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Wanted. WANTED KNOWN, Chamber Mats, one yard. Sixpence each, and a largo lot of other Wonderful Fresh Bargains, in tho 3rd column ith page.—W. H. Dampier. _____ i WANTED, a Rood Coat-hand.—Pos-penessikic, Tailor, Shortland-strcet. ANTBD7~a Smart Youth.—Apply Steward, Auckland Club. WANTED, a Hopairer.—Wilkins and Co., 12, Victoria-street. WANTED, a «ood Ciirpentcr.— Apply to Mr J. Malcolm. Now North Road, about G o'clock this ovening. ANTKD, a Respectable Elderly Man, to milk and be generally useful.—Aler. Lamb, Flour Stores, Wharf. ANTED, a General Servant.—Apply Mrs Flood, St. George's Bay Road, Parnell. WANTED to Sell, a )»ood strong Spring Cart lit lor warehouse work.—Apply Stah Ohlco. WANTED, Copies of "The Choir" Chant iiook.—Apply " W.H.," ofllco of this paper. ANTED, a Carpenter to Krect a Verandah and do other work (Übour only).—Apply ißt houso in on" Franklin Hoad. ANTKD, to Sell CxxxxxxxK I'etti. conts at fld oach or 3 for Is.—J. Green, Victoria-street. WANTED, to Kent or Purchase ;v live or six loomed House close to tho city.— Apply '• 11. F.," care IJallon'B. Quoon.Btriicit.__ WANTED, Dressmakers who underatand tho buainosa.—Apply to Mrs Ragleslm, Albany llouso, Wolkaloy - street West. WANTED, the Star's Readers to carefully poruso Goodßon's 3 now advortiscmonts. Oven: Bto (i: Hauirduys, Bto 10.— London Olltco: 68, St. Mnry Am » »^ANT_I^~ by a Yomij; Man, Ciood VT Templar, mnploymoat as Htoiuman, or any other resoonaiblo situation ; good roforenco can bo produced,—Addreau G. C, HrAit Olllco. WAN'I'ED, uiespectahle I'einulo l'uraon to look after mi invalid and child 12 months old.-Apply to Mrs F. H. Moody, Now-market-stroot, Nuwmarkot. ANTED, purdiaßcra for tho Laco Curtains still on hund, and which will bo cloi'rod out far bolovv value at Homorllold and Luck's Oroat Cheap Hale. WANTED, a niiddle-ajjcd respectable Woman for tho country ; widow with children will do.—Apply at Hope OoifnifO, four doors from Ponaonby Hall, Ponaonby, utiy forenoon. WANTED, Furnished Ucd-room and use of Kitchen, rcspeotablo married oouplo, for nbout two months; stato terms.— Address '• Economy," Star Olllco. ANTED, a Respectable Middle-aged Woman, ac working home-keeper for a man with a small famlly.-Addrcss. Alohu, Parnoll Post Olllco. ANTED, the Loaica to Remember tho Yard Wldo American Culioo at i\ will soon bo gone from Somorlloldjind Look's WANTED, to Purchase ii Rood large Allotment, with or without Cottugo; Ponsonby aiilu proforrcd.—Apply stating price and locality to " A.H.." Post Offlco. Auckland. ANTED KNOWN, Just Opened up a Splendid Lot of Youths' Regatta Shirt", all aew Patterns, at Coomhhb' City Clothing Mart. 02 Queon-Btro.'t. ANTED, Oilers for the Workshop, Stock, and Goodwill of tho Husjn«_ Stand lately occupied by James Claro, Boatbuilder. Freoman'a Bay.—Apply to T. Bimtli, jjlioridan-street. WANTED, Smart Active Housekeepers to inspect tho Tablo Cloths which aro boing cleared out ut Somerflold and Lock's Great Cheapjialo^ ANTED, by a. respectable married porßon ono or two Children to tako caro or in hor own home. Fond of children; has none of her own. Hinhost reference it rciuired. — Apply '• H.M.3.." care of Utah Ollleo. ANTED KNOWN, that Sninuel Coombes haa just Opensd up his Stock of Summer Clothing, which will bo sold Choap. for Cash.