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___________i_*_!HKnr_A«ro | Land and Estate Agents. — M. L E N N O aX -i » ESTATE AOF.NT AND VjUj.ATO It, t.r _liN-:"'.W"C r''. AIIIIKT.AND Opposite tins _ owJ__...nd Insurance Building;! >, Thin List iippe-u-ii ou Tlii_i-M'.ny_, Saturdays nnd JViondi-}. only. _-~ I I. , -/!>*-•' Been:-, tie.,.--Apply lo J. M. 1. nit"\\ tr.-l'il.s ';:.!■ AiuiUlmi.t. v ■ I'll U WAN l-.'i'Ol_l— V -uodt.iopaudirccl_» holdall .tinenf, li-nnting 11.0 Newton Uond, ii'iioiiiin:; Jir. -ti'veniv.ii'.-:. doing a good business l'l-iio lor fivebiild, good-will, (._, £350.— r . r _T- Vli'iirV- ii ir.dViliitmonl at tho corner _LIUO „ .1. '•'- Lennox. r. •> .l'onil'..|'f.blo .(-roomed Coda:. . I'rontSO loi> ;„,. (■oiiimo-ehil ltua.l.—.l. M.L<unio_. _• I [-__. —'l' Till- '•• Col'iu.. . wilh lav. s frni-ho d 3.400 i;ll,)!,inrnt as.d go od well, '.dtiiated in the heart of the city. Let for L.i per week. Priro ,i:iiii.-.1. JM. i eiinox, I'Mato uguiit. j..,— .orrJ AHnlmenta in Went Newton. _/0 i»i-ii-o _ each.--.1. .VI. Lennox. . 1 ._ V -T\V( .illOMKl) llO;'_.;and freehold & ' -R> iillocuent, in .Alexer.dni.l_ct. Price, _]_.-.. lU. Lennox. Kb ale .»... nt. i;.>,UM or :i7;"> iicie . with House. btaVlmir, all ._ i.iv.'.l. Price. „7 per acre.- .1. M. Lennox. r, i r — \ 1.1.0 I'M IONT on' ...ppei' IJueon streol. ■ -'--I •> _ .1. M. 1 eniio:.. l_(ato agent. .•■>.,- COMMODI 'US V-roomed !i. .donee ;„ u„. heart, of tho.c.ity ; large, freehold nlloluieni.--.1. M. l.imno . ai;i-:it. <. , . .-.-'i'VVO Houses in Svmonit--atr. ot, with ;.!..•>> ..„,,-,. fi-echohl uPotmeiit and ;.;>ed well. Price, _l. . Terms lo suit, purchaser.— .1. 111. Lennox, ! sate■ sigenr. i<i ..p -PDiTAi;!''. in li-'i'icestiv-t, Ponsonby, .IJUU ~,,,.,. cxiJ; .Cell cadi, biituiu-.s in weekly pavmenis.-- J. M. Lennox, Ksle.Ls a .out. J..K sA'l.'f, on very easy terms, (hat heaull- . ful Villain .'r.inUlyis IMnd. known ac ihe ~„., ,„ ~i, ,1 he Mr. Alexandee 111.,'!.. Tim line l'>;i it ic-ii li-nee i-i btiih of the be:-! timber, wish :-l:ited roiu', ..''•'> i" id'ed ii). Willi eyeiy co ivenieuee. P.'-mi the taleeny Pier- is c V'Uli 'IV \ rtV Pne.', .Clillu: .U'.'eU c -..-'. 11 halnlllT (•■'.!. renuinoi. .::'...-.). M. Lea. ex. ,-,,. , coT't' -'■ .•: In tVinmercial Road, .-.._-..} '].'_-m-< ,•-.-. .1. M. Lennox. _■* ' ..i.V.'.._ .■!• 1- liv.itoM a.i. tnier.t, hay ing ii f ..."-.if ill-' ffl I'J I''''l dilyn I toad. Price, _;;.(). 'llee. L-.iii on. and every convenience.—J. ';_ Lennox, i let-: :u:eu!'. ]~-,.»'" i.l ''(. v. .jcb' \-> Ul'i oet in n". in: 'I d t ... Miiiid -1 rub:'., i't'hv, _7.'.).~.1. M. I.entiox. /.,.,, -M,1,1)-rv;-:MTin Voik-atnetil'io.hcld). TV OWN ri'i'lt!..ii'i', PenKmby-I,ot 1.1. Price r'nii''' .1! .'.'.'l:■<.' -Areal1.-.' (irst c'a-m l.'arm of i si i-ei-e-i nil sn.e'.ivided laid down in .:__..;.., Tin- i.'.inu Is in Pee Hon,hay Settle, ine-nl hi'viii " a ler.-e irei'i'i;:" to the. main loaii, nil Ir'. a v'.mfon.ibli. dw.llh.K-h-.uso und .11 ie.ecse'ny outbu.ld'mp. upon it. Pne.:, _; l) — ; .1 Lenliex, Petal■■■ ni'ellt. ... Uk Vis) I'lu'in of -.til .'.••re... About. llllK! VV ' acr.'iia.lioinii!'- can boboui^htif require I. -.T. Vi. no . Ks-u.e a.teul, .'. _ _r \KKKIK].IJ-srHK.M.T.— Shop and Dwo.\V hi. - hen with lav;, fieehold allotment l'r:ee _e':')--.l' M. Lennox, lislnte m.i'i.t. _ _' \lCH;l'':i:id)-S'i'ni''.li.T.-A fhop ndioinliig VV ' Mr. llubbs'si, with freehold nllotruent. Price /!3,M).