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Wanted. \\]T ANTED KNOWN, Parlour Mats, \ \ Sixpenco each, and a large lot of nther Wonderful Freah Bargains, in the 3rd column lth pa«e. ViT^ANTED, a Tidy Girl to mind child. V*' ren.—Mrs M. Walker, Kden Creient. ANTED, a Good Coatmaker.—Apply to Poßßenoaikle, Tailor, Shortlandstreet. WANTED, a Boy to work in a Jobbing }■ aw Mill.—Apply to Thomos Thwaiteß, Custom-house street West. X\T ANTED, a smart Shop Boy ; also, a \\ eood Coatmakor.—Apply to Possenessikie, Tailor. Shortlnnd-atroet. WAN TED to Sell, a Rood strong Spring Cart lit for warehouse work.—Apply Star Office^ W "ANTED, by a New Arrival, a Situation as wool sorter; thorouahly understands the trade.—J. Mile^, care ot H. Watts, Nelson-street, Auckland. ANTED, a good Man for General Farm-work; mußt bo able to mow.— Apply Star Otlico 12 o'clock: tomorrow. ANTED, a respectable Female Person to look after an invalid and child 12 months old.—Apply to Mrs F. H. Moody, Now-markot-streot, Nuwmarket. ANTED, a respectable Boy about IG, who can milk, hay boon accustomed to horses, and can drive; good references required. —Apply to-morrow to liuntar & Nolan. ANTED, n Boy (one who can milk). — Apply at STAR Ofllca between 12 and 1 to-morrow. \\ rANTED. — Boat. — A Small Open V T Sailing Boat, complete from 12 to 15 ft. —Stnto price to Ji'iVAJt_Oinco, ANTED, a good General Servant, one accustomed to upstairs work.—Mrs W. A. Watormau, Dining Kooum, Quuon-atreet ■iir^ANTBD, by a Respectable Young V y Porson. a situation In a Baker's or Confootlonor'H shop. — Apply to J. 11., Young Womena'lnßtltuto, Upper Queen-ntrcet. W "ANTED, by a Respectable Young Person, occupation in a work-room, or asaiatant to a dressmaker.-Apply to M. It., YounK_Womon'B liißtituto, Uppor Qunen-strcct. WANTED, Board and Residence near town.—atuto tornu. &0., to "Comfort," HTAH Offlco. WANTED, to Dispoao of a (jood paying Drapory Business In tho suburbs.—For parliculnrs applyßTAit onice. WANTED, a middle-aged respectable Woman for tho country ; widow with children will do.—Apply at Hopo Coitago, four doors from Ponaonby Hall, Ponsonby, uuy forenoon^ WANTED, a Respectable Middlo-ago'd Woiuan. as working hou^o-ktopnr for a roan with a small fuinlly.—Address, Alcha, Parnell Poßt Olllco. ANTED, a respectable Girl about 17 or 18, as pronoral sorvant.—Mra Helonder. Loudon-acroot, on St. Mary's Koad, Ponaonby. W" ANTED, n good General (Servant; must know how to wnflh and iron. HcDtch profcrrod.—Apply for address at this olllco. - ANTED, a Youth to make himself useful; ono with somo knowledge of frcnoh-poUshlnic or maltrass inuking preforrod. —Apply ut tho Cheap Furniture and Uc(lrtini{ Mart Victoria-street, Kast; next door to tho PublloJUot BatliS. WAN'i'Kl), by an experienced young Lady, a Situation as Bnrmnid in a firstclass hotel; has good roforencoa ;no objoction to go South.—E. ilonry's iteKlutry, ShortlandBtreot. ; WANTED, Parties who have left jobs with Mr Schwartz, Watchmaker, Queenitreot, to c»ll for thorn at onco at Mr U. Ponsholi:. Jewollor, Victoriaßtroet. ANTED KNOWN, that Samuel Coombos has jUBt Opened up his Btook of Summer Clothing, which will bo sold Cheap. tor Cash.—City Clothing Mart. 92 Quoen-Btruct. WANTED KNOWN.—Mrs J. White, Dressmaker, etc. (rocently from most faahlonablo house in Nottinnham), will Woit uponLadieß at their Kesidenccs on receipt Of ■letter.