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Sewmsr Machines. QEWING jyg aoIII NE S TAYLOR'S PATENT SEWING MACHINES 8 || Thoße Machines have now been bo long bef or • the publio that they have established a reputation for thomsolves and can bo confidently recommended by lundreds who posaoas them as superior to all others for domestic uao. Tho now KUiptic bbuttlo Movement Is acknowledged on all handa as tbo simplest quiotost, and most boautiful motion over in, vented for tho pnrposo. , Tho now Patent Shuttle has only one hole to thread, and is larger than most oM<«ra. Sole Agenti T. peacock, Optician, Sbortland-streot, V Swwino Machines Repaired. N t for nn ago, but ror tlino QEWING TMTAGHINES. SALES 1875, |IsFoint 3TIUHS} SALES 1879 249,852 •< nearly I 431,167 MAOUINES. I DOUBLED ! 1 j MACHINES LAHGEST SALE tn the WORLD LARGEST IWANUFACTORIES IN THK WOULD I w g y^, 'yßli'fi'pil'i' M PATENT TRIPLK ACTION BALANOH WHHKL, ami may havo, when required, tho Now Patent Cocoon Shuttle (inBtoad of tho Dobbin Shuttle). NEW FAMILY MACHINE, on Pol- | ishod Walnnt Table, with Drawers, Stand, and Troadle. I'rlco .. „ £5 17 0 ACCEBSORIKs"o7vKN WITH EACH MACHINE. 1 Foller 1 Ex. Chook Sprint 1 yet H ommcrs & Folder G shuttle Bobbins 1 Tuok-markor „ 1- Needles 1 Quilter ~ 1 Screwdriver 1 Braider 1 Hottlo of Oil 1 Straight Guido 1 Oiler 1 Serow for Straight Guide 1 Hook Instructor 1 KxtraNcoiilo-plato Other Accessories for special clnssos of wort are supplied at usmall oxtracharge. Prico Lis tent post free. SEWING MACHINES for all classes of work lHtcd to work by hand, foot, orstcam power. Tho Sowing Machines mado by tho Sings) Manutactoiing Company nro acknowledged bj common conßont to bo by far tho best Bewlnj Machincß Unit monhanical ingonuliy ium bcei ablo to produce. Although tho Sin/or Sowing Mnohlnus aro comparatively Into in tin field, yet the oxtrnoidlnary demand for thmr during tho paat Tow years—as indicated by th< successive annual salsa—has obliged this enter prising company to increase their Factories v an extent that sooms almost innrodiblo. Tin of their Fnctorins is at Eliitabath. Nev Jersoy. Here, tho main building |mn 1100 fee' frontage); Forging fchops, 700 feet; Foundry.BOl feotby 100 foot; Cnblnet Shop, 200 (oat; Packing Shops, 200 font; Tim main building has foui iloors: the Cabinet and Packing Shops hav< each three floors. Kntlro works employs 3.500 man. ■The yurdcontains 0 inllos railroad tracks, There aro also Factories ut, or near, tho Cit; Of Glasgow, anil the dimcnslonH of these worn" may bo imagined, when wo say tlmt 2.500 hand here, ns at the American works, find constan employment. The turn-out, of Machines nlom is 10.000 every week, or, at tho rate of 500,01) (half a million) for tho etirrpnt yenr. Thi — various parts and now accessories, nccdlos, ou " Sic, &0., required for tho 3.500,0 i)() Sowini Machinos, winch are in libe all over tho world - thcßO domand special attention and niucl labour. A Staff of Skillod Mechnnics and Sew inK Machine (Kxpcrt^ is always employed fo tho solo purpose of making ovory possibl " Mcchanic-il Improvement on tho Machinos ani _ aocossorles. -j The Mechanicarprinoiple on which Singer" "\ Maohines are built can hardly be improved, am as a proof o( this it need only be said that it i 3 about the only Machine imitators have en a deavoured to copy, nnd only in America, bu also in Great Britain and tho Continent o •n Kurope, Tho, legal proceed ings against Kimbal and Morton, Newton Wilson and Co,, am > Krister and Rossman, are well-known. Th< 3 case against Newton Wilson was carried bofor _, the Houso of Lords. The Singor Co. won. 3 The action against Fristor Roasmau'la Qermai H firm), occupied tho Superior Courts seventeei 3 days last year. Tho decision was altogether Jl) d favour