—1. Al. Lennox, Kdtutoit_unt. \ UMiAltit (a bargain) - i:«» aero l'arm, i.JL house, 6 miles from this railway sUilioii. Pi ice, £8 10: i per acre.-J. v. l-eimox. ~,.(. ACKK FARM, te,. hind, Rood 4VMMJ Family Kenid.uice, and uiiproveniuiits. _smoof tl.ellnesit land in the country.—J. M. Lsnnox, Kstnto a_ent. Auckland. \\r KI'I.INUTON-S'l'Uh.aT (a bur.dii.-Two VV detached Houhch, with hirce freehold allotment. Price. £250 tho twp.-J. M. Lennox. _17 A lICjVTO—A l>'irnt-cla_ Kami of fill acres: VV ill., acres of which in . lbdn bled and laid down iv Kood Rrassos. There Is a _ auilly I'.csldonoo coutaliiinK ten apaitmento, also bain, btablinif, cowsheds Thi-) lino entat-s isi only _ mtloa from tb.o nroposod To Awamutu Itailway Stntion.-J. M. l^onnox. HstatJ a_ent. _.-> .. AOUKS Mixed Ku.h aim Fern, sen o_/0 frontauo, a little roii|.h «rik»s; a barirain. Price. 7h per aero.- J. ill. Lennox. O YMONDS-S'I'ItKKT.-Kor Halo, two attached O House with freehold lUlotiuui't, lnak'Old im.itlon. Price, _WO. Terms very easy.-.1. M. Lennox. Katato auont. „,,.,i,„ ' pO liivostors nnd ou.era.-Two Hubi.lantlully 1 built X.. i.hmcen iv \ mwiit _rei I, w til lai-KO freehold lUlonnei.- '! ho nims.e n<'o .'>l Jul 3ts por \v,:o;. _vl are in oxcelioiil eo.iuiciou.—J, JL Loniui-. Ki-tuto AROiit. •J. M. LI_NN(»X. Estate Agent, At cki.amd. W ."r_ ."Ft"'(TK~a'"^ y :h o in, S, Nkw ZKAr,A i ii),L\'sui'_.s-f.'i: Eun.DiJJOS, QC__-KTKIiIiT, AI'CK-I.ANU. _ .... .SALE, STOICCS' POINT— Hullillnir fc'ites in llili favourite lr.caliiy, ..uilalVe. lor privii Ie . esideiH', s or l.u-iness piemifcs, s.tuated the hotel and Jlenb; 'sstoie. PoN-ON'HV ItOAI) — Pevenrrnomed - si._, well lini,il;e.d, and will. o/<ry convenience. crocUiil upon a lir_o allotment n, foul EPS _!.'— e-mail farm, with Rood -.vell-dniahed Dweltin . house and oul-buildim, . Und «nl»----sta-ilially fence 1 and nib.iivided into pa_ook*. and laid down iv R.nss ; a no-, or tadiug bup.y PONaONP.Y.—A Good Puildiui? Allotment °U P . . KKOiIK WUST.-Store, Dwellln . hoiieo, _<:., wi!b 20 acres o£ land. Stock cau be _.ion a-__li._tTsTltKlCT.City-Pric',cCpltnpe.with verandah, wood well, aud two freehold allot-""k-jUOTT STUKICT. City-Large Freehold Allotment, having frontage, lo two ntroets, v/lili Cottai?tiß erected thereon, now bi-in;,-i..;,' i" tsooa roi.talti. This property is well adapted for a manufacturing buninef.s a\L_ . Pi. _OK—Two Fivo-roomed Houses, with (rood well. Very cheap. KPf.OM—Very nico bovon-roomotl Coitago, with i. rden, &c. . UPPKK (. .'KfCN-^TUKK-.T-A Flve-roomed Verandah Cotta_o, v. ith allotment Ci> ft. fronta;. by 113 ft, , ~ ... ONiaiUNGA.— Pevcn-roomcd House, with threo allotment, near the I'luvnnii'.. STANLKV-bTUKFT.OIty-A Property bavliia l-.r.-e frontae-e lo street; a valuable Bite for privaio rcsidor.ceii or a n.anufaoturin« business. „„, ~ „ .. I'UN.-lONUY HO A P.— A w<>!l-!.ir.«hOO l-i'.nvly Ho, with nliitcd roof, well leeced and plunlcil with on.ame.itiil all in llr-it-ruto or.ier. 'Eus_:i p '.ss eve . qn.artei'-of-asi-hour. KYHICK PASS IIOAL- ~ood i.luildiii_ Allotment very cheap. NORTH _lOK_—l7o acres ot Oood L>ind, with lot. s Iron ta.! to the beach. N'Ol'.Tll SHOUIC-ll acres on Inko Hond. STOICICS' POINT.