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Wanted. WAMTIsu KNOWN.- SELLING OFF.—Tomahawks Ibeach, and lots of othor Bargains la tho 3rc column Ith page.—W, 11, Dampier. WANTED, a respectable Female Servant.—For addresa apply at Mays' Store Dovonport. \\T ANTED, a. respectable Errand Boy. Yr —Apply thia office. WANTED, "a Barmaid for Upstairs Bar. Apply at Cosmopolitan Hotel. WANTED, respectable Boys for the boot trade.—Garrett Bros., WANTED, a smart Boy.—H. L. Possoniskio. Tailor, Shortland-3trcot. WANTED, some Kespectablo Person to adopt a baby boy 11 months old ; a beautiful child.—Apply to Mis (Jhaso, Chapolstreot. WANTED, a Boy about 14. If sharp will bo taught tho business, have f,*ood wagea, and pocket monoy. Houra from 8 till 6. —W. H. Uamplor. ANTED, bylT Younc; Man, a<?ed 21, a situation to drivo a Baker's or Grocer's fiart; has a knowlodgo of both Usdes; good references.—Address "I. 1.," Post Ollleo. WANTED, by a Gentleman with two children, a Houaokeopor.—John MoNeill, Nowmarkot. WANTED" tenders for buildJu" a small Cottopro at Ponrose.—Apply at Jam18 MoKoDzio, Smith. 1/orne-Btroot. WANTED, n working Housekeeiicr for a farm houso.—Apply Adam Laybcurn, Kort-s treet, WANTED, Gardener with thorough practical knowlodgo cf his businoEs: nono othor noud apply.— Viiplicatlon (by letter oulyM.o_Mr^Murdooh^ Banket_Now_Sseolond. _ WANTED, Men to do about 100 chains wito fenolng, drawing and cutting light bUBh for burning by oontract: nono but oompotont hmdH need apply to A3. If. Koe, Onohuuxa ANTED KNOWN, that John Lamb has removod to hla now premises, Lowor Queon-atreot. WANTED, a Six or Seven-roomed House, with urn nil gardon, in good situation, within quarter of an lionrj walK of Post OlHco.—Apply btatiuK terms to " A.," ollleo of this papor^ ,__ WANTED, Tenders) for two-roomed Cottage. Plans and specifications can bo Boon at tho oIQoo of D. Qoldio, Timber Merchant, Albort-stroDt, till Kriday Bftornoon next, ut 1 o'clock, at which tlmo tenders will bo reoolved. ANTED, all tho Ladies with pood KUiuroß to call at Dunuo & Hall's and ?'ot properly fitted in Jackets of tho Latent 'ariaian Stylo, of our own importation. W"" ANTED to Kent, a Two or Throe Koorued Houso: no children; ront moderate—Ad drejß "A.8.," stak Ollleo. ANTED, Buyers for Boiling Becfj 2Jd and 3d por lb; Roast 80-.f, id; Mutton, '/Id; suporior faiisa^ca, id,—O. lluln o. Butcher, Quoon-strcot. WANTED KNO\VN7^Si>e~rlo7~Aceommodatlon for ono or two gontlemon. —Cook-street West, Houaa lately occupied by Dr. Alckln. WANTED" KCiwWN.—Ladies aro invited to Inspect ray stock of Milllnory, Klowora, Feathers, Hlbbons, otc, FriUlDgs. Undor Linen, Baby Uuon, Bonnota, ami Trimmed' H»ts at reasonable prices.—Mrs Whitohead, MlUnonjNowton. \ ITANTED KNOWN.—We are Deliver"W - login tho City, for oabh only :—Beat Tltreo yirowood, 12a por ton; Ditto, out in blodl<B, 13a por ton; Wallcato Coal (bost house), 22s por ton ; Taupiri Coal (boßt housol, 23.1 por ton.—W. & G. winstono, Custom-houso-streot Hast and Wont. WANTED KNOWN, that the Cheapest House in Town for Rood Boots and Phooa of all sorts and sizes is tbo Choap Boot Shop, cornor of Quoon-slroot Mid Markot Kntranoc. Come ono, como nil. No oredlt to pay for. Largo itock. Must soil. ANTED KNOWN, I am sellinc 400 Gallon Iron Tanks at lowest rates; also bost Tl-troe and other Firewood at low rates for cash. Beet House Kay Coal] always on hand. —J. Craltf, Fort-atrcot. WANTED, to Sell a Comfortable Cottage of thrco roonn and ucullery, &o , Llnoolu street. Ponsonby, for £1!W; freehold allotment, pleasantly situated, and planted with fruit trocß; pneo £150.