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DamDier's Wonderful Bargains. lOOK IN THE WINDOW at the J followirc articles :- — I.v Jits Hose, 3jd; ; lilird Tassel?, '2d each: Pretty Albums, is: i Picture Crosses, for framiri-. 23 each ; Men's ; Shirt Suiw-f. with fatent fasieaers. 1< the suite; ' I Adies Black liat Ornament?. 3d each : Towels. 2*2. All the above arc in the window, and are ijrist liar^rams — Men's Scatvi sat f<d. and oiber Bargains. On ibe coaster you will see the following :—Ladies' Unen Cell-. Id the pair: Ladies' Umbrellas. SIM; Girls'^trawHstj. at 9i: nowcrs. fid the bunch: stand •Up Collar?, 3d the box r thirty-six-yard pieces of Grer Kraid. 3d tie pie^e: SbeeU of Pin?,three for 2d: tkeins of Silk, la the <*oz; and in other parts of the shop yon will find Harry's celebrated Tricophcrous. 12s Gd the aoz or 1« 2d the botv'.e; = ■ I. Men's Superior Scarvea' Lidiea' Hair Frisettes, for the hair, 3 for Cd. Fresh Lot of cheap Calicos; s?ilt Squares. White and f'o'.cnred. 6d; Ladies' White Handkerchiefs, H-TIIT i " . The duty. I b»!ieve. on cards is Gd the pack; nevertheless, I will sell them at 9i the pact: Alorlej'sKnittinsr Cotton, numbers I to 14. Is 3d the tb ; Cark's celebrated reels <;00 jarcisl of Sewing Cotton, Is lOd the dec or 2d thert<e!: Clark's Crochet Cotton. 2*d the hank; stay Busks, id and id the pair; Spoon do, Si : 1 idies" and Girls' Thimble*, 2 for Id. Come and see the now lot of Eye Glares, at Is : and the new German Stive* and Stwl Speetac'.es. alsa at Is: Reading Giass, Pd and Is 3d ;— Teil the Schnol-masters my Slate Pencil? are Gd the boi of 100. ar.d if they Er.1 as sensible a3 they onght tob?, leliaiiEell an enormous quantity of them. ———— Come and ses the Flannel, at Is 3d tho Ta «,l . , Ladies' and iiiri3"'Hair Nets. Id each, no higher price: Superior Piano Mntte.OQTialittlog ot operatic and other Socirs, as well as Dances: Lyons Kathrion. many rrefer it to Tricopherops. Sd the bottle: Florida Water. 2i tho bottle: Ladies Kid Gloves. Is and 2-the pair: Kumitnre T-immine. 2 icches wide, 2d the yard; a few Men's Thicv v. arm Caps, includirg Glengarr. Is Cd each, worth a 61: Boys' do. Is: a very 3aperi<?r Lot Of Men's sn<i fcojs' Pees Caps, 15 6d. worth 35: Hoys' Hard Kelt, Hats. 2s; Men and Boys' Soft do. Ha 6d; Men's Bracer, Si; Boy 3' do, Od ;— ; Girls Straw Hat?, <d-Oood Violin and Bow, 255; \\ ircey. 3}da*d l.}d the yard, to highT * rice; Wincey Skirts (ladies'and firls"i, 2j 61 each; Men's Drawers (cotton), 29 6d the pair; nice lot of Ribbons at ca the janl: ; — — — Gect's .-"cjirvea for folding, la each: Boys' Shirts. 1' Mi Men's <Jo.. 2« 6d: Where ese can ycu g«t English ru!^d Note Pa;or at 2d the quire, ana Knvelopes at 21 the packet of 25 ! Feerlets Gloss for thining Boota without brushes. 9d the bottle: larga ouantity of Dress Butt:m, 2d the doz: Slate Lln'n? M the yard; Hrown Windsor Soap. 7 rake* for Is; Ball i>resscs.\redueed from 2to to Cs West Knd Cellars, size 11, 3d the box. worth lOd ; Lad:oJ' Stays, Is 6d the pair ; Kimirj-. 101 th"? yard; Hair Brushe*. Is; Infants' Soft Brushes. Is; Nail Id and Tooth do, Is —— — —— ; Crape Trimming, Id the yard ; Eau de Cologne and other twntt, 5d the bottle; —- }) tdding Rines, 2d ; Military Braid. 2 yards li; Cork Soles, Id pair; Cushion Cord, id the dnz yarls; 1 yard Tape Measures, Id each; White Braid. id the <Joi yards; Black and White Berlin W 00l 3d the doz ekein3 : other colours id- A grand show in the shop of the above, also of Fingering Wool at 3d tho hank; Pipits Cord, 18 knots for 61. What will jon Ladies do when my Girl»" Splendii Ribbed Hose at 6d are all trone.