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ivancy woods, ozc. pHARLES TZ"ELSEY & jRoT, IMPORTERS OF FANCY GOODS, QUEEN STREET, (Next Door to Mr Kohn, Jeweller) Desiro Special Notice Of tho IMPORT THEIR OWN GOODS riRECT, and tboir Stock being ow Very Largo, several Heavy Shipments to arrive, Customers will have the Greatest Variety to select from. A Largo Asao- tmeat of Useful nnd Ornamental Goods, suitable for presents, &c. Hand-painted and other Albums, in choicost designs Purses. Bags, Fans, Belts, Photo. Frames, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Music Cases, &c. Compendiums of Games, all sizes Draught Boards, Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, Cribbage. Solitaire, &c. Instands. Stationery Cabinets, Rulers, &c. London mado Hair Brushes, Combs, &o. Soltzogenes, best make, in cane and wiro Electro Plate and B;M. Teapots Patont Ad j ustable Chairs, Suitable for drawingroom Bread Platters and Knives, Batter Platters Clocks, Aneroid Barometers, guaranteed to work correctly A Vory Choice Stock of China Ornaments Crystal Flower Stands, Vases, &c. DOLLS and TOYS of all kinds BAGATELLE BOARDS, of bo make, In all sizes, and with real Ivory B WORK-BOXES, DRESSING CASES, WRITING DESKS Special Shipments of these goods just to hand Concertinas, Accordions, Violins, Guitars, Together with a great variety of othor goods. COUNTRY STORKKKEPKRS & HAWKERS SUPPLIED. t- _! Medical. I~\ R. GRANT, Member of tho Royal College of Surgeons, England, and of tho Modlcal Boards of Victoria and Now South Wales ; also registered tin Now Zealand, Oculist, jAurlat, and Specialist, (From Europe) may bo consulted upon all Diseases of tho Eyo, Ear and Throat, Doafnebs, Noi_os iv tho Head, Defoctivo Sigh t.Squin ting, Cataracts, Amaurosis, Ophthalmia, Gutta Herona, Lobs of -Cyolaahea,lnflammation, andallDisoupos of tho Eye, Bar, and Throat treated upon new«ndscleutllloprinciple3. DR. G R AtN T. Has arrived in Auckland, and may bo consulted at his consulting Utooms. Olaroniont House, Princes Street Hours of Attendance : Morning, 10 till 1: After, noon, 2 till 5; Saturday*, Morning only. Blindness and Dkakness. By tho kind invitation of ProfOßßor Wallecburg and Dr. Grant, the editor of thisjournai. in company with tho editorof tho Saturday Advcrtisor, visited their consulting rooms, at the Criterion Hotel, yosterday morning. Tho first caso bhown was that of a Mls3 Whlto, ago 11 years, tho daughter of a pettier at Oamaru, who has bpen totally blind for years. This young lady has boon under the treatment of these clever oculists for throo days, and wonderful to say, hor eyesight has been perfectly restored. Tho father of the! girl assured usi that ho had placed her undor tho oaro of Boveral modlcal men who had failed to do her any goOd, despite the money ho had lavished upon her. Tho next was a ca*o of Mi. s Hughes, a Dunedin resident, who stated that alio hud been deaf for a period of over threo years. Strange to Buy, sho has only been undor treatment for eight days, and hor hearing has be on fully restored. This foriunato girl is noarly In ocstacies over hor good fortune. Tho noxt subjoot under treatment was a labourer, named Patrick Franci3. working at Logan's Point, who informed us that latterly ho was struck In tho right eyo with a etono. by which ho lost his sight and of lato his left eye has been materially aifected by tho blind one t but, thanks to tho skill of Professor Wallenburg, ho hss now recovered the sight of his two eyes, and isablo to discern tho smallest print. Herman Schultz, of Hydo, was the last patient introduced. He stated that he had boon totally deof fcr years, and that ho had been only under treatment for a few days, and now he could hoar plainly. These gentlemen havo numerous other cases under treatment, Tho cases that wo havo inttancod should bo sufHoiont to remove any doubt from tho most sceptical. All tho patients that are now undor treatment have been tampered with by tho modlcal profession with no satisfactoiy result, and this, in the major portion of cases, causes moro aggravation, and makes cflcctual euro moro difllcult. The abovo cases clearly illustrate that Dr. Grant and Professor Wal lenburg aro, without doubt, what thoy profess to be—Oculists, Aurists, and Specialists. Wo would strongly recommend those who aro either afflicted with blindnoss or deafness to consult those gentlemen at once, as their slay hero is imited.