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W*~ ..■»-■—■ - ______ Dammer's Wonderful Bargamß. r A D I E SI Reinomlicr wo open now at S mid clo3o at 6; ■v don Saturdayswo oloaoat 10.30. Comoand a"otlo law mcx lot of WcmUuful Fresh 1 laruiiua ramniciicins with Ladies' Auckland Aliulo Kid Hoots, at Si tlio luiir: Pomuudour Ulbbon, 3d tho yd.: Satin and lf'iilllo Uovoi-h----able Hiblion, lid; Largo Lot other Hummer Klbboiia, lid to la; Vory Wirto Sash lUbnon.Od tho yd • Letitlier Tablo Mats, In Cd the sot of I. i ICntVoa and ForkH.lid tho ualr; Hooka mid Kycs, 2 cards for Id, or Od tho doz. cards : Glass Ink Bottles, with metal lids, (id; Itlaok Bracelets.. d the pair; tho Kanhionablo Snake Bracelet, Is thovulr; Silvered Snake Hnioulots, !ld each: Nicol Lot of Table Oilcloth, la tho yd. Toll jour husbands to look in tho Wakelle d-streot Window at my Ulack and Sunungr Kelt Huts, ut '-'a oach. lam rot awaro that Ivo liiul sn;-li a cheap lot of Kelt Hats bcroro; Hoys do., the same urieo; Black Luatro, Hd and In tho yd.: Hoys' summer Suits.i 5a and 7s : Gram!. Mntui Dross Holders. 2d; tho now Cushioned Ladies Girdles, (ill; the Ladies' now fashioned I nick Headed Nooklaeos. U (M ; new fashioned jlroochoH (bUiclt or coloured), (id ; Kid Glovob, is tho pair : nriwdld lot of Jcaophmi) do. (white and coloured), '2a: nico lot of KidmK w n'P!\ , 18 each; Law. Curds of Children's Tools. Id tho card; I'lajins Cards, lid tho pack; ipindsoino Money Boxns. <Srl: Workhnxes, nicely lillc«l with Helsmirs &i\, 2.i; Toy Holla, '_M ; l.areo rto.. ; Huitable for TnhloHollh. Id ; Lvr K o "rand < Milmi Tea Sots, 2.* : 1 taper, 1h tho yd.; Crni)h«>t Aiitiinaccasars. Is I!d ; Toilet Mat a, la the Bet of 0, Omnibuses, lid oach ; Hair Hrunhes, Is; C arnbrio Handkerchiefs, (id; Trmawls, 2d <mch; PunchClappew, la; KiißlnesUM: Turkey Twill la; Kiamed Oleograph Ploturos. in too pair; Grand Pin Cushions, »d; Lnruto .Tara Uimnels l'omndo, Grt; Victoria lUata, 2d each; ante ,ie" lot of Ladled Gloves (M ij"™'*™, v™*? r Itinsja fid- Infanta1 Feeding Uottloa, ! d ouch ; Children's Patent leather IK.ota. 2 ? ; Children s Prunella do., .to G to 11, 3a; Ladies' K.H. Boots, (is Cd; Prunella do., to (id; pretty bottles Si no 11---1-1 siilta ild- lnriio cut plasn bnltlos Scent. Is "l; \M vd. licks of Thread, 3d ; 200 yd. Hoc aof iotton. 2.1. or la lOd tho doz.: Cmohet Cotton Bdand2*d: Buttons, 12doz. lor Id; OlothVoßt Buttons lii doz. /or Id; Ladloa and Girls T imbio ( .,2forid: Urown Windsor Soap, 7 for la- Glycerine liars, 7d the bar; a few Jmml Tassels, 2d onoli; uood aizo Picture Crosses 2d; mass ve3-cornoredßlaSßlnk Bottles, 1b: LiuHuh and Girls' Umbrellas. 2a; nico Lot of Ladies White Straw 1 fata, la lid: Girls' do., lOd mid Is: Men'n do.. Is and la lid: Shoots of Fins, i for Id or id tho doz. • Ladles" Handsome Silk Siumres, Is lid : Morley'B Knitting Cotton, Nos. r> to 1 1, is lid the 11).: Infants' Feedlnpt Bottle", Od eicli; Hook Jtnalin. 5d and (H ; Steel KnittiiiK Pi°s. I for 2d : Rood sizo Tin Waiters, i i I'mtty Km; Cu]ih, D for is; tow Ball Dress™, n little soi on, la- Mun'a WalkinK Sticks, lstol; Hoy» do., ad ; Klectroplated Korka. Is; do.SpOOEB, Id. l,d. and 'lit • Hoys' Widoframed Slates, 2d ; 2 Vlolins, with Hows, 20a oach. Tell tho Shoemakora 1 havoaNiceLotofLiidioa'Kld Hoot Uppers. 