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Insurances. ■' TTNION INSURANCE COMPANY NEW ZEALAND. , Capital _, £2,000,000 AUCKLAND BRANCH, ' QUEKN-STRKKT, next to the Colonial Bank FIRE DEPARTMENT. Inaurances granted on Dwellirg-houseß, Store. Shops, Buildings in which trado is caj-ried on Merchandlfle, and Goods of every description. MARINE DEPARTMENT. Hullß of Ships or Steamers, Merchandise of a kinds, Specie and Wool to United Kingdom Lowest Current Rates. ,'■ . r; H. Stevenson. 0■*■•' ____ Manager. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital £1,000,000 Reinsurance and Reserve Funds .. £110,000 Insurance against LOSS BY FIRE of every description of Property may be effected with this Company at Lowest Rates. Hulls Insured for the Voyage or Time, Mer chandise, Goods, and Freight Insured, by Steamers or Sailing Vessels. Rißks on Woo subject to special arrangement. ~: LossE-' Promptly Paid. F.i ■■,■■ N.Z. INSURANCE RUILDLVQS. GEORGE P. PIERCE. Manager. THE LIVERJfUUL AJMD LONDON AND GLOBE INS OR AN CE COMPANY. Capital £2,000,000. Accumulated Funds -£5,812,995. Annual Fire Income exceeding ..£1,070,000. The Company are prepared to Accept RISKS on Buildings rind their Contents, whether Mer' cantilo or otherwise, in the City and Suburbs At Lowest Current Rates, ',' JOHN BUCHANAN, ■ Agent. Shortland-Btroet, Augu-t 21,1889. < tihvim Drapery. „ '.';,'.;,' inrr ELLESL..Y HOUSE, CHEAP DRAPERY AND MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Now Opened for the Spi'ng and Summer trade, tbe Newest Styles I itress Materials, i comprising Galatea and Ec nice Stripes, Pom, oadour Prints, Idro Stripts, Attalea Twills, Angira Cloth, Grenadines, Lustrea in all the leading shades, &o. Black Silks, from 2a Ud to 10a Oi. Our stock of Ladiea' and Children's Hats and Millinery is larger than usual, end every novelty of the season. Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, Corsets, Baby, Linen, a very nico assortment. Lacß and Muslin Curtains, from to 6d the pair; Toilet. Covers and Quilts, new makes. Cheap Tweeds, Drills, and Serge for Boys' wear. Alwaya on hand, a well assorted stock of Hosiery, Haberdashery, Trimmings, and Fancy Goods. All gooda marked at leBs! profit than usual to meet the times. ■■! _. I, . „ I . 'V•:■ ;T, . wo shall also-continue to allow 5 percent. Discount for Cash at time of purchaße'bn parcels of 20s and upwards. nmtsinna Country Orders carefully,[» nd p romptlyexecnted. . ._, |. , A:\AA. r>rii -?li( / A. LOV3TT, j■ : , WEMESI.K'SB-STBEE*. AUCKLAND, '~: Medical. .'/'; y' y].1'; if I x v. a. is 'nJ'm'^ celebrated Blood Hesto-reri...; Tab Greatest Triumph1 oh Modern "Times s NO MORE .PHYSICAL 'DEGENER!i.Tip^ If the Laws of Health are observed, ~':''• ordinary care exercised, and1 ' ' 1 . Blood Restores , Freely Taken^J .''. ' \ H'ltFhej's';-'^;;.'!; Celebrated Blood Rssroßliß . CERTAIN CURE: ■>.",). For the Langour, Lassitude and Disease which, attend the Heat and Drought of semitropical andtropical Climates. Fevers whioh bo quickly fasten on the debilitated system may easily he ke ptawax „-.>, by the timely use of this »-[MOST WONDERFUL '^traDDDlyg In fact, by Its use! the Most Malignant ol Tropical Fevers have been ejected from . the Human System, and by its aid i. : Dying, Fever-stricken Men have .-, „_. been, as it were," " ,*'■' -~..,'. RAISED; FROM ,THE .DEAD i "':.'■ 'i'"'''""'"""""""'"!^ A well-known AucklandTradesman.^eriotißly ill with Soiatica and Lumbago, flys for relief to Mr Hitchens. His testimonial is below. Read it. ...... :'.-:.. sY-YuY _ ■ —■— — ■ :■ J I [fs.i'.ui BLOOD RESTORER V. DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS. ,;.,.: *■* The Medical Men of Great Britain tried'for1 twenty yitabs to cure-an Knglißhman of the painful disease Of Rheumatism, and. finally atvised him to come co' New Zealand;' Be came Ho saw Mr Hitchens I■ He partooK freely, of Blood Restorer! His testimony ia | ;below. Read it? ~ , r y■■ ■■•,,;.ik\la»t Lome-street, Auckland, 12th April, 1880, -. Sir,—l have oeen a suffarer fromL rheilmatinii for the last twenty years in the old (loantry.Through advice I received from medical.' . ec |I emigrated to New Zealand as being a.warmers climate, and more adapted for tbe cure of toy, complaint. For the last twelve months I have suffered moßt frightful agonies from the painß .in all my joints. What made xny case worse.. caught a Bevere cold. On the cold BUbßiding it left an aathma, which brought on dropsy;'/M suffering under these ;maladieß,l trled'^all medical aid, and was flvemonths'in the .isttiot; Hospital, Auckland, and neither my, wife ,nor