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Wanted. WANTED, a Lad accustomed to an Knginc.—Apply at Star Offlce. WANTED, a good General Servant,— R. J. Yates. Rutland Honae, Parnell. WANTED, immediately, a healthy Young Woman aa wet nurse for baby olovon weeks old.—Apply "Father," Mrs 151smore'a Registry, Shortlnnd-street. WANTKU, Housemaid.—Apply at the Auckland Hotel. WANTED, a Married CouplcTfor Slipper Inland; mnn for farming work, wife housework.—Adum Lay bourn. Fort-atreet VV 7 ANTED, jin active Boy for Grocery. t t - Apply a. Martin, Grocer, Vioiorii.StfCOt. WANTED, two Mon to ditch and drain. —Apply to Hunter and Nolan, Durhainatrcet, to-morrow, Tuesday, at 11 a.m. WANTED, a smart ollice Hoy for n Solicitor's office.—Apply Box 107, Poatofllco. ANTED, a good Barman.—Send referencog to " Alpha," Stau Ofllco. WANTED, a Girl about 14 to nurse a Baby. References required.—Mrs Allan Webb, York Ilouau, Grey-street. WANTED, a good Cook and Laundress. —Mrs Ireland. Hulme Court, Parnell. ANTED, a Married Couple without family for Wesleyen Collego, Three Kings: tho Man for fti m and Harden work ; the Wife for cookinsr, dairy work, &c—Apply to Mr K. Arthur's Auction Mart, or at tho Collego. \\J ANTED, an Improver to the Cabinett T making; wages to commence at£lpor weok.—Apply at the Cheap Furniture Mart, Victoria atreet Kaßt, next lo tho Publio Batha. WANTED to Sell, the Lease oTa~Fiveroom Hours ; ground rent, £17 per annum.—Apply at th« Public Hot Haths, next tho Cheap Fnrnituro Mart, Victorlaalroot East. WANTED to Let, in a private family, ono or two Furnlohed Bedrooms and Sittlngroom. with use of Piano.—For address, app'y this offlco. AiNiED a first-rate Milch Goat.— Apply ofllco of tlila paper. WANTED, by a young Man, a Home in a quiet family of respectability; must be In the Diatrictof Newton.—Addrea " Try," offlce of thig paper. WANTED, Empty Salt or Pickle Bottles,—For address apply at Star Ofllco. WANTED, Tenders for a Stone Retaining; Wall. Specifications at Mr Harris's, Grocer, corner of Cook and Chapel street. WANTED, a Bedroom in or near Newton by a single man.—Address, with terms, to H.J., Star ufllce. ANTEITby a Married Man, (25) a situation as second or slnglo-hand Baker, or a place in a Bto-e.—For address apply to 1.0.X., Postouioo, Auckland. ANTEDTTrTi'oiisonby, Sewing Macb'm s, &c, to repair, by J. C. Clougb, Prospoct Torrace, next tho District School. ANTED to Sell for Cash, a First-class (Jones) Circular Hoid Sowing Machine Price, £9.—IT. Stokes, Wyndhani-strcct. WANTED KNOWN.—E. Carr and Son have in tbeir Yards. Custom-hou estreet West, a largo quantity of Fire wood at low rates. Lay in wintar supply. ANTED to Sell, really good Secondhand Buggies; single or double hooded. or open also, two First-Class Phaetons (new at Crowthnr'B Victoria Stables. WANTED KNOWN. — The Glasgow Bouse is re-opened with an entirely new Stock.—W, H. JACOBS, Boot and Shoemaker (late Kincaid & Co.) WANTED. Customers for 4-bntton Kid Gloves, its Cd; 2-bntton, 23 6d; I-button1, Is 6d; undressed Kid, 4s 6d; all wool Crimean, la 3d; all wool Welsh Flannel, Is 3d.—J. M. McLachlan. ANTED KNOWN, Cheap limber can now be Purchased at tho Yards of D. Goldie, Albsrt-streot, close to Dock. Ho having pnrchaaed between 300,000 and 400,000 feet of Seasoned Timber on advantageous terms, will be prepared to give customers the benefit of hia purchase. ANTED KNOWN, the Auckland Timber Company have on hand such large stocks of timber of every descrlpt'on, together with Sashes, Doors, Mouldings, and Turnery Work. they are compollcd to sell. Now is the time to bui'd. Present prices can only continue until the heavy stocks are fold. Job lots of second class. Face cuts, Slabs, &c. firewood 2s Cd per load. Sawdust and shavinga fr,.e. WANTED, the Public to know that John Crockor has Openedhis New 800 and Shoe Shop, In Wpllesley-strect, a few doors above Hewln Pros'TMart, and opposite United Service Hotel. He hopes by hisn-elass workmanship and lowest possible rates, to secure a share of public pntror.ago. _■ ANTED KNOWN, that E. Carr and Son have to hand Building Timber in Kauri and White Pino, Shingles, House Blocks, Failings, Poßts, Kails, and Firewood in thoir yard, Customhouse-street West, opposito end of Hobson street. N.B.—The increasing dsmand for White Pino hi a induced them to arrange for a constant Bupply. XTf ANTED KNOWN a first-class Stock of Cloths and Tweeds; good workmanship and moderate prices are the j distinguishing features of " The Pantheon." J. FOBD, Tailor. 106, Qneen-street, i XJTT AN T E L, K. N O WN, TJ TRADESMEN. MECHANICS, AND OTHERS. MONET Advanced in Sums of £2 to £50 on personal security, re-payable by weekly inatdlments, at L. H. NKUMEGEN, Auckland Loan Offlco, 165 Qptwn at., opposite Savings Bank. _ DANCING.— A Lady Pianiste wishes fo1" m Engagement to play ac Dancing Classes during the ensuing winter season. Private parties a'so a'tended.—Apoly. "L.I-.," care of Mr Kady, Auckland Musio Warehouse, Qucen-atreet. A" MEDICAL MAN (B.A.M.D.M.C. K. A.) anxious to settle in New Zealand, Is desirous of hearing of an opening, where he will be eecured by appointment, or otherwise, a settled income. Testimonials and references of the highest order.—Apply \t J. M. and J. Mowbray, Land Agents, Queen-street, Auckland. O CARPENTERS.—Wanted, Stairs Prepared and Fixed to foeven Shops in Queen-atrtet (Labour onlyi. Lowest tender not teces3arily accepted.—W. J. Mnnday, at the brick buildings, yueen-street. O BAKERS.—Wanted, by a young Man of small experience, a, Situation aa Improver. — Apply by letter " r.G.," Star Offlce. ■\TEW Electoral Act.—Voting Forms, re_l3| aidental and otherwlre, may be had he g tab Offlce.

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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3083, 8 March 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3083, 8 March 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3083, 8 March 1880, Page 3