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Wanted. ( WANTEID i_MOWN.-_ELLING OFF.—Mr Dampier's Now Advortlfle' mont will be found In the 3rd column. 4th page. WANTED, a Boy about 14 or 15.— G. £1. Burke, WakeQold-strpot. WANTED, a tcspectable pefsoii as Of-noral Servant. To a cpmretent person goo'i Wa_es.— Apply at onoej " A • offlce o'£ this paper. , 1 .. > ,. ii ANTEO, a si-all Post-horn.—Apply " A.H.." Mi; Hdwden'i-, Wstchmaker: ANTED, a Lady Vocalist i(j travel with a Concort Party .-Apply by letter to Tom Margetta, Governor Browne Hotel. ANTED for Waikato, a respectable Woman as nur*o; middle aged woman or widow preferred.—Apply Mrs Flood, St. George's Bay Road, Partell. W' "ANTED, a atrWig Message Boy.— Apply this offlce. WANTED, a General Servant,—Next Governor Browne, Hob3ons:reet, Auclland^ _____________ WANTED, a Respectable Nursemaid* —Coa-opolltan Uutol, Qae«n-»troet. WAN TED, a Baby to muse by a ice. poctiblo m»rriod woman; no oh'Jdro*, —For a-ldrosß apply this ollice. ANTED, aMan*-to Sell Milk; pood scholar and character, -Apply fit 10; Auckland Dairy. WANTED- aGcncml Farm Labourer; ono Wat unflor.t*nds tho manogoment 6f horses aud c»n iiii _-Apply to IhomaS titcuaman, Auckland atol DepOt. ________ W~~ ANTED, a Man; good milker and spadoaman.—Apply on Tuosday next, at 11 o'olook, to Hunter and Nolan. ________ WAN i'ED, a Reporter for an up country paper; must bo a ready writer.—Apply "Journalist," Stah Olllc. WANTED, a Boy from 12 to 14 for a light khop business; wages no object to ono who is sharp.--Apply Stah OIUooWANTED, a Photo_raphic Printer; Ono nccniotutad with rc-touohing prolerrod. Nonobutafll-at-ClaaßluindnUed apply.— Aniily, Btutlug terms and enclosing photo, to Wi'lggloswoiUi tc Binnß, Wellington. y\J ANTED, a Boy for an ollice; must Vt write a good hand.—Carlaw nnd Co., Timbor Merchants, Custom-hoaso-street. ANTED, at once, a Message Boy.— M, Miircltto, Tailor, abortUnd-Streot. WANTED, a respectable pewoh to tako chargo and provide for a child about six months old; paymonts, to bo mado monthly, in advance.— A ppllcation, anting tornn pormontb, to bo addrossod _______ Stab Offlce. WANTED the Inhabitants of Newton to know I have roluocd tho price of Bost Tl«troo to—unout, 12a por Wn; cut, 13a, dollvorod.—T. Mo-lroy, Karangrhapo Road. WANTED to Soil, a few Hen Canaries, -For addroas apply Stah QlllOa. WANTED, near jjfueen'ktroet, a Warnishod Badrooui, wi;li flro-placoj modoruto rout.—" H.11.r Stak Ulllcc; ~ W" ANTED to Soil, Allotments lv Pousonby. £5 oaah, romaindor we»k'y poymo_t__Apply by letter "R.T.," stab Oflico. WANTED to Let, a Comfortable Furnished Room (with flroplace) to a single (*entlom_n. —T. Adams, oornor of Pitt nnd 8.-roiford streets ANTED to Sell, a First-class Basket Carriage, nearly now; Dogcart and Pognal.—Robt. Ball'B Coachp-Inting ana 1 rimming Establishment, Wakolleld-street. WANTEDlo^lTa^NcwFour.rooraed House in Nowton; Pcullery and every convonloncd. Will bo sold cheap. Owner having town.—Apply Stah Olllco. WANTED, Ordcis for Trousers to Measure,'l3a Od; Trjuscrs and Vest. 253; Suit, 53*.—Marvellous value at Phillips Mart, 170, Queen-street . ANTED KNOWN;— C. W. Goodson Ih Ju.t uni-ae-lug (arrived por Soottish Lasßlolaiplondid aeßorimont of Cutlery, Suklohory, Jewellery, Fanoy Good*, Various Novelties (inoluding tho Boss Puzzle), and a general assortinsnt of which an ln»p»oUon is solicited.— _____-•___-__ —— WANTED KNOWN, that D. Goldie in prepared to soil all kinds of Building and other Timber, InoluJing Hariiwood, Hpakcs, Kolloeß, Iron-I3»rkand Blu«-GumMinftB, Blockß, PaliiiMS antl Shinglos, at his Yards, Lower Albcrtstreot, nc»r Dock, at tho lowest cash prices Tbo timbor, boUgu-der cover, is bettor than that puroh«Bed oUewhoro. WANTED KNOWN.