-DAMPIKR'3 Wonderful BarKai'B, corner of UcoerQsaenatreet Open fromSa\n to 6 BID ]W"E"W SEASON'S TEAS. INDIA AND CHINA TEA WAREHOUSB, Vicroßii-snuurr, 4uckla.vd. I>T)L\. ASD CHINA TEAS DIEECT FEOM CALCUTTA ASD rOOCHOW. F. .Me H I T E II E A D Has jn»t received let 'STbiL.' from Foochow;) a rjuaniity of Xew Season's *re». compri?iDg various (Trades, from Is 6d per lb. upwards; ana wishes to call special attention ta th» fact of his hivinjr purchased a portion of the finest lino in the ship. Tbis Tea was procured at F. W.'s desire in Hankoiv: connotoean will recosnite i:s character v;hen reminitd o; tho district in which it was procured. In bis jaegmeut, it i 3 the Finest North Provincial China Tet to band of the Beason. Cheap lines will be offered as low as lrgitimate trade will allow. AH Tea* offered to the xiub'ic under F. W.'a standard quotations will be fornd of sterling value, embedyini? tho best seleclei Teas the most favourable Colonial markets afford, every care be^nu exercised to secure that uniformity of flavour aad kind so essential ia the beat lines. s. d. Good Conoron, denominated "Fine" 1 6 per lb. No. L '■ Broken and Sittings'" (ftavoury) 18,, No. 2. "Tea Extraordinary" (Assam flavour and strenirtb) .. ..2 0 ~ No. 3, " Family Mixture* .. ..2 8 ~ No. 4, "Very liich Deep Brown Tea" 3 0 ~ (121b, tins of Noa. 1 to 1, 3d per lb. lets ; tics. Is G.o:ch, rotoxnable). F. WHUEHEAD, WnoLE3ALE & Retail Txa Uealzr. and iitPOKTKK op Tobacco & Ciqabb, victoria-street. Auckland. And Tobacconist. OcEEX-STRKrr. s »" ONK MONTH ONLY. STRONG DURABLE STOCK SADDLES, Our own make, complete with Mounts, from £3 ss. Od Ws. .tones • Having just landed ex ' Loch Doon and' Scott sb Lassie' a large assortment of all kinds of HARNESS MOUNTINGS, he ia now prepared to execute all orders for Carriage, Bnfrgr. Bintcle or Pair Horse, Gig or Dog Cart, Single or Tandem. Always on band, a Large Stock of CAB, SPUING CAKr, DaAY AND FARM UARNESa J I TW J. has always a. large geoenvl stock, comprising Racing, Steeplechase, and Hunting Saddles and Bridles, Stable Requisites, Summer ltd Winter Horseclothiotr. Valise", Portmanteaux, Courier Bags, Waterproof Paste tot Saddles and Harness, Compos. Oils, &c ELLIMANS EMBROCATION, JUST ARRIVED. A large stock of latest improved extra strong; PACK SADjDLES alway3 on hand. From 60s. SF. 8. JONES, QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. iTimßmitna. DEVITT, GoMHaJceT, 844, Queen- • street, Auckland, opposite the Markethouse. Established, 1859.—Always in Stock and to arrive by direct importation from Knaland made to advertisers own order,—Chokebore Breech-loading Guns. Double and Single Muzzleloaders, Rieecn-loading Revolvers, Breech-load-ing Rook and Rabbit R-fle*. Game Ba>.H, Gun Cases, Powder Flasks, Shot Ponches, and every article necessary to complete the outfit of a Bpof tsiran. An assortment of every description of Revolver Cartridges, and all the best Brands in Sporting Powders are imported direct from the makers by the the advertiser, who can guarantee their good quality. Cartridges for the Enflold, tnirlur end Terry Rifles. Metallic Cartriilee Cases, Chilled Shot and other specialities always on hand. Country dealers liberally dea't with. Guns Ke-Btocked, Browned, etc, and every other kind of Firearm Repaired at reasonable prices. Notice.—Just to hand, a lot of good serviceable C. F. Chokebere Hreechloading> Guns cheap. The largest stock in Auckland to .choose from. Also, in stock, a large aesortment of Fireworks of the best duality. Fishinz Tackle

Venetian JBnnae. AUCKLAND VUNEXiaj*} BLIND ACTORY* COKtfSR C V COOKgANDIGBEY STKKKT3 VENETIAN BLINDS I VENETIAN BLINDS! Made of the best California* Pine, guaranteed not to warp or twist. Onr Blinds surpass all Imported Blinds, Wood or Iron. We bare a very large stock of well-seasoned Pine TimH rV«T^° °^ Lal Ke Stock ot VENETIAN BLINDS on hand, asßorted sizes. WlreGanze i lindß made to order, and forward to all parts of tho Co) wy at the shortest notice. A. & A. BUSBY (Late M. Horios Bcsby), VENETIAN BLIND JLSJKKR3 AND WIRK WORKERS, CORNER 07 COOK AND QRKX SIBBJSTS

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 4