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Land and Estate Agents. J. M. LE * N° x Estate Agent ajtd Valttatos, QUKEN-STBKKI', AUOKLANO. MONEY LENT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, OR INVESTED IN BANK, INSURANCE, OR OTHER SHARKS. NO CnARQE TO LENDICH OB INVESTOR. REMUKH'.— A Bargain— i\ acres, with Sixrcomed Residence, detached Kitchen, barn, cow-sheds, and a flrst-olass Orchard. Tho crchard will produce ut leapt, £10 per annum. 1 'rice, £(i">o. This Properly i 3 oirerod a bargain, as the owner is leaving tho country.—J, M. Lciimox, E-hile Agunl, Auckland. . LLOTMBNTti.— \ Barsrain-1 Allotmentsnt f\ Epsom East. 50 x 150. Price, £150.— J. M. L;nnox, itstage Agont, Auckland. rpo FARMERS.—Farm ot 212 Acres at Kaeo, X 30 acres of which are in grass. There is a House containing 8 rojnis ; also garden, orchard, etc. Trero aro 120 sheep and (i head of cattle. Price for farm and stock, £100.- J. M, Lennox, Kstate Agent, £ uckland. PARNKLL.— Fiißt-class Business Promises, consistini; of two Shops, ono of which is occupied by a Butcher and the other by a Grocer. The freehold allotment ia JO x 100, and fronts tho Manukau Road at tho junction of two other roads. Price, £750: £150 cash j balance can remain. —J. M. Lennox, Estato Agent, Auckland. 0-HOOMKD COTI'AGK, with J aero of Fruit Garden. There is a good well o£ water. The aliotnifint is freehold, and has a double frontage. Price, £450; £11)0 cash; balanco can remain.—J. M. Lennox, Estato Agent, AuckPUKEKOHE WEST.—Farm of 200 Acres, adjoining Bucklmid and Shepherd's; good land. Price, £3 li s per aero.—J. M. Lennox. PITT-STRKRT SOUTH.—Allolment with 107 feet frontngo. Price, £105. Terms cun be arranged.—J. M. Lennox, Eitato Agent, Auckland. "DARNELL—RutIand and St. George's Bay X Roads.—Two Cottpgos—ono of six rooms, the other of fcur rooms—with freehold allotmei.ts. Price. £170 and £300rcspectivcly.-J.M. Lennox, Estate Agent. | f\ ACHES of tho Richest Pasture Land, i"/ throe miles from the city, with comfortublo Cotta«o erected thereon. This fine property from-1 tho main road, and is a Bargain Price. £1,000.— J. M. Lennox, V state Agent. n i oil—FOR SALIC (a bargain), a lino rural 3JIOV ]ii.iie Ilomestead, only 3 miles from Stokes's Point, with beach frontage. There is a Six-ro inied CottaKO upon the property, an'l 15 acres of freehold. Price, £130. Torms can be arranged.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato agent, Auckland. pqa A—Substantial Brick COTTAGE, ten J^OVVf minutes' walk from tl>o Union Bank, woll-plnsternd; with large garden. Price, £300. Terms can be arranged.—J. M, Lenuox, Kstato agent, Auckland. ne) ia — KBWTON ROAD - Fivo-roomod X/A'iV Cottage ill this risini? district. Prco, £240. Terms can bo arranged.—J. M. Lennox, Estato agent. REM UE it A.—Family Residence, with 1} acres of ireehold. Price, £750.—Apply to J. M. Lennox, Estate Auont. CITY.— A few minutes'walk from tho Union Bank, a most desirable uix-roomed Cottage, with freehold allotment. Pi ice, £375.-J. M. Lonnox, Hstato Agont, Auckland. FOR SALE, twelve miles from tho city, a lli'Bt clans Farm of 120 aores. with water frontage; all subdivided and laid down in English KrasßOS. Price, £1,800 —J. M. Lennox. • > ALLOTMENTS in John-street, Ponsonby. ft Price £IG tho three-J. M. Lennox lINCOLN-STKEICT (Ponsonby) — 7-roomod J Residence, with largo freehold allotment. Price, £'JlO.—J. M. Lonnox/ i , O FARMERS nnd Othors.—Ono of tho X Choicest Farms in tho I'rovlnco. There are 217 acres within 8 miles of tho city : quality of land cannot bo oxccllod: largo nliio-roomed residence.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agont. rpo FARMERS.—A choice Farm of 91 Acren. X 70 acroa of which are in good grasses and foncrd Bheep proof; tho Cottage is neatly built; tho land is all good and well watered; only li miles from a Railway .Station. Prico, £80J.— J. M. Lonnox, IC»tiuo Agent, Auckland, CEAFIKLD VIKVV.