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Money. sr ° n i *■ Money to Lend on Mortgage ot Freehold geouritios.-Goorge Fraser, Publio Accountant, Invoßtlng and Estate Agent, W. 8. Grahame's Bond, Fort-street, and, No. 6, South British Insurance Buildings, corner of Queen and Short-and-stroet. MONEY TO LEND on MORTGAGE ofFlrs^BsFreeho^Securlt^. SoUcitor, Corner of Queen and Shortland-streets. ONEY XO LJiWi; ix» iarge or smail sums at a moderate rate of interest.— Jaokaon and Ruaaell. Solicitors. MONEY TO LEND, in large or sma sums, at usual rates ot interest, CONNKLL & COOPER, Solicitors, Vulcan Lane. ONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage.— g Ring. Agent, Shortland-street MON EY TO LEJNDON MORTGAGE, in sums of £50 ond upwards. BEVEFIDGE & ALEXANDER, ■ Solicitors. Bank Buildings, Wyndharn-stroet .Draper VVT EUKSLi'/ HOUSE. CHEAP DRAPEUY AND MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Now Opened for the Spring and Summer trade, tlio Nowcßt Styleß in ureas Materials, comprising Galatea and Boatrico Stripes, Pompadour Prints, Iciro Stripes, Attalea Twills, Angira Cloth, Grenadines, Lustres in all the leading shades, &o Black Bilks, from 2b lid to 10a <>J. Our stock of Ladies' and Children 8 HiitH an<i Millinery is larger than usual, and every nnvel'.y of the season. Ladies' and Children's Underclothing. Corscta, Baby Linen, a very nico assortment. Laos and Muslin Curtains, from la Od the pair; Toilet Covers and Quill's, now makes. Cheap Tweed*, Drills, and Borne for Hoys' woar. Always on hand, a well assorted stock of llOßiory, Hubordoahery, Trimmings, and Kancy Goods. All goods marked at leas prollt than uaual to meet tho times. Wo shall also eontinuo to allow 5 percent. ])lncount for Cash at timo ot purchaso on parrels of 20b nnd upwards. Country Orders curef ully'and jromptlyexf outod, A. LOVETT, WICLLICHLEY-STIIKKT AUCKLAND. iYLemcal Tj i To n X cP S celebrated ]3lood Restoreri IB Tub Greatest Triumph of Modkhn Times no mork physical degeneration If tho Laws of Health are observed, ordinary care exorcised, and Blood Restorer Freely Taken I h i t"clTe n s1 Celebrated Blood Restorer ckrt/in cure For tho Langour, Lassitude and Disease which attend tho Hoar and Drought of somltropical and tropical Climates. Fevers which so quickly fasten on tho dobilltoted system may easily bb kkpt away by tho timely use of this tST 'MOST WONDEKFUL REMEDY! "W In fact by Its ago! the Most Malignant of Tropical Fevers havk bkkn ejected from the Human System, and by its aid Dying, Fover-strioken Men have been, as it wore, RAISED FROM THE DEAD \ Tho Medical Men of Groat Britain tried for twhnty ykabb to cure an Englishman of the painful disease of Rheumatism, and finally aovisod him to coma to New Zealand. He (.•iuiii! I He Biw Mr HitchOßS I He partook freely ot lllood Ruutorer! His testimony ia below. Read it? A well-known A uck land Tradesman, seriously HI with Sclutloa and Lumbago, flys for relict to Mr Hitchons. His testimonial is below. Read it? BLOOD RESTORER V. DOCTOR 3 AND HOSPITALS. Lorno-stroct, Aucklmd, 12th April, 1880. Sir,—l have Deen a sulfirer from rheumatism for the last twenty yeais in the old country. Through advico I v ceived from medical men I cmigratod to New Zeu'and ns being a warmer clunate. and moro adapted for tho euro of my complaint, for the laat twelve months I have BUll'ered moßt (rightful a; ones from the paios in all mr joints. Whatmado my oaao worse 1 caiuht a Kovoro cold, on the cold subßidiog it left an asthma, which brought on dropsy; and suffering iinJer thc9n maladies I tried all medical aid, and was live months in theUist'ict Hospital, Auckland, and neither my wife nor myßelf ever thotiKht 1 would leave it alive, as 1 grainally got. worse, having pains and largo swelling* in my knee joints, and arms, shoulders and hands distorted. My w;fe hearing of your and seeing your testimonials in tho newspapors from parties which live around us, I made enquiries fro-n sovoral who had been under your treatment, who stated themselves that , yon cured them when their case waß supposed 1 to be hopeless. I determined to see you at all hazards, and was helped to your plaoo by my ' wifoon sticks. Only ilvo months under your ' ctro, and tho wholo of my complaints have dif appeared, and am now ablo to follow my daily arocatlon. Thanks to a nierciful Providence that I was brought und'r the influance Of your medicine, and winning that you may be long spared to be aMo to ndminfotcr your valuable Restorer to oth»r sufferings as you havo done to XC—Yours faithfully, SAMUEL FIELD. To H. A. 11. Ultchm*. Hsq., Auckland. Auckland, 2Slh Juno, 1879. H, A. H. Kitchens, Kaq. fir,—l have much pleasure in being able to bear testimony of the great good to be received by taking jour Blood Restorer. Having a very bad attack of Sciatica and