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"Wanted. | WANTED KNOWIN, Men's Holland Coat?, 4a 6d each; Dust Coats, 8b eaoh ; I and a lot of other Wonderful Fresh Bargains, in the 3rd column Ith page.—W. H. Dampler. i WANTED, a good Cook.—Auckland Club; WANTED, a Man to milk.—Apply J. Campbell. Wellington Btreet. ANTED, a Shop Boy.—Apply at H, L. Possenniskie, Shortland-street. \\l A*NTED, a good plain Cook,—Apply VV to Mrs J. C Firth, Mount Edeu, \ANTED, a Good Tailoress, and a Girl quick at her needle; also, a Boy.— Apply to J. Williams, Tailor, Victorla-streot. ANTED, a young Man who thotouahly underatanda bott'e washing.—Apply R Whitson and Son. ! WANTED, au Assistant to the Dressmaking—Apply to Mrs A. Martin, top , Of Hobson-atrcct, next to MrOrowo, Baker. \ ANTED, t* purchase or hiro a Small Steam Engine.—Apply Box 91, Postoflico, stating full particular?. I ANTED, a General Servant; good wages.—Apply Nottingham Castle, Aberorombie-Btreet. , ANTED, a young Man accustomed to : Farming; ablo to milk.-Apply to G. : Londrum, Friday morning, 10 o'clook. i ANTED, a Young Man for tbo Bake- j houso.-Apply to B. Farrell, Princsss j street, Onehunga. | WANTED, a smart Youth accustomed | to wait at tabic—Commercial Hotol, Shortland-Btroet. ____ AN I ED immediately, a respectable* Girl with good roforencea.—Apply to Mra Hundley, Norman'a Hill, Onehunga. WANTED, v large Shop or Piece of Ground within half-a-mlle of QueenBtroet —W. 11. Dampier. WANTED, to Purchase Good Brahma Fowls. Must bo flrat-olass.-Apply Stab Ofllce. WANTED, a Situation by r.n experionood'Walter and Barman.—Address .'C.J.8.," fcTAK Oflico. _____ W" "" ANTED to Purchase, a Small Parcel of Building Sooiety Shares.-O. Alexandor, Insuranoo Buildings. ANTED, Apprentices and Improvers. -Mrs Fargle, Dross and Mantle Maker, Grey-atreet, near Pitt-Btreet. YA7" ANTED, a Trustworthy Servant to Vt do tho gonoral work of a house ot business; good wagoa.-Apply Cole's Butchery, Wakoflold-street. . ANTED, after Uhiistmas, a Resident Govorneßa, competent to teach English, French, Music, and Drawing.-Apply to Mrs Barton Ireland, Yatborough Houbo. Parnell. |\7 ANTED, Tenders for Building a Vl family rosidonco, Mount 1 toskill Road. For Plans, &c„ apply E. T. Horbert, Draper, Upper Symonds-street; ANTED, Tenders for Shingling ; labour only.-Apply ot my oflloe, James Wrlgloy, Auokland_ ANTED, a Partner with some Capital. In a splendid paying business.— " AM.," G.P.0., Auckland. \1 J ANTED, by a Respectable Young W Man, a Situation in a Manufactory or Buainoss; widlng to invest some oapltal.-Apply by letter to " Agrlcola," P. 0., Auokland. WANTED, by a respectable person, Washing by the dozen; terms moderate, —For address apply to Mra Bayers, Secondhand Clothier, Grey-atreet. ANTED, Tendera tor Building a Throo-roomed Houso. Plan and specification to bo seen at tho Auokland Timber Company's Oflico. Tendera will closo To morrow atnopn^lOthjnst . ANTED, Married Couple (elderly), without encumbrance; man, thorough farm hand, and to milk; woman as genoral Bervant.—Apply W. H. Motcalfe, 29, Now Zealand Insurance Buildinga. WANTED KNOWN.