—Address: Brighton. ParneU. ANTED" KNOWN, 500 Men's and Youths' Fashionable Hats. Bought a lot. to bo sold at 2s od, worth 7s Od, at CooMßifS", i) 2. Qucon-stivtt. \\rANTED KNOWN, that J. MORRI- ', TT bon, Asphalter, has Removed to his Now Yard Cußtom-Houso-stroot Woat, betweon Hobaon and Nolson-Btroets. Asphalting attended to on tho shortest notice. Also, a Large stock tf Flrowood. cut and uncut; wholeßalo and retail. . , WANTED KNOWN, Just Opened a Largo Lot of Gents' Straw Hats, from Cd, atCoOMU-B'City C.othing Mart, 92, QueenHt root. - , _ Y\7"ANTaD KNOWN—AIes and Stout. V V best Dunodin and Nelson brands bottled by Bindon and Co.; also. Wines and Spirits, lirst quality ; Alos and Stout, 10a por doz. (quarts); (is p«r doz. (pints).—Btndon & Co., High-street and Vulcan J-cno. WANTED KNOWN, we have Cricketing Trou«ors at 123 Cd; Running and Bathing Pants, 2s Cd.—Phillip's Mait, Queonstreet. ■ WANTED KNOWN, You (Jan Get a Good Pair of Sox for Gd, at CoOMBKa', 92 Queen-Btroot. \TffANTED KNOWN.—We arc DeliverW ing In the City, for cash only :—Best Tltroo Flrowood. 12s per ton; Ditto, out In blocks, 13s per ton; Waikato Coal (beat house), 22s por ton ; Tauplri Coal (beßt house), 23s por ton.—W. &G, Winstone, Custom-house-street Kost and Went. \\J ANTED KNOWN.—To briug the V T oolebrated Werthotm. Troadlo Machines into more general uio, we are now Selling thorn at from Five Pounds and up wards.—Hallenatein Bros. & Co., Now Zealand Clothing Factory. Queen-street, Auckland; and at Albert-street, Thames. WANTED KNOWN, 300 Men's and Boys' Cloth Caps, at Is; a lot worth 3s 6d, at Coomuhs', 92, Queen-street. ANTED KNOWN.—That which is termed the wrong sido will bo found to bo the right side of Queon-Btreet for intending purchasers. At No. 11l tho trade motto is, •'Small profits and quick returns," or, "A nimble sixpence better than a slow sliilling. •Tho "Tom Thumb" has arrtvod amongat tne other novelties just being unpacked. Call and inepeot them. No old stock to otter at nominally " alarming sacrifice," all being imported within the last six mouths. c , w . GOODaON , WANTED, Everybody to Know that the beßt Oil that can be uaod on Kauri I .Timber is Kauri Gum Oil. Very suitable for first oo*t ot paint, and warranted to preserve he wood. Can bo had at 3s per gallon. People ,hat want to Paint their Houbcs or Pigs had xstter try it, as it never robs off. Splendid Oil or Finishing at 3s 8d per gallon. -Atkinson and 30., Paint, Oil, and Varnißh Worfcß, Freeman's Bay, Auckland. ; Vvr A N T<E D KNO WN. 'To all in Want of Money.—L. H Neumegen: is prepared to advance the same on personal or any other security, ropmyable by Weekly ipstalmentß.—Note tho address: 165, Quenn-streat, opposite the Savings' Bank. WANTED KNOWN, that the uiidersignod has on hand, for stle, all those Vahlcleß that were exhibited at Kllerelie, viz.: Wagonette. Concord Buagy (double-seated), iwheeled Eicpress, Baker's Cart; Heavy Spring' Cart (to carry 2 tonB); also, Tip-drays, Pagna'l's Spring- Carts, light and heavy- Voyi and Second-hand Vehioles, of every deicriptlori, always on hand for sale—A. Maokle. Royal Standard Carriage and Spring Factory, Durham-atreot West, Auckland. Wf ANTED KNOWN, that E. Carr V* ~ud Son have to hand Building Timber in Kauri and White Pine, Shingles, House Blocks. Palings, Posts. Itaila, and Firewood in their Yard, Custom-house-street West, opposite end of Hobson-Btroet.1 N.B.