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Wanted. WA JN t E|D KNOWN.—SELLING OFFi—Mi Dampler'a New Advertisement will fie found In tho 3rd oolumn. 4th page. WAITED, ft good Girl about 16' or 1? years of age.—Aft'ly JVtrs B. Mi MUrrayj Eden Terrace. WANTED, a Nurse Girl.—Apply to Miss Ryan, Grooer, Parnell. ITSTASTeS) 19 K^o.d Harrow-wheelers, YY near Tunnel, Waitak'oroi Rritlway.--Apply Charlny McGregor, Foreman. WXNTED, at once, Miners or Quarry-menj-^Apply Waitakerei Tunnel. __ WANTED, a strong active Uirl tor a smell family. Country girl preferred-^ Apply to office of this paper. ANTED, for Whangarei Sawmill, a first class Fireman.—Auckland 1 imbor Company, Limited; WANTED, at Once, a First-class Coat Hand, for twelve months. Constant work by tho week. No Society Man need apply. —O. Langsford, iTNTED, Empty Fruit Crises.—W. MoArthur & Co. ANTED, a Blacksmith to sharpen drills and picks; also a Cook.—Apply at tho Tunnel. Waitakcroi Railway. WANTED, a Kcporter for nn up country paper; mußt bo a ready writer.—Apply " JourmUiat," Stak Offloe. ANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland Uoglatry. Uppor Queen and Darby jtroot.Fomalo Servant for Waikoko; waoros, 12s; siood place .___ ; WANTED, at llannafnidV Auckland RoKlßtry, Queon and Darby Btrects, Housemaid for Country HotelV\ rANTED, nt Hannaford's Auckland TT Rogintry, Quoon and Darby stroots [Tetnnlo Servant for uinborno. WANTED, a good Bath-chair.—Apply at Stak Office, stating price and whore ;o bo scon. WANTKD to Purchase, near town, a convenient Fivo to Hovon-roomcd Houso, n itood ordor, for cash,—Address "Rox," Ofllco )f this paper. ANTED, at Mrs JJurrow'6 Hepistry OIHco, Pon«onby, two good NursoOlrs', iblo to BSfi-tt at noodle, work. ANTED, a Photographic Printer; one acquainted with ro-touching preerrud. Nonobutaflrstrclasßliundnoed upply.— \nply, Blatlng torniH and enclosing photo, to Wrigglesworlh ItJiinns^NVollington^ WANTED to Soil, ii few Hen Canariep. — For addrois apply Stak OIMco. /TNTEi) to Sell, lOOiron Tanks, ol good quality, nt low ratos.—W. &G. iVinstono. WANTED, nn experienced Groom to lead a thorough-bred for tho soason.— \ pply at Lendrum'a6t_~lcs;£oforoncc9 required. WANTED, a Partner with £100 to go to Tomora; a good horsodrlvor pre« 'erred.—Addivea "U.'.V.R.," Post-oJHco, Auok and. ANTKD to Let, Two Front Furnished Roomg.-Apply Btak Ofllco. ANTED, by a Respectable Young Man, an active Situation in a manufao,nring buiinoss or company ; salary no object: ,vil!in- to lnvost Bomocapital.—Addrcßs " F.T.," I'ost-ofllco, Auc-laiid. WANTED, Everybody to notice the difleronco in Tondorsfor Flro Brigade :— Phillips, G2s 31; Coombos, 70s Cd ;' AlwinßOr, V) 3. Draw your own cinclusion. Commont is icodlo'B. , W" ANTED, Orders for Trousers to Measure, 133 Cd; Troudors and Vest, !.'»; Buit, , r >sj.—Marvulloua value at Phillips' Mart, 170, Quoon-9treet. WANTtD, immediately, astrong active Man; occustomod to driving "cattle and ooklnß after a garden and hone.—Apply Cupt, Welch, Lake Tukapuna, or Dudor Bros., Dovonportß. WANTED, Tenders till Noon of TH'JKSDAY for tho Krcctlon and .oniDlotion of a Fivo-roomed Cotta<o at Nownarkot- Plans »nd Specifications on applica ion to James Maßon. Parnell Nnraorlos. WANTED, everybody that appreciates a good Cup of Colfco to Try a Tin of W. S. Collins' Imi>orlal Hrand ; guarantood tho IKBT in Auckland. To bo had at the Parn-ll Poii and Colfoo Warohouso, Manukau Road, ?nrn»ll. WANTED KNOWN.