—A 5-roomed Verandah 0 Cottiig- in this favourite locality, with largo freehold allotment. The cottage-is in beautiful order.—J. M. lionnox, Ketitto Agent. "VTKLSON-STREKT.—A compact and comfort1^ üblo 5-voomed lloaidiuco, a few minutoa walk from tho Union Bunk. Colonial Oven in tho kitchon; fowl-houao and woodshod detached ; allotment freehold. Prico £350.— J. M. MOUNT EDKN.-15 Acres, partly In grass, with small Houso. Prieo, £000.— J. M. Lonnox, Kstntn Agent. n o ,\r\— Six-roomed Cottage aud roehold allot&4VV mon<! ;„ paruoll.-J. jM. Lennox. FARM of 215 acrot), 56 miloa South of Auckland, about 6 miles from tho railwayorchard, garden, and about 100 aoros In grass. Prioo, £8 por acre.—J. M. Lennox, pi r .->_ Four-roomed Cottago and freehold JjlOV allotment in Parnoll. Torms easy.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato »gont, .p-i oi\— Thrcoroomed lIOUSK and freehold JJXOU allotnont in Alexandrti-stroot. I'rice, £180 J. M. Lcnr.ix, Kstato Bgcnt. I.^RANKLYN ROAD—A Largo Family Re- . Bldoneo, with freehold allotmor.t. having a frontago of 13^ foot to Franklyn Road. Gaa laid on, and ovory convenience—J. M. Lonnox, Estate tiiront. «w For Houses, ¥ arms, and Allotments, see my long advurtisomont in ' Weokly Herald." J. M. LENNOX, Kstatk Agknt. Auckland. RO. GREENWOOD, • AUCTIONEER, HOUSE, LAND, and ESTATE AGENT. COUNER OF SIIOim.AND-STRKKT. IMPROVED FARM cf over 200 acres, situated in tho Tamaki Distrloi ; fenced and bu':dlvidod into partdocks; also, 40 ncrcs unOcr cultivation ; good road : streams through tho land s good Cottuge. I rice low. and teinu to suit puroh«Bor. IMPROVED FAKM.—4II acres good Ijmd at Huarunni: all plouKhod, more Ihan half beini? already plouKhcd and sown; nearly ull surrounded by a Btcou-bankod creek, forming a natural fence : plenty of firewood, Jtc; also, a house, barn, cow-&hoi1. &c. Tho properly ia only 1} miles from tho Mangai al wharf and within live minutos' walk of iho Mangapal school. l Jrico for tho farm, together wlih 300 .sheep and lOhordof Cdttlo, £C 00; -£200 ca»h—balance can remain on '.he property f>n- seven ycara ut G per cent. This la a tlrst-class opportunity for a newco Her. • >l.>\ ACRKS of Rich Bosh Land, porfectly OOU lovel, and only two mi'es from railway station by a perfectly luvol road, beinn portion of Tuupaki Block. This land is emuil to any North of Auckland, and is covered with very valuable timber. Prlco £2 5s an aero. 1 t>ii ACUES of Rich Mixed Bush Land in \.£l\" tho Wairoa South; joins improved farms, and H»s well to tho sun; six mi'es from Manurowa Railway Station by goodroud. Land well w.>torod. Act ACRE-i Gooi Land, adjolnlne tho ProperJl^ ties of the Row Mr Someryiljo and John Buchanan, merchant, Whftii, and ; mile from tho Railway Station. Tho view isunaurpi^Biid, and the roads aro good. TiiiH land will bo sold in 5-acro lots, or to suit purchasers. PONSONBY— Allotments Nos. 25 and 20. with 16i links frontiigo to Duke-street, by 170 links frontago to Arthur-street, togelhor with Fourrooniea Houbo; allotments planted with fruit trees, and laid out in grass and gaidon. Price, £265. FOR SALE", Groomed Houso and over quarter of an acre freehold land, being a corner allotment, having frontages to Kegoi.t street and Kden Road ; good stable, garden, well, fco., &o. Prico, £500. i JUTLAND ROAD (Parn*ll). — Now Fivo CV roomed House and ar out Jan aoro Land, laid out in orchard, rontnining fruit-bea ring trees 40 and GO fet high; good well, and commands a splendid view. Sure to beoomo a very valuable oronorty in a Fhort t'lno. Prieo, £325. PONSONBV.— A now and wcll-lluishcd Sixro niod House, laino and comniodlons rooms, and allotment 132 x 210 fwt, facing Gratten-street; all planted and laid out in a choice«ai\'en, &c; land partly fenced with cor rugate diron. Price. £000. m. DEN ROAD.