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Drapery. Q T E P H E NSO. N'S 10 S< Ti ALK 0F T)RAPKRY, Consisting of tha following Goods:—10 yards Lustra (blaok or coloured), 12 yards white Cnlioo, 12 yards Groy ditto, G Towols, 1 White Quilt, 1 Coloured ditto, G yards Flonnol, 0 yarda Brown Holland, 1 Tollot Covar, 2 Antlmaooas--8818, THE ABOVK GUARANTEED OF UNEQUALLED VALUE. Goods Dblivebed on Receipt of Moni-.y Obder, &c. Freight Paid Within Flvo Mllca. NEWTON HOUSE, KARANOAHAPK ROAD, Near Post-ofllco. "VTEW GOODS! "XTEW GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER, Uppeb tar 278 •« QueenSTREET, JOHN KEESING, In rotunilng thnnka tor tho liberal patronago lio haß roooivcd Binoe tho opening o£ his Drapery Uußlnosa, bogs to announco to his customers and tho public generally that he has now Opened his SPUING and SUMMER Goods, well eelootod. whloh will bo cold (as usualt with a BmiiU advanoo on ooat, and giving tbo bust value possible tor Cash. Wo aro now showing special linos In— Bolges, all shades, Sid yardl Uuilob' Two-thread Balbriggan Boso, 103 Ladlea' Laoo Fiohua, Is Gd I.ustros, in all shades, B}d yard Doop Coloured Fringe, IOJd yard LadW Full-size Tics, all shados, Bummer Flowors, 4d spray Together with a large Assortment of Dress Materials and Fancy AHTioi.ica tor the Season, Note tho address I— JOHN KEESING, 278, Upphe Quhen-strbet. EW DRAPKKY AND CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. IMPORTANT TO THE PDBUO. JOHN LECK (Late Managing Partner of SomorfloM & Leek) ijoga to luuiounco that he has Now Openod In tho promises lately ocouplod by Mr W. Rattray, with an ENTIRELY NEW AND CIIOICK STOCK or DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. Tho WHOLE BTOCK has boon purchased with groat oaro, and Is BPKCIaLLY SUITED tor tho AUCKLAND 2RADE. NEW CLOTHING! New Drapery I Add Fancy Goodsl A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF DKESS MATERIALS. Tho Advortiflor hopofl that hla long oxporlonoe In tho Trado will bo a guarantoo that ho.wlll SELL NOTHING BUT FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and at Prices whloh will Defy Competition. Ho hopos to be favoured with a visit from all his old Customers, and has no doubt bat ho will glvo thorn ovory satisfaction. X.U.—Gontlomon's Clothing mado to order on tho shortest notice by First-class Tailors, JOHN LUCK, Drapkk, Clothier, and Outfitter Opposlto tho Bank of Now Zealand, QUEJtN-STREET. AUCKLAND, BARGAINS I—liadics.Dear in mind that Williams has oponcd up another lot of Fresh Goods, which he Intends to sell ohoap, Tho best and cheapest lot of Ladies' Underclothing in Auckland; the host assortment of I teal and Imitation Maltose Laoo: a nice lot of Laoo and Silk Tics. Neck Krlillngs; a nico assortment ol Gilt and Black Brooobos and Karringa cheap. Ladios from tbo oountry would do well to buy their goodflat Wllliams's Oheapoßt 1 iioubo In Town, foot of Grey-street, four doorß abovo Market Entrance. Open till 9 o'oloou p.m. yi^E L LJSSLis V HOUS fi JOBT OrKNKE, A OHOICB AB3ORTMENT OF ! SPRING DKKSSKS, SPRING MILLINBRY, HATS, : GLOVES, NECKTIES, RUFFLES, COLLARB, 1 CORD,AND TASSELS, ETC. ! A Large Stock of CORSKTS Jnat to band, ' in a variety of makes, from 2/6. i Thompson's " Glovo Fitting" Corsets. '■ A Lareo Stock of TWEEDS from I/O, Morluy's Knitting Cotton, 1/9 per lb. : HOSIKRY-No better value anywhere. ' Flvo por cent. Discount for cash on Parcels ol 20s and upwards. Country orders promptly and faithfully oxcoutod, ' IV BUY YOUR DRAPERY AT LOVET T ' S, WELLKSLKY-BTKKKn. xtot i c~f.— selling off i jX great reduction in drapery For Three Weeks Only. Preparatory to Removing to New Promises now Building. Come and BeoM Noto the address : J. HEAPS, Upper Symonda-streot. £/■¥ Ml DEFBRUKD ~\ (! I V SYSTEM /I MUNRO & MILLIGAN, TAILOHB, DRAPERS, & OUTFITTERS, KARANGAHAPE KOAD (Opposite Newton' Post Offloe), Havo a well - Assorted STOCK of the BEST CLASS GOODS In the following Departments: — Droasos. Prints, Calicoes, Longcloths, Sheetings, Linens, Flannels, Blankets, Rugs, Carpets, Oxford Shirting, Counterpanes, Waterproof Cloaks, Mantles, Fienoh Merlnoes, Shawls, Cashmeres, Sllkß, Shirts, Qurtaina, Umbrellas, Mantle Cloths, and Tweeds. Having found that there Is an opening for a TAILOKING BUSINESS on the Defkkred Pavmbnt Sf stbm, they have secured tho [services of a FIRST-CLASS CUTTKR, and are now prepared to mako to measure, from Flrßtclaas Materials, at reasonable prioes, every description ot Clothing. All Tweeds thoroughly shrunk before being made up, and fit and workmanship guaranteed. The Deferred Payment System has boen found to be a great boon, by enabling those with limited inoomes to proouro necessaries In the easiest posslblo way. M. & M. having had oonaiderablo London exporlonco in this particular System of Business, and having their Goods direct from the Bebt London and Glasgow Firms, are in a position to offer the BKST GOODS on the MOST ADVANtagbouu Tkhmk. OF Noto the Address,— -fc/TUNRO & it/TILIi GAN, KARA.NGA.HAPK ROAD (Opposite tho Newton Pout Office). r\ si S A it ts, PRIMS NKW ZEALAND MAIZE, OATS, BRAN SHARPS, CHAFF, ' CHOICE TARANAKI BUTTER (Fresh and Suit), at Lowest lUtkb. W. GUNSON, 13, CUSTOM-HOUSg-STREET. O~THE ELECTORS AND NONGentlkmkn,—Wa beg leave to intimate to you thut we have decided to hold a sale of all kinds of stock, at the Northern Hotel Yards, near the Slaughter Houses, also known as tho * Stone Jn R Yards, EVERY WEDNESDAY, it 12.30 i First Sale to take place on WEDNESDAY, tho lltht net., at 12.30. Phippa" omnibus will leave the National Bank at 11.15, and will pass the Yards on itß way to the Whau in time for sale. Paddooka free, for oattlo and horses entered for eale unreserved. We aro prepared to soil all kinds o£ Koorta that may be consignoa to us there for that purpose. J. R. LAMBERT. AnotiODeers, Wyndnam-stroet,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 1