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Public Notices. S|3ROFESSOR FRASER will XT Rive his Lecture on " How to Select a Partner in Life," in the Public Hall, Otahuhu. on MONDAY. Octobor 23, at 8 p.m The lecture will conclude with a publio Examination of Ladies. Private Examinations during iho enrly part of Tuesday, the 21th, in the Hall. ' AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY LIMITKD. rl ho Director* of the Auckland Gas Company Limited hare roeolved on making the following reductions in tho Price to be charged ;for Gas consumed by meter :— In ths City and 3uburb3, where the prloa has been 12i6d, to bo reduced to 10a per 1000 cubic feet, subject to a dltcount of U 8d p»i 1000 cubic feet, as par condition? on printed acounts. In the district? whore the price has been 15s, to bo reduced to 129 61 per ICOS cubic feet, subject to a discount of 2s GO. per 1000 cubic feet, as per conditions on printed accounts. By order of tho Board of directors. E. B. PARSONS. • • ■ Sooretary. gAuokland, Soptombor 25, 1880. NEW ZEALAND INVESTMENT AGiCNOY, actinsr solely in interest ofinvestors. Person!) contemplating settling on or invosting in land will save money by communicating with tho Managor of the N.Z. Investment Agency, P. 0., Auckland. Persons having proporty to disposo of will find it to their advantage to enter the same on the lists of the Agoncy. State foil particulars and lowest terms that will bo accepted clear of commission and charges of every description. Kntiy foo. One Shilling foi each mdi vidnal entry. No farther charge made to sellers.—Temporary nddresa, until Buitablo offices can be secured: Tho Manager, N.Z. Investment Affonoy, P. 0.. Auokland. PROFESSOK FRASER has Removed from Prlnco3-stroet to Ponßonby Road, opposite top of Franklin Koad. Mm Frasor will meet her Phonogrnphlo Pupils on Monday Afternoon and Evening as usual. Nowpnplls Invited. Persons wishing to undergo Phrenological BxttTntn&fclon may do SO by wrictDK. wlifin an appointment will bo made. No oxtra charge maid for examining Families at their own homes. ; THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. Sanf ord'B Is and always will bs tho Cheapest and Heat plaoo to purohose your FRUIT and PROVISIONS. Note the prices:—Best Fresh Butter and Eggs : Good Bait Butter, 6d and 8d per lb ; Bacon and Cheese, 0,1 to 8d )b: Apple". Bd and 4d j Oranges, from Is per doz; Household Flour, 2d lb; Hobart Town Jams. OJd per tin ; Canterbury and Auck land Potatoes, very prime; Maine and Fowl Wheat, Dairy fed I'crk; Pork Chops, 64 lb: Pork and German Hntisago; Celebrated Scotch Black Puddings. 6d lb : Pork Pies, fresh daily; Pigs' Heads, H vet, and Tongues, cooked every ceiilnir. Cash Buyor of Pork and Poultry.— Vi. 10-ia s'reet. corner of Albert-street TOHN OOPPET. HOUSE, LANf), AND GKNERAL COMMISSION AGKNT. Has Removed bis Oflloe to FORT-BTUKKT, (OPPOSITE D.M.'S CUSTOM-HOUSE.) Whero ho his always for Sale :—Farms, Hodsob, Allotments, and Large Tractß of Country Lands, &c, on moot iikaso.vabm: TKKMS. 1%/rrLLiNEUY i millinery MmMACKRILL, Kahanqahap* Hoad, Is now showing ono of tho Finest and Cheapest Stocks of MILLINERY in Auokland. Hat", BoDnets, Foathers, Ribbons, Laces and FrilliiiKs; Knglidh and French Flowers, in great varioty. Nolo tho Addroas,— MRS. UACKDILL, MILLINKR, DBKSB AND MANTLE MAKBB, Two doors from Post Office, Newton. "13 E M O V A L. J. Mackinlay. Sign and Ticket Writer, has removfd from Darby-street to Elliot-stroot, a few doors above Cousins and Atkin, Couch Builders. Writing done for the trade. "D ELIEF utf MRS KEES. Charitably disposed persons willing to asßlst in tim r__u__ O f Jlfrs Roes and har.prphan. Child^ ron, in accordance with the ro'Olutions paisea at the Pubic Meeting on the Bth, are respeot(ully requested to send their Subscriptions to the Newspapers or tho undersigned. F. G. EWINGTON. Hon. Sec. to the Trustoes. V~ ILLA SITES, CAMPBELLVILLE, PONSOSBy. lln. Joh v C iMPBEtx has instructed the undersiguod to dif pouo of all bis Choice Villa Situs as abovo. These allotments', havini< a largo frontage to Ponsonby and Shelly Beach Roads, Curran, Kmniett, aud Harsfield strett", are unsurpassed for posilion, view of harbour, Bizo, &c. Ttio.allotments are marked off on the wound. Price and terms on application. DIGNAN ft; ARMSTRONG, I and 5, Imperial Chambers, Vulcan Lane. -pa- to i... c i". Upper Symonds-etreet, Nowton Road, Eden Terrace, Elngsland Road, Mount Eden and New North Road. P. KILRAE KIVLOOH, Chbmist and Druooist, Upper Sjmonds-street, ■• '■''■> Respeotfally solicits the support of tho residents ot above districts. r) : ,N !S.