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To Let. •; fPO LET, a Room suitable for Plumbs 6. or Paintor, with shop window, facing on of the principal streeta.—Apply T. Uasher, L^n ; and Estate Agent, kitichbnry'oßuildings, Qaeei ' street. 3 fg^O LET, one or more Unfurnishe 1. Rooms.—Apply 123, Victoria-3'reet. * rpoTET, a beautiful situated Kesidenc r I of 11 rooms, at Mount St. John, with tw '" acres land, and stabling if required.—Apply t " H. Ashton and Son, 8, Mew Zealand Jnsuranc - Building I r|U) LET, that commodious Warehouse i: 1 L Custom-house-street, next to tho Thame • Hotol.—Apply to H. ABhtou and Son, 8, Me^ Zealand inauraiice Building. ' fV\O i ET, Family Residence of 9 rooms 1 JL witb largo garden, in Kef?ent-street, nea ' top Grafton Koad, comnmndinßaßplendid view ■ The premises are in thoroughly sqod order, gooc well and tanks, and evory convenience. PosseE , sion on lßt J me,—Apply to H. ABhton and Son ' House and Laud Agent, 8, New Zealand Insur 1 ance Buildings. _^___ /""iuM MODIU US and Comfortable Koom? \J some with gas laid on, suitable for com ; mfttoe meetings, ofllces. &c., at from is to 25s ( > weok, at The Great Northern Land Agency corner of Queen and Victoria-streetc KVONFOKT.—To Let, two 4-roomei and two G-roomoi. Cottages; all newlj erected and in good positions.—For further par ticulars apply to B. Tanner, 70, Queen-street. DEVONPOUI'7 NORTH SHORKHousesto Let, furnished and unfurnished ; —Oliver Mays, Post-office Store and Liverj Stables. Victoria-stroot. \JORTH SHUKE.— To Let, in ChrrchLV stroet, a 7-roomed Family Residence ir flrßt-olas3 order, with all conveniences and out buildings; also, several Cottages.—X. and K. Duder For Sale. )JIOK SALE, a well-built Three-roomed _ Cottage; oven, and water laid on; Somerset Place, off Howe-street.—T. Ussher, btichbury's Buildings, Queen-street. TjiOr. SALE, at Wairau, County of MarsJT. don, 100 Acres Land, at 5s fid an acre. Mußt bo sold.—Apply J. B. Kanderson, N.Z. Insurauco Buildings. TjTOK SALE, a line upstanding Kay Male, _ffj 6 years old, suitable for a heavy Bpririß cart: guaranteed staunch; any trial allowed.— Apuly Hansom Cab No. 29, or R. Johnston, Upper SymondH-vtreet Sj^Oli SALE, a Small Harmoniuni ; very l' cheap.-Apply to Mr J. H. White, Newton and Ponsiinby Jnnciion !~tore. r i>H) MILKMEN.—For sale, four or nix i Cowa' milk.—Applications byletter.stating price that will bo given, to "Dairy," Stab Ollice, will receive immedlato attention. fihoß SALE, the Lease of about 2 acres » of Land at tho foot of Mangero Bridge, with all improvements, including a Now Fourroomed Cottugo and Cow-shed, also a good well of water (never-failing supply); theloaso having 10 years to run.—For firms, apply to Mrs T, J. Smith, on the promises. S/lOK SALE, a House, new and well. 1' finished, 6 room?, good well, etc.; on an allotment of C6ft. frontage to London-street, Ponsonby. Splendid view, overlooking tho harbour. Only £375.—D. k\ Evans, Estate Agont, Queen-street. jji U H SALK (Cheap), a First-class I Hooded Hngsjy, single-seated, with Horse ard Harness.—Apply Stak office. Ti OR HALE,~~Superior~Building Allot8' inents, on the Ponsonbvt Ko*D, near tho Ponsonby Club Hotel.—Full particulars from D. If, H van', Hstato Agent, 71, Queen-street. jbf" OR S A L E. A ■ toila-wator and Cordial Manufacturing Business iii tho City of Auckland,— Apply for particulars to J. il. & J. Mowbray. 12, Queenstreot. Ij^Ok IMMEDIATE SALIC (cheap), in * Ponsonby. a really gond and well-flnighed Seven-roomo'l iiouno, scullery and wnshhouse, pplendid well, tank, &c, and largo garden.— Apply to John Soppot, Land Agent, &c, Kortstreet. O'""TAHU HUT—A well-nninhcd Tenroomed House and extensive out-buildings, with or without Kight Acres of Land, to be Sold cheap.—Clark and Gano, fort-street. JL°O K. A—FARM containing 180 acres", •|»Ow" partly fencod; 35 acres grass, good orchard, voicanicsoll, largo run adjoining, Dwolling-houso, sh«ds. &c.; terms aB ngreed.— S. Vaile, Land and Estate Agout, Shorllandstrtot, J2750-TWO CAPITAL SHOPS, doing °*^ a good business, and let at good rentals, splendidly situated on a cornor allotment, 33x100 feet.