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Public Notices. _*f£g*v T>ROFESSOR ERASER will tfnQSSV JL give hia Leoturo on " How to (SeHLOfrl Select a Partner In Life," in the {yvvEinJ Publlo Hall, Otahuhu, on MONP /¥ DAY. October 23, atßp.m *m^ I Tho lecture will concludo with a 1 V publio Examination of Ladies. Private Examination during ___§_<o*,"'*'tho onrly part of Tuesday, the «*^ 2ltb, in tho Hall. AUCKLAND GaS COMPANY LIMITED. The Directors of tho Auokland Gas Company Limited hava refolved on making the following reductions in the Prioe to be charged ;for Gaß conaumod by motor:— . ■ In tho City and Suburbs, whoro tho prioo has beon 12b 6a, to ba reduced to 10a per 1000 cubic feet, aubjoot to a discount ot la 8d per 1000 cubic feot, aa por conditions on printed acoounts, , In tho districts whore tho prico has beon 15a, . to be reduced to 12a 61 per ICO3 cubio foet, BUbjoct to a discount of 2a 6a per 1000 oubio feet, aa por conditions on printod acoounts. By order of the Board of IHreotqrs. _ ■ ,- . nmiiv I" ■:. E. B.PABSBGNB. . .Secretary. 'Auokland, September 25, 1880., EW ZEALAND INVESTMENT AGENCY aoting solely in interest of Invcatora. Poraona contemplating settling on or invoating in land will save money by communicating with the Manager of tha N.Z. Investment Agency, P. 0., Auckland. Persona having property to dispose of will find it to their advantage to enter tin samo on tbo liata of tho Agency. State full particulate and lowest torma that will be accepted clear of commission and charges of every dcacrlptlon. Entry fee, One Shilling tor each Individual entry. No further charge pade to aellors.—Temporary .address, until suitable ottlcca can bo Boourod: Tho Manager, N.Z. Investment Agonoy, P. 0., Auckland. PROFESSOK ERASER has Removed from Prlnco3-Btreet to Ponsonby Road, iOppoeHo top of Franklin Road. Mra Fraaer ; will meet her Phonograpbio Pupils on Monday Afternoon and Evening aa usual. Now pupils .'lnvited. ... -Porsons -wishing to undergo Phronoloincal ■examination may do bo by writing, when an appointment will bo mado. No extra charge made for examining Families at tholr own homes, THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. Banford's ia and always will ba the Cheapest and nest plooa to purchase your FRUIT and PROVISIONS. Noto tho prices :-Bcet Froah Buttor and Eggs ; Good Salt Butter, 6d and 8d per lb ; Bacon and Cheese, Gd to 8d lb; Apples, Sd and Id; Oranges, from la por do.; Honßchold Flour, 2d lb; Hobart Town Jama. 6Jd por tin ; Canterbury and Auckland Potatoes, very prime; Maize and Fowl Wheat, Dairy-fod Pork; Pork Chops, 6* lb; Pork and Gorniun Sausage; Celebrated Bcotoh Black Paddings, 6d lb ; Pork Plob, froßh dally; Pigs' Heads, Foot, and Tongucß, cookod every ovening. Cash Buyer of Pork and Poultry.— Vioiorla-stroot, cornor of Albort-street JOHN OOPPET. HOUSE, LAND, AND GffNERAL COM- ; MISSION AGENT. . ■ • Haa Removed his Ofllce to FORT-STREET, (OPPOSITE H.M.'S CUSTOM-HOUSE.) . Where ho has always for Sale :-Farma, llodbob, Allotments, and Large TraCta of Country Lands, &<:., on mo»t reasonable terms. » rjY/TILLINEK.Y I MILUNRRY MrsMACKRILL, Kj-rangahap* Road, Ia now showing ono of tbe Fineßt and Choapeat Stocks of MILLINERY in Auckland. Hat", Bonnets, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces and Frilllhßß; Jfnglish and French flowers, in great variety. Note tho Addresß,— , MRS. MACK HILL, Milliner, Dress and Mantle Maker, Two doors from Post Office, Newton, T> E M O V A L. J. Mackinlat. Siirn and Tioket Writer, has removrd from Darby-strict to Elliot-street, a fow doors abovo Cousins and Atkln, Coach Builders. Writing done for the trado. . , __ T3 ELIEF uF MRS REE S. Charitably, disposed porsons willing to assist in the Relief of Mrs Rees nnd her .Orphan Childroc, in accordance with the rerolutions passed at the Pnbllc Meeting on the Bth, are respeotfully requested to send thoir Subscriptions te the Newspapers or the undersigned. • . _ - - F. G. EWINGTON, Han. Sec. to the Trustees. Y~~ ILLA SITES, CAMPBELLVILLE, PONSONBY. Mr Jonw C impbell has instructed the nndorslgnod to dlfpose of all hia Choico Villa Sites as above, These allotments, ha vi nn a largo frontage to Ponaonby and Shelly Beach Roods, Curran, Emmett. aud f arslleld streets, are unsurpassed tor position, viow of harbour, size, &c. The allotments aro marked off on the ground. Price and terms on application. , , . ■ DIGNAN & ARMSTRONG, 1 and 5. Imperial Chambers, .