—C. W. Goodson is ju-t unpacking {arrived per Scottish _assio)ai>plendid assortment of Cutlery. Statloniry, Jowellory, Fancy Goorts, Various Novelties including tho Boss Puzzle), and a gi-noral issortment of which an inspection is solicited.— 11. Quotn-Btrcet. ANTED KNOWN, that D. Goldie is preparod to soil all kinds of Building tnd other Timber, including HarJ wood, f]>okeß, felloes, Iron-Bnrkand Bluo-Gum Hhafts, Blocks, 'ulinufl and Shingles, at hla Yards, Lower Übert-strcot, near Dock, at the lowoßt cobli iricos Tho timber, boingunder covor, is better ban that purohtsod oliowhoro. s WANTED KNOWN.—I am Selling Best Dry Whllo Wood (dolivorod in tho •ity) at 98 p?r ton, for cash only ; also. Tauplrl ?oals at lowest pricos for oaah.-J. Craig. _ W ANTED to Purchase, for Cash, Beßt Kauri Shingles, Palings, alao Houso Mock*.—Auckland i'lmbor Company Sawmill .nd Manufactory oppotlto Gaa-works. Oillco in /ustom-hoiiso-strcot. Cm Kauri Firowoud, Is tor load (cash) uf 40 cubio f-ot -t yard. W" ANTED KNOWN, for sale very cheap, light, woll-buiit bug*r>'; W_«---;oncttoß on tho Victorian model, quickly con'criiblo from an elegant waggonette to a Unlit Express Waggon, and lined with JaniDß and >rako. Thcße are tho most uooful vchioles yet ntroduood.—Apply to Mr Bull, Coach Painter. ■Vakefield-Btrcot. or tho builder, K. Harvlo, next JUicom'b Head Hotel, Upper Quecn-Btroet. \VT ANTE I) X N U WN. To all IN Want ok Money.—L. 11. Neunegen is prepared to advance tho same on jorsonttl or any other socurity, roptyablo by tVeokly iostalments.—Note tho address: 105, iucen strooc, opposite tho Savings' Bank. ANTED KNOWN.-Mrs jTwliitn, Dressmaker, otc. (recently from most 'ashionab'o houso in Nottinnhain), will Wait ipon Ladica at their Kesidenocs on receipt of ettor.—Address : Brighton, Parnull. \\7"ANTED KNOWN, that tho underVV signed aro Cdßh Purchasers of Hidos, Jheopskins. Wool, Tallow, fee, athighostraarket •ates.—Oakrrtt Bhos , Tannera, Wool Merilmnts, Wholoi-alo and Retail Boot M»nu'acturers, Wakcaeld-etreet, Auoklind;Hastingitrcet, Napier; Gladstono Ro»d, Gisborno; Uovon-strcot. New Plymouth; Thameßßtro.t, Dunmru. Works: Star Tannery, Oakleys droek, Whau, and Point Chevalier. ANTED. —Wanted to Sell, cheap, Good Salt Butter. Cd. Bi, and lOd lb; Hhoeso, Od lb: WinoglasßOS, Id and Cd; rumblers,Cdeivch, Ss dozen; Dec_nterß. only Is ; Water Bottles and Glasses, 1b 3-1; Chamborß, !s Cd; Superior nets oC Jugs, only is sot; 'oilos actß, 15s ; Urown Teapot, from Is 3d to 2* Cd; □Ups and Pnuc-^rs, Cd each, 5-3 Od dozen; White md _01d,3 lines. 10s 6d dozen; Piok China, 11s Jozen; Coloured China, Is each; Large Fluted China C >p3 and Saucers, ts each ; Small China Plates, Od; Cruet Do'ties, 3 for 2a; Plated "ruets, from 5e 6d; Shoo Briißhos, 2i Cd and 33 ]d tho sot; Scrubblni? Bruolios, from 4d to Is 3ach; 2-lnch Wire Nails. Hlbs in a paokot for Ss Jd, or 18a per caio of 1121bs; Tin Tacks, only 3d »nd 41 packet; Japaneso Chest ot Drawors, only Gs Od ; Japaneso Trays (only a few left), Is lach; Good Teaspoons, Od each, 5s dozen; Japanese Fancy Tables, 18s and £1 each: and a variety of other things. Tho Paragon Fooding Bottlo for Infants, with 2 brushes, only 9d; Sood Spectacles, Is pair, 3 pairs for 2s Od: Saltcellars, only id ; C'othos Pegs, i dozen for Gd, 1b 3d arosß; Sago, 5i lb : Brown and Poison s Cornflour, only 8d lb; Poanuts, 4d lb, 3a for I2lba; Tart Tins, 4 for od, 0 for Is; Harper rwelvotrecs Washing Powders, only 0d per iozon, 6s Od grosa-bo_.