of tho Hinarer Company. Since that trial no Sowing Machine Manufac 4 tnrers or Dealers are permitted to use the nami -, " Singer "in connection with tho atylo. niakn o J sale of any Machine except thoso of the Slngo < Manufsoturing Company's OWN MAKE. As there are cither Branches or Agencle: in nearly every town In tho civilised world, a! ) who desire to havo tho Beat Sewing Machine and tha Cheapest, can easily obtain a GKN UINI SINGER, accompanied with a Written o: Printed Guarantee signed by tho authorise! atren t. The Unparalleled Success of this Leviathai 5 Business can only bo attributed to the uniforn i excellence of nil the Company's manufactures 11 as well as to tho most approved mechanics v principles on which all Singer's Machines an l built. L And notwithstanding tho VkryGrbat Rk imjction in Pricks, tho Company continues ti • glvo Wonderfully Kasy Terms to Purchasersoi j[ tno Hire or Doferred Payment System. (To be continued.) 'BRANCH OFFI8E: «T FORT STREET, AUCKLAND. "» Medical. T~\ I RE C T TESTIMONY TO MR GRAVES AIOKIN. CHEMIST, AUCKLAND. Sir,—l bavo much pleasure in bearing; testi j mony respecting the benefits I havo derived bj r using your Compound Syiup ot Eucalyptus, o - Lime and Quinine. 1 have been a great Bufferoi r for tho last thrco yours with chest complaint durinc which time I havo been frequently undoi i tho care of skilfill nie'dical men, both in Now Zealand and tho neighbouring colonies, bu cannot say I ever experienced any beneflcia 1 effect from their treatment. Last summer : • commenced taking your Lime Mixture and an happy to inform you that I havo been steadilj Improving weekly over since—notwithstand ' iug two or three severe colds 1 havo had thii winter—and am'now almost free from com Elaint, and can safely say, undoubtedly it is the est medicine I have ever taken, and as a sooth ing expectorant it is not to be oquallod. -1 givt you my name and addross, not for publication 1 but ob a guarantee that what I state here ii truthful, and Bhculd you at any time wish t( , refer any person to me, I shall bo most happy t( inform them of the benefits to be derived from i a fair trial of your invaluable mixture.—l am . &c, M.F.D. J (The Original Letter may be seen on apn.lioa tion.) 7 ' Many others suffering from Bronchial trac Lung ComplajHts havo bprho witness to the un questionable efficiency of in caseH wliero tlm uiU'il romediua havt , failed. The effect ucoy those afflicted with that • dreadful disease CUNBUMI-"riON, and lti kindred chest affections, is beßt described in thf languago of ono who experienced benefit, as follows :-" After con,mencing tho medlclnt ' the oxpeotoratipn camo away freely, my ooug}: • appeared to lie naturally rpljoved, arfl I conW r then sleep at pight, although jt was impossiblf |to get quiet s'ecp previously—(py cheat scomod ' to have a weight lifted off (C, and I could take a ' breath with freodom- My appetite is bettor, and I feel altogether stronger, and in a fair way to recovery." This is litowlly tho language ol 1 many who bavo trjed tho Syrup of Eucalyptus with Hypophosphites of Limo and Quinine. This is a pbarmecutioil preparation of genuine worth, deservingthe cordial acceptance of the Faculty and tho Public. SOLD IN BOTTLES AT 3s 6d EACH, MANUFACTURED AT " THE PF ; RM AO y ■ QUEEN-STRET.^ UCKI)AND . . LrEliLY'iS KOYAL MAIL LINE Ol ' JfV COACHKS to Ohinemutu, Hot Springs . and Tauranga, leaving Tanranga every Mon day Wednesday, and Friday, at 8 a.m.: and returning every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur i day. Through to Napier, Wednesday, at 8 a.m Fare,*s. Livery and Bait Stables. Spring-street Tauranga. Buggieß, Waggonettes, and Vehicles of all kinds tor Hiro. Booking Office, Spring street.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4