—City Clothing Mart, 1)2 micon-atreet. \\7"ANTED KNOWN.—Mrs J. White, VY Drcsßmaker, etc. (recently from most fashionable house in Nottingham), will Wait upon Ladies at their Residences on rocoipt of letter.—Address : Brighton, Parnoll. ANTED KNOTVN, .WO Men's and Youths' Faßhionablo Hats. Bought n lot, 10 bo sold at 2a flu. worth 7b Gd, ut CooMiiifS', 1)2. Qucon-stroet. Y\7"ANTED KNOWN, that J. MOKRIT T SON, Asphaltcr, has Romovod to his New Yard Custom-Houso-stroot West, botwoen Hobaon and Nel«on-streot». Asphalting attended to on tho shortest notice. Also, a Largo stock cf Firowood. out and uncut; wholesalo and rotail. WANTED KNOWN, Just Opened a Largo Lot of Gents' Straw Huts, from Gd, atCoo.MU-B'City C.othiog Mart, 02, Quoonslrcct. VvtaNTED KNOWN, You Can (Jet a W Good Pair ot Sox for Cd, at Coomhk3", 52 Quoen-atreot^ WANTED KNOWN.—lam delivering in the City, for cash only bost Tl-trou Firewood at 12s per ton, oat in blocks I_ por ton, sold in largo or small quantity. Order punctually attended to. —O. Tisdale, cornor of Wyndham and Hob»on Btrcats. ANTED"KNOWN, that the Cheapest House in Town for good Boots and Phocs ot all sorts and sizos is tho Choap Boot Shop, corner of Queen-siroet and Markot Entrance. Como one, como all. No credit to pay for. Largo utock. Must sell. ' .VNTEDICNOWN. — We aro Delivering in the City, for cask only :—Best Tltreo Firowood, 12s per ton; Ditto, cut in blocks. 13s por ton; Waikato Coal (bost house), 22s por ton ; Taupiri Coal (best housol, 23s por ton.—W. _G. Winstone, Cußtora-housc-stroet Kast and We»t. i An TED KNOWN, 300 Men's and Boys' Cloth Caps, at Is; a lot worth 3s Bd, at CooMims'. 02. Queen-street. WANTED, BUYERS, 1500 yds Venetian Blinds. Ojd; 2000 yds Wearing Twcod Is 3d ; lOdOyds 'twill Uresß. Od; 300 yds Cocoa Matting, from Is 6d ; 100 English jvlillinory Bonnets, 0s Hi.—J. McLachlan, 218 Queen-street A~NTED KNOWN that at Somcriield and Leeks Great Cheap Salo a job lot of White Muallns—cheeked striped and laco stripes—will bo tacrlflced at Bjd. "T\/"ANTBD, to Sell, by a gentleman V T loaving the colony, a First-class Silver Hunting Knglish Lever Watch and Chain, » Splendid Seven-stringed Banjo, with fret-marks and patent koys, and a Largo Handsomelybound Illustrated Family Bible. Price. «).- Address, "C.R. _Stai_ Office. W~~A NTED~I-NOWN,Mrs" Lucy, Straw Hat»nd Bonnet Manufactnrer, desires to inform her customers and patrons that Bhe ha? a splendid assorted stock of Ladios and Gentleman's Straw Hats and Bonnets ; also an assortment of Boys' and Children's do. Latest fashion guaranteed. Three doors below AlbertBtreot. in Victoria-street. WANTED KNOWN, that Great Additions havo been mado at Goodson's to the already beautiful assortmont of China and Glassware: Parian Sutuary, elegant Crystal Eperynes, Harloynuland Tete TeteSets; Toilet, Tea. Coffee, and Doesort Servicos; China Flowers and Vases. Tho Fancy and Toy Department la now ropleto with tho latest Novelties. Cricket Sets, comolote; Hair, Cloth, and Hat Brushes; Baskets and Kits. Splash Mats, I Concertinas, Harmonicums, Organs, Skipping Ropes, China Marbles, &c., &o. An inspection solicited.