■':•-, - Vulcan Lano. I^* O T I C E. Upper Symonds-Btreot, Newton Road, Kden Ten-ace, Kingsland Road, Mount Eden and New North Road. F. KILRAE KINLOCH, Chemist and Druggist, Upper Symonda-Btreet, Respectfully Bolioita the support of the residents of above districts. {} N SALE. Slates English and American Cement '1 , Now landing. KEANE Si JENE3NSON. UCKLAND AZURE BLUE, The Cheapest in tho Market. Challenges compotftion with the best imported. It is made of the pureßt and beat materials; is easily and perfeotly Boluble; produces a most brilliant colour: land will never sett'e in the clothes. Sole Manufacturer: Jos. Buroess, Ruaaell-atreot, Great North Road. Sole Agents: Measra G. W. Owen & Ctv A RT UNION DRAWING. 1,500 SUBSCRIBERS AT 6s EACH. 60 PRIZES. i PRIZES-1 BUILDING ALLOTMENT Eaoh. 66 PRIZES-FURNITURE, Consisting of 6 Chosts of Drawers, 2 Cheffoniera, 12 Tablea, 1 Drawing-room Suite, 4x3 Chairs, 4 Bedßteads, 6 Easy Chairs, 6 Lamps. 2 Treadlo Sowing Machines, 2 Elegant Clocks, 7 Looking Glaaaes, 2 Waahstanda and Ware, and 2 Couches. Furniture firßt-claaa workmanship, and will bo on exhibition a fortnight before Drawing takes plaoo. '~ _, 600 Subsoribors already guaranteed. Tickets to bo had at owner's Office, Hobsonstreet, 5 doors from Victoria-street (opposito Lyceum), and Ponsonby Road, ia Shop opposite Franklin Road. , ■'. ' . T> ARTNE RSH I P NOTICE. James Foppet, trading aa "J. & J. Soppet, Millers," having taken F. J. Tainb Into partnership, notiflc3 that tho Business will in future bo carried on under tho name and style of JAMES SOPPETT Se CO.. Freeman's Bay Steam Mills. October 12,1880. TKTEW ZEALAND FERN'S Unmounted, or Mounted, In Seta of From 12 dp to 125,Varietie8. Also In Frenob Polished Mottled Kauri Boxes, eaoh containing either 25, 60, 76,100 or 125 varieties. rhe 25 variety Boxes, as above .. « . ThelOO t, » - —* a For Sale by - _ ._ ERIC CRAIG, PRINCES-STREET ' .

THE WORKIjS'G MEh's GROCER.— City Market.—R. L. Mbek takes this opportunity of thanking his Customers for the very liboral support they have favoured him with since commencing business, and trusts, that by a strict attention to business, together with civility, dispatch, and a good artiole, to merit a continuance otthe same. R.L.M. would call special attention to his Stock of New Season's Teas, having a Splendid Family Mixture at 2s 6d per lb. Ho also calls attention to his orocerlos, which in price and quality cannot bo surpassed. His provisions aro in prime condition ; tho Best Canterbury and Wairoa Cheese, which only requires a trial to be appreciated, and at prices so low as to como within the reach of aIL He has great pleasure In announcing to his patrons and tbe general publio that his rapidly increasing trade has Induced him to make arrangements for a constant supply ot tbo Best Fresh Butter obtainable in this province for their benefit, bo that thsy may rely upon getting a really good artiole at a small cost, his motto being. Small profits and quick returns.— Note the Address: R. L. MEEK, Ist Shop inside City Markot. entrance off Quoen-stieetJAuok-land Families waited upon ifor goods delivered. _____ "VTOTICE.—The Lady about lown writeß J[N to aay that Williams's Is the Cheapeßt House in town for Fancy Drapery and Small Goods. A Bplendid lot of Ladie/Underc "thing. Back Combs, Belts, and Neck FriUtog (all prices from 2d a yard); a nice variety of Gilt ana Blaok Brooches and Earrings, cheap. Ladies from the country would do well to boy taeix

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 1