-H. WATTS, Pittitroct WANTED KNOWN, that J. Morrison, Asphaltor, has Removed to his New Yard Custom-Houso-stroet Wnat, botweon Hobson and Nelson-streets. Asphalting attendod to on the shortest notice. Also, a Largo stock tf Firewood, out and uncut; wholesale Mid retail. WANTED KNOWN—Owing to numorous purohascs lately, I am obligod ! to lot tbo public have tho bonoflt of my Large Stock of Boow and Shoes at a real sacrifice. Come early and secure for yourselveß tho BarKuins. Best value in Ladles', Gents, and Children's Boots over known in Auckland, at the Shop of W. Johnston. Victoria-street. W~ ANTED KNOWN.—At 111, Queenstreet (opposite Tonks' Maul, Stationery is being Sold at Kngltah Prices. Ruled Creamlaid Noto Papor, from 2d per quire; Envelopes, from 2d per packet. Rubber Stamps, supplied with all requisites for Btamping, at 2a. Envelopes stamped with any initial letter (beautifully oxoouted). Is per 100: Note Paper to match, at Is per five quires. Rubber Stamps for linonmarklng suppliod.—Note tho Address: C. W. Goodson ; and at 58, St. Mary Axe, London. WANTED KNOWN, that Oarlaw and Co. havo on hand a Large and WollSelcoted Stock of Timber, Shingles, House Blocks, Posts, Kails, and Palings. We receive orders for all kinds of JJoinors Work, Mouldings, &c. Timber by the cargo forwarded to any port from our Coast Mills. SAWMILL AND TIMBER YARD, Custom-house street West. \7S7"ANTED KNOWN, that E, Carr *V and Son have to hand Building Timber in Kauri and Whito Pino, Shingles, House Blocks, Palings, Posts. Rails, and Firewood in their Yard, Custom-house-street West, opposito end of Hobson-street. N.B.—Tho increasing demand for White Pino has induced them to arrange for a constant supply. WANTED KNOWN.—The Boss Puzzle has three games combined in one boxprice Is; Ladkss' and GentsiFashionable Scarves, from Is; the Ladies' Indispensable, from 4b Ot ; Pocket Knives nnd Button Hooks, from Cd; Elegant Carver Sets, in cases, from 12s to 100a; Bibles, from Is 9d; Pass and Pookot Books, irom Id; Gold-pis tod Albert Chains (warranted to stand acid), from 6s Cd; K.F. and S., from Is; Filigree Silver Jewellery; tho Artist's Colour Box, Is Ci ; Blotting Pads: Gold, Silvor, Jet, Pearl Fancy Holitares, Studs and Lockets, from 6d- Letter-copying and Manifold Order Books; HaTnonicums, la: Concertinas; Bread Knives, Is 3d ; Gents' White Linen Shirts; Table Knives, from G3 6<l p<T dozen; Wax Dolls, Is; Nickel Pencils and Pens; Tumb'ers and Wines, cut glass, from Od each. Porcelain Flowers and Vases, Playing Cards, Letter Balances, Potosi Silver Forks ant! Spoons, Waltham and Geneva Watches, Fronch and American Clocks and Alarms ; and a Host of Useful and Ornnmental Goods too numerous to mention, at prices Buit«d to this timo of depression, at C. W. GOnDSON S STORK, 111, Queen-Btioiit. LondonlOffice, 58, St. Mary Axe. WANTED KNOWN—That Samuel White has Opened a Yard noar Brltomart Hotel, Custom-Houso-street, for the sale of Posts, Rails, Palings, Coal. Firewood, &c. All kir;ds o : Fencing done by contract. Wire, Paling Corruga'cd Iron, Ornamental Fcncos. All kinds of Gates fixed. Posts supplied ready bored and morticed. Roils dressed on the ground. All at very lowest prices.—Address, Sam. White Custom-House-street, < opposite ' Britomart Hotel.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3163, 8 September 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3163, 8 September 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3163, 8 September 1880, Page 3