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Publio Notices. Public Notices. X M E^ A R S TT\ AR M PRODUCE. JT Sakkord's "Behtie." [Fob Many Years With Mr E. Waytkl, Hairy Fed >o^&}**. Wishes to inform hb Friends and the Public of Pr i z o Jm^^^^^. iruoa' and ~nd that ho has Purchased the whole of Pork Si ea d s the Hookaolling, Htationnry, and Musio Business Chops, Od /t^flWxffl&Bvflf Cooked lately carried on Mr N. Fairs. lb #Ji lE^i Wvery ~^ cotcl JiMLWiM^l^mt Evening; JUST RECEIVEDNow Shipments, including Photographic gd lb ' '^^*^***! iinHTt*w~ and Scrap Album 3, Writing Desks, Now Potatoes, 11 lbs , for 1b ; Be-t Fresh ButSunday School iicward Card^, tor and Kegs: Good Salt Butter, fad to 8d lb.; Wesleyan Hymn Books, Hncon Cheese. Flour, Maize, Apples, Oranges, Family Bibles, "nnninas Pine Apples, Id to la each ; ftrawetc., etc., etc. berries and Cream: Poultry Dress <d to Order. Books by Mrs llonry Wood, Charle3 Dickens. -Victoria-street, cornor of Albert street. Sir Walter Scott, Mi 39 Braddon, James — — : — Z~Z Grant, Ktc, Kto. "|3 R I Z E 13 I S <J U I T M. New Numbers of Young Ladies' Journal and JL other Magaisinos received every Month por ..„„ Orient' Lino, via Sydney. English and Ameri- BYCROFT'S 82 ASSORTMENT Ol' PRIZE can Papers par 'FriBCO Ma BISCUITS, Tho latest Books and Musio recoived direct As recently exh.bitod at thn Agricultural Show, every Month by steamer. havo been puichased by William Hogg, Grocer, Co™ Ohdkus P u«OTOALLV Attw»kd To *°™*™££ sample oL^ToS^ot^AAZ^B^ of lection. cirercdatgreat.yreduced_pricea. STEAM STONE \V E HEARS -C CUTTING COMPANY (LIMITED), P.OOKBELLER, STATIONER, AND MUSIC- FOOTSCKAY,_MkIUOUIINB. 198, Quhbn-rtukht. The undersignod having bean Bppointod (Oppos to tho Albert Hotel). Agents for this Company are prepared to treat with Builders and others for tho Supply of /"^ALL and See me? I Can Give You Samples! Price ListaT&c.', can bo seen at our V-/ Three Pairs of Youths' German Thread office Sox. for 2s Gd; splendid valui. — Samuel CRUICKSHAKK & CO. Coombes, City Clothing Mart, 92 Queen-street 1( , Quecn . Btrcetl Auckland, November 1,1880. TO THE TRADE, BUILUKKS, AND BRICKLAYERS. [TUR'-'T PRIZE, Sydney Exhibition, C 1879-80; First and Heconrt Piizea for Ale, Anchors, 13'.b. to 421b., at 3d por lb. Auckland Show, 1880; First Prize for Stouts. Cnlmney Bara, ljd per lb, all sizes, and iron Auokland fchow, 1880; awardci for Alca and work of every description at lowest rates. Stouts bottled by W. C. Bunkali & Bro., He win's J. MoHIWKN, Buildings, Wellealey-street West, Auckland. I>iwer Albert-street. Orders by post promptly attonded to. DOCTOR C. EMERSON TENNENT nHAFF. CHAFF. UHAFF. has Removed from Grey-street to Bymonda- \_/ atreet, the late residenco of Dr. Young. On Salo at the Camp Farm, Otahuhu, in quantinouraoir ™DANCK- tlca t0 Buit purchaaera, and of nrat-clasa qual.ty. " 1 to t jum. Apply to 7 to 8^.171. H. KNOX; Sundaya-1 to 2 o'clock p.m. or ALFRED BUCKL4ND. O GENTLEMEN FL-RNISIIING.— 7^ n S^ Jv h E. For S«lo .two Large-winged Wardrobes of If rich Mottled Kauri and Rowa Rowa, with w Slates Rilvered plate-glttsa fronts, fitted with Polished Entd'ehfand American Cement Mottled Kauri Drawers and Trays. 1 Escrotoiro *" ' , , ~ Book-oase, of picked Now Zealand Woods, and ow landing. several Chests of Drawets of diirorant sizes, at KEANE & JENKINSON. very reaeonablo prices for cash. The abovo ___«_ goods are übiver ally admirod. and have alwaya -.-« o X ri A L X given great eatlafaction,—W. Norrie, Cabinot. W " ~ ' maker, top of Shortland-Btreet. CHOICE BDILDINGALLO'IMENIS TO WOIiKING MEN : a Bavßain.—ooo Pairs Printed Mole Trousers, at 7s Cd BELaitOVi2 ESTATE, (worth 10a Oil), at Coomhkb', 92, Queen-street. , ——— Sltuatod in EH RENF RI E D WKO S., II ) EDEN TERRACE, SUBURBS OF AUCKLAND. PHCENIX BREWERY", . Plan at Morley & White's. Winners 01c Phizes fob Bekr at the Sydney Exhibition anp the Auckland For particulars apply to Agkicultubal Show, christopher ii*iley, Beg to draw attention to their Winter " Brew " Mouit Eden Road. BOTTLED ALE AND PORTER. 