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"Wanted. WANTED KNOWN, that in consequence of the great snccoss which hai i attended Professor Cailt.iau's Singing Class I ho intends opening ono in the Parnell Public School on WEDNESDAY, Bth instant, at 7.31 p.m. Applications will be received in the 1 faohool-room the opening night. Pee, 10s fid pc) quarter.AtrfED KNOAVN, "THIS LITTLE DEMON" PATENT SELF-ACTING ! CANDLE EXTINGUISHER is invaluable tf i thoso who read in bed. Everybody should gel | one, Price, la fid (warranted). Sent to any ad ) dress on receipt of ton two-penny stamps. Sole I Manufacturers, SHILIG and KDWARDS, the . JXb, Ho.stiiiKfl-streot, Napier, N.Z.—N.B.- ---| Agents wanted. i\wan rk v kw ° yv jN' f The Auckland Timbor Company havo ot | hand several Job Lots of Building Materials ] which willbosold as Great Bargains, to make room. Also, all descriptions of Timber, Doors Sashos, Mouldings, Joinery, Turnery, &c, a: Lowost Prices. O. HOLDSHIP, Manager. WANTED, the Public ot Auckland tt Know that, as really serviceable good! can now bo got Ready-mado, it is a mistake tc got rubbish made to meaeuro. From long ex perienco, .1. fORH, Tailor, Queen-street, is able, at very little above ready-mado prices, to pro duce the Cheapest Suit to mcasuro in this city, whether you consider the goods, the style and lit, or the price. Hxampio: The prico of a decent Slop Suit is from GUs to 70s. 1 can malic you a Suit from 70s to 90s which cannot bo surpassed, being well shrunk and well-made in every rcspeot, II you want a Post Suit, try my Fancy Coat and Voet and Mosglel Tweed Trousers, from 00s to 110s. Try Ford's Trousers and Vests, from 32s Cd to 42s 6d; try Ford's Trousors mado from Tweed, not cotton rubbish. from 21s to 27s Gd WANTED KNOWN.—Dunne, Hall, & Co. havo Removed to tho premises lately oeoupiod by Mr C. W. Goodson, opposite Tonkß' Mart, Queen-street, where they will be glad to sco old friends and customers, and give GOOD VALUE in all kinds of Drapery, Millinery, and Fauoy Goods of the BEST QUALITY, and Newest Fashions. A Largo Stock of Kid, Silk, Cloth, and Thread Gloves always on hand; also, a Splendid Stock of HOSIERY— Ladies', Gents', and Children's. We havo, ox mail-steamer from New York, a shipment of tho Handsomest and most Porfect fitting Ulstkks in town. On Fridays and Saturdays wc purpose offering Decided Bargains, which will bo openly displayed. Wo respectfully invito your patronage. WANTED, all the Ladies to call at my shop and sco the Splendid Glass Sugar Basins and Butter Coolers at Is. and tho most varied assortment of bettor qualities. Cream .Jugs, 5d ; Jam Dishes, ojd ; Tumblers, Sid; Good Ju^s, lid; Ueit Gold and White China Cupsai.d Saucers, lid; Tea ditto. 8d; White Stone, Gd; and ull other sorts equally cheap. JHcatDlshes, 7d; Wellington Knife Polish, &i ; Old Brown Windsor Soap, 7 cakes, Is; and tho cheapest and best assortment of Vases, Ornaments, and all kinds of Crockery and Stationery at English prices, Noto tho address: F. \. lIKNMAN, JCarangahapo Road, opposite Newton Hotel. ANTED KNUWJM, tuat D. Goldie is prepared to sell all klads |of Building and othor Timbor, including Hardwood, Spokes Felloos, Iron-Bark and Blue-Gum Shafts, Blocks, Palings and Shingles, at his Yards, Lower Albert street, near the Dock, at lowest cash prices. Tho timbor. being uudor hotter than that purchased elsewhere !"fj^ANTED, "j~_ Ford's Customers to 1 T know that in consequence of tho late flro ho has lot tho front of his shop to Mr Payne, Jeweller, but carries on tho Tailoring in tho same shop, whore ho guarantees to supply as Good und as Cheap Garments to order as can be produced in this city.