Lumbago, I was for weeks unable toattend to by bmineps; 1 was nnderthotrealmentof a medical man,and tried all kinds of remedies, but received no relief; in fact I wai gradually getting worse. A friend rocommrnded mo to try your Blood mixture, but you being a stranger to me, and not knowing the quality of your mixture, I was sceptical about it. My friend called again, and again recommended mo to yon, and from what he said I waslnduoed to callonyouragents, Messrs Hamilton Hros,, and got a battle of your Restorer, and I am triad to say that, after taking six bottles, I was ablo toattend to my business, and am now quite well. Should any friends of mine at any timo be suffering with Kheimnti«m, Gout, Sciatica, etc., I will most ccrt&lnly recommend them to take your lllood Restorer.— I am, Sir, yours truly, N. McMILLAN, Vulcan Lane. Ormond, Poverty Bay, Sept. Bth, 1880. Mr H. A. H. Hitchens, Auckland. S'r,—lt ailords me great pleasure in testifying to the Immense value of your modicino. I bad been suffering a long timo with Rheumatic Gout, and for pome time before taking your Blood Restorer I had to b* lifted in and oat of bod; but after taking one bottle I felt such relief that I wa« able to assist myself, and before finishing the fifth bottle I was perfectly cured, and havo not had a return of even the symptoms of the disease since. Altho'this testimony is unsolicited, you aro at liberty to make what ui>o of it you DleaßO, but I feel it a duty to aoknowedge tho cilleacy of your mediolne.—l am, Sir youra truly. W. HUNTER. /^»URE Of SKIN DISEASES. To ho Fditor: Sir,—Herewith -wo hare the pleasure to forward you a letter from New Zealand bearing testimony to the successful treatment of a t-kin disease of long standing through tho use of our Eucalyptus Rxtract for the benefit of those lirjiilarly afflicted. We hope you will deem the Bubject of sufficient importance to afford this letter a spaco in your valuable paper.—Yours truly, SANDER & SONS. Bridge-street, Sandhurst, July, 1880. INVBROARGILL, N.Z,, Bth JULY, 1880. Messrs. Sander & Sons, Sandhurst. Gentlemen, —Having Buffered from eczema (a Bkin disease whioh is very prevalent in this colony) for about nine years, I had consulted numerous medical men hero and in Australia, mid had taken arsenic, strychnine, iodido of potassium, etc., internally, and had used preparations of zino mid lead externally. Jn fact I had tried all tho remedies known to the faculty, and what between travelling doctors' and druggists' bills, had spent a small fortune, almost if not wholly without results, except to injure my constitution. During a reoent visit to Hokitika I was recommended to try your Extraot of Eucalyptus Globulus by a brother who had experienced' great benefit from it in ' alleviating a very sovore cold, and, no less to my surprise than satisfaction, I found the disease which had troubled me so long was conquered, and the skin resumed its normal condition. This was effected by the external use of Ices than two one-ounce bottles. You are welcome to make any use you please of this letter, and I subsoribe myself.—Yours (Signed) JOHN H. KERR, Manager, Union Bank of Australia (Limited). Agent for Auckland: GRAVES AICKIN, The Pharmacy. Qdeen-sthert. I^rOBEL'S PATENT DYNAMITE. To Contractors, Miners, Quarrymen and Others. E. PORTER & CO., SOLE AGENTS FOR THK NORTH ISLAND FOB THE ABOVE DYNAMITE, Beg to call attention to tho Reduction in the Price of Nobel's Boat, or No. 1, Dynamite, which iB now being Bold at TWO SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE per lb., with Liberal Discount to tho Trade and Largo Ruyers. Also, to its great strength, ns compared with other explosives. Afler repeated trials by the largest contractors m tho Australasian Colonies, the results prove beyond dispute that "NOBEL'S" DYNAMITE is tho Most Powkhful and Kconomcoai,, being fully Fifteen Per Cent, stronger than the Aus-tralian-made Dynamite and Lithofracteur. NOBEL'S DYNAMIIK is unequalled for the following purposes :— Mining, Quarrying, Blasting (in hard or soft, wet or dry rock), Tunnelling, Breaking up op Wrecks and Sunken Rocks, Splitting Tree Stumps, Boulders, &c, &o. No danger from tamping. Its Safety has been completely demonstrated by the absence of accidents either in transit, in storage, or in any legitimate use. It is insensible to heavy shocks, a percussion cap being required to dovelop its Giant Power. Printed instructions for using issued with overy package. Necessary Double Tapo Fubo and Caps always in stock. Price reduced. Ten Tons of the above Just Landed, ex John Bull. Mr Gorman, the Company's Instructor, Is now n Auckland, and on application will give any information regarding this explosive. E. PORTER & CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS. ATOKIuINP,

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4