— J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agent. WANTED TKNDKItS for the Erection of a Oottago in ?t Gcorgo's Bay ltoart. —Plans and specifications to bo scon at Mr Young's Grocery Btore, Shortland-streot, to bo Bent in by SATURDAY, tha 23rd Instant. WANTED KNOWN—Mrs. Matthews, Juvenile Clothier, Howin's Building*. Wenosley-stroet, is prepared to make to ordor Boys' Suits from 5s Gd to 10s. You can also bring your own goods to bo mado up in any Btyle, and at v fow houra' notice. Y\TANTJ£D KNOWN—AIes and Stout, Vy boßt Dunodln and Nolson brands bottled, by Bindon and Co.: also, Winos and Spirits, first quality ; Ale« and Stout, 10s por doz. (quarts); 6s p»r doz. (plnta).—Bindoa & Co., High-street and Vulcan Lano. ANTED, the Ladies of Auckland to know that tho Dressmaking is now added to our Drapery Business; only experienced hands who have had an apitudo for tho trade employed, so that good work, fit, and finish, may bo rolled on.—S. Grcon, VlctoriaBtroet. W"~ ANTED KNOWN.-Mrs J. White, Drcssmakor, oto. (recently from most faahlonablo house in NottinKham), will Wait uiMulaJiM ltmjtlmma on rooolpfc oi lottor.—Address : Brighton, Parnoll. WANTED KNOWN, that the remainin* small stock of Initial Stamps, in 5 beautiful typos, are offered to oioar out at halfprice, viz. Is, with ell requisites for stamping paper and envelopes; llulod Noto-paper at lOd por 6 quires, and Knvolopes at 2d per packet, aro still being largely sold; Tablo Cutlory, just arrived, especially choap- Knives and Forks from 7s per doion; tho Boss fuzzlc3 are fast disappearing—a fow mora loft. Am advised per ' City of New York' of tho despatch, by the g.S. 'Somersetshire' and 'Durham.' of the Climax Caters, Automatons, and Monogram Stomps, with a great variety of tho latest novelties of tho season, whloh will now Bhortly be to Band.—lU, Qneen-gtt-eet. VyANTED KNOWN, that D. Goldie T ? Is prepared to sail tA kinds of Building and other Timber, including Hardwood, Spokes, Kolloos, Iron-Bark and Blue-Gum Shafts, Blooks, Palinns and Shingles, at his Yards, Lower Albert-street, near Dock. at.the lowest cash price 3. Tbo timber, being under cover, is better thimifxat purchased elsewhere. T\7 ANTED JCNOWM, that J. Mokrit T 8-w, Asphalter, has Removed to his Now Yard Custom-House-atreot Weßt, between Hobson and Nelson-streets. Asphalting attended to on tho shortest notice. Also, a Large stock cf Firewood, cut and uncut; wholesale and retail. WANTED KNOWN—Thai Samuel White has Opened a Yard near BritomartHotol, Cnßtom-Houso-street, for tho tale of Posts. Kttila, Palings, Coal, Fire-wood, &c. All kinds o Fencing done by contract. Wire, Paling, Corrugated Iron, Ornamental Fences. All kinds of Gates fixed. Post* supplied ready bored and mortlcod. Rails dressed on tho ground. AH at very lowost pricoi.—iddross, Sam. White Cuatom-House-stroet, opposite Brito-nart HotelANTED KNOWN.