7^ q^ ~ "^ J h \JT to Roth's Publio hot, Cold, and Shower Batha, Victoria - street Kast. Charge, ONE Hitherto their Stock has been short of require JHuAINB. ,s<»* S"**s£ %°Z 7fsi 10 monts, owing to inadequate accommodation. a.m. The Bath-rooms are all private, and supplied with every convenience, Turkish towels, Tho Completion of tho NEW PREMISES has lesh and hair bnuhes, combs, respirators, soap, fco .Select bath-rooms (private) for Ladieß every affordod Ample Facilities for keeping pace with j aT at a u houm, with female attendance, Onh a rapidiy increasing Trade, and they now have »g£ SS^SSSSff 'n^°^ in Stock Bomo Thousands op Dozkn Bottled next the Cheap Bedding and Furniture M»rt« Auokland Albb, &,c, of tho uaual unsurpassed quality. ———, — , roady for Immediate Übo. mHE CITY OF AUCKLAND L. PHILLIPS, Agent DfEING AND CLEANING Lower Queen-street — ESTABLISHMENT, DARNELL SOAP AND CANDLE JT FACTORY. RICHMOND AND WELLESIjEY-STKKET EAST, FIRST PHIZS SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL W EDGAR, PfiOPBIKTOR. EXHIBITION, 1879-80. " ■■•■■",. , Havo just received a Large Stock o£ the Tho undersigned begs to call tho attention of Newoßt Dyeß for the most fashionableoolours In the Public to the Superior Quality of TOILET 3havrla> Opera oakßi Babieß - Dreßseß , &c ., &0 AND COMMON SOAPS mado at tbo abovo gjik an d Satin DreS36B Cleaned or Dyed and Factory—they having bken Awarded First Well-nnißhed. Ostrich Feathers ICleaned or p.,,. ._ _„_ T . TI - avTiNRY HxiiiniTioN— Dyed any shade and well Cured. Gentlemen 8 Pbizk AT m« LATE &ydnk\ _xuibition— clothlng cleaned, Renewed, or Dyed in Color which he is confident will, upon trial, give the at short notice. utmost satisfaction both as regards their dura- Hats, Feathers, Sheepskins Cured, Cleaned or billty and their cleansing property; and the Dyed. PRICES will favourably compare with those ol t&- Orders left at the City Establishment. » n ,rrrfwr. n lr,..iftnWfi.nnfacturo. WeUesley-street East, will meet with prompt any other Colonial Manufacture. attention. Ladies and gentlemen waited upon 3amples and Price Liats will bo forwarded to by leaving their addroaa, oeroonallv or by DOBt. any address on application to tho Office Fort- wnVnm'S msTTTnTR street, and all order, received wi be ptly V° U AND B^Sg-HoS" 0^ and carefully siocutod. -*~ iQuEEN-sTREET. E. R. CARDNO. Open daily from 10 a.m. till 9.30 p.m. Dinner and Lunohoon from 12 to 2 p.m. Tea BEFORE Making Up Your Outfit for from Ito 7 p.m. tVin Mnllmiirnn WThiliiilnn flnll anrl Tn- Boarding-house for loung ljdriics who are peot the^^oekofAme Krfcan Trnvemng T?unkß. occupied during the day. Terms on application at Coombes', 92, Queen street. to^rwffirH<» and other Social Gathoringa |-|R S. H. EDGELOW.M.R.C.S., ENG. "go^sffgency^nd Lending Library in ** MRS McGUFFIffi'S. connection with the Institute. Victoria Roadi DevonporL T COSGKAVE AND CO. are now OpenO . ing their Largo Summer Shipments. HOURS FOR CONSULTATION : ___ <XT _, r>T _, 1 Z TT. LnENCING.— lii consequeuco of dull 12 A.M.—3 p.m. 6 p.m.—B r.M. p times, I have Reduced my Prices for ■ ~ ; I~" every kind ot Fencing. Now is your time for a CJPECIaL LI NFS in Ladies' SuDshadea K ood Fence at Low Pries. I have for tale ►O and Umbrellas at Lowest Prices. The Silk Puriri Poata, from £1 to £6 5s per 100 ; Heart Umbrella that wears, '•Lavontine,"from 5s 3d, Kauri do, Is each; Hobarton Kalis (dressed). atE. Tester's, Karangahapo Road. 95j; Tltree Rails (dressed), (Ka: Splendid Split . Rata Firewood, 12s per ton, delivered. MF O C L E S SAM. WHITB, . DISVEN-S.NO& Family CHEMIST, ' Opposite Britomart Hotel. Howin's BuildtDgß,gWellesley-Btreet, Auckland, ■ ; — ; „„*-* calsGenumo Drugs, c'nemioals. Proprietary business hitherto carried on by the firm of SS%&£X]^%££S®kffi M«re dss ßwS be continued by Donald to 10 n,m. and 6 to it p.m. charge all liab Jltiea