article referred to states, "To prove the secrecy of the Thuggee caste, it wai only a few years ptinr to the mutiny of 1857 that they were known to be in Oudo. * * • • • xts disclosure was sudden and through pure accident. Cohinel Slecman was then rciident at Lucknow, and a man wag killed within a few yards of his tent, &c," Now it was years previous to Colonel Slcocian being resident at Lucknow, that he was (wheu captain) appointed commissioner for the suppression of Thupgec, having as his assistant the late Sir John Cracroit Wilson (who died about a year ago in Canterbury). Thcic two succeeded in discovering, capturing, and convicting several of the principal Thugs, some of whom were hanged and others sentenced to imprisonment for life. They also succeeded in unearthing a great number of bodies of victims of the.»c brutes, some being found at a depth of 35 feet. A few ancient members of this diabolical casto are still (or were a few year? ago) serving their sentence in the gaol at Hyderabad, and Thuggee is now 'a thing of the past. Colonel (afterwards Sir) W. IT. Slceman, died on his fpossage (home to England, February 10th, 1559, and his name in connection with Thuggee is still a household word in India.—l am, &c, I. Sidney Slbeman, M.8., Whanßarei.

The brass band of the Russian steamoruiser Africa performed a number of choico musical selections yesterday nftcrnoon in the grounds of Government House to the gratification of a largo assemblage of the public. The afternoon was five, and tho aflair assumed somewhat of the character of a promenade concert, the people either sauntering about or reclining at ease undor the spreading foliage of the trees, while the progress of several games of lawn tennis afforded moans of occupying the attention during the frequent intermissions. A considerable number of ladies were picsent, ns well as Admiral Aslambcxoftj Captain Alcxieff, and most of tho other officers of the man-of-war. The band, which is under the conductorship of Herr Tietsch, a German, executed the following selections: —March, from "Frank"; overture, "Titus" (Mozart); waltz, " Neu Wicn" (Strauss); pot pou ni from Russian operas; "Am Mecr " (Schubert) ; polka; aria, from "Nebuchadnezzar" (Verdi) ; pot ponrri, " Pariaer Leben" ; calop, " Kegcl Frcuden." Tho concluding pieces were the British National Anthem and the Russian National Air, ''God Save the Emperor." The execution generally was very good. The bandsmen, after partaking of refreshment, which was supplied by direction of His Worship the Mayor, marched to the wharf, and were taken oil in the launch to their vessel.

The prizes won at the annual sports in connection with St. Stephen's Nativo f-chool, Parnoll, were distributed yesterday by Mrs Cowie :— One Mile Walking Match: B. Marshall, 1; John Brown, 2 ; Moki, 3. Half-mile Race : W. Damon, 1; Taramana, 2. 500-yards Kace : Taramana, 1; W. Damon, 2. 200-yards Race : Samuel Marshall, 1 ; Kangihau, 2. High Jump: Thomas Pou, 1; T. Marshall, 2. Hurdle Kace : Samuel Marshall, 1; Thomas Pon, 2. Sack Eace : Kangihau, 1 ; Samuel Marshall, 2, Second Division :—One Mile Walking Match : David Uagc, 1 ; Sydney, 2. Half-mile Kaco : John Ngapuha, 1 ; John Nehua, 2; Ned Damon, 3. High Jump: John Damon, 1 ; Haki, 2; John Nahu, 3. 250-yards Kace : Sydney 1; William Edwards. 2; Kac, 3. Threelegged race : W. Edward and Ngapuha, 1; John Damon and lteynoldr, 2 ; Wilson and Hako, 3. Sack Kace : Heta, 1 ; Wilson, 2; Kau, 3. —Junior division. Quarter-mile Kace : Taike, 1; Hodgsou, 2 ; TeUcoa, 3 ; Mika, 4. High jump : Mika, 1; Xaiki, 2 ; Horopakera, 3; Hodgson, 4. Three-legged Kace : Hodgson and- Mika, 1 ; Hira and Hughes, 2; Toki and Artnll, 3, Eight boys leaving the school were presented with a Bible, prayer-book, and hymn-book.