—I am Sellinp* Best Dry Whilo Wood (delivered in the city) _t 0. p.r ton, tor cash only : also, Taupiri | Coals _t lowca* prlcc3 for oah.— J. (Jr>dg. W" ANTED to Purchase, for Cosh, Best Kauri Shingles, Palin-rs. alto House Blocks.—Auckland Timbor Company Srwmill and Manufactory opposite GM-works. Offloo In Custom-house-stroot Cu(* Kauri Firowood, Is per load (cash) of ID cublo f ot >t yard. \IU ANTE I) X N U W N. To au, in Want of Money.—L H. Neumogen Is preparrd to advance tho 8»mo on personal or any other security, rcp»yablo by Wookly Instslmenta.—Note tlio addroßS: 165, Qtioon-stro-M, oppo»lto the tjftvlnas' B-nk. aI*T_D"K.N OWN.-Wcarc Delivering in tho City, for cash ont.y :—Best Tl'roo Firowood, 12s por ton; Ditto, cut in blocks, 13s ver ton; W»lkato Coal (boat house), 2*3 per ton; Taupiri Coal (bent houioi, 23a per ton.—W. _ G. Wiustono, Custom-houso-Btrcot East und Went. ANTED. -A Rare Chalice. — Por absolu'o Sale, nt WM. EYRE'S, Vic-toria-street. ICiinisklllOu Houso. For four weeks I will soil oif my stook of Winter Goode »t Cost Prico. Tho following prloei will bo a guarantee that tho sale Is no puit lam over-stocked with Kid Gloves, and they must bo sold :-10 rlozon LepinoKid Gloves. Summor Fancy, 2s per pair, 2-button, worth 3s Gd; a good dark colour in Kid Gloves, 2-button, 2s, worm 3s 6d; sploudid value in Long Ostrich Koatbors, 5» OJ, worth 10s 6d; Blno Dross Sorgo, nt 8d ja-d, w«rth 1« Gi; as«orlod colours in Satin Cloth, at 9Jd yard; Heavy Drcs? Serac, Is 3d yard, worth 2a; Allwool Crimean Shirting, Is 4d, worth 2h; 10-4 Supar. Blankets, 18s GI, worth 2is Gi; Hotvy Winof, id yaid, worth 8d; Oi'olorti, 2 yards wide. Is yai-d, worth 2s Gd; Fanoy Window Blinds, wldo, at lOd to Is, worth 2s jard. Tho balance of my Boots and Shoes I will sell at any prioo to clear; 2,000 yards Pompadour Dross Mohair (Summei* Drute), at 7d por yard, wor-h 1b 3d; 30 doz*_ Silk Scarvorf, Is, worth 2s, 6d 20 dozen Laoe CoUorets, Is, worth 3* 61; Bplondid Blaok KM 2-button Gloves, 3s, worth Is Gd; wide imitation Welch flannel, 10J4 yard ;2, 3. 4-button Kid Glov*s, in all makes: 500 yarns Real Maltose Lao», at ;is 3d, worth 2s Gd, to be had at W. Eykk'b. ANTED.—Wanted to Sell, cheap, Good Bait Buttor. Gd. 83, and lOd lb; Cheeße, Gd lb: Wlnoglamet, Id and Gd; Tumblers, Gd eaoh. 5s dozen; Decanters, only Is; Water Bottles and Glasses, Is 3d ; Chambers, 2s Gd ; Suporior Pets ot Jugs, only Is set; 'otlet Pets, 15s; Brown Teapot, from Is 3d to 3* 6d ; Cups and Fauosrs, Oct oach, 5a 6d dozon; While and Gold, 3 lines, 10s 0d dozon; Pink Chlaa, 11b dozon ; Coloured China, Is »ach; Largo Fluted China Cups and Saucers, Is »ach; Small China Plßtoß, Gd; Cruet Po*tleß, 3 for 2a; Plated Cruets, from 68 6d: Shoo Brushoi, -i Cd and 3s Gd tho sot; Scrubbing Bmihes, from id to Is each; 2-lnon Wire Nails. I libs i« a paokot for 3s Od, or 18s por caw of llllbs; Tin Taoks, onlr 3d and 44 packet; Japanese Chest of Drawers, o»ly 0s Gd; Japaneso Trays (only a. fow left), Is each; Good Teaspooas, 04 each. 5s dozen; Japanese Fancy Tablos, 18s and £1 eaoh; and a variety of othor things. The Para—in Feeding Bottle for lafante, with 2 brushes, only 8d; Good Spootacles, Is patr, 3 pairs for 2s. to; Saltcellars, only 4<l; C'oth*s Pegs, 4 dozen for Od, Is 3d gross; Sago, srt lb: Brown and Poison's Cornflour, only 8d lb; Peanuts, 44 lb, 3s for 121bs; Tart Tins, 4 for Gd, 9 for Is; Harpsr Twolvotrocs Washing Powders, only Gd per dozon, 5s Od gross-box.