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Merchandise; G-. W. O WKN * C°-QUEEN-STREKT WHAKP, HAVE ON SALE (EX RECENT ARRIVALS) : A LARGK STOCK OF HPEAS, gUGARS, (JKOCERIES, AND QILMEN'S CTORES, Comprising— FINE TEAS, in half-choßts and boxes Victoria and Sydney Conipanieß' SUGARS Mauritius and Fiji ditto CANDLWS-Bolmont, Do Roubaix, &c, &C. Starch, Blue, Soap, Moap Powders, &c. Currants, Figs. Hurcolona Nuts, &c. Klcmo, Muscatcll, and Sultana RAISINS Jama, Cundicd Peel. Marmalade Jellies Hrown S: Poison's and Hrnwn's CORNFLOUR CONFECTIONERY. Jujubes, Kssences Van Hontcn'o, Taylor'p, and Fry's COCOA and GHUOOIjATB Neavoa Food, Mai/.ina Salad and Castor Oil, Hair Oil, &C. Pickles, Sauces, Curries, Capers, &c. Blacking, Ulacklend, ViiHtua RIOiC, SAGO, TAPIOCA, ARROWROOT Salmon, Lobster, Sardines, Cod-fish, Ling, &c. JHitter, Choose HAMS and BACON Washing and Carb. Poila Ttirtario Aci;l, Cream of Tartar Paper, Paper Hags, Confectioner's Bags AMERICAN CANNED FRUITd, &c. &C. &C. StO. G. W. OWEN, & CO., QUKKN STIUSH.T WHARF, HAVE ON SALIC : :!(in tmeka Monk's Crown Brand FLOUR 60(1 „ Wilton, rianaway *r. Co.'s I'LOUR 101) „ It. Anderson's FLOUR ftlK) „ Ammland Uround FLOUR 100 „ Wood's "Star" KLOUR «) tons „ MaUe, &c In Small Bags HOD BIIOksHKAVY OATH 500 „ TARTARIAN SNICI) OATS I'.iiil „ IUIAN nnil SllAltl'S 1IH) . VOW I.H' WHEAT m> bags Wosle.rn and Wo.HlaU's FINK and COAUSIC SALT 200 caHcs KICROSINK orii „„_ ;>,u Dalcs(Sivy. Win!. I'lnk.nmUlrowiiPAPKß Bndtl'APJtU HAOS a. w. Owen & Co., QUKKB.V STHEKT WHARF, HAVE ON SALE : HO casoa Prime CANTERBURY OHKKSK 30 cwt. Prime lIA MS und BACON 10 tonsCANTERIiURV I'OTATOE3. Sewim? Machines. OEWINti |Y| av>lll NE S TAYLOR'S PATENT SEWING MACHINES M 'hW o gc >l <£%!:>- ■"■■& •:!* .._ Sd D ThoßO Machlnea have now boon bo long be for \ tho publio that tliuy hnvo cßlnbllshod a reputation for thomatilvcw and can bo confidently recommended by lundredß who poasosa thorn ob auporior to all others for domoatio use. Tho now Elliptic bhuttlo Movoment la acknowledKod on all hands as tho aimplost quleteat, and mußt beautiful motion ovor in, vented for tho pnrpoao. Tho new Patent Shuttlo haa only ono bolo to thread, aud la larger than moßt oUiors. 801.X Aiiicnti T. PEACOCK, Oi-TIOUN, Ejbortland-atreot. vr SkwinolMacuinks Rkpairbd. Not for an a^o, but lor all tiniu ! OINGER'S QEWING TyTACHINES. SALKS 1875, (InFouh SALES 1579 249.552 -I nkably L 433,107 MACIIINKX ( UOUBLKUM j MACIIINK9 LARGEST SALE in the WORLD LARGEST MANUFACTORIES IN THE WORLD 1 {? PATKNT TRIPLK aCTIUN BALANCE WHBEIi, and may have, when required, tho New Patent Cocoon Shuttle (ivBtead of the Bobbin Shuttle), NEW FAMILY MACHINE, on Pol- 1 lulled Walnut Tablo. with Drawers, Stand, and Treadle. Prico .. _ £5 17 0 ACCESSORIES GIVEN WITH EACH MACHINE. 1 Feller 1 Ex. Cheok Spring 1 Set Hemmora & Foldor G Shuttle Bobbins 1 Tuck-marker „ VI Needles 1 Quilter „ 1 Screwdriver 1 Braider 1 Bottle Of Oil 1 Straight Guide 1 Oiler 1 Screw for Straight Golds 1 Book Instruction 1 .Extra Needle-plate Other Accessories for special classes of work are supplied at a small extra charge. Prlco Lis cent post f roe. SEWING MACHINES for all classes of work fitted to work by hand, foot, or steam power. Tho Sewing Machines made by tho Singer Manufacturing Company are acknowledged by common