—The increasing demand for White Pino has induced them to arrange for a constant supply. WANTED KNOWN, that D. Goldie is prepared to sell Ml kinds of Building and other Timber, including Hardwood, Spokes, Felloes, Iron-Barkand Blue-Gum Shafts, Blocks, Palings and Shingles, at hla Yards, Lower Albert-street, near Dock, at the lowest cash pricci Tho timber, being under cover, is bettsr than that purchtßod eltewhero. WANTED KNOWN.—I am delivering in the City, for cash only best Ti-tree Firewood at 12s per ton, cat in blocks 13s per on sold in large or small quantity. Order punctually attended to. —G. Tisdale, corner of Wyndham and Hobßon Btroats, WANTED KNOWN, Just Opened up a Splendid Lot of Youths' Regatta Shirts, all aew Patterns, at Coomkes' City Clothing Mart. 92 Queen-atreet. WANTED KNOWN, that the Cheapest House in Town for good Boots and Plioea qC all sorts and sizes is tho'Cheap Boot Bhop, corner of Queen-street and Market Entrance, Come one, come all, No oredlt to pay for^. Large Etock. Muat Bell. ANTES'—Wantod to Sell: 12 case Salt Cod-flsh, only 6d lb; Picton Bloaters, 10 for 6d; Candles, 9d lb; Jams, 6d and 7d; Harper Twelvetree3" Washing Powder, Cd dozen; Light Blue, 9d lb; Lemon Peel, Is Gd lb; Salmon, Od; Salad Oil, 8d; Castor Oil, 7d; Wine Glasses, 6s dozen; Tumblers, Ss; Water Bottles, Is 3d ; Jugs, 4s set; Plates, 2}d to Bd: Peanuts, 121bs for 3s; Mandarins, 4d dozen: Oranges, Is and 13 3d dozen; White and Gold Cups and Saucers, fluted, 11s dozen; lot of Large Ploturos, Is each, 3 for 2s 6d; Note-paper. 5 quires for lOd; Glass Butter Dishes, 2s and 2a 6d Yellow Pie Dißhes, from 8d to Is 6dj Toilet Bets,Us6d: Champers, 2s Gd | China Dolls* Heads, from Od to is; China Dolls, Id to 13s; Why brow Popular itelish, Td bottle; Kpsom Salts, 4d dozen packets; Tacks, 2d packet, Is Od dozen; Iron Spoons, Id each, 7 for 6d ; Tin Plates, only 3d; Large Tart Tins, i for 6d, 9 for Is; Preserved Ginger, 3b Gd jar; Thick Wiro Nails. 141bsfor Bs, 16s per 1121bs; Canary Pipes, Id eaoh; Kits, 61 to Is each: Brown Te&pots, Is 3d to 2s 6d; COi-ton Boot Laces, 3d per do»en; Spirits of Ammonia, 6d per bottlo; Canterbury Potatoes 4sper bag of 1J owt. in eaoh.—H. WATTS top of Grey and Pitt streets. WANTED KNOWN.—The Boss Puzzle has three games combined in one box—; Ladies'.and Gents'lFashionable Scarves, from Is; the Ladies' Indispensable, from 4s 6d; Pocket Knives and Button Hooks, from fid; Elegant Carver Sets, in case ,from 12s to 100a; Bibles, from Is 9d; Pass and Pocket Books, iromld; Gold-platod Albert Chainß (warranted tn Btand acid), from 5s Od; K.F. and S., from Is; Filigree Silver Jewellery; the Artist's Coloui Box, Is fld :Hlotting Pads; Gold, Silver, Jet, Pearl Fanoy Solitares, Studs and Lookets, from Gd; Letter-copying and Manifold Order Books: Harmonicums, Is; Conoertlnas; Bread Knives, Is 3d Gonts" White Linen Shirts Table Knives, from 6s 6d ppr dosson • Wax Dolls, Is; Nioke! Pencils and Pens; Tumblers and Wines, on; glass, from 9d eaoh. Porcelain Flowers ant vases. Playing Cards, Letter Balances, Potoa Silver Forks and Spools, Waltham and Genevi Watches, Frenph and Amorioan Clooks ant Alarms ; and a Host of Useful and Ornamenta Goods too numerous to mention, at prices suitet to this time of depression, at C. W. GOODSON t STORE, 111. Queen-street. London Office, 58 St. Mary Axo.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 3