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Dammer's Wonderful Bargains.. OOK IN THE WINDOW at the i following artklos !—Ladies Fcit Boots; Ss Od ttio p»ir \ Children's do; lv; Ladles' Patent Leather Boots, Is 6d; Ladles' and Gents' Slippers, lsfid; Children's Good and Pietty So«ko, ldtho pair; Men's do, 3d readies' Hose. 3ifl; Blind Taasolc, 2d each; Pretty Albums; Is; PiOUtre Crosses, tor frumiDK, 2d each ; Men'a Shirt Suites, with patent fasteners, In the stilt'>; Ladies Black Hat Ornaments, 3denbh; Towel*; 2id. AH the above are iii ttio Window, iind ttre Great HargAitib. iU the wakeflold-strbot window you -will see—the Frilling at 2d tho yard. Men's scarves at Ed, and other Bargains. On tho counter you will see the following:—Ladles' Linen Cuffs, 6d tho pair; Ladies' Umbrellas, 2d 3d; Girls' Straw Hats, at 9a; Flowers, Bd tho bunch; fctattd -Up , Cdliaw, 2d the box i Plush, Is Bd thb jrdrd; tblttyßix-yarcl pieces of Grey »Brald. 3d tho pleno; Shoots of Pins.thrco for 2d; Skeins of Silk, 1(1 tho doz; ninl in other parts of the shop you will Hud Harry's eclebratod Trlcophorous. 12a Gd tho don or Is 2d tho bottlo; Mats, 6 In a But, for Is Cd ; Largo Antimacassar,lid; Men'sSuporiorSearvOßi Muck or Coloured, Is; Ladles' Wool do, over tf yds long and Jyd wide, Dd; Ladles' Lambswool do. tho saino size. Is; Mco, Is eachi Lm dies' Hair Frisottes, for tho hair, 3 for fid. Fresh Lot of cheap Calicos, Towelling and Drown Holland; Hlk Square*. White and and Coloured-, Gd; Ladles' While Handkerchiefs 4d; American Leather, forJabfe covbrs, Is tho yard; Damask do. as Od each. Tho duty. I boliovo, on n\r<lrj ia Gd tho pack; novcrtholesß, I will noil thoin at Odthopaok; Morion's Kn:t= ting Cotton, numbers 4 to 14, Is Dd tho lb j Clark's celebrated roelß (.00 jllrdB) of Sowing Cotton, In 10a the doz, or 2d tho reel; 1 lark's Crochet Cotton, 2Jd tho hank: Stay Husks, 2d and Id tho puir; Spooii do, 8d I Ladies' and Girls' Thimbles, 2 for )d. tJotllo and see tho now lot of Kyo OltVueß, at is ; and the new German Sllvflf mid Stoel Ppectate'.es, alfti at 1b; Reading olnss, 9dandlH3u;,Wrjrkbo£es; reduced to 2a 6d ea""h. Tell mo Sfehool-nmlltorß illy Slato l'encila are Gd the box of 100, and if they aro as BehSibUS as they ought to bn, I shall sell an ttftotraonß quantity of tbom; SMvs, 3d each. Como and boo tho Flannol, at 1b Bd tho yard ; Turkish Towels), lOd each ; Ladies' and uirls' Hole Nets, Id euoh, no higher price j Superior Piano Muttlo, consisting Of upuvut io and Other Songs, as Woll Ws Dabcfis; Lyon's Kathrion, imtny , rrcfor It to Tricopherous, 8d tho bStUei Florida Wo tor, 2i tho bottlo; L»dlctf It Id Gloves, Is and 2Uho pair; Furniture Trimming, 2 inches wido, 2d the yard; a fow Mon'a Thiox Warm Caps, including Glongary, is 6d ench, worth 3a 6.1; Hoys' do. Is; a vory Superior Lot of Men's and Hoys' Frouch Peon Caps, Is (id, worth 3s; Boys' Hnrd Felt Huts, 'U ; Mou and UoyB1 Sotl do, 3s Cd; Men's 1 truces, 81; Boys' do, Bdi Ftay Lacos, nearly 2 i-aide long, 2 for lil or id tho dor,; Girls' Straw llata. 4A ; Good Violin and How, 25a t Wiruey. 