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Land and Estate Agents. ( t^ORSALE REMARKABLY CHEAi 1), ACompaot ISLAND of übont 100 aores good land ; good houae, orohnrd and vinery: about twelve miles from Auckland. Steamers paBS threo or four times daily. I A Nico Littlo FARM ot 60 aores-ono - half cultivated, and a good flvo-roomod housi\ Seo., I upon it, iv tho Wainui dlatrict. Price very low. j A Good FARM of 151 aores, largo orchard, good house, and Buildings—nino miles by road audtwelvo by water—with good oroek frontage. A Snug HOM STEAD of 160 aoros good land house ivnd bulliingai paddocks feno d with quick thorn fences,- stock, implements, &c, &o. All really Cheap. Distance obout thirty miles ' , from town. Owner loaving for England. j ONE HUNDRED ACRKS GOOD LAND— I forty aores in grass and fenoed, balance bush and forn—at Papatolto: thirteen miles froiii town. Price very. low. Two Good NKW COTTAGE*' of ilVo rooms each, In Nowton. Also, two good Allotments, 33 x 100 feot each, drained and planted with choice trees. Ono Allotment, 31 x 100 foot, corner of Commercial Road and Great North Road, Nowton, Apply to JOHN SOPPET, ! LAND AGENT, 8, Qu*-_n _th__'J. M. L"«H °x' ', Estate Agknt and valuator, QUKICN-fITItICXT, AUCKLAND. ' MONEY LENT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON IfIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, Oil INVESTED IN BANK, INSURANCE, OR OTHKR SHARKS. . NO Cn_l*QK TO LUSNBIM* OB INVESTOR, t /"IITV.—For Balo (a bargain), Throe Cottages . _■ and largo Freohold Allotment. Tho cot- , tuges arc yielding a rental ot 27s por wook. ; Price, fillO.—J. M. Lennox, Kttnto Agent. rpo FARMERS (a bargain).—Farm of 30 acroa , A in the East Tamaki; 10 acros in grass. : Prioo. <5100.-J. M. Loin ox, Estate A^cnt. ■P. r.l\ CA-K - Balanoo cun remain on tho • *XJU pi opor ty._A Four-roomod VKI'UN- ' JMH COT I'AUK, with ala-lea, oowahod, and 0 acroH of lirst class freehold. Tho property 18 bountifully t-Hiiato-). and ia only holt-nti h-mrs • walk from Queen-trout. *t lii_ proporty will bo sold at eaci'tlloo. Prioo, „I'.KJ.—J. M. Lennox, Kb tat o Agent. ' r-po CARMERS-A roidly flrst-olasa. Farm of L 571 aores, mostly iv grass or crop*. Thia la | somo of tlio beat land In tho Wulkato, aid la onh two mill i In oo guarlor miles from a railway tuition. Ton lxn.-a lido wetlltir thia la a 11: a', clasa opnoi-tunlly. Prioo low j terma o_»y.—J. M L-innox Estate Agont. l*97q—- X"-"1 Utile HOMESTEAD, with 12 -*-'-, '*J acrea of freehold—3l acraa of whldll aro in grass. There is a live-roomed Houae upon the property, This ia v llrat-cl-tts little homealoud, uud Is only one milo from a rub way station. P. 100, £273.— J. M. Loniox, KBlato Agont. 4? I Qft—-*■ BARGAIN.—Cottage ol fourrooilia *lou la Painoil; woll situated, Price.£l3o. —J. M. Lennox. noKn—Flvo-roomod COTTAGK In Parnell, *-JU in a lino, healthy Bituatlon. Prico, „250.-J. M. Lennox. ■pUKEJ-OUE WEST.-Fanu of 200 Aorea. 1 adjoining Huokland and Shepherd's; good lund. Prico. 50.1 por acre,—J. M. Lonnex. rqMA—BIX-ROOMIIID HOUSK on'frcehold XOOU aiiotmont in the city. Prico £300; £100 cash, bulanco can remain upon tho property.— J* M. Lonnox, EHtato Agont. po/i-A BARUAIN.—&) Aoroa of Lwd at -*i-, ' Aral I'rloo, £20 oaeli.—J. M. Lennox, Kstate agont, Auckland. EIGHT -ROOMkD COTTAGE, in Newton Head, with ullolnteal, 33 x 09. A Uu-rgnin. Price, £280.— J. M. Lennox, Kstato Ago* t. k> ACRAS fronting tho Kybor I'asa Road .v Price, £160.— J. M. l.onnox, Estate Agent Auckland. pr,j» ACRES at Awitti, Prioe, £2i.-J. M. .)fm. l*nnox, EsUlo —Kont, Auckland. CHAPEL-.STR_ET.-Two Houses with Free hold Allotment. Prico, £320.