—Farm of ISO acres, partly feuced an,l planted. NAPaI.I.STRI.FT-Bullu'ii'K Allotmont. TO I!E LXI :— GRAFTON ROAll—Six-rcomod CottaßO, with ve'iiiidah, well, fte. CaVRLK.TON ROAD—Seven-roomed Cottafto with double verundab and ovoiy convonience in first-rate ordor, larKo garden. To bo Hot on lease. . . ~ ,- CARLETON ROAD—A comfortable \orandahCotia . , with garden, &=. A well lluißhea quito Now Family of 10 rooms, with every convenience, uoar Urafton Road. A Commodious Family Residence, with largo garden, orchard, and paddock, at Onehunga. An S-roomed House, Kanuit. hiipo Road. FOR LEAS . a commodious -tore, very contrally situated in Cuatom-nouso-stroet, next to Messrs. McKenzie and Ross. These promises aro well adapted for lar^o wholesale business having three flats and dry asphalted oollois, ra Proot H. ASHTON & SON, Houbo, Lond, and KBtato Apenta, 8. New Zealand Insurance Uulldlaga. jhl O It SALE (0 HE A F)~ For Sale, at Ponaonby, a good and well-built four-roomed (jottaKO, with verandah back and front, good well, and Iro-hold allotment 19 x 100 ft.: also, a largo Huilding, suitable for (table or workshop. For Sale, a roinfortablo four-roomed Cattago at North Shore; god well, pump, and ovcry other convcnlonco for v email family. , , , . ~ ... For Sale, 1310 _M good 1. od. fronting to tho Thames River, will bo sold j-eiilly choup. For Saie. a really good and well-finished fourroomed House, ou corner _lonncntlU2 by 102 ft., situated on South Newton. ForSnlo, 7_ acres-Good Land, 11 miles from For Hale, 1200 acres First-class Land, with vo. y cxtonaivo watar frontage, and only 12 miles frj ii (own by a good road. For Sal", a ileautiful Island of 100 acres, good land. 12 miles from town by water. For S.ilc, 1050 acres very rich Lund, with good House and Buildings upon it, tartly fenced, and a poition in grass ; about 20 miles from town, either byroad or water. 10 ao-es at Pukeatua, lot 270. 80 acros, lot 20, at Tokatoka. 5000 acres Matumaoho, Piako. 220 aoroi Geod I_ud, Lot 118, on the Kapa Creek, Mahurangi 40 acres, at Pulicutua, Lot -IB X) acres, Hotoo Hlock, Parish of Or.iawrmro and Pukiri, l*t fit) 98 aoreu, Pariuh of Te Papa, Cook's County, I,ot 281 10 acres. Parish of Wairau, County Marsdon, LOI2B . , _ . 298 acres, Okahu liloc . P.iriuh of Arapohuo Lots 6 . 0. 61, and (io —Apply to JOHN SOPPKT, N o. 8, Quoon-otreot. |T.LAUDE AND AAKDNEK, STOCK AND COMMISSION AGENTS. WANT!®, BULLOCKS (three-year-old), in fjeslLCOiiclition. WKLL-BRKD STORE COW,?. FOR SALE, l Heavy-draught Gelding, 1 years old 1 Medium-draught GeldiDg, i years old. Box No. 209. Post-offleo. Auokland. AG. H Ul HE IS • CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, DUKE-STREET, CAMBRIDGE, WAIKATO. A.G.H. is determined to make his Establishment a Fißsr-CLAsa Dispensing andFamiCy Business, where any article may be obtained for the Sick Room and Nursery. None but tbe best Medicinal Drugs and Chemicals will bo kept. These will be imported direct from tho Be«t Houses, and will be carefully dispensed by A.G.H, personally, so that Patients may depend upon having tho full benefit of the Physician's Bkill. Homeopathic Medicines kept in stook; Nursery Requisites, Horse and Cattle Medicinee, Stationery, and Fancy Goods; a good assortment of Meerohaum and Fancy Pipes, Cigars, and Tobacco. Every article will be sold at tbe lowest remunerative prices. Hughes' American Baking Powder 23 per lb. Agent for Hitchcns Blood Restorer. , , _, . ... _r.__4 —.„_„,„_ -ho on Wed-

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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2774, 17 March 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2774, 17 March 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2774, 17 March 1879, Page 4