—Four-roomed House, with r> vorandah, in gopd order, on freehold allotmbnt733ft. x 99ft.; securely fenced, laid out In a. garden, good well,'&'£; 'Terms very easy. Price, £150. , _ ~ FOR HALE, a Vory Superior Gentlemans Resiienco at tho Lake, North Shore; house largo and corr modious, grounds tastefully laid out, land best in the district, view uosuriiassed " P/ico for tho houso, with 112 acros of rich land.\S2ooo; terms voty easy Tf>UUllk-.OMKD COTTAGK and Scullery, X toßetnor with Urge frcoho'd allotment, goodwo'l ami Btt-deii, dtuated ip Low6r Hc'^-burn-btreot. Pace SlilS '• ' ("IOTIAGK in Edinburgh-street, Nowton; j largo corner freehold allotmont; good garden, well, &c. House in thoiough order. Price £250. VILLA 'itKSIDENCE, suitable for a gentleman with a family ; six or bcvoii acres of good land attaoheci; gcod view; uituated at VILLA RESIDffNiK at Mount Albert; large and commodious grounds, well la!d out paddocks, subdivided land, tood view, unsurpassed ; outbuildings nil that can bo desired; large orchard aud garden ; suitable for a gentleman with a family. "OTAIICATO.—A very superior and compact t¥ Homestfad ot !W0 ueres of tho ricliost lundintliO Waijcato; ,111 snp-divjfled Into cqur vonicnt azod padcloclis liy'live thO;-n hiidgij-i, enclosed ulantutljn of foiest trees, and watei"n every paddock. House, 'a' gu and oimmodioua and siands in about four aores of ornamontal grounds and ilowcr narden. Orchard wollstoclied with choico fruit trees, all in full bearing. Outbuildings, stables, &c. Approached by eoo'l roads from Hamilton or Cambridge. This Farm ia admitted to bo the best of its tizo about Cambridge. . FOR PALE—So acres of rich loam Land, of tho very iinCßt quality in the colony, all levol and well waiortd, approohab'o from Aucklanl by good macidftiiised roads, all fenced, Ki-ea'or poition pluhi-cd with quick thcrnp j suudlyldcd into six paddocks; 7a'uores in ri^h Brass, thi ti mainder in cultivation ; orcnard well plan tod with choico fruit-tree. Albo, a well Ilinshod slx-roomod ho.iße, dairy. cow t hars, piKStyes. wurkßhop, and good garden, planted with iru.t and ornamental trees, Thisi is wit1 out exception ono ot the best farms in tho neighbourhood of Auckland, both (or tho quality of s ii and iiniJTOVomente, being situated in the well-known Disv, tct of Rniloi'bauk, a.i.i within a t»w i'"»">os walk of Schdbl1 and -Ppst-^lllßO. Price, £1,100 6ne.thirdOftsli.or asaareed;1 ' '. \l7-AIKIMKKI -CliOico Allo);3iont.oontiuning( VV CO act-OB; 20 ncn s high torn, renmimler good bush, being Lot 31, Parish of W aikoikcl. SUPERIOR FARM—26O acres Good Land on «ie Auckland and Drury railway lino; Station on tho laud; m aoros in grass, 20 acres bush, part in cultivation:" Huwoonrted bj hrivlng settlers; comfortable Cottitge (sit rooms), Stockyard, Barn, Sheds, &0., &o. TT^lSahK DF WA;U^U-190 acres of very V ttrlch MLa(Sd for Tfi6flb' in U)p Vi] ace pf Waiuku"boing Lot No. 12. WJll bb aold'a ferp4 VtrAIROA SpUTII.-qO apros Land in tho W finish of Tdupo; crock frontago; 20 acre? in grabs, 30 acres aljfvjal, remainder good bush. Piico, 90a per acre. NEWTON KOAU.-Fivo-roomed Houpe, v/ifh Bcullpry and back poich; good tanks; situated on corner allotment. 33ft. frontage to Newton Boad by 61ft, deep frontago to Lich-fiold-streot. Price, £300. • • ALSO Four-roomed House, East-etrcet, off Cobk-Btreet; good woll, &o. Prico, £150. 1 A C\ ACRKS Rich Bush Land, fencod and 14tU subdivided into paddocks; good House. Shodß, Outbuildings, Oi chard, &0., &c. nrx ACRES, unimproved, adioiningthoabovo; Ou all surrounded by tho W aipa river. Sales by auction of wpusphflld Furniture, &o. /!• &0., undertaken bf R. C. GREENWOOD, AUCTIONEER, &C t Offloe Coiner hortlanci and QueenStreetSi

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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3083, 8 March 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3083, 8 March 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3083, 8 March 1880, Page 4