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Land and Estate Agents. Ifl U. Efflltli TO », HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENT, NO. 81, Q'JEEN-STBKKT, BUILDING BITk'S New North fload An ALLOTMENT in Sheridan-street COUNTRY LAND for Sale 10 acroi Volcanin Land, £325 -*. oa t New House or 5 rooms, in Boref'p/'l^? °h mnt Unrivalled Building Sites at Allendalc^, Mount Alhnrf Thn land is BOir.e of tno Dest in tne conntw ■ it i« wftbin four mileß of town j has a SXwnr .-tiition within 100 ynrda of it; commands a good viow; can bo sold on remarkSb^y easy terms, and in parcels to suit Surchagerß.- Plans at my office. Arrangftmonw can be made with persons wishing to riTCsTa°uTTllotment. Newton Road, Comfortable Itosldonco In Hardingo-atroet (olty), £500. Kybor Pnea Ttoad-Now Cottago, £190. Two Shops, Kdeu Torraco, *000. Doalrable Itosidence in ITppor Pitt-stroot, rooms, £350 BUHUHH AN RESIDENCE—For Sale, at Mount Kd»n, niar tho Publio School and 'Bub terminus, 5 acres of Good Volcanic Land, laid out in garden aud paddocks, having thereon a ton-roomed llou«e, Btable, ooaoh-houRO, &c. Price, £1200. Lund cloxo to it has been sold rocontly ut about £109>por acre. Money to Lend, v. g. kwing ti) n Housk, Land, Estate, and Finahcial agent and valueb, Vui.CAN Lane (next Ocoidontal Hotel). Monoy Invoßtoit on First-class Security Mortgages and Loans negotiated Konts and Interest collected. Inanranoos effected Valuations of Heal and I'orsonal Estate Soveral Villa Residences for Salo, from*3ootO £1200 ' Building Allotments In Suburbs, from £10 each Country Lund, fronv 5s por aero W«ntoa\ Allotments at Stokoß'3 Polnt.Mcunt Helen, Whan, and Rmnuora Perrons wishiiiK to acqulro property aro invltod to inspoct mv Lists _____—_- pHA S. YXT lli IiUMSON, HOUSE LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENT. Yuloan Lank, Auckland, RKNTS and INTEREST Colloctod. MONEY Invested for Capitalists on flnit-olnsa Boouritloi), without CiiAHQB. Six por oont allowed on dopoalts until invested. and LOANS NeKOtlatod, SHARKS nought or Sold to ordor, KSTATKa Managed for Abaonteos, BUILDING ALLOTMKNTB FOR SALK AT PKH FOOT]— Kmmett-Btrcot, 30/ Norfolk-Btroot. 85/ AiiKleaea-Btroct, 35/ Harbour Torraoe, 1« WoUosloy-streot.lOO' Uuko-etreot, 38/ Doresfora-Btreot, SO/ Cook-fltreot. £9 and 09/ Porcival Parade. 10/ Kdwin-street, 21/ Rokoby-slreot, iOI Grafton Road, 70.' lioolamation, 110/ Arthur-strcot. 00/ Ilowo-streot, 60/ Vlno-strcet, 10/ llaokott-Btroot. 40/ Kybor Pass, 6s/ Curran-stroot, 30/ Brighton Road, W Kichmond Road, U,O Commercial Road, 5/ Also, in various other streots at low ruteo, £ a r\r\r\ TO LKND, in Sums of fllO andnp--3j I\JU \J wa rdß. on good securities FOUR Acreß of VolcanioLand at Mount Bden for sale; neourely fenced an in gr«8». MATAKOHK-Kxcellent Karm for Sole, with comfortabio honeotead, outhouses. &o.; alluvial ltat; creek ou boundary; Binall portion bueh; good oattlo run adjoining. MOUNT KDHN—Small Uooso for Halo and frothold allotmout on main road, fronting tho Church, cliprp ; also, four-roomed Houao near Railway lirid^e, £UZ> ; anil two-roomed Houfw, aWO. Kasy terms oan bo arranged Xnnn-KOURKOO.UKU HOUSE for Halo In *IUV t i, o t-jty, gniHll deposit and weekly payments tuki'n : a\-o, Mouse at £125. /TRAirTON ltO»l)-Vory Superior House for VT Sulo; fust built, rivi and water, comuaandin« fine rtow; n bargain. IJON.