3jd iv a 4 jd. tlw yd. no higher price; Wincoy Skirts (adi«s uml girls)*, 2s Gd each ; Men's Drawers (tliiMiel or ootcnu), 2aGd tho pair; nlou lot of Uibboas at Sri tho yard: Children's Auoklund mad» lioota, af, coat prico: Gent's Scnrvos for folding, 1> each; Bojb' Shlrta, la M ; Mcn'a do.. 2* G<l; Whora olso can you get English ruled Noto Paie- at 2d tho qul.e, ana Knvoopis at 2 I the packet of 23 / l'eer.oss G:oss for shining ISi'ots without brushes, ihl the bottlo; largo quantity of Urcss HuMPnis 2d the dox: Slato Lin jilt, 3d tho yard; Hrown Windsor Soap, 7 cako* for Is ; Ball Drcsoes, rcducud from 2(M to Ga; Sluto Lining. 3d tho yard; West Knd C. Uara, »izo 11, 3d tho box. worth lOd ; Ladio*' Stays, Is (id tho pair ; Dimity. 101 tho yard; Hair Brusho-, Is ; Infanta' Soft Brut lies, la; NaiUdimrt Tooth do, l»;afewof tho Grand Cloth Brushes loft at la and Is Gd ; Crapo Trimming, Id tho yard ; Kau do Coloxno and oilier wo- nw, Gdthoboitle; Workboxon,2aO:ouoh ; Wedding Rings, 2d ; Military Braid, 2 yards Id; Cork Soles, 4d pair; Cushion Cord, 4d th« dor. yarls j lyarrtTapo Measures, Id each; Whlto Br«ld. Id tho doz yards; Black and White Horlih Wool 3d the iltiK skeins ; othor colours Id. A grandshow In tho shop of tho above, also of Fingering Wcolat 3d the hank; Piping Cord, 18 knots for 61. What will jou Ladles do when my iUrl»' Splondid Kibbed Hobo at (id aro all gone. -D A. M PIE R' 3 Wonderful Bargalr s, corner of Upper Qaoon streot TNDIA AND CHINA TEA A WAREHOUSE, INDIA TEAS DIRECT FROM CALCUTTA. The undersigned has just roceivod a Paroel of the ab ivo, comprising Vkry Ch'lCk Kiowkot Assam Pkkos and Assam Pkkoe Souchong Kinds. They are Dolicious Tons, being pungent, fragrant, and of high-o'asa flavour; they will bo offered for sale oithor as pi rk a9S\ms or aa hi.kxdku in my 2t, 2a Gd, and 'M Mixtures. CHEAP LINES FOR THRIKTY nOUSEWIYM : Broken Congou, Is 8d per lb or 51bs. for 7a 01. Ex To Anau—loo boxes Fine Congou, at 2ls per box. Xx Ktitonialuina. &c—BB boxes Choice Uroakfaat JCongon. at 27s per bqx: 50 boxes Candles, Old per lb. by tho box ; Cornflour, Gdperlb.: Split Peas. 3d, orl2;bi>. for2»6!; Best Treac'o. 5d per lb. or 61bs. for2s3<l; Chocolate, 4d per caka ; Brown Windsor Soap (a lot of it, 6 to lb.t, only 2d per cake ; Mustard Pick es, lOd per bottlo; Now Co:oi, 4jd Ber packet; Arsortcd Jams (qualify ausranteedi, 0i 6d per dozen. A few moro of tho Is 3d American Brooms: te in lime: tho makor has ftiiled. Kiaest American Honor, Is Id per 2lb. lin; Virgin Honoy, B<l per lb. wniglvwl out. A fo* of last season's Potted Meats (Grodhall and Backhouse's) will bo sold at B<l per tin to clear'; Koillert Marmnlndo, 9s per dox; a job lino of Tart Fruits, at 81d per tin; ditto ChocoUte and Milk, Is per tin ; slightly damaged Clothes Pt'gs, 8 dozen for fii. A quantity of Brushwaro (own importing) to be sold choap 200 gallons Young's Patent Paraffin, lOd per quart. Xx ' Kotomahana,'' To A nail,' ' Rlngorooma,1 etc.: 6,0001b5. choicest bh»nds AMKRICAN PLtTG TOBACCO, comprising-Venue, Virginia Honey Dow, Hlower of All Nations, Wat^rlily, Triumph of tho Ago, Tin Tag, Over the Water. Crown, Two Soaß, &c. A quantity of Meerschaum Pipes, to reduco stock, will bo sold cheap. G.B.D. Briars, in Horn, Ivory.J Amber, and SllTor-mounted. F. WHITEHEAD, Wiior.K.s.vr.K & Rktail