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The Diocesan Synod.

Tub Synod met last evening at tho usna. Lour, his Lordship tho Bishop presiding Pro.ont :—Clergy : Venerable Archdeacon Maunsell, Rev Messrs Baker, Isrec, Colder, IJavies, Dudley, Gould, Hall, Hascldon, Hitchcock, Kidd, Kinder, Lambert, Long, Lush, JNelsou, Purchas, Taylor, Tebb?, Walsh, and Willis. Luity : Messrs liatger, I'urnside, Clayton, Cochrane, Crispe, Doonin, Goldsbro1, GujscU, Hammond, Colouel Haul tain, Messrs Hughes, Ireland, Jackson, Kensington, Kilgour, Kirkbridgo, T. Kissling, Luke, Maclean, Mitford, Mumford, Noiiiu, Pierce, Hawlings, llicu, Speight, Trollope, Upton, Vicken, Willcocks, Williams, Wool lama, and Yonge.

Mission School.—Roy. W. Tobbs, iv accordance with notice, asked the President of the Synod (1), In what way does a Mission School become a Church V and (2), What ia the government of theso places before and after change. —In answer to the first question His Lordship said that no rulo had been made on tho subject, and to the second question th-it the trustees of Hie »ito are responsible to the Synod for the uses to which they sanction the disposal of such buildings. Votes of Thanks.—The Key. W. Colder moved—"That the thanks of the Synod be given to Messrs Cochrano and Upton for their management of tho business of the " Church Gazette/—Mr C. P. Pierce seconded tho motion. The Rev. V. Lush in acknowledging the great improvements effected in the <: Gazette/ suggested that in future a list of the Bishop's engagemeats should bo inserted. —Tho President took the opportunity to pay a warm meed of praise to the Key. Mr Nelson for the careful manner in which the calendar was kept, aud to Meesrs Upton aud Cochranc for their devotiou to the interests of the " Gazette." Duiiug the sittings of the General Synod it was a subject of comment how well the minutes were kept by the Key. Nelson and Mr Upton, as clerical and lay secretaries. There could not be better secretaries than them. He was also pleased to acknowledge his obligations to Mr Cochranc, tho secretary of the Standing Committee.—The motion was carried.— Upon the motion of the Key Phillip Walsh the thanks ot tho Synod were also given to tho lay readers of tho Diocese. It was likewise resolved on tho motion of tho Key W. Colder, "That the thanks of tiio Synod be given to the LJunday-school Lesson Committee for their work during the past year."

STATUTE IV.—The Synod wont into committee on the amendment of this Statute The Bill was reported with amendments, and agreed to in o.imtaitteo. —Uu the motion of the Rev. M. V\ illls, it was re-committed, for tho purpose of considering a new clause, which was, after some liiscusuioii, withdrawn. It was agreed. " That the statue, as amended, be printed."

SfATUK lII.— Iho liill to amend Statute 111. was road a third time aud passed.

Pension Fund.--The lay Secretary read the report of the Pension Fund. Tho_ subscriptions in Auckland Imd fallen oil', but hail increased iv Waiapu, Xua special fuuii ainounled lo £1143; augmentation fund, £3355 : total, £4505 Capital, £4152 • inccease, £351. —Uu the Key. Mr. Dudley's motion, it was resolved, " That £1273 bc^ appropriated to our ' emergency fund ;''" nud "That the clergymen of the Church be required to recognise the Pension Fund as an integral part ot the diocesan economy." | COROMANDKL.—Mr F. ■ Woollams asked " That as the Diocesan Trustees had not as vet carried out the instruction? conveyed to them by resolution passed at the last session of this Synod, viz , ' To pay over to the clergymen ot the Coromaudcl District a sum equal in amount to the interest on £150 at S per cent, per annum.1 1* it their intention to do so, and when ? " ' Tne President replied tint it was the intention of the trustees to carry out the resolution as soon a3 they could. The Impenitent Six. — tfr Kirkbridge moved "That inasmuch as the ' Order of ■Visitation of the Sick' docs not contain a special prayer for the itnpenitont sic.c, this Synod respectfully requests the Bithop of ijhe Diocese to compile for the use- of visitors to the sick a special prayer for the impenitent sick-." The gentleman accepted aa amended resolution by the Key. Mr Gould, which wa3 put and carried. Statute No. V.—The Synod resolved itself into Committee to amend Statute V. : by amending the preamble, inserting an interpretation clause, and omitting clause 20, besides adding a schedule. The Bill was reported as amended, aud ordered to be printed. - Pawmurb School Site.—Mr Ireland asked, "If any instructions have been received by the Diocesan Trustees from the General Synod with referencs to the school site at Panmurc, and if so what are the instructions, and have the trustees acquainted the Vestry of Paumure concerning such instructions. —The President said that he would lay Jvir Ireland's question before the trustees. Church of England Cemetery.—Mr Pierce moved : (1) That tho trustees of the Auckland cemetery shall he at liberty to grant licenses for the construction of vaults or of enclosures of iron or other durable material or of wood in the Southern portion of the f aid cemetery, which has mot at present been used upon such payment for the space so occupied as they may deem desirable, provided that it shall in, be doubk the present charges ; (2) the trustees may'charge Ids for permission to bury in the Southern portion of the cenie-tci-v, such fees to form a fund for keeping the" cemetery in proper order.—After some discussion the words " provided that it shall In no case be 'double the present charge* were omitted from the lirst clause,.and 10j in the second altered to 20s. Parish Boundaries. —The Rev. Mr Dudley moved, " That a committee ol this Synod be appointed for the purpose of considering suitable boundaries for St. Sepulchre's parish, and the so-called country districts of that parish; tbe committee to have leave to sit through the reces3, and to report to the Standing Committee. The committee to consist of Messrs A.--X*? Taylor, J. Batger, .f. H. Upton, Rev. Mr Hazelden, and the mover."—The Rev. t. M. Nelson moved aa aii amendment, "That a committee be appointed to consider the boundaries of the present town parishes, and report to the next aessionfof, the Synod the alterations which may be required."—Tho amendment was carried. — The appointment of the committee was deferred till next sitting. B ; . £ BTATUTK No. VII.—On the motion oh Colonel Hanltain, the Bill to repeal this statute was read a third time and passed. ' Statute No. Hl.—On the motion of tho Rev. Mr Nelson, the Bill was read a third time and passed. Notices of Motion.—Amongst the notices of motion Riven in were the following :-By Colonel Haultain, "That the Synod record its sense o£ the conduct of the Bishop of the diocese, who had been pressec to accept preferment in England, but chose to forego considerable personal advantages Xathcr than forsake'his post in this colony." By the Rev Dr. Purchase on boholf of the Rev. Mr Gould :—" 1. That this Synod ■expresses its satisfaction with the present system of secular education, and does not. desire a return to a denominational system;' 2. That for this reason it cannot endorse the recommendation of the General Synod, lor grants in aid of schools established by any religious denomination, provided tho attendance and instruction shall come up to tho standard required by Government inspection. 3. This Synod believes that all necessary facilities for imparting' religious instruction may be obtained by law, such as exist in New Sonth Wales, and strongly recommend such amendments thereinas may be necessary to bring it to accord with the same." -- Another notice expresses the Synod s satisfaction with the services rendered the; diocese by Dr. Kinder, while a question will be asked as to the course of his sudden - resignation of the presidency of St. John's College. —The] Synod will probably Jjp prorogued to-nteht.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 3

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The Diocesan Synod. Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 3

The Diocesan Synod. Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 3