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J Wanted. I r, v' '' "■■''> I>, a Marnla.ll, for the \Vail_to. V»' Apply Star Hotel before noon to-iuoirow. W: ANTivl),"V_hopl3.y7-Applv iIT L. Po .oni-dtie, Tailor ,Shortland-s'trcct. 1 V_. AN'I K'/> t0 '■'•'•''olii'so, (■.'rapes in hiiv vv quantity.—Apply J. Wendel, Synio_ls-nti-net. V \f "ANTEO, :i <roo<l -Jonentl . lacksnTil 17; V V must be a irood horse sheer.— lo 1 .T. H. Smith, Great Nurih Hotid, oiiposito Oreat i Northern Hotel. J \\7 ANTEiJ.'T"Ccn-r^l .eiv_il. --M_". i T T Thomas Whiti-on, Prince.-strcct. 1 \\7 ANTED "KNOWN—AII ymi p^Tc '. v> that study economy, and av:s!i to m:_c a pound go as fur us file and twenty doc elsewhere, to call at .(. 1 <'. Bi.wn - (Vo'ekiw. . furniture, and Brush Warehouse, opim-shr •Jurrott Brothers, Wakcfielrl-str..'ct. 101 e-■ythinir ' wonderfully cheap. WANTED," a fjood Cent Hand fWstant employment.—Geo. Bryotc, tfhort--1 land Crescent. ANTl_rr"Tenders,""~by"uoriii of .lie 19th instant, for Building a Cottage in 1 Grafton Road. Labour and r.aiis only. Plan . aril specification to be seen at Mr. A. Smart's '■ lOlliott-scrcct. WANTEO7 a^'ood llai-mfiT, foir Opstairs Bur. -_ Apply this oiiice. WAN Tl. D -o"Lct,"Tn a pri v.-il . "fanTily, Two Furnisher! Rooms, wit'a or will,outboard ; use of piano.—l-'or adorei-s apply at this oDien. W_NTK_, .1 Miirscnmid able'"to'iis."■ a sewing nuichii.o.—Apply 10 Mi-3. Kenileidine. Kden-slivel, VV AN' l' i'-'-> alt yon peojde who IniveT. 1 V * any lirainH, and i.-.'init to keep l.liein <:..;.], to buy one of my i'lth Ilelmels at _ lid. '."h.. usual prion is lis _'I_ — .iinnel Cenmbes, The Peotdc's Clothlof. <fl. (^ueeii-street,, Auckland and uovoii-ntieut. Taranaki. WANT .I)"'KNOWlsi—l iiavo'jn^rpiTrchased largely of Mrs Butt-jrworlh's Drapnry and Millinery Stock, -.vl.ieli / am now oll'erin;;- at |.rice.-. which must-ensure ati initieidiatci clearance. Ladies' I. gbni-n liats. lslltl, worth 5. , Trirnm .1 Hats nod l_im ,s. from "s ; alaive (i_rii.|uie.nt ot Millinery Trimming at. low prices; Black Mullen-. I„, 1 iaytitd or !ltl V'y 'lozen; leal White Jla'te:. 1.r.e0. 101 a yatfl; Wreath of Flowers, 'rein id; Oia'-k'-i •• 1 (Iro.-ket fol ton, 2s (id; Kinttin-. '.d',. it, 1.-C'd; Ladies' Riaek and White Iv'il Oh-ves at low I'fi. c-._ Ml olbi-r goods at eipt dlv iow pr ;,i,...— .1. SI.MPSO.V, Ci'.eup .hop-,", and Bi;ot \v";u-e----house, Victjrta aed _Jh rt--te;il3. Y|. AX' VK:7\<N< )\V _7 V h;u:. open -,' v 25 dozen of American Felt Jlat . tho best thing ever ijitrodueei! into thhi lua. k.■'..— .-'amiiel (.'oomlieH, \Atv Ob,thing _,nt.,!l-_'. thicon street, Auckh-.nd ; and Devon : ;!:vr;. 'I'r.. VV C J-"KIN (."_!< NM—Plenty of "Good V V Tea, lit I<'. IIKWIN AXD Ulli.'CnßK'P, 1" (id tier lb.; S. eudid Kiapii- at Id ; Sydnov (■ o.'Vt >.o. 1, Ijd: (''nil-weight ; ,ienii I'limllra. i . _; Jams, ; Orange Marmalade, Sd ; fiood Si;u<-ett. Gd per bottlo; and other Ootids too nutnoiou- to Kienlion. The lnr_pi.ta.uo best ai'sorleu .t.oek to i leet from, at tli'i T i'ot.—_ Howin _ Brother TTtlflE.— W'.aiit-il _vn_?n~~thatr IlTulriir.s X- Noii-conrluilir.g Composition applied to the Iron Pip. s of Ao.eiiean aud other Stovi h is the best and siife_ preveniarivc ag.dnst liro. Churge, 2s ))er foot. Orders sent 10. H.iDnu'.L, llowos'rce', Auckk.nd, promiil.y attended to. \XT ANT K_rKNTn^r<dmrjrE."'Bi. wn V V has opened a Hhop in W,d«-field-,uc-'t, ojipositn fe.TKitt BtO'., lortbesnlu of Household Brushes, Crockery» are. 1 -i-tnre s, &c; he Mould .