-'ONHY-Now Hight-roomod House for Kiilo opposite Presbyterian Church, twofrontages, allotment 11 x -00. 1J ON SON BY—Three-roomed IIou»o la Brown Plrcet for efvlo /or £50. on eiv-j' tcrmß. Pone—HOUSE for Salo in William-Btro«t. S'^t/J near St. James' Church. ALLOTJIKNTS Uought, and Uouses Built, on tho Weekly Payment System. ~-t < A-Thre<;-rooriied Cottago oIF tho Great X.X4U North Road for Bale. Small deposit and week'y payments. 17'PSOM^entleman'a Villa Residence, eovon 'j rooms, coach-house, stabling, &o. £900. TTPPKR UUKKN-STKKKT—Two Allotments U to bo leased for a torra of 30 years, at tho low weekly rental of Is Gd each; rory sultabto for Shops or Cottages. LAND to be Lei-sod i miles from Dovonport Wharf, on most advantageous terms: alto Cottago and fow acres to bo let cheap; read and eoi frontage. p, ne-THI'.KE-ROOMKD HOUSE for Salo *'OJ in Newton, near Ring's Arms Hotel; level allotment. Kasy terms. nnoA—Nßvv HOUSK for Halo InNowton,s X<&&v rooms, on Building Society's terms. NEWMARKET— Now Six-roomed Houßofor Salo; bay window, etore-room, fowlhouse, Kuril hi. £100. KKMUER A—lG acres, for Salo; oxcollPnt soil anrt aplono.irt viow: ulso acres for £700 BRHSHTON HOAD, Parn«U — tfix-roomod House for calc, allotment 10x100; water laid on. l Jrlcc». £275. •nWU DKICK .SHOPS FOR S.VLK-Contral A position, near Post-olHco- A conaldorablo portion of tho money can remain on mortgage. I;>APAKURA-80aonw ot Kxcollont Land for sale at 7Ua per aoro. rt UNERALSTORBinSuburbs—Lease for sale, XX Doing excellent business. Satisfactory reasons given for leaving; also, Bootmakor'a Business for sale, with lenso of promisee: also, Leato. with ilxtures, of two Shops and Dwellinghouso )n Symonda-streot; favourable terms. HOTKIi for sale or loa«o In Taranaki; flratclasa position for business. Mtr-VKRY Comfortable New House for *""*' sale, lino viow, twenty mlnutoa walk from Poat-olllco PON.SONHY— New Slx-roomod Houso and Workshop for salo; two allotments; two frontages; easy torms. j?ooA—Very convenient honße In Dublin-;t. ajaov Newton, for sale; washheose, garden J?9on—Now Five-roomed House for salo in t&avv ponaonby. Frontage to two Btreots. WBLLINOTON-BTKKKT. -Pretty Cottage for Mile, near St. James's Church; gas and water laid on; garden, &c. "pARNKLL. — Newly -finished Six-roomed X Houso for sale; pleasant viow; £380, TpAKMS also For Sale at Waikomlti, Komo- ■*• korikl, Paremoromo, St^es's Point, Waitokorol, Romucra, Big vid Little Omaha, Kariol, Rlverhoad, Morningside, Mahurungi, Walnul, Coromandol, North Bhore, Papakura, &o. Also, boo list in M no Zealand Utrail and Wuklf Sim. CHAS. WILLIAMSON, ESTATE AGENT Vuloan Lakb aocem. |/l OJbA KJV /STAFF, JU • formerly of tho City Club (lately of the Tormlnna Hotel, Holensville), having bought tho Freehold of the Whanqakri Uotbl from Mr Cailler, bogs to Inform visitors that no effort will bo nparod to aiford satisfactloc Horses and Ploasuro Boats on Hire, IjTL AG S T A"FF UTd'T JB L, J? NORTH SHORE. W. H. PEAKCE (Late of the Commercial Hotal, Hamilton, and Boyal Mail, Auckland), Having taken tho above Hotel, will bo glad to Bee hlB old friondg. HE WAIKATO HOTEL, HAMILTON BAST. a HOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLKR3. SAMPLE ROOMS, AND LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. F. G A U D I N, Pbopbibtob. rriHK MAWUKAU HOTEL, Onchunga, X Proprietor, Thomas Rico.