2s 1 in oair and a Lotof Lailios1 Hoot Blocks, Is tho Dftlr: nico Lot of Hoot Trunks for anyone. Oil ;o 63; Wash Leathers, la each; about 15 lira. Tomahawks left for la oach ; Playlun Cards, «<1 Ihopaok- nioo Lot of German Silver and .stoel Spootaclos, Is the pair, worth 2s Ocl: Slate Pencilß, Id tho doz. or Od for 100; Hair Note. Id; another Lot of tho Him*: Velveteen, MOdOfl yd.: Lot of Sarcenatils the yd.; Gonts Satin Bows, 6d and ad ; Neckties, ii: Ladles' Scarves, fld to Is lid; Peorless Gloss to shlno tho boots without brushes, fld : nice Lot of Men's West Knd Collars, aizo 11, 3d (Rood quality); Hlaok and Whlto Borlin Wool, 3d tho do/.: all tho buautifulcolours, id; Ladlos' Stays. Is Od tho pair; Calico,.ild: TowollinK.Ud; J-rosh Lot of White Rack Combs, Jd and B'l: Mons Shirts. Is 3d to •>3 0d tho highest price; Hoys do., dlllcront sizes cheap; Ladies White Hoae 3J.1; Unbleached do..lid; Other colours, Ud; Very Wldo White Window Holland, Od por yd.; Oroon Striped do., Od: Como Ladlos and sco the Lovely Lot of Ladies' aumraor Gloves I am tolling at Gd tho nair • Children'B Gauntlot C.lovea, Id ; lluohe rtiirofont oo!ourß,2dtho yd.; Ludies'and Oir s retticoata, 2a; Whlto do., la Gd: Boys Dux Collars, Blza 111, 3d tho box; Mon's Grand PinrKareoa. S)d ; Hplondld Lino of Men's Braces, ls;lnoihi K her niico; Litllo Boy's do., Gd: Pntr Boxes, with putra. nd ; Towels. 3d to2Jd; Largo Honeycomb do., Gd; Turkish do., is; Navy Blue, Majenta. M»roon. Groon. Brown, and LavendorMeHno,ls3d the yd.; LadUs Holts, Cdnnd9d: Jlon'3 do.. 1^; Boy's do.. 9d; Hair Pads, 3 for (id : Satin Tubular Trimming. Id the yd • KesdinK Glasses, to hold in tho hand, nd oaoh; Nice Lot of scent, fid tho bottle: Piplnß Cord 18knots for Gd ; FinKorinK Wool, ■id tho hank: Ladiea' »nd Mei?u Stand-Up Collars, aizo 16, lai, and 10, 2d tho box; Embroidered Mat?. Od; Notepaper, 2d quiro : Flannel 19 3d.,—AY. II DAMPIKiI Oueen-stroot WANTED, my Customers to take particular notico of my Christmas Hoi idaya' List of Bargains, comprising a grand assortment of Vmhionable Millinery Bonnets, and somo of the Cheap«st Trimmed I^adiea Hats in Auckland. My house) is celebrated for selling the boat and cheapest Kid Gloves lv town, lho following list of prices will bo a suro guarantee that tho articles will inmiro themselves to tho public, especially Bohemian Kid Gloves, an excellent quality, in all sizes, prioo Is 9d porpair, worth 3s Gd: one lino of Twilled Flax Shirting. at7d peryd., worth Is; Summer Fancy 2-Button 2s worth la per pair; a Good Dark Kid Glove, 2-Buttoned, 2a. worth 3a Gd ; a splendid value in Oatrich Fcathors. 5s (id. worth 10s Gil; a largo stock of Long White Ostrich Feathers equally cheap : 1000 yards of Dress Mohair, for Summer wear 7d por yard, worth Is Gd ; 30 dozen Silk Scarves, Is each, worth 2,-s: 50 dozen Lace Collarets la worth 3a ; a good lino In Black Kid Gloves. 2-llutton.Ss. worth Is Od per pair; Men c and Youths' Ventilated Straw Hats at la bd, worth 3s: a eplendld lot of Boys' Straw Huts. Is each. This is tho only honso in town that haa got tho new Chinnello Frilling for Ball Dresses ; also, a great variety of Gold and Silvor Lace; tho Gent.'a New Tuscan Hata at os, worth Vs Gd. A lot of heavy Flax shirting, at 7d per yard, worth Is -WM, KYRK. Viotoria-street.) T-J X A P E X Y. Wanted, all to Road this Advertisement, and keep it in their mind's eye. as tho