in connection with the late TRON IKON IRON firm- D.ROSS, ?ANKB! TANKS M TANKS I! . Auckland,^ da^ofOctober^SO. „ . —£ — it- w -p XitJ IT H reference to the abovo, it is reS. P A R X JS il, y y spectfully requested that all debts due HAs FOB Salk (Cheap) t^, i a to nrm be paid lorthwith. AU overdue About 55 of the^above. accounts not paid within two months will be ALSO, handed to a Solicitor for collection. SUPERIOR CORRUGATED IRON D. H. McKenzie, TANKS October 22,1850. From £2 and v ward -w-^ T? M O V A li. Comploto with tap ready for use; also, U? _. SPOUTINGf R Am QGING, KDOWN.PIPE, ,& WM^FAmj^to^^^jU^ A^ays on&H°and, at^is f^ o t&Z^nX^n^G^ GALVANISED IRON AND LEAD The Publio are zdquesiod to purohase early PIPE STEAM WORKS, b.oforo bU ore sold. „. «.. t! . Victoria - btbbkt East Auckland WESTPFAHL ILLA SITES, CAMPBELL VILLE, BOOT AND SHOE IJIPOI'irSR. PONSONBY. Nbxt to Mr. Cosqrave's, Dhaphb. Mr Jou^CVMPUEr.Lhasinatructod the under- ~~ ~~_ „ . , signed todirposo of all his Choice Villa Sites aa T> E MO V A L. above. These allotinente, having a large frontage J_\ jrH«j ~„.'. ~' to Poneonby and Shelly Beach Roads, Curran, j. Mackinlay, Sign and Ticket Writer, has Emmett and ."arßileld streets, are unsurpassed removed from Darby-street to Elliot-street, n 'or position, view of harbour, Bize, &o. few doors abovo Cousins and Atkin, Coach Th c allotments are marked off on the ground. Builders. Writing done for tho trade. , Price and terms on application. ■ _ — ] —; 1 DIGNAN fc ARMSTRONG, « T IT A R T 4 and 5, Imperial Chambers, W A M E b fc> 1 U A_ IV X, Vuloan Lano. *9 having succeeded Mr Camp in his long ; established business, hopeß by untiriDg atton _~,„.,„„— tion, energy, honeßty.and civility, to merit t THE WOKKING MUM'S GROCER.— continuance of the many favours accorded tc City Market.—R. L. Meek takes this his predecessor. New Goods being forwarded opportunity of thanking his Cußtomers for the by every Btsamer, customers will find some very liberal support they have favoured him thing new every day to choose from, with since commencing business, and trusts, Tne i ea a mK items are:—Stationery (Law that by a strict attention to business, together commercial, and General); TobaccomW ant with civility, dispatch, and a good article, to p ancy Goods Dealers' Wares; New Books ii merit a continuance of the same. R-L.M. would cn d !e ss variety, and always arriving. KBIUMg lipi which only requires a trial to bo appreciated, Auckland prices. and at prices bo low as to como within thereach INSTRUMKNTS for Sale: Corneta, Clario of all Ho has great pleasure in announcing to nets, Futes, Horns, Bates, Trombones, Picolos his patrons and the general publio that hi Flageolets, &c., &.C., &c. Clarionet Reedp ranidly increasing trade haa induced him to Violin Strings, Pegs, Bridges, &c. Anglo make arrangements for a constant supply of tho Gorman and English Concertinas. Flutse Best Fresh Butter obtainable in this province Clarionets. *^£SP&2^*W%E& OD lSt°n nS. andPianosTQn6dandßepairei Cambridge,November l th.lßßo, City Market, entrance off Queen-etreet.flAuck- — land. —Families waited upon |£or goods delivsrprl , Tn)SAf mmiiiiii T HE Underfllßncd hM mnoh pleasnre ! V>* i informing the Residents of Newmarket am Tho Union Saah and Door Company are now Vicinity that the business, hitherto carried 0: proparcdlto aupply Dinniionßi wiu bQ b ALL KINDS himself, with fresh auppliea of every kind of 0K GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, BUILDING MATERIALS, EEQUISITE FOR FAMILY UsE . &c Including SASHES, BOOKS, MOULDINGS, TURNERY, CARVING, Customers will bo waited|upon as usual, an AND orders kindly given will be carefully and faitl FRETWORK, fully attended to. AJ? THE VERY LOWEST BATE?. ■ ANDREW NOBLE, UNION SASH & DOOR COMPANY. Branch Office:—Cußtom-houie-street, Auck (Successor to Robert Dinnison), 10iuokland, AugUßt 9,1380. NEWMARKET I AND QSMBRX STORi

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 1