—J. Ford, Tailor, IGG. Queen-street. Goldmining" Notices. OLD CALEDONIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). NOTICE TO SIIAHEIIOLDEES. Tho Directors havo dntorminod to offer to tho present Shareholders tho remainder of tho reserved shares in proportion of one to nine of tho Bhares now held by them, on payment of seven shillings and sixpence per siuro. Applications for Biicli shares, accompanied by seven shillings and sixpence per chare, will bo received by the Secretary not LATER lhan FRIDAY, July 1.1881. JAMES STODART, Secretary. Shortland street, Auckland, .May 25,1551. I\TEW NORTH DEVON GOLD _IJ. MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). A Call (tho Gth) ot Gd per Share has been made by tho Directors of tho above Company, payable to tho undersigned, at tho Offlc3 of the Company. Shortland-street.Auckland, on WEDNESDAY, tho Bth Jnne, 1881. „„,_„ F. A. WHITE, Manager. Auckland, 27th May, 1881. I THE undersigned, hereby make r-pplica- , tion to Regi-ter "THK W AITOA WOLD MINING COMf ANY (LIMITED I" as a Uutfted Company under tho provisions ot "The Mining Companies Act, 1872." 1. Tho Name of the Company is to be " Tho Waitoa Gold-mining Company (Limited)." 2 The place ot operations is at To Aroha, in the Te Aroha Gold-mining District. 3. The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in Te Aroha, in the Provincial District of Auckland, Colony of New Zealand. I 1. Tho Nominal Capital of tho Company is Ton Thousand founds, in Ton Thousand Shaics of One Pound each. 5. Tho Number of Shares Fubscribod for is Right Thousand Five Hundred, being fourfifths of tho ontiro numbor of shares in tho Company, G. Tho number of share 3 paid-up is nil. 7. Tho amount already paid-up is nil. 8. Tho Name of tho Manager is Henry Ernest Whitakor. 9. Tho Names and Addresses and Occupations of the Shareholders, and tho number of Shares held by each at this date, aro as follow :— Shares. Parr and Mellon, Waitos, farmers .. .. 500 G. S. O'Haloran. To Aroba, hotelkeoper .. 500 K. Graham, Walhou, storeman .. .. 500 Edwiu Missen, Waihon, hotelkeoper .. 50D I'nomas Kowo, WBihou, storekeeper .. SCD Chas. Collins* Winton, settlor _ '2^2 Michael Page, To Aroha, contractor .. at) James Lavery, To Aroha, builder .. .. 500 T. G. Sandcs. Hamilton, surveyor .. .. 500 F. l.arkworthy, England, bankor .. .. £01 F-B. Larkworthy. Wanganui, farmor .. £00 William Dibsell, Waitoa, hotelkoeper .. £30 A. Raynes, Cambridge, hotolkeepcr .. 50:, J. P. Campbell, Cambridge, clerk .. .. 5„0 H. E. Whitakor, To Aroha, legal manager (intrust) 1500 Total .. 8500 Dated this 11th day of April, 1881. 11. K. WHITAKRR. Witness to Signature— J. SKUNK, J.P. I, Henry Ernest Whitakcr, do solomnly and siuceroly declaro that— 1. I ana the Manager of tho said intonded Company. 2. The abovo statoment is, to tho best of my boliof and knowledge true in every particular, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously uolioving tho samo to bo true, and by virtno of on Act of tho General Assembly of Now Zealand, intituled "Tho Justices of tho Pcaco Act, 136 G." ■ 11. E. WHITAKER. Taken hoforo mo; at Grabamstown, this nth day ot April, 1881— J. Skene, A Justice of tho Peaco for tho Colony of Now Zealand. Amusements. AUCKLAND INSTITUTECON VEKSAZ lON E, To be hold in THE MUSEUM BUILDINGS, PRINCKS-STREET. ON THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, June 2nd and hii. Biological Department (undor tho direction of Capt. Broun, Mr. T. F. Cheeseman, F.LS., and Mr. A. Reloohek).