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Business! OardS! WFHILLIPFS «& SOJM, • OIL, COLOUR, AND GLASS MKROUANTB. Importerslo)! Papernangings, Scrim, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, uolonra. Varnlshon, Fronoh Polish, Sold Leaf, Artists' Colours and Brushes: Plate, Shoot, Grown, Ornatnontr.l, and Photourophlo Glass; Ploturo Frames and Tapestry Mouldings Clock and Compass Ulaosos, Ulazed Sashes and Doors. Glass cat to slzo and carefully p eked. 95 fc 97. QUEKN-STRKET. xvr a, b k 1 h V b n, BUILDER OAKPBNTKR AND JOINER, VULOAN LANB,| ! Every Description of 'Building Designed and Erected. All Branches or the Building Trade executed by Kxporienoed Workmen. Shop Fronw Oliloe Fittings tec, fa> WILLIAM Xal}M AS, Corner of Lorno and Vlotorla-streets, Auckland Kast MOHUMKNTAL, MARIJI.IC, AMD GKNSRAL BTONKMASON, UICHITECTURAL SCULPTOR AND CARVER, Inscriptions accurato and boaatlfuU Monumonts, Tombs, Headstones, and every leßoriptlon of Stone Work at tho lowest possible prices for town and country AMJS S iS~T JE W(AK T, CIVIL BNQINSKK AND AUTHORISED SURVEYOR, JORHER OF SIIORTLAND AND O'CONNELLSTREETS. niDWAKD BAKI LX V, ARCHITECT, BTIOHBURY3 UUILUIKH QCEEN-STRISET. A to a o if U T 0 tt JS X, CARTER, CONTHAGTOK. &O 3oodo Cartod and Dollrorod from ship's elde on Shortest Notion. Ballast Supplied, tfBWCABTLE AND BAY OF ISLANDS COAL, Also, Firewood (out and uncutl reasonable. THAMES UAKKIAOK AJXD DRAY FACTORY. JAM E S M A CKIE, Proprietor, victoria slrekt bast. auckland. lepalra of X vorjr Doaoriptton In Wood and Iron neatly cxeoutod on tho Shohtkst Notiok. JPKINQS MADE AND KKPAIKED, Mr N.8.-Ooonti? Ordom pnnolnaUr snonded ft JU, F X L HA U • LADDUR & BAKROW JIA.KKR, 80 and 82, Victohia-stkkkt. jtrory Deecriptlon of Laddors, Stops, Barrows, arrow Whools, Clothoa Horses, Clothe* Uoxos, PravnUlng Ghosts, .to., on hand or nude to irder. A Übor&l dlsooant allowed to Contractors and in wholesale order. Shop and Oliloe KlttliiKn, ruid all kinds ot Job>lng Work done by expertonoed workmon bn ho shortost notice N.B.—Ladders, StoDB And Barrows lent on dre. Violins bought. One or two superior old Violins far ralo; also, k Rood V.oilnoeUo, choan. ENKY BKAUK & UO. (LIMITED), WHOLKS4LK MANUITACTURERS AND IMPORTERS Of all kinds of SADDLERY, Hiail-STRKBT, Auckland. KDW. JNO. COX. Manager. Ctitveo Re-bladod] Saws Sharpened HENRY LEADBEAXEK (From Shoffleld). PRACTIQAL GRINDER AND CUTLK B, WAKKFIKLD-STRKKT. lolaaore, Surgical luatrmnonts, and Carpenter's Took put in thorough order. lUzont Hot.T,o\v Uminmi. JK 1) W A X JJ H, • COAL MERCHANT. SHIP AGENT. Bay of Islands, Nowoastlo, and Waikato Coal n any quantity. Oflloo r»nd Yard, Breakwater, Vuekland. opposite Railway Station. l a, a v"s~i l N & uU,, 'J • WIIOLKSALX BOOT AND SHOK MANUFACTURERS, I Large Stoofe of Pkgokd, Rivktted and Skwn Goods of al> sorts and alzoi to select from, jUUOrdera havo Qniok Dospntoh, 3OLONIAL B0 OT FACTORY, 14. Wyndham-strkkt. Auckland. H A" X v i E • (latk or London), COACHBUILDKR, UrPEK CJUKKN-BTRBBrT. Landaus, Broughams, Ilarouohos, Vlotorlas, md Phaitonsof ovorydcHcriptlon manufttOturod tt from 50 to 100 per cent, less than what you Till pay for English importations. All work ruarantoed. Ropairs in ali brunches. N.B.