-H. WATTS, Pittstroat WANTED KNOWN, that J. Morrison, Asphaltor, has Removed to his Now Yard Cußtom-Houae-streot Wast, between Hobson and Nolaon-streets. Asphalting attended to on tho shortest notioe. Also, a Largo Btook cf Firowood, out and uncut; wholesale and retail. W~ ANTED KNOWN—Owlnfj to numerous purchases latelf, I am obliged to lot tho publlo have tho benoflt of my Larpre Stock of bootw and Shoeß at a roal sacrifice. Come oarly and sccura for yourselves tho Bargains. Best valuo in Ladieß', Gon»e', and Children's Hootß evor known in Auckland, at tho Shop of W. JonNßTorr, Victoria-Btrect. WANTED, Purchasers of First-ciaes Oamaru, Waikato, ond Hobart Town Pot&tofs, for seed and cooklrg: delivered freo to any part of Auckland and Suburb*. -Thomas Stoadman. Auokland Seed DepOt. WANTED KNOWN.—At 111, Queenstreet (opposito Tonks' Maul, Stationery is being Sold at English Prices. Ruled Creamlaid Note Paper, from 2d por quire: Envelopes, from 24 per packet. Rubbsr Stamps, supplied with all requisites for stamping, at 2s. Envelopes stamped with any initial letter (boautifully oxocuted). Is por 100; Note Paper to match, at Is por Aye quires, rtubber Stamps for linenmarking supp'iod.—Noto tho Address: C. W. Goodson; and at 58. St. Mary Axe, London. WANTED KNOWN, that Carlaw and Co. havo on hand a Largo and WellSolected Stock of Timber, Shingles, Houso Blocks, Posts, Rails, and Palings, Wo roccive orders lor all kinds of Work, Mouldings, &o. Timber by tho cargo forwarded to an> port from our Coast Mills. SAWMILL AND TIMBER YARD, Customhouse street West. ANTED KNOWN, that E. Carr and Son have to hand Building Timbor in Kauri and Whito Pine. Shingles, Houso Blocks. Palings, Posts. Railß.and Firewoodin their Yard, Custom-house-street Wost, oppoaito end of Hobson-stroet. N.B.—Tho increasing demand for Whito Pino has inducod them to arrqngo for a constant snpply. WANTED KNOWN.—Tho Boss Puzzle has three games combined in ono box— prico Is; Ladles' and Gonte'lFashlonablo Scarvos, from Is; tho Ladles' Indisponsablo, from Is 6-1; Pocket Knives and Button Hooks, from 6d; Elegant Carver Sets, In cases, from 12s to 100 ■; Biblos, from Is Od; Pass and Pocket Booka, from Id; Gold-plated Albert Chains (warranted to stand acid), from 6s Gd; K.F. and S.. from Is; Filigree Silver Jowollevy; tho Artist's Colour Box, Is 01; Blotting Pads: Gold, Silvor, Jet, Pearl Fancy Solltares, Studs and Lockets, from Gd; Letter-copying and Manifold Order Booka; Ha*-monicunis, Is; Concertinas; Bread Knives, Is 3d ; Gents' White Linen Shirta; Table Knives, from Gs Od pr-r dozen; Wax Dolls, Is; Nickel Pencils and Pons: Tumb'ors nnd Wines, cut Klasß. from 9d oach. Porcelain Flowers and Vases, Playing Cards, Letter Balances, Potosi Silver Forks and Spoons, Waltham and Geneva Watohes, Froneh and American Clooks nnd Alarmß ; and a Host of Useful nnd Ornamental Goods too numerous to mention, at prices suited to this timo of depression, at C. W. GOODSON S STORE, 111. Queen-strest. London.lOffloe, 58, St. Mary Axe, WANTED KNOWN—That Samuel White has Opened a Yard nonr Brlto mart Hotol, Cnstom-HoTise-street, for tho falo of Posts. Italia, Palings, Coal, Firewood, &o. Ail kinds o ;Fencing done by contract AViro, Paling, Corrugated Iron, Ornamental Fencos, All kinds of Gates nxed. Poat-i supplied ready 1 bored and morticed. Ralls dressed on the ground. All at very loweet pricoa.—AddreßS, .Bam. White Castom-House-street, opposite Britomart Hotel,

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3161, 6 September 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3161, 6 September 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3161, 6 September 1880, Page 3