—lll. Queen-otreot. : WANTED, every peisou about to Build or requiring Building Material n largo or small quantities to call or] send their aUC-LAND TIM3ER COMPANY (Limitbd). By aid of now and hitch-class Maohinery, evoty description ot Building Materials manufactured of a quality, and at prices, hitherto unknown in tho Colony. Trial solicited. Prices to meet tho times. Hpeoial advantage for cash. —Works : Custom-house-street West. Office: Custom-house-Btreot Eaat. near Wharf. WANTED KNOWN.—To bring the celebrated Worthelm Treadle Machines into more general ÜBe, we are now Selling them at from Five Poundß and upwards.—Hallonstein Bros & Co., New Zealand Clothing Factory, Queen-street, Auckland; and at Albert-street, Thames. WANTED KNOWN, that the undersignod has on hand, for sale, all thoee Vehioles that were exhibited at Kllorslie, viz.: Wagonette. Concord Buergy (double-seated), iwheoled F.xprcss, Bakor-B Cart; Heavy Spring Cart (to carry 2 tonB); also. Tip-drays, Pagna'l's Spring Carts, light ancl heavy. Now and Socond-hand Vehicles, of every description, always on hand for sale —A. Mackie, Roynl Standard Carriago and Spring Factory, Durham-street West, Auokland. ANTKD KNOWN—AIes and Stout, best Dunedin and Nelson brands bottled by Bindon and Co.: also, Wines and Spirits, lirst quality; Ales and Stout, 10s per doz. (quarts); 6s par doz. (pintsl.-Bindon & Co., High-street and Vulcan Lane. WANTED, North Shore excursionists to call at Mr3 Foster's Luncheon Rooms (Two doors from the Flagstaff Hotel), where they can be accommodated with Tea and Coffee at any houi1. Every attention paid to the comfort of Visitors. Chops and Steaks. Strawberries during tho season. Apartments to Let. Private Board and Residence. Terms moderate. Picnic Parties sup^'fld at twelve hours notice A N TE 1) KM. U WN. To all in Want op Monkt.—L. H Neumegeu is prepared to advance the same on personal or any other security, repayable by Weekly instalments. —Note the address: loa, Queen-street, opposite tho Savings' Bank. VJITANTED KNOWN, that E. Carr V* ~nd Son have to hand Building Timber in Kauri and White Pine, Shingles, House Blocks, Palings, Posts. Rails, and Firewood in ;heir Yard, Custom-house-street West, opposite end of Hobson-street. N.B.—The increasing demand for White Pino has induced them to arrange for a constant supply. WANTED KNOWN, that D. Goldie is prepared to sell .„ kinds of Building and other Timber, including Hardwood, Spokes, Felloes, Iron-Bark and Blue-Gum Shafts, Blocks, PalinKS and Shingles, at his Yards, Lower Albert-street, near Dock, at the lowest cash prices. The timber, being under cover, is betiflr than that purchased elsewhere. V\ rANTED KNOWN, Stationery at W English prices; Ruled Note Paper (cream laid), 2d per quire; Envelopes, 2d per packet; Foolscap and Letter, 9d por quire; all kinds ot Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes; Mourninp: Stationery, Account, Pass, and Pocket Books, Pens, Pencils, Bibles, Albums. Playing Cards, &c &c, at prices before unknown in Auckland; a few Boss Puzzles left, at Is; th( Game of Trevole, Is 6d; Tom Thumb Printing Press. 8b ; Climax Dater, 30s; Automaton Penci Stamp, Vs Gd ; the Initial Rubber Stamps, ll each, with Pad and Ink for marking linen oi stamping paper or envelopes. Supplied ai Goodsorfs, 111, Queen-Btreet.—Obßerve th( Address.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 3