myselfeverth.u „ht I would leave it alive, as I gradually got worse, having pains and large s wellingsin my knee joints, and arms, sbdultlerß l and hands distorted. My wife hearing of your ; I and seeing your testimonials in'the newapaponij from parties which live around v.. I;,made enquiries from several who had been' under your treatment, who stated themselves that yon cured them when their case was .supposed; to be hopeless. I determined to see you at all hazards, and was helped to your place by my ' wife on sticks. Only five months under'jOur care, and the whole ot my complaints nave disappeared.and am now able to follow my daily avocation. Thanks tea merciful Providence that I was brought under the influence of yonr medicine; and wishing that you may be lose spared to be able to administer your : valuable, Restorer to other sufferings as you have done to me.-Yonrs faithfully. SaMUELFIBIJV': . To H. A. H. Hitchen?,Esq., Auckland.- :'.'.-. Auckland, 28th June, 1879. • H.A.H. Hitchens, Esq. . '. . . Sir,—l have much pleasure in being able to bear testimony of the great good to be receivedby taking j our Blood Restorer. Having a vetfi bad attack of Sciatica and Lumbago, I was for weeks unable toattend to by business'; I wa| under the treatment of a medical man, and tried all kinds of remedies, but received no rolief; in fact I waa gradually getting worse. ..A friend recommended me to try your Blood mixture, but you being a stranger to me, and not know* ing the quality of your mixture, I wbb Sceptical about it. : My friend called again, and again recommended me to you, and from what .he said I was indue :d to call on your age: ts, Meisnl Hamilton Bros,, and get a bottle of your Restorer, and I am clad to say that, after taking six bottles, I was able to attend to my business and am now quite well. Should any friends of mine at any time bo suffering with Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, etc., I will most certainly! recommend them to take your Blood Kestorcr.— I am. Sir, yours truly, N.-MCMILLAN, Vulcßn Lane. Ormond, Poverty Bay, Sept. Bth, 1880. Mr H. A. H. Hitohens, Auokland, -." Sir,—lt aflords me great pleasure in testif ylng to the immense value of your medicine. I haa been suffering a long time with Bheumatio Gout, and for fome time before taking your Blood Restorer I had to b. lifted in and out of bed; but after taking cne bottle I felt such, relief that I wa- able to assist myself, and bafOl-B finishing tbe fifth bottle I was perfectly cured,; and have not had a return of even the symptoms of the ditease since. Altho'this testimony ia unsolicited, yon aro at liberty to make what i use of it you please, but I feel it a duty to acknowledge the efficacy of yonr medioine.-I am, Sir yours truly, W, HUNTER. ,/„, ■ 1 „ .. ~,,"! rSWRE OF SKIN DISEASES To he Editor: Sir,—Herewith wshavetthe pleasure to forward you a letter from New Zealand bearing testimony te the successful treatment of a skin disease of long standing through the use of our Euoalyp tea Extract for the bene-' fit of those similarly afilicted. We hope.yoU' will deem the subject of sufficient importance to afford this letter a space in your Valuablo paper.—Yours truly, ' ■'■■■" V SANDER & SONS.; -s Bridge-street, Sandhurst, July, 1880. ; ■'' ;;i IKVEROARGIU. N.Z,, Bth rULT 11880, Messrs. Sander & Sons, Sandhurst. ~ i . :: Gentlemen,—Having Buffered from eczema, (a skin disease whioh is very prevalent in tliis colony) for about nine years, I had- consulted numerous medical men hero and in Australia.: and had taken arsenlo, strychnine, iodido ot potassium, etc., internally, and bad used preparations of zino and lead externally. In fact I had tried all the remedies known to,tnO; faculty, and what between travelling doctors and druggists' bills, bad spent a small fortune,, almost if not wholly without results, except to injure my constitution. During a recant vieit to Hokltika I was recommended to, try your Extract of Eucalyptus Globulus by & brother, who had experienced great benefit froib itlß, alleviating a very severe cold, and, no less to my surprise, than satisfaction, I found the disease which had troubled me so long was connuered, and the skin reaumed its normal condition. This was effected by the external ÜB9 of less; than two one-ounce bottles. : _:'" You are welcome to make any uso you plcaefl of this letter, and I subscribe myself.—Youre,, (Signed) JOHN H. KERR,.,' :'; Manager, Union Bank of Australia (Linntea Agent for Auckland i ' , ; . SJ GRAVES AIGKIN, The Pharmacy, Quekn-btkeict. ; j

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4