Sunday services are duly announced undor tho heading Ecclesiastical. The evening servica will bo hold in tho Thcatro at tho usual hour.

Tho members of tho French Literary Association are notified by advertisement o'sowhoro that a goneral business meeting will take place this evening in tho V.M.C.A. building, tho proceedings commencing at 7.30 o'clock. Tho librarian desires the immediate return of all books borrowed from tho library, in order that they may bo stamped.

As per notice in another column, the Auckland Savings Bank, true to its motto, has reducod ita rate of interest to 7 por cent. Any umount from £50 to JSj.OCO can bo had on propor Fe.'Urlty. The great facility in conneotion with the Savings Bank is that at any time a portion of tho Bum borrowed can be paid off and thua lower tho amount of interent. The objeot of tho Auckland Savings Bunk is not to make money and pay dividends, but to befriend those who aro thrifty and industrious

Mr P. Doran and his companions in comedy and Bocg will start on Tuesday next for tholr Christmas tonr through tho Kaipnra settlements, accompanied by Cullimore the pianint. Tho troupe conßistß of nino members, K. o'llare, the Irish vocalist actingaa manager. Tho dates of the entertainments are as follow : —Helersville Hall, Wednesday evening, 21st December; Te Kopuru Hull, Thursday, 22nd December ; ArataDU Hall, 26th December (Boxing Nlghti; Dargavillo Hall, 23rd, 21th. 27th, 28th sad 29th December, 1881.

The athletic sports, in connection with the Church of Khglttnd Grammar Bbhbdl Will take placo in tho Domain on Monday nest, at 11 a.m. Parents and frlontls aro respectfully lnVited to witness thoso exhilarating and healthful exorctor.

Mr J. Culleni draper, recently from ,tsngland, openod to-day hia new drapery warohotiso No 250, Quoon-stroet, with a no w and f aßhionable stock of summer goods, consisting of general drapory, prints, loco ahd inaslln curtains, damaek and crinolines, blankets, Ilinnels, holsury, umbrellas and sunshadoa, shawls, mantloß. costumos, Bilks, French and Knglteh dress good?. Thono goods are all specially floleotod by Mr Culler,, and ore some of the flnost ovor brought into tile markot. Tho motto of tho firm is a flret-olaes artiolo at tho lowest possible prico for cash. Tho millinery department will bo replete with tho most fanhlonablo goods for tho ladles.

Gtfddv.'in's Baking Powder is |ast becoming tho favourite among wives and cooks in Auckland. The powder is prono>'nß.sd to nave superior rising pualltltSs. as tho broad and paatry tbßtlflea of thoso who havo givoa It a trial. It will keep for 2 years fresh. Now that mch on artiolo can bo produced in our midßt, why shduld pboplo buy importer!, vm'.cll may chanoo to havo Spoiled ift the transit J It is sold at tho paito prlca and can bo had always from Mr Gdolwln's Factory, Onehuni?a. At this season of the yoar no doubt the domands for this celebrated artlclo will bo great, Christmas Brief ! Christmas Beef ! Received two first-class prizes and a piece of rlatoattho Auckland Show for fat oxon. Llßt of prices .--Wholosalo: O.r, or side of beef, 2Jd ; carcaeo of mutton, 2id; plus, 3|d and Id. Retail: Mutton. 2d, 3.. 4d ; roast beef, 3i, id, sd; pork, 3d to 5d ; lamb, from 2s per pr.; veal, 3d to 5d ; large quantliios of ox tongues, oorned rounds of beof, salt legs of pork, Canterbury hum, Suot in any quality, corned boef, 3d j in barrolls IOOIbs, 2001b3, nnd 3Colbe, 2Jd, dollvorod on board Or railway \ atmoßpherio sausagai, id per lb ; Gorman Bausago, Bd; discount to the trade. Warrant overt thing tho very best quality. — Gkohob llulmb, Butcher, QueenStrtot, Auckland.-!Advt.l

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 2