-pccbilly mention ho tun unido Caslt nrraugem. .'its with Mr Harbutt for the suppiy of his well-known Auckland marie Brushes and the.c--I'ore can and will sc'l them at lets than anyone in Town. ' ANTE I. Kiiovvu. air'kTnd". o f Painters' rcqnisitoa for sale, next the Roll Roy Hotel, Freeman's Bay. Gl'izni- and out-door work done, and Pictures framed, by M. 11. Bcnnott, Painter, &c. %XJ ANTEI ), by a younjr Lady, a SituaV T tion as useful Comp'nion; salary not so much n n object as (.comfortable home.- -Addres. lI.A, STUcOiriee. \\f AN I'KIJ, al thinkitu. Ccoplo to road V . this:—Brown Mai one and Slmo French Merino, at 2s and 2s Cd por yard; IPindsoine Ostrich Feather., from Is M ouch, spl.-ndid v-ilue; all Wool Phii s. is (id and Is 0.1 •or yard; Boys' Oxford Khlr , ;U (id, v< ry fa_ionabie ; .shifting, J!d per yard; Good Coloured Blanket-, 7s (id .-i- pair; Men's Coloured Shirts, from Is lid each: Tooth Brushes. 3-1 each Ladies' Rinlc Coiiais, id each ; Viillcnscione, Id per yard, or !)d per doz.-n; New Woob:—Firigeriu . Id per t-kein; Uerlin Wool, id per dozen; While Cotton Sock-.. 2d per pair, which is Id pop xiair cbeaper than any other house in town : C ids' and Ladies' White Stockings, (id pel . ir; Glycerine Soap. 8d per bar, or 3d per cake.; Meu's Blown Cotton Socks, lid per pair: lluir Pins. _d per box; Silk Sun Shades, very cheap ; Brown Windsor Sony, 2d per cuke; New make of 1 adies' Drees holders, 2d, in Letter quality, (id e-.c-h ; 'la .o Trimming, a splendid article, and only Id per yard ; Long Curtains, (id per yard, or ,'ts per pair; stud' Buttons. 2d per dozen, worth fully 5d ; Wbilo Lawn Handkerchiefs, 3d each ; Ladies' Scan's, tbe best, value in town, foe Is each; Men's Braces, Is, these are ihe bei-t articles in Auckland for the money; Children's Garters, 3d per uair ; Childicn's and Hoys' Felt Hats: Mourning I -per, la for live quires; Knvolopes to match. Other floods equally chcap.—J. Green, -11. Victoi ia .tro_. W _" AN'T_IT! WANTED 1 WANTED'! to SKLL, cheap, lot of Jam Jars and Butter Jars, with Lids; Sp"Ctaole.s, only Is per pcir; Kyo Glasses, only la 3d; lot of Fiddles cheap; lot of Teapots, with Metal 1.i.'8, cheap ; 100 Sets of Jugs, assorted, from 33 Cd to Cs Gd p_ set; Brown Teapots, Is to 2s each; White and Gold Cups and Saucers, Is each, lis per dozen; Cups and Saucers, 5s Od per dozen; Small ( .ps and Saucers, Is Od per dozen; White Chambers, only Is; Toilet Set?, only 13s; Pudding Basin?, from til to Is • Toilet Sets, 3d to Gd ; Plates, 3s to 4s Gd per dozen; 30 sets of \V rbo Bißh Covers, Ss Gd por set of G, or 8d to 3s each; 100 boxes Clothes Pegs, only „ Gd per box of 5 gross, or Is 3d per gross: assorted Jams. 7s 3d per dozen ; full-weight Candles, only lOd per lb; GO boxes of good Tea, Ills per box; Notepapor, 5 quires for Is; good Hens, 8 for Id, or Oil per box: .-lalo Pencils, 10 .or Id, or "d per box ; Maids' Ivio Moo:?, only Is <d per pair; ( hildren's White JCiil Boots, V to 10 siz a, only 3s per pair; lot of .' uekland-nindo 1 eater Hoots, cheap; Slate Pencils, 10 in box. onlyld box; Boys' Tops, _ per gro_; Jot of Vases, cheap; Lemon Peel, P.(ld per lb ; Currants, Id lb ; good .-unco, only 7d boille ; Wire Nadf., 3d nnd -Id lb; lied and Black's Tin iVtuehet, Is Sd dozen; Palmer's Tin Matche.,, Is (id; Bell and Hlaclt- Plaid Matches. 7d dozen ; Boys' Slate", from 3d ; Shop Twine, is 3d cor lb.—ll. WATTS. Pitl-street. \" % 'f A FTI. iJICNn WNT J."TlowTlenlias * » for sale the finest Harmoniums in Auckland, two Piano1, ono Anxlo-Ameriern Organ, one Waters' American Organ, one small 3 stop Harmonium, one HI slop Harmonium, two splendid Violins, to be cleared at gro _ saorilico (o make room for alterations and new stock,— Shortland-street. _ V\fA_TED, Bushmen and nthonT'to VI know that every pair of Watertivht Boots make by W. Brownhill. lull, >_ueo' -aliuet, Auckland, are stamped " \V. BrownhiU" on the Uppers. VV aITITO iv" is .O .V~iv V. TO TI.AD_._I_N, MKOHANICS, AND ((I'IIKUH. MONK_ AHVANCIC.