-Speoial aoooa. modation for Travellers from tho various settlements adjoining. Suites of Rooms by apeolal arrangement for private families. Mr Rloe having had tho pleasure of succeeding Mr J. A, Whiteon, of the firm of Messrs R. Wnltson and Bons, Brewers, Anokland, and Mr Thomas Codlin, Onehunga, In this extensive and well appointed establishment, respectfully solicits the patronage of the Bnrrounding public and vißitora from Auckland. Hot snd Cold Baths. A fine hrow of Whitson'a Sparkling Ales.coupled With the- choicest brands of Wines and Spirits, A special Billiard-room, with ono of Thuraton'o Best Table?. Excollont Stabling. DOHSONBY iILVB LTOTEL, CORNER OF COLLEGE-STREET AND PONSONBY ROAD This Houso, the only Hotel In the wide dtßjrlot of Ponßonby, Richmond, and Dedwood, is situated 81 tho junction of several roads, and faces the threefold Municipal Lamps. Omnibtises pans to and from tho City every quarter hour, thus allowing gentlemen to select their own time for inhaling tho fresh broezo and invigorating thoir system by a short sojourn in that healthy and beautiful ppot. There aro both private and publio bars, and public and private sitting-rooms provided with every convenience. THE BILLIAKD-KOOM is tho most commodious, b»st lighted, and best ventilated in tho Province of Anckland, and eohtaina one of Thuraton's boat tables, with every other requisite. A good Quoit Ground has been rocently made and lovers of thU good old game will have amplo opportunity ot indulging in tho f avourito pastime. A apecial brew of Seceombo's Ale alwayslon draught. W. STANFORD, Pbopriktor. BJALAGE HOTEL, HOT LAKKS, XT OHINEMUTU, ROTORUA. Flrat-c!a33 accommodation for Tourists, Trave lers, and Visitors during both winter and summer months. Private Sitting Rooms. Smoking and Reading Rooms. Billiards. Coaches, Baggies, and Saddle Horsoa for Hire Conveyances will moot every Steamer. Important Notice.—Tourists oan make arrangements with Capt M. T. Clayton (Insurance Bnildingß, Anckland), Mr J. Kelly (Taurangn), or Mr Wm. Kelly (Ohinemutu), for through trips to the Lakes, Including boat and coach hire, hotel accommodation, and all ot ceeteras, at FIXED BATHS, Trip from Anckland to tho Hot Lakes and back, on the above prinoiplo for Tkh Guineas °'NLWILLIAM KELLY, Pjjopbiktob, rf', O G X A Z 1 IS li S. northkrn hotjil paddocks, Great Noktu Buad. Wanted, at rnco, 10,000 Horras to grazo and mns'tlcato the luxurious grasses, and drink of a pretty winding meanderiug stroani which (lows t'orough the vho'.e of tho vast and well-sheltered, estate, A great chance for enterprising stack owners. ROLL UP!!! IJ. R. CUItNOW, Proprietor Great Northern Hotel, thu oldest rstnbliuhud h'jiuio on the road where tho choicest brands of Wines and Spirits dowlwl Trftfe tho'lmt brows ot Ale, as« co sale,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 4