consent to be by far tho best Sewing Machines that meohanical ingenuity nan been able to produce Although the Singer Sewing Maohinea are comparatively lato in the field, yet the extraotdlnary demand for them during the past few years—as indicated by tho successive annual sales—haa obliged thin enterprising company to incrcaso their Factories 'to an extent that Beems almost incredible. Tho largest of their Factories is at Elizabeth. Ne-w .foraey. Hero, tho main building has 1100 feet frontage;: Korglncr Shops, 700 feet; Foundry,6oo feet by 100 foot; Cabinet Shop, 200 foot; Packing Shops, 200 foot: The main building has four iloorß ; the Cabinet and Packing Shops havo each three floors. works employs 3,500 men. Tho yard contains 6 miles railroad tracks, There are also Factories at, or near, tho City of Glasgow, and tho dimensions of theso worics may be imagined, when we say that 2,500 hand here, as at tho American works, flnd constant employment, Tho turn-out'ot Machines alone is 10,000 every week, or, at tho rate of 500,000 (half a million) for the current year. The various parts and new accoaeories. needles, 011, &c, &0., required for tho 3,500,0J0 Sewing Machines, whioh aro in use all over the world - those demand special attention and much labour. A Staff of Skillod Mochanics and Sewing Machine IKxperta ia always employed for the sole purpose of making overy possible Mechanical Improvement on tho Machines and accessories. The Mechanical principle on which Singer's Machines aro biiiltcan hardly bo improved, and as a proof of this it need only bo said that it Is about the only Machine imitators have endeavoured to copy, and only in America, but alßoin Great Britain and the Continent of Europe, The legal proceedings against Kimball and Morton. Newton Wilson and Co., and Frister and Rossman, aro well-known. The case against Newton Wilson was carried before the Hoasc of 1 ords. The tinker Co. won. Tho action against Krister Uo'Binan la German firm), occupied lhe superior Courts soventeen days last year. 'I ho decision was altogether tin favour of the Sinorer Company. Since thai trial no Sewing Machine Manufacturers or Dealers are permitted to use the riama " Singer" in connection with tho stylo, mako or sale of any Machine except thota of the Singor Manufacturing OompaTiy'a OWN MAKE. As there are either Branches or Agencies in nearly every town in tho civilised world, all who desire to have tho Best Sowing Machine' and the Cheapest, can easilyOVitainaGKNUlNE SINGER, accompanied with a 'Written or Printed Guarantee slgiicd by tho autotiris^a arent. ' ll Tho Unparalleled Supci^d at this Business can only W attributed to tho' uniform excellence pf all tho Company's manufactures, as well as'to tho most approved mechanical principles on which all Singor's Machines are built. And notwithstanding tlio Ystiy Ghpa* Rki nucTiON in Pricks, tfto Company continues to give Wonderfully K«ay 'I'orma to Purchasers on tite HJre or JDcferred Paymout System. (To be continuod.) 'BRANCH OFFICE! tT FORT STREET, AUCKLAND. "W in yuiOK'S XI MIS TABLE I? c moM ■ AUCKLAND AND WHAU. oaves A uckland 1 Loaves Whan I 12 noon 8.30 cm. G p.m. S p.m, Satnrday-Leavea Anokland, 3 p.m, vi 10.70 p.m. Saturday—LoavssWhau 8.30 m.'Jani 1,10 »..

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 4