Tea Dsaler. and Importer or Tobacco & Cigars, victoria Htropt. Auckland, And Tob3cconist. Ouekn-stukkt. jSad&iftTWS. J O N E !S • Has jnnt landed, ex 'Loch Doan.' Ellimnn,B KMHROCATION: also, a Bmall quantity of Vanner and Preat's Celebmted New Patent Waterproof Dressing, "MOL.LISCOKIUM," for Waterproofing, Softening, and Preserving Harness. Boot*. Shoes, &o. Also, a small qnantity of Miller's (of New York) HARNESS SOAP, for Softening and Preserving Harness, and imparting: a lino polish, which will not rub off. Ith also valuable for Cleansing and Healing Cuts, Sores, Wounds, Galls, &c GREAT REDUCTION IN SADDLE 3. The great demand which has arisen for our own make has caused the undorsigned to decide to deal In His own Manufacttjrb Only, and to Insure a speedy clearance of Gents' Kngllsh-made Saddles, baa made a Great Reduction upon his usual Plainmarked Prices. S A D D li E S, with Extra Ptrong Bar. Plated Tre«s. complete with Mounts, Fhom 62s Nktt Cash. WATERPKOOF HIDING APRONS* Buggy Aprons, Horso Corers, Clothing, Rugs, and aU other WINTER GOODS in great variety. Strong, Durable STOCK SAHIILK3, onr own make, complete with Mounts, £3 ss. Od. W. S. J O N Eg. QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. crunemitne. DF.VITT, Gnnsnsker, M 4, Queen- • street., Auckland, opposite the Markethouse. Established, 1859.—Always in Stock and to arrive by direct importation from England made to advertisers own order,—Chokebore Breech-loading Guns, Double and Single Muzzleloaders, Hieech-loading Revolvers, Breech-load-ing Rook and Rabbit Rifles, Game Bags, Gun Cases, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, and every article necossnry to complete the outfit of a Bpor tsman. An assortment of every description of Revolver Cartridges, and all the best Brands in Sporting Powders are imported direct from the makers by the the advertiser, who can guarantee their good quality. Cartridges for the Knfleld, Snider »nd Terry Rifles. Metallic Cartridge Cases, Chilled Shot and other specialities always on hand. Country dealers liberally dealt with. Guns Re-stooked, Browned, etc, and every other kind of Firearm Repaired at reasonable prices. Notice.-Just to hand, a lot of good serviceable C. F. Chokebore Hreechloading Guns cheap. Tho largest stock in Auckland to choose from. Also, in stock, a large assortment of Fireworks of the boat ouality. Fishing Tackle Venetian Blincus. A UCKLAND VENBTIAW BLIND J\. AOTORY, GOKiSUSR OF COOK: AND GRKY STREETS VENETIAN BLINDS ! VENETIAN * BLINDS I ~ Made of the bert Califomian Pine, guaranteed not to warp or twint. Our Blinds surpass all Imported Blinds, Wood or Iron. We nave a very large stock of well-seasoned Pine Timber: also a Large Stock of VENETIAN BLINDS on hand, assorted sizes. Wire Gauze \ linds made to order, and forward to all pacts of, tho Co) sny at the shortest notioo. A. & A. BUSBi (Latk M. Boston Bgsby), VENETIAN BLIND JLAKSCUSS AND WIKB WORKERS, OBNJSBIOF COOK .AND GRBY. SXKEETB

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3163, 8 September 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3163, 8 September 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3163, 8 September 1880, Page 4