—-. Vaile, House and Land A^ont, tihortland-eireet. -pIOO CASH, Balance as agreed—House ~ of i rooms, with verandah, stables, noach-houses, tank, wall, &c, and allotment 38 x 81.6, situated in a leading street, 15 minutes walk from Post OfFhe.—3. Vaile, House and Land Agent, Shortland-street. J?ixn CASH, balance at 7i per cent, two *'"" Dwelling Houses and Shop, in aprin cipal street, close to Quoen-Btreet. Allotment, 35 x 82. Prlco, £525.—5. Vaile, House and Land Agont, Shortland-atreet. J? 1 ""ksTpKH KOOT.-BuildinsT Allotments, *'-L ° 42 x 128 feet, situated at Ponsonby. If desired the whole of tho purchase money can remain on mortgage —B. Vaile, House and Land Agent, Shortland-atreot. PA .QfI— aUPKKIOK UUALITY FARM, oonjj'uoyj taining 40 acres of rich voloanic landall in grass, good House of 6 rooms, stable, cowshed, &c.. plenty of water, 1J miles from railway station. Terms as agreed.—S. Vaile, House and Land Agent, Shortland-street. LUKM IN THE WAI X A To! V For I ea3e a Farm of 50 acres at Taupiri containing coal. This property adjoins a fine run of about 3000 acres, which may ba used for depasturing cattle or sheep. albo a garden containing 3G5 fruit trees, bosido3 grapes au^, gooseberries, on an Island ono mile from Taupiri Station. For particulars address Samuel Joy, Herald Ofiice. fp O R SALE. Tho Lease or Freehold of tho Commercial Hotel, Hamilton West, with the Furniture, Stock-in-Trade, &c, as at present in tho occupation of Mr W. H. Pearce.—For particulars apply to J. M. ft J. Mowbray, Land Agents, 40 and 42, Queen-street. I^oll IMMEDIATE OAtiJ!/, caeap, aua ' terms eaßy a comfortable and well-built Four-roomed Cottago in Stanley-street, Newton; aleo, two good Allotments, cornor of Codderington and Kepplo-Btreets, Newton; and a good Seven-roomed House, with every convenience, and Allotment 40 feet frontage to Upper Queenstreet by a depth of 156 feot.—Apply to JOHN SOPPKT, Land Agent, Kort-streot. Ttf Of I "~C B. The undersigned having many applications for Allotments in Hobßon-street, SymondsBtrsot, Karangahapo Koad, Franklin Koad, Ponsonby Koad and elsewhere, anticipates a speedy Sale of any placed in his hand. Commission charged only when sale is effected. D. F, KVANS, Estate Agent, 4, Q neon-atroet (oppoaite Bank New Zealand ■ JUT O~ xv IS a L W, ISLAND OF MOTUROA, BAY OF ISLANDS. Thia Island is beautifully situated at the eutcrance to the Bay of Islands; estimated to contain about 500 acres of choice fertile land chiefly under grass and capable of carrying a largo quantity of stock ; land well watered with never-failing Bprings; good Homestead of six rooms, well finished, with all necessary outbuildings, including large and commodious smoke-house; two acres well and choicely laid out in orchard and kitchen garden; Stook now running on Island oan be tak«n over at a fair valuation, liberal TVrms can be arranged to suit purchaser. For further particulars Apply to ROBEkT BKOVVNING, Solicitor, Shortland-street, Auckland. im X 'SYR is N jn TONS PURE BONKDUST, *v superior sample, £7 10s. 1 oft TONS SMTHS' & HOUSEHOLD 1° « BKST N KWCASTLE COAL. Also, Tho Balance GUANO, ex ' Kast Lothian,' about 100 TON 3, at £3. W. & G. WINSTONE. r\ N SALE. 50 tons CANTEUBUKY POTATOES 20 „ WAIKATO „ 10 „ BARLEY MEAL. G. S. JAKINS, COSTOM-HOUSK-STKEKT. Tenflerß. |TI PS O M GRAVEL PIT. VVANTKD.—Tenders to Leaso the above Pit will bn received by tho undersigned until FRIDAY, 3rd June, at 10 a.m. Particuiars to bOhadO£ WM.DINNISON, Secretary. Board ana Kesidenoe. npWO or three Gentlemen can be accomj modated with Board and Lodgings in a private family.—Apply at office of this paper. /IUVERKUK JSKOWNE HOTEL. \JT HOB3ON-STREKT. Boabd and Lodging _.. 20a. per Week SIN'OLB KOOM 258. ~ OBS O N STREET. - Comfortable Board and Residence; terms moderate references given and required.—Mrs Graham six doors abovo Blakle's slate Yard. "ITOUjnG WOMKIns INSTITUTE X AND BOARDING-HOUSE, QUBESr-STKKET Open daily from 10 a.m. till 9.30 p.m. Dinner and Luncheon from 12 to 2 p.m. Tei from 5 to 7 p.m. Hoarding-houae for Young Ladies who an occupied during the day. Terms on appllcatioi to the Secretary. Working Parties and other Social Gathoring are held during the Week. Governess Agency and Lending Library ii connection with the Institute.

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 3