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Plom- MUla. | rijiIiOUNTOJV, MMlTll, AJNI) FliiTll'S JL PRICKS CUKRKNT (Wuolkbai.k). Subjeotto altorntion without notice. Sacks. 100'b. 50>. Crown llrnnd Flour £ n. d. £ h. d. ,C s. d. portou v' o o io v ia v o T.S.&F. Cuntoibury Flour, per ton .. 10 10 0 11 1) 0 11 H) Canterbury l'lour, per ton n 0 0 0 0 0 1) 0 0 Sharp?, per ton ~ fi U 0 .. .. Bran, per ton ~ .. li 0 0 .. .. KowlWhoat .. ~ ?,i. Gd. por bußhel, Tho above pricos Include saeka and bagf ; flacks and begs not returnable Tkkms: Cash. Auckland, May 80th, 1831, C^ IT V FLOUR MILLS AN D ' BISCUIT MANUFACTORY. Auckland, March 11, ISBO. Wo beg to ndviso you ;thiu our Prices from date are as undor: , Slicks. 1001b3. 501bs. Snporllne Silk Dressod Flour— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Anchor nrsnd.ton.. 11 0 0 11 10 0 12 0 0 Bakor's Kxtra. ton.. 12 0 0 — . — . Sharps, per ton .. — — - V, f, Bran, per ton .. - , , — v v v Sacks and lings included. Cabin Broad, £17 per ton ; onscs. 2a 6d. Wo are youri< truly, I. BYUKOJTT &CO. CITY FLO UK MILL S, SHORTLAND-STREET. Tho UnderMsned, haring mado oxtcnslvo purchases of tho Heat Auckland and Southern Wheats, dck to draw special attention to their ANOHOR BRAND FAMILY FLOUR. Thoy venture to assert this well-known Brand is superior to any Southern Flour imported, and fearlessly recommend it to Ml llousonoldors i-c----quii'ins v, First-class Pastry Flour. ASK FOR BYCROFT'S ANCIOB BRAS!), . Per ton.! Rackn £}1 0 0 Itundroas H 10 » gns ]2 0 0 20 s j. b'yciwft a co. April Cth, 1881. *~ [KBTABU9HKD ISGO.I WAITEMATA FLO UK MI LLS, PRICKS CURRENT (Wholesale). Subject to alteration without notino. sacks. ioO'b. so«, £ b1 d. f. f. d. £ 8. d Fine Flour, per ton 13 0 0 12 10 0 in o o JL Flour, per ton 10 10 0 11 0 0 11 10 0 SS ttOD, io'o °o io ionl o Wheat Meal .. 13 0 0 12 10 0 13 0 0 Sharp?, per ton ..600 — — Bran, por ton ~COO — — Tho abovo pricos include flacua and bags. Bucks aud bags cot returnable. Cabin Biscuits, £17 per ton ; casos, 2s 6d each. Also, a largo assortment of Fancy Biscuits. Price List on application. TERM9~: CASH. OIUco i 35. Queen-strcot, Auckland, 3Oth May' 1831' JOHHLOIB. Hotel h. ER R V HOTEL, NOKTHCOTE, LITK STOKKH1 POINT, J, MAXWELL, Proprietor. Accommodation lor Travellers. Saddle Horses ; lon Hire ACCIDEMAL HOTEL. ALBERT FISHER (Formerly with Mr. John Coupland. Thames EHotel, and lato of the Imperial and Princo of Wales Hotels, Wcliinßton), Begs to inform tho Public, his Patrons, and Friends that he has purchased tho /ur-(amed OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. That additions and alterations, conducive to tho greater comfort and convenience of thp Public, have boon completed, ai d that every endeavour will be made, and no expense spared, to maintain the high reputation of th House. THE CAFE. This department, under tho management of an experienced chief, will be conducted on a scale worthy of the name and fame of tho Occidental Hotkl. FC 1. aX X BXA VV, v formerly of tho City Club (lately ot the Terminus Hotel, Helonsville), having bought the Freehold of tho WHANGiim Hotel from Mr Caffier, begs to inform visitors that no ollort will bo spared to afford satisfaction. Horses and Pleasuro Boats on Hire. Oottee Merc.&anta OR OWN, LAaKiiX-i' & CO.'S AUCKLAND BTKAM OiffFKK AND SPICE MUjIBj COJFEES. IT 18 NOT 3UFFICIKNTLY KNOWN THAT GOOD COFFKK 18 tho best stlmulatlna Beverage both for Winter and Summer. ■ To obtain what yon really want, ask for out Beet Brands, tho KXCKLSIOR or STANDARD, which have snstalnod their gocd namoa over Ten Years, and have very much Increased in demand—a sure proof o their being consumed and appreciated in all households throo&jhom and even out of our province. Co. Wholesale only at our Mllia and Agonts XA. Retail at all SGrooerjr Establishments In Town and Country. g&o . Our best 3 -Bo Kicp! Brand,nreonlabel qnalitleß. figo stanaard red >Kverypk«e 3^n Uon Pint i, I wlthonr P.» ° ilgnaturß, *m in gid 3 ) Otu lowes >•§" Anohot pnea „ (. qnalltles, a^° Crown yellow „ (without onr <d«'S ' ' aignatur*. fe p ° Our PEPPKRS and SPIOKM wo guarantea 0 B e 3t Q^t y ,and^oofadu.t B raUon. T& cQ Elllctt-street JnlyX3th 1 insurances. rpHE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL •.«■.... £2,000,000 accumulated funds _ £5,812,095 Annual Fiius Income Exceeding....£l,o7o,ooo The Company are prepared to accept RISKS on Build ings and their Contents, whether Mercantilo or otherwise, in the City and Suburbs, AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. JOHN BUCHANAN, Agent, Shortland-street, May, 1831. FIRE INSURANCE AT MODERATE RATE 3. THE NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY (Established 1797) Is prepared to accept Risks on every description of Property at MODERATE RATES OI Premium, such Kates to bo ascertained at : their Office. Having the repntation for LIBKRALITY AND PROMPTITUDE In the Settlement of Claims, and the -whole of the Premiums rcceiyad in New Zealand beins; INVESTED IN THE COLONY The Institution must command the support of the insuring Public. WILLIAM T. J. BELL, Principal 'Agent for the Provinoial Districts of Auckland and Taranaki. NOTE.-Removed to New Offices, 81, Queenatreet (nearly opposite Fort-3treet). "VIEW ZEALAND INSURAWUiS ±H COMPANY. Capital - £1,000,000 Reinsurance and Resorve Funds _ £150,000 LIBERAL CONDITIONS. MODERATE RATES, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. UNDOUBTED SECURITY. N.Z. INSURANCE BUILDI.VnS. GEORGE P. PIERCE Manager. "PURE J3ONKDUST3 JAMES SOPPET AND CO, Are supplying Fine Bonedust of their own manu facture. guaranteed free from any adulteration £3 103 per ton, sacka or baga ir-cluded, at the Mills, ifreeman's Bay, or their Store, No. 8 Lower Queen-street. Bones bought ia any quantities. October 25, li! 80 TWORTH SHOKE AND WAIWKiiA -^ royal mail coach. Time Table:— Loavo Flagstaff Hotsl, North Shore, every Mo.vday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of the i) a.m. Boat troin Auckland, nailing at ;he Lake, Lucas' Creek, Duiry Flat, Wade, aud Orewa. Leave Waiwera Hotel every Tuesday Thursday, and Saturday, at 8.30 a.m., for the North Shore. jamß3 hQR j > Proprietors. JAMES DODD )

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4