-": A L ■ ;Et'! ~ Slates ■ ,;' English and American Cemont |; ;' Now landing. > i • ■ : KBANE & JKNKINSON. "4~UCKLANU AZURE BLUE,, X3L The Che»»Bst in tho Market. Challenges competition, with the best imported. It is made of the purest and best materials; is easily ai.d perfeotly soluble; produces a most brilliant colour; (and vill never sett'e in the. clothes. Sole Manufa.cturor: Jos. Borgebb, Rusaell-streot, G rent Non h Road. Sole Agents: MessrsG. W.Owen&C<^ ■ , ~;■ A RT UNION DRAWING}. 1,500 SUBSCRIBKRB AT 6s EACH. GO PRIZES. I PRIZE9-1 BUILDING ALLOTMENT Each. 56 PRIZES—FURNITURE, Consisting of 6 Chests of Drawers, J Cheffoniers, 12 Tables, 1 Drawing-room Suite, Ix 3 Chairs, 1 Bedsteads, 6 Easy Chairs. 6 Lamps, 2 Treadle Sewing Machines, 2 Klegant Clocks, 7 Looking Glasses, 2 Washstands and Waro, and 3 Couches. Furniture flrßt-olosß workmanship, and will be on exhibition a fortnight before DrawiDg takes place. COO Subscribers already guaranteed. Tickets to be had at owuor's Office, Hobaonfitraet, 5 doors from Victoria-street (opposite Lyceum), and Ponaonby Hoad, in. Shop opposite Franklin Road. T_> A R T.N ERSSIP NOTICE. Jamea Eoppet, trading as "J. _ J. Soppet, Millers," having taken F. J. Taisb Into partnership, noiiflos that tho Business will in future bo carried on under the name and Btyle of JAMKS SOPPETT & CO., Freeman's Bay Steam Mills. October 12,1880. ______ TtTE W ZJSALAND FERN'S Unmoaatod, or Moonted, In Sets of FBOM 12 UP JO 125.VARIBTIK8.. Also In Fraccb Polished Mottled Kauri Hoses, each containing either 25, 60, 75,100 01 125 varieties. rhe H cartery Boxes, as above - « The 100 .', .. _ ~ « For Sale by i ESIG CKAI Q, , i PRINCKS-ST <?KKT TBE WOKKING M^SM'B GHOOER.— City Mabkbt.-R. L. Mkbk takes this opportunity of thanking his Customers for the very liberal support they have favoured him with since commencing business, and trusts, tbat by a Btrlct attention to business, together._ with civility, dispatch, and a good article, to merit a continuance o'.ttae ramo. R.L.M. would call special attention to his Otook of New Season's Teas, having a, Splendid .Family Mljtture at 2s 6d per lb. He also calls attention t6 his yrocerloj, which in price and quality cannot be surpassed. His provisions are in prime condition- the Best Canterbury and Wairoa Cheese, which only requires a trial to be appreciated, and at prioea so low as to,como within the reach Of all. He has (treat pleasure in announcing to his patrons and the general pnblio that hie rapidly increasing trade has induced him to make arrangements fora constant supply of the Beat Fresh Butter obtainable in this province for their benefit, co that th»y may rely upon getting a really good article at a small cost, his motto being. Small proflts and quiet returns.Noto the Address :.R. L. MEEK, Ist Shopinside City Market, entrance olf Quoen-etreotJlAuck-land. —families waited upon rfor goods delivered. , ■■ "VTOTvOE.-rilie Lady abo\it lown *rttes J_N to say that WiiUams's is the Cheapest Honfie in town for Fano/ Draperr and small Goods. A splendid lot of Ladie/Underolotldng. Ba<Sk Combs, Belts, and Neck FriUlng (allprioes Irom 2d a yard); a nioe variety of Gilt and Black Brooches and Earrings, cheap: Ladies from the country would do -well to buy then goods at Will—ma's, Cheapest House In town, foot of Grey-street, four door* from Market entrance (opposite Da_tpler.). Open till 9 p.m.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3198, 21 October 1880, Page 1