—The advortlsor, was for many jours nanuiaoturer to the trade in London WELLEbI.KY-STKJEKT Vxu, COLOUR, & GLASS WARKHOUSE.3. G. Hill, Importor of Paporhanglngs, Oils, Soloura, Qiaos, Varniah, White Load, &0., Gilt md Stained Mouldings and Pictures, tco. Pio-;ure-frami!iK to order. Just landod, ox ' Coroillla' and 'Loch Doon,' 245 pockaees Paporlangings, Whito Load, Oils Sec— Pleoao note ;ho address: Wollesloy-streot Wost (opposite Market entranoo). CLAKKc isKOTHBKS, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHERS (OPPOBITJt UNION BANKI, Q, V B;s N■aTK XX T, AUOKLA HI, Photography In the Latost and Moat Fashionable Stylos, Executed In! a manner Unsurpassed In tho Colonies. tiAROK COLLECTION NEW ZEALAND VIKWS Always on Hand I II JS IN JJ X X b O M, IHOUSB. dHIP, SIGN. AND GBNKRAL DKCORATIVB PAINTER, NO. 8, "WYNDHAM-STRKKT. ifTEWTUS VJS«KTIAM BLIMD XX WORK GEO. TUCKBK, VKNETIAN BLIND MAKER AND WIRE WOKKKR, KAJOAHGAHAPB KOAD, NKWTOH, Venotlan Blinds ot tho hont quality made and fl^od at la por foot. Wlrowork, of any dosoriptlon and pattern, nrndo to order Ropulrs neatly exuontod. W A KNOCK BK OTHERS,' SOAP AND CANDLE MAN US1 ACTURKRS, C]OX'S C.REEK, RICHMOND. OFFICE I DURtIAM-BTKICET, AUCKLAND. Cash Purchasers of Tallow, Wool, Sheepsklnß, and Boneß. JOHN BOYLAN, C.E.] [ROUT. LUNDON, O.E. BOYLAN AND LUNDOH, civil engineers, Licensed Land Transfer Surveyors authorised native land surveyors, engineering and quantity surveyors. colonial bank building, AUCKLAND. Jj. SWIKHBKXOa, * AUCKLAND STEAM WOOD TURNING FACTORY, Wyndham Btkbet (Next Bhakbßpkakk Hotsl), Having introduced Steam Power, he 1b now pre pared to make n Reduction of Twontj per Can oil he price ot all common work. IST Country Orders pnnotnallv attended to 5 "a jn so N, . OARPKNXKR andJJOINKR, B E R E 8 F|O R D - S T R H E.T,"1 AUOKLANB, Oppoalto the Congregational Ohuroh. All repairs promptly and economically exeouted. Estimates given. Funerals furnished. <J E~S iS O P P X T, HOUSE, LAND. AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT Oppoalto H.M.'b Cmitom-houso, FORT-STREET, AUCKLAND, Has Alvats tor Bai» Larso Blocks of LAND FARMS, both Improved;and othorvrla Also, HOUSES, COTTAGES, &c On Most Reanonable Termß. OOK-BINDINw & FAPJSR-RULINO P WILLIAM LEYS, « ■IT I BOOK-BINDBR.PAPKR-RULER, | W t, MsaiCßANTs' Account Books Ruled |: and Bound to Pattern. 4, Wr I MUSIC. MAgIzTnKS, BIBLEB $, ij|.|= AND PKAYER BOOKS, J lEiP'' BOUND IN AIX STYLK:, *§ Threa^Doora above Star Office. BAKERS' SPECIAL RULED DAY-BOOKS. LIBRARY. BJ°KS B( STOONa & CHEAPLY

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 1