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■ Wanted. r XJCA-NTE 0- Orders for Trousers to VT measure, 13s 6d: Trousers and Vest; • 255; Snit, 555. Marvellous valuo at Phillips's Mart, 170, Queen-Btreet. ______ • VITANTED KNOWN, that Cash Par- ' Vt chasers will be liberally treated at the • Parnell Tea and CoflTee Warehouse where they will find every thing good and cheap,—W. S. . Collins, Family Grocer, Parnell. ANTED, the public of Newton to know that I am selling oif Books, • Fancy Goods, Pictures, Sec, . c„ at 50 per oaat . 10-a than cost. Shop must be givon up on the Ist November, 1880. Porsons whose eubscrip- • tiohs havo run out please return Books at once, > and save further troublo.^K. W. Morrison, Circulating Library, Karangahape Road. ' ANTED KNOWN—Owiug to numerous purchases lately. I am obligod : to, lot the .public, havo the benefit of my Large . Stock of Boots and Shoes at a real sacrifice". Come early and secure for yourselvqs tho pargains.' Bost Valuo in Ladles', ' Gents', and Children's Boots ever known in Auckland, at tho Bhop of W. Johnston Victoria-street. : TAJ ANTED-"KNOWN; that E. Carr -ft, .*ud Son have to hand-Building Timber in Kauri and White Pine, Shingles, House Blocks. Palings, Posts. Bails, and Firewood in , their Yard, Cußtom-house-street West, opposite end of Hobson-Btreet. N.B.—The increasing demand for White Pine has induced them to arrange for a oonßtant Bnpplv. . - WANTED KNOWN, that the underi signed are Caßh Purchasers of Hides, Sheepsklna, Wool, Tallow, Sec, athighest market rates.—Gabbbtt Bhos,, Tanners, Wool Merchants, Wholesale and Betall .Boot. Manufacturers, Wakefleld-street, Auckland; Hastingstreet, Napier; Gladstone Road, Gisborne; Devon-street, New Plymouth;, Thame3-strest, Oamaru. Works: Star Tannery, Oakley's Creek Whan and Point Chevalier. WANTED, North Shore Excursionists to call at Mra Fostor's Luncheon Rooms (fwo doors from tho Flagstaff Hotel), where they oan be accommodated with Tea and Coffee at any nou;-, Every attention paid to the comfort of Visitors. Chops and Steaks. Strawberries during the season. Apartments to Let. Private Board and Residence. Terms moderate. Picnio Parties Bup"Hnd at twelve hours notice. WANTED, Persons requiring Building Materials to call at, or Bend their orders :to, tho Auokland Timber Company's Now Mill, opposite tho Gaa-works, whore they can purchase tbe best materials at Lowest 'trices. The largest stock of ceasonod Timber In the Colony, -and the most extenalva and porCeot plant of the boat ond latest Machinery, itverything in tho wood-working line done on the premises with the utmost despatch, Firewood, -la tho load of 40 cube feet. __^_____ ; •£/■ WANTED KNOWN.—The Boss Puzzle has three games combined in one box— priceilß; Ladieß' and Gontß'lFashionablo Scarves, from is; tbo Ladles' Indißportßablo, from 4b 6d; Pocket Knives and Button Hooks, from 6d; Klegant Carver Sets, in caBO ,from 12s to 100s; Bibles, from Is 8d; Psss and, Pocket Books, I'rom Id; Gold-platod Albert Chains (warranted to stand acid), from 5b 6d; K.F. and S., from Is; Filigree Silver Jewellery; tho Artist's Colour Box, Is 64 Blotting Pads ;, Gold, Silver, Jet, Pearl Fanoy Kolitares, Studs and Lockets, from 6d; Let tor-copying and Manifold Order Books ; Harmonlcums, is r Concortlnaß; Bread Knives, ►is 3d Gcnta* White Linen Shirts Table Knives, from 6s 61 per dozon; Wax Dolls, Is • Niokel Penolls and Pens: Tumblers and Wines, cut glaos, from 9d each. Porcelain Flo (vers and iVobos, Playing Cards, Letter Balancoa, Potosl Silver Forks and Spoons, Waltham and Geneva Watches, French and American Clooks and Alarma ; and a Hoßt of Useful ond Ornamental Goods too numoroua to mention, at prioeß anlted tothlß timo of depression, atC. W. GOODSQNS BTOBK, 111, Queen-Btr.oet," London Oflico, 58, St. Mary Axe. ;rrr A N. T B D_ KNOW N. That 11. P. Gibbons & do. dollvbcfor Cash, the 3 i BEST FIREWOOD (Cut In Blocks) fo. ~,.", f ..,", I' I 12s Per lon. ' i_u:..t j . lI.F. GIBBONS & CO., ~ . j ,j ■ GROOEItS AND PKODUCE MERCHANTS, C Hobson-street, Auckland. ORKING MEN I—Plenty of. good Tea at tho T Pot for la Od per lb; a good, Sugar for 4d; splendid ditto, lidt Bice, 3Jd; Corn Flour, 0.; Sperm Candles, IOd; Stonelees Jam*, KB (tho beat brand), only 7d per tin; Orango Marmalade, 8d; Cabfornla Honey, 21b. tins, Is 3d: Now Dates. 6d, Prunes, 7d. Plenty of cheap Provisions—X Jiga' Jpwlfl, only Id per lb.-; Dried Green Peas, 2d; Eggs, lOd per dozen; Bacon, cheap : Cheese, cheap ; Butter, cheap all at tho T ■ -F. H_\\m_..AVO Bbotuer, Qupen-street.. . ."■ ~ ■,-i_ .■■ -u-i ■_ Ji* £/V.