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I Municipal Notices. I /"I IT V OF AUCKLAND. ELECTION OF MAYOR. I In pursuance of tho Municinal Corporation and Regulation of Local Elections Act. 187G, I, Charles Irvln Kller, Retumiog Officer of the City of Auckland, hereby give notice that an '< Klection Will bo held on WEDNESDAY, tho I 21th inßt., for tho election of a duly qualified person as Mayor o£ the said City. Candidates will require to be Nominated hekobe noon of TUESDAY, the ICth inst., and to deposit the sum o£ Ten Pounds. Nomination Papers can be procured on application at the Ofllce of the Town Clerk. CHARLKS IRVIN KLLKR. Returning Officer. City Council Offices, November «, 1880. jrTl T V OF AUCKL AJN D. RECEPTION OF HIS EXCELLENCE THE OOVKKNOK. Tho Co-operation of the Volunteers of the District, of tho various Fiiondly Societien, Fire Brigade, and Citizenß generally is requested, to , tako Dart in the reception and welcoming o£ His I Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Gordon, on his arrival; expected on or about tho lllth or 20th instant. w . K . Acting Mayor, City Council Offices, 12th November, 1880. "OOROUGH OF PARNELL. ANNUAL ELECTION OF MAYOR, I, Ukoeqb Manhkbs Mitfobd, Returning Officer for tho Boroutth of Parnoll, hereby doJOSEPH FRIAR CLARKE to to duly elected to tho office o£ Mayor of tho Borough of Parnell. Dated this 15th November, 1880. GEORGK M. MITFORD, Returning Officer. Election Notice. TO JAMES McuOSH CLARK, ESQ. Dear Sir,—Wo, tho undersigned Citizens of Auckland, have thu honour to roquest that you will allow yoursslf to bo placed in Nomination for tho Mayoralty of this City, and (iD tho event of a contest) hereby pledge our Votes and interest in your behalf. Wo have tho honour to be. Dear sir, yours faithfully, Samuel Coombes T. & S. Morrln Laurence D. Nathan W. S. Wilson Thomas Macky J. L. Wilson Winks & Hall A. G. Horton E 11. Cardno Alfred Buckland Stewart & Uarllck J. K. Haven Walker & Co. J. Fisher H. Waito J. Neering . H. Barber John A. Cramond Jobn Buchanan H. M. Henderson D. H. McKenzte Barton Ireland If. B. Morton J. M. & J. Mowbray Kdward Lewis Thoma3 Morrin William Atkin '1 homas James Ansell James K. Mclntosh J. Wright George jc. Vincent Schmidt & Co. T. U. Hall & Co. J. Wickham Geo. Williamson Thos. KUison James Wißemau Thomas Steadman Cousins & Atkin T. McMaster T Barnott Richard Cameron H.Brett Ben). Tooks&Co. John Chambers GlanviUe X BUyett Francis btephens Somerileld & Leek W. Phillipps & son J. C. Firth Thomson W. Leys Thoa. huddle John M. Alexander W. Culpan Ireland Bros. Hendry & Daoro Thoß. Henderson, Ben. Brown, Barrett & Co. K. Kllingham Jno. Kirkwood G. King John Reid G. K. MoWab A.H. Heather J.M.Shera W. H.Fenton W. J. Marks Franz Schertf Siegfried Kohn Upton & Uo. E. Porter & Co. Cruickshank & Co. Isidor Aloxander Charles Cooper W. Hattray Chas. Canning Nathan Goldwater Stephen K. Hughes Thos. Henderson Owen & Graham R. A. Hammond C. J. Stone J. Richmond David Nathan R. Whitson ec Sou B. and A. Isaac 3 Arthur H. Nathan Joseph Potter W. Cotnpton Brown, Campbell&Co. P. Comiskey John B. Russell Edwin Carr J. A. T. Butler J. Kdson Henry Charles Choyco Cruickshank.MJUer&CoClosa Bros. James Dickey Garlick & Cranwell A. M. Williams J. M. MoLachlan Coupland & Co. A. Licabury and Co. Thomas Colo W. H. Hazard M. Montague R. Arthur F. J. Bennett Robt. Noal A. G. Bartlett W. Hoffman J. Cosgrave Hunter and Nolan Rushbrook & Bridgman. Auckland, New Zealand, November 10,1880. Auckland, November 