—Groups of Foreign Birds and Animals, recently stuited for the Museum by Mr. A. Reisehok; Groups of New Zealand Birdß sot up by Mr. A. Reiuohek; Large specimen of the Blue Shark (Caroharius braouyurus), lately added to tho Museum; Exhihiiion of North American Bird Skins; Exhibition of Now Zealand Bird Skins; In the Library, Hooker'B Flora Antarctica, Flora of Now Zealand, Gray's Genera of Birds, and other illustrated works on Natural History. Physical Department.—Experiment with tho Electric light, Decomposition ot Light with the Bisulphide of Carbon Priam, Polarisation of Light with Iceland Spar, Association andDisassociation of Water by the electrio current, Experiments with rarefied air upon barometric tubes, Mr J. A. Pond and Mr J. Martin, If.G.S. ; Exhibition of the Electrio Fire-Alarms recently obtained by the City Counc 1 and lent by his Worßhip tho Mayor, with practical illustrations, Mr A. Sheath; Hdison-Bell Telei honelcommuni eating wiin unehungai, Mr Furbey. MBCHANICAL DEPARTMENT — Solf-BOting Screw-cutting Lathe, Mr T. Herbert; Woudturning Lathe, Mr T. Herbert; Lapldary'a Wheel— Cutting, Drilling and Polishing NewZealand Jade (Greenstone), &c„ Mr Keynolds ; Potter's l hrowing Lathe, Mr G. Boyd; Numbering and Paging Machine, Mr Lelghton ; Freiwork Machines, &c., Xc, Mr J. Howden and Mr H. G. Wade, 'the abote Machines will ba worked by a two-horse-power Water Engine, exhibited by Messrs Hrice Bros , Thames. Scientific Apparatus —Large Collections of Geodetical and Trigonometrical Survoy instruments, Heliograph! with workingillustrated). Magnesium Lamps, &c. Mr S. Percy Smith; Spectroscopes, Therino-electro Pile, U oniometer, Chemical Balances, Electric Batteries, Induction Coils, C_omical Apparatus, &c &c„ Mr T. Peacock ; Electric Pen i working illustrated), Mr Ellis; Remington's Type-writing Machine, Mr Justice Gillies; Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes, Porter and Co., Mr C. H. Street, Mr Thos. Cheeseman, Mr Stovenson; Microscopes, under the direction cf Dr Purchas, Mr Bartley, and others. Miscellaneous—Exhibition of Rave Books and Manuscript, Sir George Grey, X.C.8.; Loan Collection of Implements. Weapons, Clothing, and other Ethnologic Specimens from the Polyneßicnislands.MrKohn.MrS. Coombes, and otherß ; Exhibition of African Curiosities, presented to the Museum by Mr J. T. Mackelvie; Collection of Kauri Gum, Mr H. P. | Barber. To concludo on each evening with an Exhibi- ! tion ot Scenes with the Oxy-bydrogen Lantern, l principally Blides of Natural History objects, i kindly lent by tho Canterbury Philosophical • Society. I Selections of Music during the evemnge., ■' Doors open at 7.30 p.m.; carriages may bo ' ordorod for 10 p.m. j Admission 2s. Tickets, admittiog on both evenings, price 3s; 1 may be obtained of Messrs G. Aickin. J. A. i Pond, Chapman, Wayte, Upton, and Champ, taloup and Cooper. i Mombers of tho Auckland Institute are entitled to purchase Family Tickets admitting four members of family to both evenings, on application at the Museum Buildings, price ua,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3384, 1 June 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3384, 1 June 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3384, 1 June 1881, Page 3