-Good Garden Soil, from la per load (delivered) —Apply at excavation near Tneatro Royal, ViotorlaBtroet, at once. ANTED KNOWN, that a 'iius moeta tbo last train on Saturday night and all tralnß on Sunday, at tho Penrose atatlon. Singles fares, 9d; return, Is 3d ; night, Ib. WANTED KNOWN, that you can Dress woll for a small weekly payment by going to Munro & Mllligan. See advertisoment In front page. WANTED, by a Young Man, a draper, a Situation; eithar town or country. Haa aUo a knowlodgo of tho grocery business. Satisfactory roferonoos.—Apply by latter to '-X,Y.Z.,"Stab Ollice. , ANTED, to Sell, by a gentleman leaving for Austral!*, a Harmonium, worth £16 (handaomo walnut i inc. threo etopal, vory little used; as good as now. Prioe, £11. On viowatHoll'man'a. ANTED, Everybody to do their own Painting, and buy Atkinson and Oo.'b Rondr Mixed Paint; tho cheapest and beat in Auckland.—Atklnaon and Co., Paint, Oil. and Varnish Makers, lfreeman'a Kay. ANTED, to clear shop on Saturday. Mutton, 2id; Ho«et Beef. Id; Boiling do., 3d; Prime Corned Beef, Sd; L»rd, Od; German fcauaago, 6d; Superior neof Sausage. Id; Lamb por quartor, fromSiOd; Kog Beef, 265.— G. Hume, butcher, Queen-Btreet. ANTED, Christmas Card Purchasers to call and inspect tho Beautiful Assortmont at .',. W. Uoodaon's. 7,600 just received from London, and oifered at marvelloualy low prions, commencing at Id each. All new stock. -111, Queen-street, WANTED, Orders tor Trousers to meaauro, 13a 6d; Trousora and Vest, 25b ; Suit. 55a. Marvellous value at Phillips's Mart, 170, Queen-Btreet. W "ANTED. — Ask for Walte's Fruit Preserving Tina; and sco yon get them. Sold by all Ironmongers, and at the Factory, Fott street.-H, Waite. Wholesale Tinsmith. ANTED KNOWN, that the Cheapest Houae in Town for good Boots and Phooa of all sorts and sizes la tho Cheap Boot Shop, corner of Quoen-Blreet and Markot Entrance. Come one, come all. No oredit to pay for. Large stock. Mn3t soil. WANTED KNOWN, that D. Goldie Is prepared to sell Ad kinds of Building and othor Timber, including Hardwood, Spokes, Folloos, lron-Barkand Bluo-Gum Shafts, Blookß, PaUngs and Shingles, at his Yorda, Lower Albert-street, near Dock, at the lowest cash prices. Tho timber, boing under cover, is better than that purchased oleewhoro. __ WANTED, North Shore Excursionists to call at Mrs Foster's Luncheon Rooms (Two doors from the Flagstaff Hotol), whore they can be accommodated with Tea and Coffee at any hour. Every attention paid to tho comfort of Visitors. Chops and Steaks. Strawberries during the aoaßon. Apartments to Lot. Private Board and Residence. Terms moderate. Pionlo Partiea Bup""fld at twelve hours notice. T \ t ANTED KNOWN, Stationery at VV Engliah pricea; Ruled Note Paper (cream laid), 2d por quire; Envelopes, 2d per packet; Foolacap and Letter, 9d per quire all kinds of Fancy Noto Paper and EnvelopoaMourning Stationery, Account, Pass, and Pooket Books, Penß, Pencil*, Bibles, Albums, Sec, Sec, at pricea before unknown in Auokland; a fow Boas Puzzles left, at Is; the Game of Trevole, la 6d; Tom Thumb Printing Press, 8s; Climax Dater, 30s; Automaton Pencil Stamp, 7B 6d ; the Initial Rubber Stamps, la eaoh, with Pad and Ink for marking linen or stamping paper or envelopes. Supplied at Goodson's, 111, Queen-street.