—Apply to J. W. I ennox Kstato Agont, Auckland. r. ItAFTON uOAD-A Uurgtln.—Houso of 7 VX rooms, with largo frotiliold allotment running back to Iho Domain; lot for 17b tfd[«r wook. Prico -350.-J. M. Lcnuox. rpo FARMERS—A Har;-alji.—A Farm of 107 .1. «otoj In East Puk-koht-, nb«ut 50 uor*s in gru*i j » S-roonud Hotme a-d ov»ry conronlcmco. Pilco, £I*l.—'forms can bo arranged.— J. M. I_nn&x, Kstate Agont, Auckland. M*o Fa f-MKRS.—Ono of tho finestlltllo Forma X In tho country. There aro 130 acres of ilrßtoltia? land, nil laid down In English Kr«-S-a, a comfortablo dwoillng-houso (quito now), and. othor outbulldiiiKa. Price £1,8011. Terma can be arnuij-o I.—J. M. I ennox, Hatote Agont. rpo FARMERS-A Bargain-O»o ot tho best X little Dairy Farma in tho WalkatoJ Thoro aro 130 acros, mojtly In Uio giassoa. all fenced, nnd with a Cottage bnllt thoroon. Thero aro 17 fl.o dairy oowb, 10 calves, 19 storo oattle, and 1 huso. Price, for larni, Btook, Sec, only £1,100. Tho owner ia leaving tho country.— J. Al. Ixjnnox. K»ta_ Agent, Auokland. ""htj FAHMKI_-<—A Uargaln.-Furm of 250 X acrea, 150 ncron of which aro in grass. This ilrat-clasa farm is situated nt tho junction of two roads, aud la near a railway station. Prioe £1 10s per aoro.—J. M. Lonnox, Estate Agont. A FIR SI-CLASS Farm of 80 ncras, all In grass, a fow minutes' walk from a railway Bttttlon. Price, £000.— J. M. i_nnox. V ILLA M t'K-uno of tho choicoit Villa Sites > in Remuera. Tho alto la well sheltered, and command's o-«o of tlio most delightful views In Reni-o _. Prico, £000. -J. M. Lonnox, Enteto AKOiit, AuckHnd. I O FARMERS nnd Othors.-Ono of the 1 Choicest Farms in tho Province Thero am 217 aores within 8 miles of tho olty : quality of land cannot bo eiccollrd: largo nlno roomed residenco.—J. M. I„nnox, Kstato Agent. j_r For lloui-es, X anna, and Allotment*, see my long advortlsoniont in ' Weekly Herald." J M. LENNOX, Estate Agent, Auckland. J. R. R 4""""' BROFEB, LAND, MINING, INVESTMENT, ESTATE, & GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, 5, INSURANCE BUILDINGS, AUCKLAND. PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND WANTED. VICTORIA-STREET WKST.-Splondld allotmont (frcoholdl, 51 feot fron»*igo hy TO foot, deep; frontago nt back to IHikc-etreot. Terma vory cnsy.-J. R. RANDERSON, 5, Insmanoe Buildinga. \ \i _NDRAM -ST REET. - Freohold A HotVV mont, about 27 foot by 90 feet, with Foui--roomed House erect d thereon; waah-hou-io ntlachod: gas and wator laid on; dralnvd into main tower; gardon, with fruit troea, „o.;nenr Catholic school, Wyndhnm-a'ircct. Price, £100. Half may romaln on mortgntf*.—Apply to J. It. RANDERSON, Estate Agent, *. ln*urance Buildings, Also. GR*-*AT BARRIKR.-A number cf Farma and some Timber Land for salo; also, Lin d fronllag tho good harbour of Port Flteroy. Plana oan bo scon and othor particulars obtained by applying to J. R. RANDERSON, Land Agont. -*j EW SHOPB.-Good Business Plte in tbe is. Suburbs, consisting of two shops on large Frceholrt Allotmont, at cornor of Wellington and Hopburn stro-ts; brick partition between ehbps; and gas and water laid on. Prico £700.— Apply to J. R. RAMDBRSON, Kstate ARent. riiWO ACRES.-Cholco Position In WallaceX atreet, Ponsonbj ; sea froatago; fine view of tho harbour. Chaap.—Apply to J. R. RANDERSON. Land A gent. 11.41 AORKB.—Pariah of Walrau, County of AS . \r Marsden; Vory Superior.—Apply to J. R. RANDKRSON, Hstato Agent. WAIKATO.-100 acres unimproved Land, being lots 51 and 52. Komakarau, on the east side of tho Waikato river, between Hamilton and Ngaruawahla; a siren m of wafer rune throngh the property. Prico. £i por acre. BROWN-STRRET (Ponaonby).