—Evoning Tribune, Dunedin, September 24th, 1879. Wo can conscientiously recommend those suffering from deafness or other ailments that Dr. Grant has mado a special study of, to pay him a visit, when, if curable oationts, they may c ?rtainly expect rellof. An instance came under our notice on Thursday, in tho caso of a man numod Charles S wanson, whohas boon vory deaf for tbroo years, but, after ton days' treatment, can now hear perfectly even tho lowest whisper. Tho euro is a rather remarkab'o ono, as he has been under the care of many modical men, but has received no benefit whatever from their treatment. "NowZoalander," December 27th, 1879. Mr Ernest D'Egvlllo Mlchan called at our offico yostorday, and stated that ho had been blind with his right eye all his lifetime. Hearing about Dr. Grant and Professor Wallenburg, the oculists, who are now on a visit to this city. ho doterroined to give them a trial. He bad only been under Dr. Grant's treatment ten or olevon days when he found th _t ho could see large objects' at boiuo distance. Mr Michau slated that he had been undor tho treatment of someof tho best medical men at borne, but had not received the slightest benefit; We are at all times ohaTy of accepting details of " Wondeifu cures," but tho j oung man who called at onr ofllco appeared to bo telling the truth, and was oxcoodingly gratoful to Dr. Grant for the reliof hoi has already experienced.—" Now Zealand Times " 25th Dccombcr 1879. AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT. TO THE KDITOR. Sin,—You will much oblige me, as well as tho thopublicin general, by inserting lnyourcolunir.B regarding the cure effected on my right eyo which was totally blind when I placed myself under the treatment of Doctors Grant and Wallenburg. I also found myself losing the Bight of tho left oyo. I havo now recovered my sight, and am going to work to-morrow. Out of gratitude to those gentlemen, allow me to thank thorn, and hope ali those suffering from the eye may avail themselves of their skill.—l am. &c:, Patrick Francis, Witness—W. J. Bawden. Logan's Point, Dunedin, 7th October, 1879. A WONDERFUL CURE. To Dr Grant and Professor Wallenberg. * Gontlomcn,—Allow!mo to thank you for tho wonderful euro you havo performed In my case. I havo been deaf for twenty years In tho left ear and twelve yoars in tho right I placed myself under your care on tho JGth of October. This day lam able to hear tho ticking of a watch at a considerable dlstanco from my ears, and am quite well. I hope all sufforeia may bo as fortunato as I have been Thankinglyou again. I am, Gentlemen Your obedient servant, William Bracks. Peninsula, Dunedin, 10 Oetobor, 1879. Dr. Grant is also Specialist in tho Diseases of Vv omon and Children. Dr. Grant has recently effected a very remarkablo cure in the case of Mrs D. Evans, oi Kuraara, who ha. been undor his treatment for deafness since tho 14th February last. Mr_ Evans has been deaf in both cars for a vory long time—no less than thirty years—hor affliction having been causod by a fever, from which she suffered'severely. Since that time sho has been almost totally deaf, for sho could only hear the loudest sounds. Since she hss been under Dr, Grant's treatment her hearing has gradually improved, so that now sho can hear plainly conversation in an ordinary tODo of voico. Sho will return in a few days to Kumara perfectly woll, and in possession of the full faculty of which she has been so IODg deprived.—" West Coast Times," 10th March, 1880. Ono of tho employes in tho Public Works Office hero has sent us tho following testimonial to the SKill of Dr. Grant. Ho says:—" I wish tc lot yon know that Dr. Grant has greatly improved tho hearing of ono of my ears, the membrane of which was injured some six years ago. I may add that two surgeons whom I consulted a short time ago considered tho case incurable.' Dr. Grant has also been very succe. sful in severe! difficult cases of disease of tho oye.—" Hokitika Times," 23rd March. 1880. There ere amongst Dr. Grant's successful eye cases at Hokitika a young lady at J. Jack's Esq., tho Mayor, cured, by operation, of cquint ing: and Mrs Wavont, operation for artiQcia pupil. Nelson, 11th May, 1880. I, Thos, Adams, havo boon under Dr. Grant'f treatment for deafness of tho left ear, from whicl I havo suffered for two years, tho result of . severe tropical fever. I find my hearing greatlj improved in tbe short time—since 30th April. THOS. ADAMS. Ponsonby Road, Hope Town, Auckland, lGth Juno, 18S0. I havo been under Dr. Grant's care eince 26tl May, for great dcafnesa, for more than twolvi yoars, and am about seventy (70) years of age Dr. Grant has removed a largo and smal Eolypua from my ears, and I can hear mucl otter, having greatly improved under his care for which I am very thankful. CHARLES Lows. Home's Estate. New North Road. Auckland, 16th Juno, 1850 I havo been suffering from a severe loca disease. Dr. Grant operated upon me on Satur day last, and I am now quite well, although '. had been iv an ill state of health for four years. Charles Muller. Cross-street, Nowton. A uokland, 17th June. 1880. I havo been neirly blind for over seven yean and unablo to work at my trade (a confectioner) On the first day of this month I wont undor D; (_rant's care, and already sco very much bette: lv this short Bpacc of time, Jonr. Whittle. Parnell, 11th Juno, ISBO. Dr Grant has just cured mo of a long-standio; deafness of more than ten yoars, for whioh I an 1 vory thankful, having tried many other docton without success. Maria J, Treeman,

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3124, 19 July 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3124, 19 July 1880, Page 3