Prices are extraordinarily Low, and tho articles Good :— Lyon'a Katharip, Sd a bottlo: -ISlyds Moizo and Kcro, (,'orded icibbon (all Bilk), at 5d and Gd yard; 269 Turkey-Rei Handkerchiefs (damaged) at Gd usual price, 1" each: Taaso Trimming, 15d yard- Men's and Boys' Braces, only 6d a pair- Men's Merino Drawers, 3s lid—usual price, 5s for same quality: 200 pair Girla' Ftockings, size -t and a,.ls 4d por pair: warehouse prioe was Is 9d, so you can sob what a bargain they are at tho price. Ladies' Embroidered Chemises, 2-1 6d each ; Handtomo Trimmed Night-dresses, 3a fld each : Whito Holland, od and 7d a yard : it answers all tho pui-poses of a strong calico; Ladies' Lace Falls, fld and 1b eanh ; a few pair Ladles' Corsets left, at 2s per paiir, sizo 25 inches ; 300 yds Luatro in Grey and Navy Bine, at lOd and Is. worth Is 3d yard ; Crochet Dollies, 2d each ; Holland Pinafores, 9d each • a splendid line of Ladies' Whito Petticoats at 3s 9d, worth fully 4s 6d each. J. GRKEN, VICTORIi-STHKBT. N.8,-Panama lists, 2s 3d each, which Is cheaper than they have ever been sold before In Auckland, Gunsmittte. DEVITT, Gunniaker, tH, Queen- • street Auckland, opposite the Market house. Established, 1859.—Always in Stock and to arrive by direot importation from England mado to advertisers own order,—Chokeonre Breech-loading Guns, Double and Single Muzzleloaders, Bieech-loading Revolvers, Breech-load-ing Book and Rabbit Rifles, Game Bags, Gun Caseß, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, and overy article necessary to complete the outfit of a sportßtnan. An assortment of every description of Revolver Cartridges, and all the best Brandg in Sporting Powders are imported direct from the makers by the the advertiser, who can guarantee their good quality. Cartridges for the Knfleld, Snider »nd Terry Rifles. Metallic Cartridge Cases, Chilled Shot and other specialities always on hand. Country dealers liberally dealt with. Gunaße-Btooked, Browned, etc., and every other kind of Firearm Repaired at reasonable prices. Notice.—Juat to hand, o lot of good serviceable C. F. Chokebore Breechloading Guns cheap. Tho lamest stock in Auckland to choose from. Also, in stock, a large assortment of Fireworks of the best duality. Fishing Tackle .Portmanteaus JMBM^^jjHßHSmMifflßiiEa FO R T M A N T E [A U B\ PORTMANTEAUS! TV. SHATFIKLD, Manufacturer of all kinds of Portmanteaus" fiLADIKS' TRAVELLING TRUNKS, BONNET Boxes; Hat and Gun Casks. Travellers' Sample Cases, ajhd Leather Canes of every description, mad,e to size' apd order. Gentlemen's Portmanteaus always kepi jn ptock iin great variety; manufactured from the Best Colonial Leather and Eold at English Prices. US' Repairs neatly and promptly executed. 25, Grey-street. Auckland. Venetian Blinaa^ A UCKLAND VENETIAN BLfN?} COKtfKR OF COOK AND GREY STKEET3 VENETIAN BLINDS 1 VENETIAN BLINDS! Made of the best CalifornianPine, guaranteed not to warp or twint. Our Blinds surpass all imported Blinds, Wood or Iron. We have a very large Btock of well-seasoned Pine Timber • also a Large Stock of VENETIAN BLINDS on hand, assorted sizes. Wire Gauze l linds made to order, and forward to all parts of the Co) w at the shortest notice. A. & A. BUSBY (Late M. Hoeton busby), VENETIAN BLIND MAKERS AND| WIRK OORNEB O? ,qqOB ANP OBEY STREETS

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 4