15, 1880. GENTLEMEN :—Until yonr'requisition was placed in my hands 1 had decided against allowing myself to be nominated for the Mayoralty, my priDCipal objection being the amount of labour involved, and that oven without Buch I did a fair share of public work; but, now your requleition having been supDOrted, both before and sinca its presentation, by frequent personal solicitations. I feel that I must yield to what appears to be almost tho unanimous wish of the Ratepayers. I therefore reply that I will allow myself to bo nominated for tho Mayoralty of the City of Auckland, and promise, if elected, to endeavour Faithfully to discharge the duties pertaining to that honourable position. I am, Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant, jm _ To Samuel Coßmbes. Esq., Lawrenoe D. Nathan, Esq , Thos. Macky, Esq., and the other gentlemen who signed tho requisition. Meetings. "I ODGE WAITEMATA, No. 689, E.C. The Regular Monthly Meeting will bo held in the Lodge-room, Masonic Hotel, THIS EVKNING, at 7.30 p.m. Visiting Brethren are invited. HENRY G. WADK, P.M., Secretary. A (JCKLAND INSTITUTE. The Last Mooting for the present Session will bs held In the Museum Buildings on TO-NIGHT, the 15th inst., at 7.30 p.m., when the following papers will be read. :— 1. On Bomo indications of change In the level of the Coast Lino in the Northern part of New Zealand, by S, P. Smith. 2. On "Heredity," by K. A. Mackechnio. The attendance of Ladies is invited. T.F. CHEESE WAN, Secretary. Gazette in Bankruptcy. FN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW X ZEALAND, NORTHERN DISTRICT. In the matter of " The Debtors and Credi torß Act, 1876," and of "The Debtors and Creditors Aot Amendment Act, 1878," and of the Bankruptcy oi KDWIN BINNEY, of Carlton Road, near Auckland, Commission Agent, a Debtor. Notice ia hereby given that a General Meeting of the Creditors of the said Edwin Binney will be held in the Buildings of the Supreme Courthouse, on FRIDAY, the nineteenth day of November, 1880, at tho hour of 11 o clock in the forenoon, to receive my report and grant the said debtor an order of discharge under the provisions of the said Act. Dated at Auokland this 13th day ol Novembor, 1880. THO. MACFFARLANK, Trustee. RUSSELL & DEVORE, Debtor's Solicitors, Auckland. Boara ana Besidence. BOARD and Residence for Two or Three Gentlemen of quiet habits, in a house pleasantly Bituated; terms moderate.—Apply to Mrs Clarke, Vincent-street, second house from tho Chapel. TDOARD AND RESIDENCE. A vacancy for two or three ReßDectable Mechanics, also Jfurnishod Apartments; within three minutes walk of Post Offloe.—MM Hastings, Woodbine Cottage, Grey-street. O V KitJN OK BROWNE HOTKL HOBSON-STREET ' Board and Lodging. 20a per week (oinclfi room) _25s HULL BROTHERS, , HAVB NOW LANDING, . i . E* 'FAMBNOTn' AND 'LOOK COON, 1,200 PACKAGES, Consisting of GROCERIES AND OILMEN'S STORES, AND HAVE FOR SALE— DOUGLAS PUMPS, LAWN MOWERS CORNSACKS. GRINDSTONES, OIL STONES, &C, &C, &C. Agents for J. Craig & Son's Celebrated ScotchWhiskey. HULL BROTHERS, Auctioneers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Queen-street Kauri Gam Stores, Breakwater Free and Bonded Stores. Albert-ssreet. OMCGU I X E, ©• COACH PROPRIETOR, Runs a Coach dally to meet the train'at To Awanrato. Horses and Buggle» on Hire, Orders by Post or Telegraph promptly attended to. UtVBKY AND BAIT STABLBB, ALEXANDRA, ■ •■ •• ■ ■■■ ■ ".o •

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 3