—Wanted to Borrow, by a young .&O" Man in business, good interest and ample soourlty.—Addre3a " Money," Star Offlce. nn o hot el keep c r-S: WANTED by a MBpeotable and trustworthy Young Man a situation in an hotel: Is a good musiolan, and in other respects would bo willing to make himself generally useful, having had somo experience In this lino ot business. No objection to go in the country."—Address, •' T.W.," Sta .office.' -~,'' Ij jjost and jTbund- t ~/': LOST, a Dingy, painted white, with Paddlos and Bowlooks.—The finder Will be rewarded by returning samo to W. Duder,' Maratai or B. and B. Dndor. North Shore. ' ~OSl', about four weeks ago, a Golden Cross, including four smaller croesos. Not for its value, but being a glfc from old relation, flndor will bo rewarded on leaving tho same at thia oflico^ LOST, in Upper Symonds-street, Hair Watch-guard with locket.—ss reward if, i left with MriKose, Quoan's Hotel ,: A '•■ s, _. I OST, between Queen and Symonds^ J streets, an KnglisH Letter addressed to Miss Dixon.—Finder please,return to Star Ofllce. " tfIOUNIV alongeidedur premises, a Kauk 1 Log, 23 feet long.—Owner may havo same, on paying for advertising,—Henderson and' Bpraggon. ~.,.,-. | Meetings' ..-,*_':'.':.,...' ,'i.yi A"'' MEETING ot the Creditors1 in ; ttk ' Aes&gned Estato of Ohablks Alkxanbih' Martin, oC Kyber Pads Road, Suburbs of Auck-,, land, Hotel-keeper, will be held at tho' Offlfeo Of Messrs Hughes and OoOrge^Bhortland-street, in the City of Auckland, on WEDNESDAY,-the. twenty-seventh day of October, ono.thousand' eight hundred and eighty, at eleven o'clock la tho forenoon. ;' ' ,' . Business—To'cdnsldor _'n offer made for the .pt-rchace of tho Estates •'.••■ I . Dated this Wth'day of Ofctobor, 1880. JOHN MOWBRAY, .' ! ; '■:•. 'siivi ' '■ ' " •■ ■', .- .' ■' Trustee.. XT A* c* B* ft' , AUCKLAND BBANCH, i • A Speoial-' Me'etinst of" tho; abovo will be held on WEDNKSDAY NKXT, 2fth inst., at Bo'clook p.m. Business to oon-. rider tho best ihoans of investing the Funds oltbe Branch. jAJttis O'BKIEN; jun., . ■uyja -■- nl , to.-! ''■■■ - ' ",;-* '■" Secretary.'1 ' ».dOlF,—Court Nil Desperanduin, No.' A_' 3978.—The usual fortnightly .tqoeting of tho above Conrt will bo holif at the Mo3onip Hall, Nowton, on THUBSDAY, at Bp.m. Bbarp, Kvory momber particularly requested to attend. Business Of importance. "By order of, the .G.E. —H. Garratt, Secretary. _ OUNG MEN'S' CHBIStIAN ASSOCIATION, corner of Wellealey and Albert streets.—Weekly Evangelistic Sorvice TO-MOB-ROW (Thursday) KVENING. at 7.30. All are invited. Becent arrivals are cordially invited. TWTEW ZEALAND REGIMENT OF IN ABTILLEBY.-A BATTEBY. Tho Monthly inspection of tho Battery and< Band will be held at the Drill-shed TOMORROW (Thursday) Evening, at 7.30. Uniform: Full dres-i. arms, and accoutrements. Every member ifl requested 10 attend. By order. , HOGEBS.' ; ' ~.,, Secretary. A X A N G A H A i? E ' HIGHWAY DISTRICT.;~ , : .,,,,,; In accorfianoe with a Bequisltion of Batepavers of the abovo district, a Publio MoeOng will be held in the Exo^lsior Hall on WEDNESDAY, the 3rd of November, at 7.30 p.m. A full attendance of ratepayers is requested. „',*, Business: To Consider the Proposed Wprkß 1 in Pitt-BtreOt. "■',''■''■ '"'".,, ss", - THOMAS BARNES. '.: '■""• ' Chairman. KOotober.2o,lßßo. s,■ th ■■ •>. i ' "-*'-" y"r,. '-DANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Notico la hereby given that the HALFYKABLY GENERAL MEETING Of tho Pro prietorßofthlsßankwiUbo held in the Bank tog-house, In Auokland, on FBIDAY, the 22nd day of October next, at noon, for tho purpose of receiving the Beport 0 f tbo Directors for the Halt-year ending 30th Instant, tho Election of Directors, and for any other business that may be brought beforo tho meeting. Bj order ot tho Board of Dirootors. D. L. MUEDOCH, Gonoral Manager. Auokland, Soptember 9,1880. T>ANK OF NEW ZEALAND, The Transfer Books ot this Bank will be olosed from FRIDAY, the Bth October, to FBIDAY, the 22nd idem, both days induslve. By ordor of the Board of Directors. D.L. MUBDOCH, Goneral Manager. Auckland. Soptombor 27, 1880. Boara and Jttesidenoe. URNISHED Bed-rooms with Fire places to Let, (witt or without board).— Apply Mrs Jarvis, Kdin biu'gh-Btreet, Newton. ; C". OOD Board and Bcsidence in a pleaaan JT nnd healthy locality, at 20s per week Boarders will havo b.l tho comforts of a home Can bo accommodated with sinulo or douon bedß.-Apply to John Hooko, Edgar House Wynyard-street. GOVEKN Ult BKOWWE HOTEI HOBSON-STREET* Board and ImMM^ziiiiisz^s^ii^SJ_________

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 3