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Medical. Xt i t c hen's celebrated Blood Restorer! 13 The Greatest Thumph ok ModbkkTimes NO MORE PHYSICAL DEGENERATION If the Laws of Health are observed, ordinary care exercised, and Blood Restorer Freely Takes ! HITCHENS' Cklhbratkd Blood Restorer ckktais cure For the Lanconr. Lassitude and Disease which attend the Hear and Drouzht of semitropical and tropical Climate?. Fevera which so quickly fasten on the debilitated system may evily ek kept away by the timely use of this IST IMO3T "WONDERFUL RKMKDTI "Bl In fact by its use the Most Malignant of Tropical Fevere have been ejected from the Unman fcy^iem. and by ite aid Dying, Fever-Mricken Men hare betn, as it were, RAISED FROM THK DEAD I ?beMeA!cal M;n of Great Bri'ain tried for TWBXTV Y»At.s :o ou'C an Kr ;jl;sljman of the painfu; <]h.-;iw of H:ieumat: pm. and finally atvUei >im to come io K'ew Zealand. He canie ! l*c s-\v Mr llitchei s '. U-. partook freely of lileod R>jt!oror : His testimony iB bfbvr. RradK? A Poverty Bay Fetk-r is CH tplid with Rheumatism, "c ijik-s lilood Kestorer, and hii tcstimouial is below. R, a'. ii! A well-known AueUandT adfttman. lerionsly i>] with Sciatica nid I ttnibieo, flvs for relief to Mr Hitchens. His te itmoni&l is below. Head it? BLOOU RE3TORKU V. DOCTORS AND HOSPITAL?. Lwnc street, AuckJind, I2th April, 1880. Sir.—l hare aeea a suff;rer from rheumatism for the last twenty yeais in the oM country. Through advice I r celved from medical men I emigrated to New Ze&'and as bsing a warmer cl mate, and more adapted for the cure of roy comi la'nt. For the last twelve months I have suffered most frigttful as on es from the paics in a!l mr joint*. What made my cafe worse I catuht a severe coM. On the cold subfiidirg it leftan asthma, which brought oo dropßy; and ec;IV-it:n voder the*) maladies I tried all mciic»!ai<3, and wag five months in theDist'ict Hospital. Auckland, and neither my wife cor myself ever thought 1 would leave it alive, as I g.aiually got worse, having uaius and large swelling. In my knee joints, and a-ros, shoulders, and hards distorted. My w f^hearineof yon, and tcdnjr y«nr •estimoriuils in the newspapers froai parties which live around as. I me da enquiries froai several who bad been under ycur treatment, who fUtsd themselves t! at yo i cured them when their case w*s suppof < d to be hopeless. I Getermined to see you at all hazards, and was helped to your place toy my wifeon sticks. Only fira months undci' Tour eire, and the who:e of my comrlaints have ri i.-api- cared.and am now able to follow in v dailr iivocation. 1 hank* to a iterc.ful 1 'rovidvnt c that I was brought undt-rtha ii.ilu>ncc of your incd:cm», and wishinpr that yoa may be long soared to be able to r.dininlkter ycur ralnable llesio-iT to other BOtTeringg as 5 on have done to n:e.-Yours faithfully. SAMUEL FIKLD. To U. A- H. Hitchen", Esq., Ancklaild. Auckland,23ih June, 1>79. B.A.E. Hitche.v a, Ksq. Sir,—l have rnucli.p'.cheare in bring able to b;ar testimony of the great good to be reolvrd by takiDg yoor Blood Restorer. Havirg a re-r Imd attack of Sciatica and Lumbago. I was for «e-lifi unable u>alter.d to by bu'ine s; J wa« under the treatment cfa mcdicil man. and tried all kinds of remedies, bat received no rcliff; in fact I wat gradaally Ret: ing worse. • friend .•vcoruM'-nr.ed me to try your blood mixlure, but yoa beiaie s. stranzer to rae, and r. o: knowingr the quality frf your m xtore. I was ecgplicJLl about it My friend ral'ed aga'n. and asta'n reoommeded me to you, and from what he said I waainducd locallonyocrage?lß. Messrs Hamiltoa Bros., and get a bottle of jour Restorer, and I am v lad to say that, after taking six bottle?. I was able to attend to my basinets, and am now quite well, gboald any friends 1 1 mine at any time be sufTerin< with Khe "mati-n , Oout. t'cia ic*. etc., I will most certtinly rcccimend them to take ronr Blood Hestorer.— I am. Sir, yours truly. N. i!cIiILLAN. Vulcan Lane. Ormond, Poverty Bar, SepL Bth, 1889. Mr H. A. 11. Uitchens, Accklacd, S'r,—lt affords me great pleasure in testifying to the immense Talus of your medicine. I bad. been suffering a long time with hhenmatic Goat, and for fome time be'ore taking yoor 8100 l Kestorer I had to !>■> lifted in and out of bed; bat after taking one bottle I felt each relief that I wa< able to assiGt myselt and befo. c finishing the fifth bottle I was .perfectly cured, and have noth&d a return of even the symptoms of the disease since. Aitho' this testimony a onsolicited, yoa are at liberty to make what v c nt it pn !•:•■• m*. but I feel it a du'y to 'aeknov.loigo he efficacy of yonr medicine.