- Observe the Address. , WANTED, Admirers of the Beautiful, Purchasers of tbe Useful, and Students of the Economical, to call and inspect the Goods just reoeived por b.b. ' Durham,' from London, at the Novelty DepOt, 111, Queen-street. Every article ia marked in plain figures, at pricea hlthorto unknown in Auckland. Tho great varioty and novelty of goods render them especially adapted for Chrißtmas and New Year Present . Q w GQomoK OppOßito Tonka's Mart ANTED, every person about to Build or requiring Building Material n largo or small quantities'to call or) send their AUCKLAND TIMBER COMPANY (Limited). By aid ot now nnd high-class Machinery, every deacriptlon of Building Materials manufactured of a quality, and at prices, hitherto unknown in tho Colony. Trial solicited. Pricea to meet tho times. Special advantages for cash. -Works : Custom-houae-streot West. Offlce: Cnstom-homestreet Eaat. near Wharf. "V\rANTED KNOWN, that E. Carr VV ud Son have to hand Building Timber In Kauri and White Pine, Shingles, Houae Blocks, PaUngs, Poatß. Rails, and Firewood in their Yard, Custom-house-street West, opposite end of Hobson-street. N.8.-The increasing demand for White Pine has induced them to arrange for a constant anpplv. VVr ANTED KNOWN. To ALL IN WANT or Monkv.—L. H Neumegen is prepared to advance the same on peraonal or any othor security, repayable by Weekly instalments.—Note the address: 165, Queen-street, opposite the Savings' Bank. WANTED KNOWN, that J Morrison, ABphalter, has Removed to his New Yard Cnatom-House-street West, betweon Hobson and Nelson-atreets. Asphalting attended to on the shortest notioe. Also, a Large stock cf Firewood, cut and uncut; wholesale and retail. \XrORKING MEN ! 1-Plenty of Good V V Tea at the T Pot for Is 6d per lb; a good Sugar at Id; Rice, 2_i; Corn Flour, 6d ; Candles (full weights), lild; Stonelesa Jams, K.B (the best brand), only 7d; Marmalade, 81 French Prunes, 7d; New Dates, Gd; Very Fins uresorvod Ginger, Is per tin; Yorkshire Relish, 7*d por bottlo: Bloater Paste, 6d; Bmoked Cod Roes, Oi; Kippered Herrines, Is; Goodall, Blackhouse and Co.'s Potted Ham, Tongne, Beef, Straahnrg, Mixed Game, Pheasant, Partridge, only 7d por tin: Pigs Jowls, reduced to 3d.— F. Howln and Brother, Queon-Btreet. WANTED, Visitors as well a3 Residents'in Auckland to call and inspect tho varied stock of New Goodp-all imported within the last six months—at Goodson's. 111, Queen-Btreet. The trade motto at that establishment being, "Small prolita and quick returns," or, " A nimble 6d better than a slow la.—Watohea: Waltham, key and keylets; Geneva, Alluminlum, Silver, Gilt, and Metal Cases, from 30a; French-American Clocks and Alarma, comprlaing: Eight-day and Keyleßs Frenoh. ttlllntloal Carriage, Jokers, Peepo'-day, Carr.age Alarma, Prince, Princess, Nutmeg, La Belle, Pirate, Wheel, Banner. &c, &c, from 7a 6d, excellent time-keepers, and handsome in appearance. Fresh arrival of Potest Silver Goods, being white all through (not plated), wearing equal to Bllver, Forks, Spoons, Cups, Castors. Cruets, Waiters, Napkin Kinga, &o.; Gold and "liver Jewellery; Alluminlum, Gilt and Silverplated, in Brooohea aud Sete, Studs, Rings, Solitaires, Necklets, Sec; Monogram Veßta Boxes; Kicking Mules, 80-peeps; Elephant and Dog Inkstands; Tablo and Pocket Cutlery in preat variety; Knives and Forks, from 7s per doz.; Coverß, from la Od per pair; Pocket Knives, from 6d; Sycamore Bread Platters, from 2s Od: Knives, from 1b 6d; Butchors Knives, from 9<l; Scissorß, from is, at Goodsona(opposite TonUu Mart) 111, Queen.Btreet,

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 3