— That which is termed the wrong side will bo found to bo the right Bide of Queon-streot for intending purohaflors, At No. HI tho trade motto is, f' Small proflU and quick roturns, or, "A nimble aixpenco better than a Blow Bhluing. Tho "Tom Thumb" has arrived amongst the othor novelties joat being unpacked. Call and inspect them. No old stock to offer at nominally " alarming sacrifice," all being imported within Uielastßlxmonthg. c . w . GOODBON , WANTED KNUVfN, that Carlaw and Co, have on hind a Largo and WellBel octed EtocK of Timber. Shingles, Houso Blooks. Posts, Rails, and Palings. Wo recoivo orders for all kinds of Uolnors Work, Mouldings, &o. Timber by the cargo forwarded to any port fr°m SAWMILL AND TIMBER YARD, Ouatomhousestreot West WANTED KNOWN, that Cash Parchssera will bo liberally treated at the Pat noil Tea and Coffee Warehouse, whero thoy will find overy thing good and cheap.—W. S. Colling, Family Grocor, Parnell. ANTED KNOWN—Owing to numerous purchases lately, I am obliged to lot the publlo have the benefit of my Large Stock of Boots and Shoes at a real sacrifice Come early and secure for yourselves the Bargains. Bost valuo in Ladles, Gents, and Children's Boots ever known in Auckland, at tho Shop of W. Johnston Victoria-street. \X7^AIJTED~KNOWN, that E. Carr VV ciii Son to hand Building Timber in Kauri and White Pine, Shingles, House Blocka, Pilings, Posts. Rails, and Firewood in their Yard, Custom-houße-Btreot West, opposite end of Hobson-stroet. N.8.-The Increasing demand for White Pino has induced them to arrange for a constant gnpplv. VVT ANTED KNOWN. TO AM. IN WANT OF MONK?.— h. H Neumeson ts prepared to advance tho same on personal or any other security, ropsyablo by Weekly instalments.—Note tho address: IBS, Queen-atroet. opposite the Savings' Bankj W ANTES.—Wanted to Sell: 12 cases Salt Cod-fish, only Gd lb; Picton Bloaters, 10 for 6d; Candles, 9d lb; Jams, 6d and 7d; Harper Twelvotreos' Washing Powdor, 6d aozon: Light Blue, 9d lb; Lemon Pool, Is 6d lb; Salmon, Od; Salad Oil, 8d; Castor Oil 7d; Wine Glasses, 5s dozen; Tumblers, I fis • Water Bottles, la 3d ; Jugs, 4s act; Plates, 2Jd to 6d ; Peanuts, 121bs for is • 'Mandarins, id dozen; Oranges, Is and s' 3d dozen; White and Gold Cups and jftuoera, fluted, lls dozen; lot of Large Pictures, la each, 3 for 2s 6d; Noto-paper. 6 qutre« for 10(1; 3Ubs Butter Dishes, 28 and 2s 6d; Yellow Pio Dishes, from 8d to Is 6d: Toilet Sets, Ha 61: Chambers, 2s 6d; China Dolla' Heads, from 9d to isl China Dolls, 4d to 13a; Whybrow Popular Relish, 7d bottloj Kpsom Salts, Id dozen packets; Tacks, 2d paoket, Is 6d dozen; Iron 3ooons. Id each, 7f or Gd; Tin Plates, only 3d: Large Tart Tins, 4 for 6d. 9 for Is; Preserved Ginger, 3s Gd jar; Thick Wiro Nails. Ulbafor 3s IGaper 1121bs; Canary Pipes, Id each; Kits, 6i to la each: Brown Toapota. la 3d to 2a Gd: Cotton Boot Laceß. 3d per dozen; Spirits of A mmonla, 6d per bottle; Canterbury Potatoes Ispor bag of 1J cwt. ineaoh.-H. WATTS top of Groy and Pitt streets. WANTED, North Shore Excursionists to call at Mrs Foster's Luncheon Rooms (Two doora from the Flagstaff Hotel), where they can be accommodated with Tea and Coffee at any horn1. Every attention paid to the comfort of Visitors. Chops and Steaks. Strawberries during the season. Apartments to Lot. Private Board and Residence. Terms moderate. Plcnlo Parties Bup""nd at twelve hours notice. ANTED, Persons requiring Building Materials to call at. or send their orders to, the Auckland Timber Company's Now Mill, opposite the Gas-works, where they can purchase the beat materials at Lowest Prices. The largest stock of seasoned Timber in the Colony, ana the most extensive and perfect plant of the beat and latest Machinery. Everything in the wood-working line done on the premises with the utmoat deßpatoh. Firewood, la the load of 40 cube feet.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 3