—l am, Bir , ours truly, V>. UUNTKR. niBECT TESTIMGHY. TO JIB GRAVJCd AICKIN. CHEMIST, AUCKLAND. Sir,—l have much pleasorc in bearing testimony respecting the benefits I have derived by using your Compound Symp ot Kucilyptus. tf Lim« and Qui« me 1 have been a great Eufferer for tha last th*ee ye-r<i with chest comolaint, duriaz which time I have t-een freqneDtly nntfer the care of skil'ul m-dical men, both in New Zealand and the n- ijhtx>urir.g colonies, bnt cannot say I eyer exp' rienced any b^neficia effect from their trta menr. Last summer 1 > ommenoed taking yonr Lime "ii ure, and am happy 10 inform you that I have been steadily Improving weeVlr ever S'nce— not withstanding two or 'hree s- vere colog 1 have bad this winter- and am now almost frre from complaint, and can s<fely say, undoubtedly it is the best medicine I have ever taken. nn<l asasoothing expectorant it i- not to b» eq/ualled. I give you my name and addrecf, not for publication bat as a guarantee that whmt I state here ii truthful, and nhculd yon at anj time Irish to refer any person to me. I shall b«i most happy to inform them of the benefits to be derived from a a fair trial of your invaluable mixture Tarn &c, SLFJ). . (The Original Letter may be Been ou application.) Man/ others Buffering from Bronchial and Lung Com plaints have borne witeesa to the unquestionable efficiency of in cases where lue UiU-1 reon-Oica huve failed. - The effect ucoa those afflicted with that dreadful disease CONSUMPTION, aod it* kindred chest affections, is best described in the laptcuazo of one who experienced ben-fit, as fodows :-"After conjuenciDK the medicine the expectoration came away freely, my cough appeared to Le naturally relieved, a- d I conia tnen sleep at night, although it was impotsible to get quiet sleep previously—my chest Kerned to have a wei«bt fifioO off it, and I oonld take • brcah with freedom. My appetite is better, and I rerl altogether tironger, and in a (air way to recovery." This is literall] tine language of many who have tried the 3yrup ot Eucalyptus with Hypophosphites of Lime and Quinine This is a pi a:merut'cl preparation of nenuine wo>sh, devrvingthe cordial acceptance ot the Faculty aLd the Public. BOLD IN BOTTLBS AT Sa Cd KAGH. MANI FACTURKDAT''THI PHARMACY qOKKN'-STRSET, AUCKLAND. QTJRE OF SKIN DISEASES. To the Kdltor: Sir,—Herewith we hare the p.easure to forward yoa a tetter from New Zealand bearing testimony to the successful treatment of a skin disease of long standing through the nsa of our Ku-a'yptns Kxtract for the benefit of those EiTilarly afflicted. We hope you will deem tha subject of Bufiieioot importance to afford this letter a space in your valuable paptr.—Yoors truly, BANDER ft SONS. Bridge-street, Sandhurst, J aly, 1880. Inyercargii.i.. x.Z,, Bth. July, 1880. HiesßS. dAXDBK & Sqn-S, SakUBUBST. OKSTxjpjjEK.-r-Hayine suffered from eczema (a skin diseasa which iS veiy prevalent in this colony) for about nine years, 1 hed consulud numerous medical men here and In Australia, and had taken arsenic, strychnine, iodide of potassium, etc., internally, and had used prer rations of zino and lead externally. In fact bad tried all the remedies known to the faculty, and what between travelling doctora* atddruggtste' bills, hid spent a sraull fortane, almost ii not wholly without results, except to injure my constitution. Irtrring a recent visit to 1-okiiika I was recommended to trr your Extract of Encalyptna Globolos by a brother who had experienced great benefit from it in a leviaiintr a very severe cold, and, no le3s to my eu'prire than satisfaction, i found the ai«eaw which had troubed me sa long was eonouered, and the akin resinied its normal condition. This was eitcoted by ihe external uto of less than two ono-ounce bottles. You are welcome to make any use yoa please of this Utter, and I subscribe myself.—Yours, {Signed) JOHN H. KHRR Manager, Union Bank of Australia (UotftedL Agent for Auckland 1 GRAVES Al^klN, Tub Puabmact. Qukxk-etrekt.

FEKKY HOTTKL, NORTHCOTB, STOKKB* IPOINT. J. MAXWELL, Peopkietok, Accommodition for Travellers. Saddle (Horse* on Hire TEKMINU& nUTEL, KOKTH HELENS VILLK. F. Clark Staff begs to intotm Travellers and others that the New Railway Station is now open for traffic, and that the steamers faWairoa, Port Albert, and Pabi,n<rw lie at tie New Wharf; also that the i'oit and TotemaDh Offices are situate Withia fifty yards of the Hotel. I The Hotel is commodious, and no effort will be spared to conduce to the comfoit of its patrc ns. Good Stabling1. Wines sxd Spirits (the best procurable in the market). * F. CLARE STAFF, Proprietor.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 4