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We have to acknowledge the receipt of £1 Is for Mrs Quinlan, from Dr Macdonald,

The Michael Carroll who was brought up for offensive language towards James Norris was not a fish-hawker but a navvie.

E. C. Baratow, Esq., Resident Magistrate of Auckland, arrived from Wellington by the Te Anau this morning. He has been absent on duties connected with the Judicature Commission siuce the 12at iust,

Miss Anaie Carlinc, the victim of the Kivirhead stabbing case, was discharged from tbe hospital yesterday. She has completely recovered, and intends to proceed back to Kiverliead.

The Juvenile Pinafore Troupe, consisting of 36 members, arrived from the South by s.s. Te Anau this morning, after a most successful season. The company (will be augmented by the addition of a chorus of sixty Auckland boys and girls, -who have been undergoing a course of training in the Temperance Hall. Arrangements have been made for the use of the Theatre Royal, and the combination will commence the season in Auckland next Monday evening.

There have been no fresh cases of fever admitted iuto the hospital since last Wednesday. At the present time the fever ward has only five inmates, and two of those are convoleseenl. The other cases are cf a more serious type.

Ltev. P. Q. Coriiford arrived from tho South this morning by the s.s. To Anuu, and it is not improbable that he will reinam here permanently. It is intended that he shall preach at Ponaouby Wcaleyan Church for some weeks at least. Mr Ooruford is well known iv Auckland, having officiated a* pastor to the Wellesley-strect Baptist congregation for many years.

Mr Reynold*) of Reynolds and Pollard's Lillipution Pinaforo Company arrived iv Auckland by the To Anan to-day, after a splendid business in the South The chorus has been drilling under Mr Pollard for some time past, and the Company will open the season on Monday next in the Theatre Hoyal.

Mr Alfred Wood, who was injured last week by a carriage accident at. Newmarket, was removed yesterday from the hospital to his home, lie does not appear to have completely recovered from the stupor iuto which he was thrown by the full, and although nt times he appears perfectly conscious, yet at others he relapses back iuto the old state. It is apparent that his bead must h;wo sustained a heavy blow on the head.

We arc requested to corioct an inaccuracy in the account given in our yesterday's issue of the lire at Mr Cox's, at Dovonport. Tho lire was caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp, aud did not arise in nnv way from the gas-miiking apparatus. It. afterwards communicated with the gasholder, and burnt U)i the supply of gasoline. The statement as to two gas machines was also erroneous. Mr ».'ox informed the policeman that, there were two "grass" machines (mowers) in tho outhouse, and they were destroyed along with tho gasmaking apparatus and other articles.

Tho construction of the new Roman Catholic Church in Newton is to bn proceeded with as quickly as possible. The plans have been prepared by Messrs Mahoney and Son, and tho edilico will lie situated on the property fronting Kast ami Albert-streets, recently purchased by members of tho Boucdictina order. Mr W. G. Connolly's tender, which amounted to £'2S6'S, was accepted for tho work, but ho has since declined to accept tho contract ill at that figure, which is £500 lower than that of the next tenderer. It was reported amongst contractors thut Mr Connelly wa« bound to get the job at any price as he was a Catholic, but tho matter caico before Urn committee last night, when Mr Colcbrook's tender was accepted. The cost of the work will, therefore, be £3310. The ilato for the ceremony of laying the foundation stonu was left to tho clergy,

Considerable alarm has been caused iv tho neigbbouihood of Newton—and indeed through the city—by a report that there was a. case of leprosy in exlstenco tlioic. The rumour was lirat circulated some weeks ago, and it has spicad so rapidly that it is now a general topic of conversation, We have made enquiries into the matter, ami find that the ropoit is grossly oxaggeiati d. The patient is a mau named Roberts, who has been employed has a lireman at the Auckland limber Company's mill. He is not suffering from leprosy, but from a fiovero or chronic form of .skin disease of longstanding, that both Dr.s. Bayutun innl Teunent recommended for treatment, at tho Hospital. The technical name for the disease is psoriasis. uoberts win formerly a patient in the Hospital, and is now, we believe,under tho treatment of Dr.Bayutun,

A man from Tuapeka was robbed (if £-2o() at the Fiirbury races on Iho Queen's Birthday.

The Diineilin Corporation have fettled a claim of £-2000, as compensation for the iSilverntretun waterworks, for £900.