-) In SUM, of fit to *!.'0 n (.eraonal Boourity, re-payable by weekly nutalniuiic. Nt U 11. i. 10U .vl tl. ii,N, t. „t. d La'ih O'Hon, IBS. Quoen-Btreet opposite rviii.b Hank. ■'-' ___ _ ' : BOA III) anil llesideuc.e, cletul ufut comfortable, for ono or two gentlemen of gui _ habits, in a. houso pleasantly situated, otf Upper Symonds-street; term . 25s per week.—lOnquire at Uobortsou's Urocory Storo, Upper Symondsstreet. UPERIOK Accommodation for Gc-itlo-mon.—Belmont Houso. Vincent-street. Notices. T3AKNELL LAWN TENNIS DANCE. Tho above Dnnca will not take place To-night but ia Postponed for the present. G. A. MAOQUART . For the Committee |VJOTI_a_ OF KEM OVAL. Dr. Hops intimates to his patients and thef public that, owing to the recent opening of a Telegraph Office at Pukekohe West, and its being moro centrally situated in regtird to the entire District of Pukekohe and all tho adjacent districts in which ho has practiced hia profession for the last year, he has just removed from Tuakau On Pukekohe East), to the new buil ing jUBt opposite Forbes' corner in Pukekohe West. T> EGISIERI i__r_TST"E_.! XVi REGISTER! FOTlCH'.—During this month only Claim to Vote can bo registered. Every man vaLiug his freedom ought, to have his name registered. Ar, No. 11, Insurance Bulldogs. Papers can be had, and a person to fill them in, free of expense. Education. "fcTEWTON EAST _ WEST SCHOOLS. Tbe. Pupils of tho abovo Schools will conjointly givo two Ki_'HdtTaLNMEN'I'S on behalf of their PICNIC FOND. The First Concert will tie hod in Newton East School, on FRIDAY, March 21, at 7.30, under the rb'rec. on of Messrs. Edwards and Johnson. Admission Adults, la ; Children, Gd. IIUROH OF ENGLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL, PARNELL. Quarter Days :—January 27th, April 12th, July sth, and September 27th. JAMES ADAMS, 8.A., Head Master. "KCTIGHT SCHOOL, Mew Building, _i_ Neugent-street, Kyber Pass, from 7 o'clock to 9 p : m. JAMES MARTIN, Head Master. March 10th 1879. To Jbet, TO LET, or for Sale (A .Bargain), all that premiscse situated in Rutland-strrect and St George's Bay Road, Parnell, lately oc cupied by Mr J. Brew., a four-roomed House Stablings for (two horses, Hay Loft, Good Garden, with fruit trees, etc., etc., never-failir.g Well of water. If let, a moderate rental. If sold, on easy terms to suit the buyer The who cis freehold, and possession can bo had at once.—For Particulars apply to L. S. A. Wood, Parnell, or to R. S., or to Mr T, Barnet, Queenstreet, Auckland. NCLOSED PADDUCES AT MuUNT EDEN. TO LET, by Tender, for a term of two years, THREE PADDOCKS, enclosed by stone walls, comprising Four Acres, adjoining the residence of Mrs Baker. Tenders will he received up to the 18th inst. B. H. KEESING & CO., Shortland-street. fW LET, the Shop recently occupied by Mr. Aickon, chemi=t. Queen-street—For particular, apply to J. Buchanan, bhortlaud*treet, NORTH SHORE.—To Let, an Eightroomed House.—R. _ 1 „ lluder. ! ai v LET, iv Homers-street, Eden .8. Terrace, a it-roomed Cottage, — For lurther particulars, apply to Samuel Browaj

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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2774, 17 March 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2774, 17 March 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2774, 17 March 1879, Page 3