-Good fonrroomed vorandah Cottagi, and scullery with sink; water laid on fr-*m cistern; well flniahofi. Mlotm'nt 40ft. x 99ft. fenced. Very ehnap (£105). Two allotments, of 10 feet each, adjoining would be sold with cottago at option of purchaser, l local torms can bo arranged. -J. R. RANDERSON, Estate Agont. 4?" l 17K— NH/'K Four roomed Cottago in West-<*-/J-' -J atreet, Nowton; allotment 27 x 60. £100 can bo p Id off on Building Society principles. GREAT NORTH ROAD_V O ry Do-irablo Property in this healthy district for sale, oons'sting of soven-roomcd Hou?c, largo Coal and Wood Shed, and nearly half an aero of grounr*, with frontag's to threo streets, well drain-id, und feno d in a substantial manner; planted with ornamen nl and fruit-bearing tro»s Prico, £7UO; or. for Houso, Shcda, &c. and 50ft frontago to Great North Road hy UO't. to Brisbane-street, £100. Terma: Ono-thlrd cash, balance on mortgage at 8 por cent. |\) UMEROUS OTHERPROP_RTI_&._Four, IS. Five, and Six-roomed Cottages with good __ miNTST^Tn-Jw *?-.' p °™™*y dlstriot. M °„ N \ S1 '. J?» H ,w < Newmarket).- 225 feet _TJL frontago to Williamaon-Etref tby 100 feet to Great North Road, Corrugated Iron Cottago of two largo rooma. with Feamlngton rango! also, stable. Price, £325 ;0r cottage and thirtythreo feot f rontnge, £150. P RP« B-J£ ri tJ SS _ln Ho,we< Beresford, Nelson, Litchfield, Pompalier, Wynyard, Argyle, and Reg nt Streets; also, in Dedwood Terrace Mechanics Bay. and Kvber Pass. St. John's Coll-go, and Great North Road ; alao, at Corowanfel**AoUntß f^ 130" and Eden, Hamilton West, Mahurangl, Maaka, Monganul, Onehnnga. lo Mvamntn. and elaowhero.-Apply to J. It. RANDERSpK. Land and Estato Agent. 5 Insuranco Buildings. WANTED TO PUKCFIASE, a Freehold Shop at tho foot of Sho- Hand street, or near Quoen-streot,—Apply to J. R, RANuERSON, Estate Agent. out fo-. WANTED, Persons looking try— Property —cltf, suburban, or coun _outo call and inspect Register of Properties, lamse*, Lands, etc., for Sale, at 6, Insuranos Bui gs. WANTffD, Owners-of Freoholds desirous of raising monoy on mortgage (It good bocurltios only! to communicate with J. R. RANDreRSON, Invertmont Agent. WANTED, Sellora of Houses, Allotments, Farms, See., to placo aame in advortlaor's "hands for Sale.—Apply to JOHN R. RANDERSON. Land and Hstato Agent. TTtrANTED, the Publio to Know that all ProVV fpcrtios placed In tho hands of the undersigned will bo woll advertised free of charge.— J. R. RANDKR3UN, Land and Estate Agont. WANTED —Properties, Land, House?, etc., for saIo—JOHN R. RANDERSON, Land and Kstato 'pent. -tl/ ANTED KNOWN, that i. R.Randorsonia VV preparod to undertake tho purehaso and sale of Bauk, Insuranco. Shipping, Timber, and Mining Stocks and Sharoa at last markot rates. VALUATIONS of Properties, of Insolvort ond Intestate Estates, prepared with promptnoßP.—Apply to J. R. RANDERSON, Valuator, 5, Insurance) Buildings.PARTNERSHIP and Company's. Accounts careful y audited and adjusted.—Apoly to J It. RANDERSON, Public Accountant and Auditor. ri iWO ISLAND-" in the Harbour of Port FitzJ. Roy, containing 138 and 12 Acres respectively, and known as Wellington und Nelson Island-!. Tho former abounds in rabbits and native grass, and »ho latter in timber. Boats can land in any weather. Very choap, only ■UluO. . J. R. RANDERSON, Beoker & General commission Agent, 16, INSURANCE BUILDINGS.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3161, 6 September 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3161, 6 September 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3161, 6 September 1880, Page 4