A singular application was made to Mr Barstow this morning on the rising of the I Police Cimrt. A man named Dnnlon, n fish-hawker, of Chancery Lane, addressing His Worship, said that some time ago a man abandoned his wife, and out of shuer sympathy, mingled with a littleafloction, he offered to protect, her under his own roof. Sho accepted ilia oiler with terms of gratitude in her eyes. She became his housekeeper, and believing in her integrity, he entrusted her with the keeping of his household goods and cash box ; but during his compulsory absence in Mount Kden she bad cruelly deceived him—diminished his property to a serious extent, pawned his watch, and left hi.n to the shadow of a home. She had not only ruined him in depriving him his capital, but instead of welcoming him back as a woman should do, she let into him with tho broomstick, hammered him with n poker, and threatened to kill him if he did not skedaddle. His Worship asked What he wanted of the Court. I'liu answer was, " Protection from this monster." Hh Worship told him that it, was his own fault; he could afford him no protection ; he had no business with another man's wife. Dotilon loft the Court without its sympathy, and expressed his determination to sock a watery grave in the Waitenmta.

A prisoner ccaped from the Botanical Gardens, Mnncdin, yesterday by putting on the warder's sont, and strolling nlf unconcerned. His sentence would have expired to-day,

The prospectus ot the New Zealand Supply Association which is proposed to lie formed in Auckland is published in our advertising columns. The capital will bo £20,000 in share* of 20< each. The number of share* offered to the public will lie 14.000, and it is intended to call up 10s pi-r share. The object of the Association is to establish a co-operative store for the supply of goods and merchandize of all descriptions. The company will nUo act as agents tor the sale of produce of all kinds, and facilities will be given to promote the sale of local manufacture!) when ever it can he done in the interest of shareholders. Money will be received on deposit in sums of not- lesß than £1, on which interest will be allowed at the into of G per ceut. per annum. It is estimated that the not profits will be £60 per week. From the net profits 10 per cent, interest will b« paid as a first charge on the paid-up share capital, and the balance will bu divided as follows :-One-fourth to the formation of a reserve fund ; one. half as a dividend to the shareholders. A bonus, equal to the remaining one-fourth, will be paid pro rata to the ticket-holders who sball have purchased, during the year, goods to the extent of £25, ' and upwards, from the Association. When the reserve fund shall have reached the sum of £10,000, all further addition thereto will cease, and the said one-fourth of the balance of the net profits will bo applied to increasing the dividend to the shareholders, and the bonus to the ticket-holders. Mr Moginio will act as secretary pro. tern. Applications for shares should be made to Mr A. Saunders, the broker of the Company, Insurance Buildings.

At tne usual weekly meeting of St James's Mutual Improvement Association last evening Mr U.IS.F. Peltzer delivered a concise and admirably prepared lecture on •' The Right. Hon. \V. E. Gladstone. The 'attendance was large a fair proportion of members being present as well as a considerable number of visitors of both sexes. Mr .Peltzer in his prefatory remarks explained that he did not intend to give the estimate of the Liblral leader add his policy which Jhad been formed in England but to indicate the manner in which his character and his public acts Jwere regarded by the grcatFrench Republicau party of which tho lecturer claimed the honour of beiDg au humble unit. The biography, which "wa rather a hasty political sketch than a lifenarrative, started with Gladstone's entrance

in Parliament aud in a very sue. cinct manuer dealt only with the salieut episodes oi the [hero's career. His sympathy with the cause of Italian freedom, his gradual progressive from Toryism to advanced liberalism, his dis-ostablishment of the|lrish Clnsroh, his legislation and policy with regard to Ireland, his indifiuant feeling with respect to Bulgaiian atrocities, and his honourable and noble conclusion of war with the Boers were all referred to and expatiated upon, as well as his action in the Bradlaugh case. The lecturer bestowed a panegyric upon Mr Gladstone for broad toloratiou, unswerving fidelity to principle, able financing oratorical talent and statesmanship of the very order. In the discussion which followed, some exceptiou was taken to the manner in which the Earl of Beaconslield had been incidentally spokaii of, but all were united in praising the literary merits of the discourse. Mr Peltzer then replied. On Monday evening next essays will be read by Mr C, J. Rmyth (St. Andrew's Association), and Mr F. A. Cleveland (Baptist association).

We are requested to call attention to the trade eaia of Mr 6. Lewis to-morrow at 11 o'clock. This sale being the moßt attractivo of tho season, purchasers will do well to attend same.

In consequence of the accident which befcl Thomas Hudson, the jockey, at Papakura rnces Which resulted in a broken left and family distress, MrO'Hare, and his vocal friend?, have resolved upon a benefit entertainment, which will probably take place in the Lornee treat Hall, on U'noaday evening, the Uth prox., particulars of which will appear on the completion o£ the programme,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 2